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<br />83- 0034774
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<br />THJSMiORTGAGE is made this. .. . . . " . . . . . . day of. . . . , . , , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . , .,
<br />19. $;3.. belw!een the Mortgagor,. PP.N.At.,Q . ~!\lp' .A.i.,. ~~E. ~;'" ~~.o.l-;q~T~~}. .~~~;<:lr'\sJ.?f1.d. .b.JHe
<br />..' ,.,........ .... "~"'" .............. (11\:1'e.ln "Borrower"). aod the Mortgagee., " ,. ..... ' ..........
<br />,. ~~!t'~ f~)~~~ ~~~I~~ A.~~ .I.~~~ .~~~O~~A~I!,":' . , . . . . . . , , . , . . . , . , ., a eorporallooorganiz()d and existing
<br />under the la'ws of.. ......" )\{t;:EJ~0 ;;\</1, , . . , . " . . " whose addn~ss is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., '"
<br />. 2~~ .~!f1' ~~t ... GrQndlslan~,.t;4~bratkCl 68801 . . . . , . . . . . . .. " (herein "Lender").
<br />
<br />WHl:.R!;""S. Borrower ,is inde-hled to Lender ill the pdndpal sunl llf. F'[lRJ.~ .TdOU5AN.D. J\!\IO. NO/J..o,Q-;-;-;:-;.:-;-
<br />"~"''''''':-'''.-'-;'-;''''''''''''':-.-,-,-,-,..,.,":.,..,. :-:-,-,-,-,-.": '.,..,. .,.~. :-:-;-,',-" Dollars. whkh indebtedness i~ evidenced hy Borrower's nottl
<br />dilled. .:lwlo€, 2~~.,. 1983 I. hen'in ""'C'l("'. providing for lIHHl!hly installments of principal alld interest,
<br />'Nith the hai.ln.:" .,! !T1<~ !C1.kbkdne", ,f 11'" "\lopeI' paid, d\.l(~ and payahle Prl Ji.Jlv 1. .200.3. .. .. ,..
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<br />To SF(:U:~! I ,'nda ,) !Jw r,'P:lUllC'll .Ii :11,' ""kbl,'drH.'" "\I(km",.'d lw lIw Not,., With Imerest thereon" the
<br />l"lymt'f'lI ,,1,111 ,'ll"'l ',HillS. wi!h :ma,"1 !tl('l'<'Pll ,,,h:m(',,.! in Ih',"'lldal1,'\: bL'T<''>I'.I!h In prole;;:! lh,' ":CUrl!y (11 this
<br />.lnd ,!l,: perlnrmalw,. ,;f lilt' l .n"".iHh .<lld :'I!l<'\lllenh \., B"H">ln Tln\:in c(ll1!;lined, and (oj the repayment
<br />,ell any futun~' ;'iih.~Hh,,'\":;", wHh rfh:~r,."._i..n nl~hk' t" BI1!r,)Wt"1' h\ I.crl~h'r pur~';Udot 1.,'1 paragraph 2r hereof {herein
<br />"FlJturc Ao,aIIlCi"'''', Bf'rfO'Wer J,...., mnnl.;a~I", 11lI\! ,',Imn ,<! 1 ,'l1th'r lh,~ lollow!n!!, (kscrihed property
<br />II,C-.lled ill In... COlltll\ 01 Stm.: d Sdmlska
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