<br />83-u0351~
<br />
<br />'Itf..J~t ihc' kce~ ~he ~t1i;djn~, .;.;:nd ~n 1I:\~~U ~ep'.:ur. ;;:ei~~r ":L'l.;~r2rft ~"i.."'tr permi1 \};2,$le
<br />s.alt;j! .f:a:nd_, S2f~d ;'1f'ernis.e~ :\" he :t!5eC an~'
<br />T~"d jf t~ pTj~e'.~ ~~ an::- p,~ln tbere~"'f. ~ cl~em,rd ~-""\Ner ~1f ~minen! dt.~mai'A~ ~)r l1cq:uireU" f(~r ~i p'uhrtc
<br />u~e, tile damage! ",',"'alrded. the pl'oceed<' fo; rhe laKing <}L (\/' the considerarioo fc,r '!Ie!! acqnl<iti.>". to the extent <'f the full
<br />amOOftt ofindebtelif~~, upoO! rm~ mortgage and rhe oote whicn it i, given to ,<:'Cure remaining unp;;.id. are heret-y a"signed bv the
<br />M<mgag>o:K to the MI(lf1tgagee~, and slta!! !'>e paid forth",;':h l<' ,aid Mortgagee to be applied by the tome, ,.'n account of the TIe'"
<br />n.aturing installment's ,en stich indebtedness.
<br />12, The Mortgag!O'r further agrees that ,houid this mortgage and the nme secured hereby not be eligible for in-
<br />:smance under the National Housing Act ..<itl>in 2 1!!IOntbs from the date hereof ,written statement of any officer
<br />clf the Department ~,f Housing and Urban Developmem or authorized agent of the Secretary of Hou:sing and Urban
<br />Development aated subsequent to the ' months lime from the date of this mortg2ge, declining!() insure said
<br />(1!ote llnd this mortgage, being deemed conclusive proof of slIch ineligibility), the Mortgagee or holder of the note
<br />may. at its option. dleclare all sums securred hereby immediately due and payable.
<br />i}, That if the Mortgagor fails to make any payments of money when the same hecome due. or fails to conform to and
<br />comply with any of the conditions or agreements contained in this mort!filge, or the note VI' hieh it secures, then the entire princi-
<br />pal sum and accrued irnterest shall at once become due and payable, at the election of the Mortgagee: and this mOrl!fage may
<br />thereupon be forecl':J'sed immediately for the whole of said money. interest, monthly payments. costs. ground rents. taxes and
<br />the cost of extending the abstract of title from the date of this loan h' the time of commencing such foreclosure suit. and a rea-
<br />sonable attorney's lee, all of which shall be included in the decree of lforeclosure: and the contract emhOdied in this mortgage
<br />and the note secured hereby. shall in all respects be governed. construed and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska. where the
<br />same is made,
<br />The covenants herein contained shall bind. and the benefits and advantages shall insure to. the respective heirs. executors;
<br />administratOrs. Stfc(:essors and assigns of the parries hereto. \Vhenever used. the singular number shallinc!ude the plural. the
<br />plural the singular. and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders.
<br />The foregoing conditions. a!land singular. being performed according to their narural and legal import. this conveyance
<br />shall be void and said premises released at the expense of the l....lortgagor; otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Mortgagorhl ha 'Ill'!
<br />above wlitten,
<br />
<br />their
<br />
<br />hereunto set
<br />
<br />hand(s) the day andyearfirst
<br />
<br />In presence of;
<br />
<br />~;:., '_;''!''/~'l J::'
<br />~""4 .'
<br />. .:'eff
<br />,
<br />/'
<br />
<br />,
<br />"
<br />,c ,;.:. ~~,~"~-"--'... ..,,.:."-.
<br />A ..~6 rgeI"l;gi~
<br />,/' .,or
<br />
<br />[SEAL]
<br />I SEAL J
<br />
<br />...__'l_".-...----
<br />
<br />~)". (('!~:,( /) <:/) . <,,<::~;;I("t>'}'C;'?f1SFAL 1
<br />Ju<1!th ,'\. Jorg~n8ei< ' ,
<br />[SEAL]
<br />
<br />[SEAL
<br />
<br />COUNTY OF Hall
<br />
<br />} ',s:
<br />
<br />o.n this 1 nt 'h day of June
<br />a notary pubH,(:
<br />
<br />. A,D, 19 P'j,beforeme. the undersigned,
<br />in and for said ('ounty. personally .:arne
<br />
<br />JeffA. Jor:genSet1 and Judith A. Jorgensen, husband and wife
<br />
<br />to be the identical person swhos!: naf/le $ are
<br />going instrument as Mnrtgagof, and '1"HP.V
<br />executi,m thereof 10 Ix; 'r fffi T R
<br />
<br />, personally !O me known
<br />all'ixed to the above and fore-
<br />;lcKnOll,kdged the said in,trumenlllnd the
<br />vnluntary a.:t and deed. for the purposes therein expre~,,:d.
<br />
<br />in lcstim.ony whereof. I have hereunto ~el my hand and aluxed l'v notar:l.a 1 seal at
<br />011 the day llnd dale laM above written. '
<br />
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />,,/~:::.::;:~::;. hi. /
<br />.7~#&'P.i" (' /(tM'"
<br />
<br />''''V>'"''':'~~'''"'";:> /':.>'"
<br />~4/('
<br />r'.. 7 . !\io(W}' Public
<br />
<br />.....--.......111.......
<br />~VMZVL
<br />..,c:..a ""'-'u.1WI
<br />
<br />55
<br />
<br />
<br />File.d for record this
<br />at o'clock
<br />reci)tded in Book
<br />Page' of
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />A.D,19
<br />M.. <lnd entered in Numerical Index. and
<br />of Mortgage:;, on
<br />
<br />Register of Deeds
<br />
<br />JIi"l" ",
<br />
<br />'.1
<br />
<br />
<br />