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<br /> <br /> <br />83- 003474 <br /> <br />UNtI"O'ltM COVENANTS, BOrrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. PaymentofPrincipaJ llndlnterest. Borrower shaH promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtednes!: e:videnced by the Note, prepllymentand charges as provided in the No!e. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advancl."S secured by this MQrtgage <br />%...Fuoo.<ifor1'axll'Smd JJl.$UraDce. Subject l() a.pplicablc law or to II wrincn "vaiver by [ender, BOIT?wer shall pay <br />tr-iLellderorl thC'1<IY monthly installments of principal and inter,'H are paYllbleul'1der the Note, ulltil the Note is paid in fun. <br />~sum (herdn "Funds") equal to om'Hvidfth the taxes and llssessments'W'hich may attain priority over this <br />M'ortl!'age, lllldground rents on the PmperlY. . . one-twelfth of premium inslailments for hazard. insurance, <br />!lIUS ollc-tweifthof yearly premium instaHnwI~ts for nmrtgage insllfal1c,:, any. alf as reasonably estimared initially and.from <br />time to time by I.endcr on the basis of ,3SSe5Srnents and bi1l~ andre.asonable estirnatesthereoL <br />The Fundls shalJoo held in :m institution thl! or ".;;counts of whkh me insured or guaranl.ecd by a Federal or <br />state;lgency( Including Lender it Lender is sueh an . Lender ,hall apply lheFllnds\O pay said tllxeS, assessments, <br />insurancepmmiums and grmJlld rents, Lender 1m,)' nor charge lor so holding and ~pplying the Funds, analyzing said account. <br />or verifying ,~nd cornpilin,g said assessments :wd . bills, unless. Lender pays Borrower ,merest 011 the Funds tinct llppHcahle law <br />permits Lell'~er to make such a charge, Il'Jrrower llnd l..cml/~r llHIY ('<l;:rec in writll1g at the. time of execution of this <br />Mortgage tha! interest Of! the Funds sh.lll be paid !(' Borwwer. ilnd unk,s sm:h agreement It' ma<le or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not he required 1(' pay Hnrr('wer any interest or earnings on the Funds. Len<ler <br />shall give to Borrower, Without ch,uge. !in annual accounting of the Fnnds ,Ilowing creditsilnd debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for whiCh each debit to the Funds was mad!,. The Funds "re f.*,dg-ed ib addit,mHiI security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the a:motml of the Funds ~ld hy Lend,'r. wgt~ther with !h~ lulure monthly 111,q'111menls of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dalel. e,f taxes. as~es.,ment" insurann;; prenlll.lll'l> 'Old ground I'<,,,ts. shall exc"ed the ,llnount required to pay said taxes. <br />assessmenls. insurance prcmmms and ground mnls a, l!WY fall GUt'. ,,.,11 IO.\CI:'" ,hHII be, ;,1 Borr0wt:r's option, (~ither <br />promptly tepaid iO Borrower or ,;redlred III BOl'wwer "n mOllthlv ""I aliments .,f ,Funds, If the amount of rhc Funds <br />held by Lende,r shall not be ,nfficient 10 pay l'lK(;'. asst"SmenlS. II1snnHlCC' prem"lfns and ground nont, as they fHll due, <br />Borrower shall pay H) Lend~r any arnount neCl~~~S:.Jf\ f-,'1 1)1,:11\(;' up l'ht,: t1l'!'lul:nC\ \l,,'llhIO ,'\0 da~'''i H~.Hn the date t10Hl~e, l~l rnailcd <br />by Lender lei i!rorrower requesHng !laymenl Iherenl <br />Upon payment In full "i all sum,. se':tlHxi h\ am M<1rt,:,lgC. i ,;nd<:r \11111l i,wrnpilv rellmd 1(, llmwwcr MJY Funds <br />held by I..