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<br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />This form is used in connection <br />with mortgages insured under the <br />one- to four-family provisions of <br />th€ National Housing Act. <br /> <br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this10th <br />1m _ by and betweenJeff A. Jorgensen and <br /> <br />of the County of naIl <br />the Mortgagor, and <br />Cm1MERCIAt Fl':DERAL SAVINGS (. I.OAN ASSOCIATION <br /> <br />day of June <br />Judith A. Jorgensen, husband and wife <br /> <br />I v <br />83- .003514 <br />.A.D. <br /> <br /> <br />. and State of Nebraska. party of the first part, hereinafter called <br /> <br />a corp()rati(\n org:lnized and existing under the laws of Nebraska <br />parly of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That the sai<l Mortgagor. for and in considlmlllon of the sum ofOR-r;; SIX THOUSAND <br />FIVE mrND'REn an" on/1oo Dollarsf$46, .>00.00 ). paid by the Mort- <br />gagee. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. na, Granted and Sold and hy these presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gain. Sell, Convey lInd Confirm unto the Mortgagee. it~ sUCCeSS(lrS and assigns, f()re~er. the following-described. <br />real estate. situated in the Count\' ofIlll} , and Slale <br />ofN(~br<"lskll.towit:512 "Sast Bi.sml!lTk, Grand Island, Nehraska f)~ROl <br /> <br />T.ot'T11ree en. Husman's Add.1tion to tne CIty of Grand <br />Tslluul, Hall County, Nebra~~":<i <br /> <br />7<'t}t~A'IIlNil!~iX~il(BJ:Xl"lUtIMQ'I~~"!1 <br />lI"W'Ql~~\i . <br /> <br />X~~u..~*lf~~~I1' <br /> <br />Te, BA V r AND TO .H! ill) lhe' pi <:1i1l"C, "I.,"., <.h:"nh~,d. \, lIh ,~l! Ihe :.ppurtenancc, lfll::reunw beh.ltlglllg and mcluding <br />,ll! hc:ating. plumhlng ,l(HI ltg:hllfl!( ti.~tlll'l::' "n..! eqUipl11r:l1l now "I 1Ir:!'",,!'!,,!, .utadl,:d to ,'1 t,,\~d in ,:onne<.:tion wilh '~ljd fC<l! estate <br />unt<.' Ihe Mortg"ge:e. :md !"'h '1H.:("'''H' "n<.l ,h,.gn'. INever. lhe Mortgl.gor fepl'e,enh hi, :Hld -;'Jvenant\ with, the Mortga- <br />ge>::, lhal the \tongagor ha, :!lhld '0,,'11 ilnd ,"l1V<:~ ,~,id prellllSC' , th::1 !hq' aH~ IICf fnml tnl:llmnran.:e: and that the <br />MOf1!!.<\gOl "ill j'Mralll "nd defend ,:1111<' the 13'" fill daiul' \}1 all perSOIl' (I!lom,,'c"er; and the said Mortgagor here- <br />by relinquishes ~,dl ughh <if h()rJ1e,t<:ad. ;,nd marl!;,) [lghlS. eilher in 1'111> ur III eqUity. and all oth>::r contingent interests of the <br />l\h>rlgilgvr m "lid lo lhe al'>ov<'-(k,.:nl""d prefll;',"'. the ltH.cnllt'll heing ll' ,;imvey hereh;' ,H1 absolute lille. in fee simple. includ. <br />illg all nghh of homestead. and ".,her rights "nd 1l11(;re,fs.t'> ak,te"mi. <br /> <br />PROVIDED ,I'd WA YS, :Jnd Ihc,,: prescnts "I''': n~(llteJ and >.iellvere,j "PUll the fdlnwing conditions, to wit: <br /> <br /> <br />The Mong,j,g<.H' a"I":"')O p;JY W the Mortgagee, <11' order. Ifle prinCipal 'IJlll '.l(fOI:r!'V S IX THOUSAND <br />FIV'R mnIDRED am&" 00 lOti Ooll;lr, 1:1.6 ,500.00 <br /> <br />\, <br /> <br />Wll!1 intere'l Horn dal,~ 31 the .ale;r~LVE and 00110n pt" c<'l1!\UH ( <br />(he llnpaid balance; untjlWli<L The ,aii.! punciOill and Ullere:,: sfqll be plIY'lbl\:. al.!. he (,ilke of <br />CommerCial Fe.deral Sa:V1Tll'i:s& Loan ASSOCIation <br />mOmaha, ~lebraska ' ..,. (ll:'..atsu.c.h (1[.heJ n!<J.! holder of <br />the note lUay de!;lgnlue i.1"l writing, ill momMy instaJlments <1,OUR !'iUNl'fRF.:D SEVENTY ~: IGHT a"l'lo';)o,)/1 00 <br />l)o.i:,'U'.ii. 1$ '+ 78. ~n on thdirs! day of <br />August I;P principal an(j in. <br />except that in.: tin..l paymc.l1l if not ,,'on.:r p"id, ,hal! be due .anJ <br />of .. l.11y, ;lc,:ording t() the lerrns '.If ;, prolJlls, <br />exec HIed by the silid tvlqrigag<.)l <br /> <br />12 , 000 <br /> <br />j per annum on <br /> <br /> <br />"Yh... <br /> <br />in (tf,'{h:,[ ,m(~re. <br /> <br />!() p-.rtJtc(:[ r.he ~;;r,;;(U.r1.ty thi:~, ~'i()r(*t'lge1 'itg'tees: <br /> <br /> <br />j:Ir;,wided Privileg<' b r~s<,rv"d to \"IllY th.: <br />un rrin>:;,ipa! are n.;xt du;: NI l~ ~"'tt.:. (1) the <br />, of an inh:rrtkH) to ~.~ x~T~j-:"io'e ~-uch p:ri\'ih.~,ge j~', <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />pr;;;:lnl un1 <br />ai:su~'tt,h<\C pN'~ <br /> <br />"<i-TA-rlf; Of: <br /> <br /> <br />