<br />
<br />
<br />83- (J(j3474
<br />
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. BOITowcr shall pay the amount of al! mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under. paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any' amounts disbursed by Lend~'r pursnant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Bon-ower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall.be payable upon notice from Lender to Bom'wer requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest. from the
<br />dateofdislmrsement at the rate payahle from time t(, time ')II olltstanding principal nnder the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at.s:uch.rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />l)Crmissibleunoer applicable law, Nothing contained ;n Ihis paragraph 7 shan require Lender 10 incur any cxpen~e or take
<br />,myaotron hereunder.
<br />tl,'ns~tioll.. Lender mayrnakeor cause to be made reas(>nable cntrie:s upon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />Ihat I..endershallgilleBorrower nOlice pr'iotlo any such inspection specifying n"1isor\t,.hle calise therefor related to tender's
<br />;ntert$t in Ihe Property.
<br />9. Cooo'emnaltiOn; The pmceeds of any award or claim for damages. din~ct .)r cOI1~equenliaL in (,onflection wilh any
<br />conderrmalion or other taking of the Property. or part Ihereof. or for c'O!1v"ya!1ce in lif.:u ('f condemnali(,", are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lellder,
<br />III thc event of a Iota I laking of the Property, the procecds shall h,: applied to the sums ~ecnred by this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess. if lIny, paid tl~ Borrower. In the (~"en! of a partial taking of the Property, unless Bormwer and Lender
<br />otherwise ag.r(~e inwl'iting, there ~hal! be applied ir\ Ihe '>llm~ sec\!l'Ji'd by thi, Mortgagesllch proportion of the proceeds
<br />as jsequ~1 to that ~lroportion which Ih" amount of ,h(, Slims "ec\:red bv this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market vallll~ of the Pro,'env immediMelv pm\!' 10 lhc~ d.ll.? of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid 10 Borrower.
<br />If the Property is 3band0ncd by Borrower, ">1' if. :dter notice by Lend'~r h' Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an aWard or slwle a claim for d;Hnages. Bmrow,:r fail<, In respond 1<" L,~nder within :to days afler the date such noticc is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collt,ct and "pply lb.' proceeds, al Ll'nder'~ oplion, <'ither to n~stnration or repair of the
<br />Propert~. or IO the sum, secured hy this ~f"rlgilf:e
<br />Unless LCinder ,10d Borrower Nherw;,,? agre<' in \''Titin,~:. ~IW mdl:Jrr1icillinn of p!'o('t'l'd~ 10 principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due dare tt( tho: mOlHhlv insrallm<'nts rd!,rn~d I" In 1'a!'.,graph, 1 and .:! hereof or change the amollnt of
<br />'Hch inslallmenl~,
<br />10. &l'1'uw~r :"/ot Rtlellsed. E\len~;on..f 'h(~ Lm., f"f f':lvnwm ,Ir mCldincalion nr amortizutlon {,I' tt", sums secured
<br />hy Ihis M<'ngage gmnted lw lender It' tlllV Sllccc,,,'r "11',!'!;'''! ttr Ri'rrower \hall 11"1. "peratl' to release, in any manner,
<br />the liabi1il~' ",f ,he nril!Hial B',rrower ;)nd Hi'rrrl\\'<>!"s ''',:(,''''''rs ,"imere'_1 f ('IHlcr ',hall ,,('II he fl'quired I" com me lice
<br />proct."Cdings ag,;un~t ,:U\,:'h 'HH;CC'l),SOf ~')r rcfu'~c h' exte'{1(,/ tm'H~ fl')[ p,l\'nll'nt ;,'"r (Hht~rwj~(.~ rTh'difv an)ortlz,atirHl of the sums
<br />'ecuredbr thi'll Mo~age by reason ,\{ :lIlY ,krn:md madc hv ,ht: 'll.i~lnal BllrwwN :lnd ll(\rrpwer's SlIcceSS<'fS in interest.
<br />11.ro.llili~lll:e by I,endu N')I.. W>>rn~r, .\", r"rbe:H;Hh.t: f'\ I endl'!' in (,\l'rClqn~ am rivhr "r rl'medy hereunder, or
<br />"lherwi$l: all(>l'ded applicable :"w. ,h"l! bc' .1 Wa:v!.'r \'1 ,Ir i'reclmk Ihe n"iTi,l' "I iHlV such ril!ht ,\1' remedy.