(.'ode;:. If Imder paragraph lS hercot I he Prop,:rf\ " .'(.Id !fW l'1..'I'.::rt;. " othl'rwISe aeqwn:d by l.ender. l.ender <br />sball apply, no later than ul1mediateh' ;,not h'IIl\: ',ille 1'1 I;'" l'rdpen' \1f ii' d~qlll"ll<)n hy [tinder. ..ll\' Funds held by <br />Lemler :It !hlo Hme ('It application ;(., a dedit .1~;lIn,t lIlt' "Ull!> ,,',',"ed h\ lhl' M,'l'lg,]ge. <br />J. ApplicllItiOIl l)f Payment-so (nk" "ppll<:lbk i.l" ,des ,qhen,,'c, ;lii p,l\mCnl' lc,clved h,. l.ender under the <br />Note and pllnlgraph:, I MId::; hereof I.hilll hI: In I!rq 11\ p:I\!l1ell'lt \11 anW!lI1!S pavahk 10 ! cndcr hy Borrower <br />under pal'agraf.h ~ hereof. lhen to "'H'le',1 :Iw '\,'Ic' :he'll :1,<, prtn"lp;t1 "r Ib" No[e'. aod then tn interest and <br />pnnclpal ,m any Future Advances. <br />4_ '(;"1"1115: l...itus. B<'rro\\er ",h~ill p~t\ ,HI ,1'~",~.~,"f1h:1'Jh ,jnd ,\pl("r ~ h.ll'~l'\', hnt"s ,Illd lf11Pt)SlU0f1S attnbutable ttJ <br />lbc Propeny ",Ilkll may "Ualn ;1 prlOrllY ,wn illl'" "lmlgage. .:no ic,;"dH'h! l':tVUlellls "1 !,if(1\lnd rents. If ;,nv, in lhe manner <br />~)r'QvHjcd undier' paraJ~r;tph ,~ h.:reni ,lJ', fh'lt P;,!,l\J ",ach lrunnef. h, H_>f'!'i-,W,..'l" mat.;n1~ pa\'tltt~nL when due. to the <br />pllyee thr:reol!, IkluOWl:l mall pmmpilv :tnD"ll :n lc'",kl ""1',"," p: ,llU.""Il' .Ill': cinder rill, paragraph. and III Ihc evcnt <br />Bo,n\)W'cr sthlH tn-.i.>L" p4\'fttent dU("I,.'fl\ il(!n~"~"~'f ',I'i~lll r'~ornpfh hj~liJ"h ht ! I..'nd..:r r{;I..t.'lpt~ 1,'\\':4ng slJr.:h pi;\yrnents. <br />B1orrowcr \hl111 pn:>lr.lptly ril~h'lJgr: lien '.,llId! 1"",>:11\ ''','r ''11' \1,'lIga~\'. I'i')vl<lcd,. Ihilt Borrower ,hall nol he <br />re'q'uu'td td {h~~h~ug(~ -"lfl}' \uJ.:h bcu Hi'\~n,,"'.jH:'t "fhdi ~', ''''In!ll~_ (.1 :ht.' P;~\'lllcut t\~ the nhhgatlon s(;',,",'urcd b\' <br />\\Jt~h hen Ul ~ n'lannC::ll' a\'"~epl~lbtl;' hJ 1"tTuj<:r, '17{ \~1~111 ~,',",J 1,Hlh -I'-t'fl!l.'>.,i <;ih,'h ;\\"0 h\J,,' dt'fC1Hl \~nkq"t:t~n\eflt p! )lh,:h lien H~, <br />legal pn:Kl."c~Jln'lg., wl:lH.:h 1'fx'f,He pte-1Q:Hf "r hnh,'llutt.:' ..i the Pfn-pt~n~' (\1 dfJ\ p~HI UH:'f\:,\)L <br />s. HI.Zl.f~1i hlS'U"l('('~ BOHU~t'! '~h.tli :r..(.'cp J1jol.' ~;\f."llr:g (Ii h:h:.ltiCf U1\,.:l'!l'd t1n du;: PrnpcHy lfl"Hn.~d <br />al:aillM !t.)':\.)- by ttrt.", ha,l&!Hh !n...~4HJt'{j '....,iltHO !r~t' d1al h \.'iht~r h~ll.;tl\.,b il'" Ll",'lH..k,; Hld\ !"("l..lIIIfC <br />alhJ In ,o"J~ ,;;Hn(ltHlb .dhJ "ou,,:t, Pl.;} H_ld.." ldl,..~~, :1J.ll 1 .;.'lhh:j "h;~h 11\'1 fio:.'ltlUlfC that Pl~ ,1llJPUIH or <br />,tll~h ":t)\('nt~t:' iiZ\.~ecd th~t1 ..HHdtHH ,><O'H:l~lgt: ,~>::'ql1;ft~d 1\0, t'\ Ull\ _\1{Hl~{~igl.:. <br />The H~M,)nU1:~-e \,';dTHZf piOVld.[~g iht~ Hhu.r~Hh,X '~h;Jl: !"'11.: Bf1f1'p,^l.,:[ "-qb}t.~d ll\ .Ipplo\ai h~ tcnd~~c pnyvjded, <br />that w\:h appn~}val ...haJJ fj("t h'C' ;~nH~(b\)n.,1H~, \HOlhdJ '\ii r'l~Hl~~tHI'~ ,,':\ JlhUI;'t;\(l~ p\'h\'~H:" ....hall hi..: p.lId III th~ rnunHt;,-t <br />pl'()vided. uuJ~r par~~f'aph .:;. h('~l(' \Jl" n~){ p..i.