<br />'line procurerne~nt ()f \)T ~hc ravrnt"nr {if t,~'fd"~,, 1the{" ~jen~ (if i.'hafg~\ h\,' IJ~n(k.t -:h,::111 nfH h~~.,:'1 v.:l!Vt'r of I ender's
<br />dl~hl h) ~\c-ce-krat(' th,~ mahHlrv {If tht.' :ndchtedne....., '"~'.;;!rt"d rhi" :'Jvfort.c:~\}::l':'
<br />12, Relrnl~ Cumulatlv.., :\11 ",me,:"., I'h>'ldcd It,,, \IMtg:'1'::c diqlfl,l :>nd (Ilmuialiv... 10 '':IY olher right or
<br />fcrnedv nndClr thl\ ~'tnf'f~~igt.. _'1' .iil(~rtird h'\, l"r '..~~lijJl\ in,.! rn;,I\ ht' (~,t',J " ;p,'tll'f'..~~-\tl\' indcpendl"flfiv or sllc('c,s,vel'v
<br />13. Suc:C<<"~Of~ "lid ..\&,iltns Bound: Joint ,,,..I ""Hod I jabilil~, ('allliotl" 'Ilw, '''<'nanls ami ;'grc'l'menis herein
<br />\,--l,llnh1iH~<'jd "t-uH h:ruJ :ind the fi~hh ht!'feUDtit:! '\:\,pe\,'ll\....' "<lh ...-'l,~""...,)h ;t')d as.\ign' pf f t"ihh;r ~lItd Borrower,
<br />\ubic{"'1 h' rh(" pr-\)\.i,itHh dJ paLtgr,tph; iH:h:~:'l ,J~it',,'menh ~ll Bo~n\~\'~r \'!-ull h~.: iP1llf ;~nd '\\~\'\"r;lj
<br />l1liC' '~:-':}.i'lh_H1:~ ;;lIUO ht~adin.g:' ('t rh~,' P~,t;'~gL1ph" \,t '-.lll\t,;flH:'O(t' ",1\ ,l!h! .nt' lllil tl~ h,-~ l,l'-'\-('d t(1
<br />ln1lcrpret or deflrnl~ 1h~:" pTt'''' j";',hlH... ht,~rl"~nf
<br />14. '''IOl:k,C'. E','cpl ,w< ",'I",:
<br />110'10""1 rH"""J~d [\H
<br />rfli;' Pr(),~'t:n~ Addrt,"..,~, \."1 'ht,'ft
<br />~h'l ~Ul\ fh)lh."t~ h.'! I <ndcf "h~1H
<br />'~h;h \Hner ,;H~ldlriC','" ~l~ Lt'nder tit'''l.~n,jtt;
<br />\-h\flgag~ Sh~li1 t'k,.:' de.:-nl'i.,"J it' hn.~' h,,^l';:O:' ,'{ I t:ndl'i
<br />15. (illlloml Morti"ll~; (;O\CrlltRK 1,:1\,; s.'\t"llbilil.~. I h"
<br />ihl:- and n{\:n~u_Hlif'\)nn ";Y;,'~H~JJ'h ',\ 1ifllih'\,; '~"lf'.ll;-..'n.. ;~\
<br />n.".lll l'r.'p.:n, '11:", ~.h'ng~l1,sh,d;
<br />C\'i;::-nt ~h~u iUl" ~'h)"JSl,;Jn ,,"It dall:'<-l: \I!
<br />()ther i'\rlY\;.l5.i'::!f)~~ uf rifus \f()n~dg{: ~ he
<br />enlJ the Pf(l'''d';'~'i.)us \,.( 1he ~h\ni?a.1i:.\: ..anJ
<br />!fi. &rlttI11Oc"'\ (:QPY. 1I,;rr~"", C1
<br />ot' ex;c;,,;:uitOn ..dkf 1:""~\.'.j,)rd.tti\1n h";fC"d'
<br />17. Tnu~rer of Ih" Property: A",umpCioll. 11 al:
<br />by Borf'{)~\'et 'v.,ith..JlH Lend<:r\ priiH ....r:tkn 'l.'On"4.TIL
<br />this Mortga.gc~ I[bl t'ht~, ~rCa~,h.1n nhi;lC\' :-,(:...:unt~
<br />deSCetH 'or by ('f)tCratkm of kw,- Jcatb
<br />not c\.1ntainin~: JiO l)ptiion t~~
<br />imm"d';jtcl\' d.u,~ ~ nd
<br />;lod the pc;S\::m t'(, \.\-OOt'1'l the Pr,,~pcn~' i'l. h\ ne SI,)!d ur
<br />.l$ s:atisfact()f) h;) Lender and !h~H the inler~)l P~lY~ihk ,,~:l
<br />shaH requc,st If Lender has wai\'ed the e'ptic'n tt) ;);.,';'::CkL'ltl.2
<br />int~~rest has cxec'utl~d a written ;;tSswl'lption ;,lgre~lleJ1t
<br />obligations under this Mortgage and the N"te,
<br />If Lender ~~xerci$Cs $ucn to ac\.~eteratc, Lct~J"r
<br />para,graph 14 hereof. Such .,hall pwv,dc ;l
<br />wh.k~h'_Borr'(H'/I~r rnay pay the sums dedart;d due
<br />Lender may, vl"ithout further Ilotj(.~C Of dcn1and on Borr\'\'...'(~r.
<br />
<br />
<br />!.. ~ d %'h II h('f fnallJi(' r, :;i) ;lIlV nnt j('e to
<br />i'il-tied puil "ddr(',,~'-d !(l Bdrt t\\,n;r at
<br />t;" ! (:ndt'r .r.. ph\vi"kd h(;rcin, und
<br />1 elld\~r"... ;~ddfc'S 'Luted hr.:f4.~in Pf to
<br />\iI\ n.,'iti(l~ pnnrt\h,"'d f1,H ill ~hi...
<br />I: \ i J'B: I'H.! fHH,~'1 t_k"ign dh.~d hl",f'(',in,
<br />\ j'OlhHI(;'S Und-~lJ r11 \-i\,IV'I,,'lliHd\ f'.lj' f),;ill()n;jJ
<br />~! ;l!!-I;\,lrm -",:I..utHY Hlstj UHH.'nt \.(~Vtnng
<br />v., hl('h :11;: PrnrK.rt~' ;,\ l\v...'al't~d In the
<br />'." iJJ1 dppJi,;,.'ahk 1;1\\', ~:~,wdli(,t ...h~'dl n(,j ~dIcl,:t
<br />c:fc...:t jlhl)~H the i.:I)lllh....ring rr~h,j,~i.rln, ;:trH.! 10 this
<br />^~ch.'-f ;~hk'
<br />
<br />lhl.:" "'OIL'
<br />
<br />!:l!'" 1\10' 19a9..' ~t the time
<br />
<br />
<br />lh(; Propi;:ny I'd ~in .ntcr.c-l)t therem :s s~)ld or ttau\fcrred
<br />lJ'lt..' '" re~i;,:;rln ;j ht,u nr ~rh.:uInbranl..'C suhord!.nate h"
<br />1nh."r-':::-1 fl,!s hi.jlL,CJ)Otd :~ppL:nl;':t~S, {(.l ~t tran.;,fcr h~' deVise"
<br />ka,scho~d jnlefc~t \if thrc4'.: ~'('il.rS or less
<br />~urn'\ sl:l.:urt:d ~hlS ~1()rt:gagc 11) b~
<br />prior 1....) the or transfer. Lender
<br />"l" nting that the creJn l,)f :.,uo:h pt:rSl)f!
<br />shan be at such r~,tt." ;:t" Lender
<br />and if 8,_H'I:"OW\:[\ :\Ul.~ccssor in
<br />shaU f'e1e'il~.;t: Bornn:v;.;r frorn an
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />rrUi}t Borr'_)\.'",'cr n~)!i:;;.:c o.H.':Ct~lerarion in ~H~c(\rdance 'v...itn
<br />k:~s tha~'~ ,~O da\-'; th~ d;ttc the notke is nutiied \\ hOlD
<br />'0 pu> s.u::h ",'iunlS. prior to the- ttxpir~ttion of such period,
<br />r!;~n~f~dic$, ;:-cnn:ttcJ by paragraph !Z~ hereof.
<br />
<br />N'oN,.[fNtFOiH4 COVENANTS" BorroV'.tcr ;3od Leui..h::r funhe.r (:(~Vcr1;Jnt and ,;lgree ih fo1!ov;"s:
<br />
<br />18. Aeee'ier.1tWn; Remedies. I-:x,'ept as provided ill par:tl:faph 17 herl'of. Uj.H.m Borrower's breach of allY o::ovemmt or
<br />llIf;l1t*m"nt (If IlkDrro,,"'er in this MOr11:llj:e, induding llle CH,.~tl:mls II} "hell doc :my sums <e-<:'uf>!d by till" \'1ortg>1i{e,
<br />u~r puoz to acceleration shall mail notk" 10 norm"",," '" Pllra!(l"llph 14 hereof sP<i'dfyill~: (I) the hUlIch:
<br />i2} the ad~ ta ('un ~Ilch btcllCb; 01 a date, It"I .""" 30 the dal" Ih", !lo!;...e is lllllUeu Borr,n~er,
<br />. hr' l'llr'N'l, and (4) falhJte ~Ur" ",,,,1.1 Of bd..." Ihe <I"t" the
<br />1M... fm.",dosll'"
<br />;,flu
<br />"I'
<br />