\,l m "d". n nlolih\\:: B~'!f! iY"" C1' uH.tkl.llg piiYfhCrtl, \.\'b\.:o due. dJ n:-~tiy t(l the <br />mSllrau..:<e caH~er. <br />AU Ji'liUrali'h':c lX,.)fICJC, a,nd rcne:\Iio..lh Ul~h.l,)t ,h.,tl; h,' :~,'!tnH ,h....\,~pl,jbk I \.'!hkf dnd '..h~lll nh:I \I(jt,.' ;t --.Lllh.I.Jrd Jl1urtgagc. <br />clause Ut 1';;t\'()f ,~."t and in foun a~~ep(~i\t1-ic j ,~'w..k~ L"\:.~I\ l:.i\l: (hi; ,'j~hl. t..~ hoid !ht~ p{!li\"IC~ ;u)d\\.al'\ thcrc()L <br />and Born:n,\'elr ~baU pr'-rOlplJy tl..' l C' ,til f;:B..'\~.~i n".~~h.~\.'-,., ",;~ko..i ;dl :rL'\.:CIP~" P:ihl plcnJjdHh. jn Uit' 1,:v...01 01 lo"il:o. <br />Borrower )h~,H gJ\-'<<:' pri,)lnpt W.Jtl";':",," h) ;h..: l.thut.\n~'..: ",;:.u't'Jto,:r ,.~nJ I end..::] LCHdl,:: ilia: rn.d,.~ fHp<\)! ('1 hhS, 11 nol tn.ille pH'rnptly <br />hy !k'rrt)wer <br />Vole" Lcoder 4.UO BOff,JWCr t,)-thcn\J~\." ag,h:'~ H~\\.r~Hi,,-l.;': pTl....,t;'~\J~ \-n~tH b,,' dt~)pllC.d to <br />thie Propc-rt)' d;~nlag:-:':d. pn..)vi\.!~J \u..:h n..':-.r...!r-.lU~,:\H ..~r h'p~u;: ,~ (:\..\..l;i.,)rrn,,:,,_dly l'l:;.J._\ihk Jr:J the <br />nt:~t therch, in1lpaif'cd. H ~u!',:h ,n::':'I.h}(ri:'h)f\ ('f rcpdir il\. ;,.,'...\)fh')nu~Jd: l-i.'~l:).ibh.:: ;:'It <br />be: Imp~red. the in:)uran~'c pro'Ccc-d~ ,'.hdH be \1"\( ~.i,Jnl,;, .'.~l,.:u;~d b~ ~ht:> <br />{i(j; &:rrro\\'cr. 1:1 the Propert}. I:) j;jh.ln"h."'fH:l..i b~ lklfft:I\>\Cf :Jll", <br />d.i:l~tc not,ice is- rn.;Hled b~ Lender h.' Bi)n-\,)\"'t~; !h~t ~hc J:l~HJLUH.':'\..' ,-'..j,n;~r I...Hh."f:\ '!i.,\ <br />i~ autb('lru~d hJi ~'()Uel.:t and ~.ppK~ th~ m~Urf.t:l"::\.' plOCG'r:i.h ;1.t l.\;;"nJcl"" opti\JI1 cHbl~r <br />O( to the SUltI~ ',,,,,ured hy I hIS M,:>ngage <br />Unless Lender and Borr""ef ,'ther..;" <br />or P(~t,pone l.t\(~ due dare of the ml:i1thJy' <br />such in.sta1lmlellt.'>, If under paragraph I 1{ hereol,hc <br />in and to any insurance 'poikie~ ~lnd in anli !;\~J lhe <br />or acqubitio~, ..hall pass to LeLluer (0 th~ ""Iem <br />acquisition. <br />6. P~!naliun and Mailllenan<:e of !'Wl'crty; h"bdwlds; ('"odumil1iums.; <br />shall th,: I~roperty in go(XI repair and ,haJJ nol eCHUlW ';\ as Ie Uf pcmlj[ <br />and with [he i,)i ~ir'\)' k~u;e (!:L!.) <br />a nOn'(H,~'er <br />COnd'(itn ini !..un <br />;uJ.d <br />:6g'$.Hh7f <br />ani! ~;tXPJ)jt;JY1~,nt <br /> <br />rc~h.)l' d.tkm or rcp...ur (~1 <br />of this ~fongagt.; l'"l <br />IhlS \1\Jrtg;,gc would <br />[b~ C.\J,,:C"',j. If .'Iny. paUJ <br />withlO 3U (hly~ t~'onl tbe <br />~l ~l..lIm for iHsur;'Ulce benc.f)ts. Lend~r <br />tC..'j!Of;:.t!IOn ur 1t~p4~r ot ~he P'rupr.:::ny <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />to pfln,:,',ir'l.:aJ :..hali not' c.\tcnd <br />') h~l~-.,:d- or ..,:hung.c ~he arrH)tJtlt ,}f <br />;tJj r;ghlJ !ltJe ~HHi HHt:rest (:If Borrow.:!' <br />to the PnJ-pci't) rn()r 11.,' 'tht: fade <br />pr~or h~ such saic (}l <br /> <br />1'lalll1ed Lilli DHeI,~p01"nIS. !cIonD\\ cr <br />()l" detcrtoratll;)u of the <br />If thh ~'loni[,agt;. tS unit <br />:-.1H ot' Bon\}wt:r\ undci the dt:I":I,,~.ra},it:ln <br />un:t J.:.:v-~;h)pnl~n~, '(hi.:: 1hc <br />If <br /> <br /> <br />agrcernenv~ <br /> <br />;1.>:t d ~he <br /> <br />((If.H;;,'l},ned P') <br />