<br />g3''''''''0 0 3 4 ~t~)
<br />
<br />I ",:iU mali:e my monthly payments at
<br />
<br />2120 South 72nd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124
<br />
<br />
<br />or at a different I)lace ifrequired by the Note Holdt:"T.
<br />
<br />(B) Amonnt of. Mnnthly Paymoots 442,90
<br />My I1lQnthly payment will be in the amount of u.s. $ . . . The Note Holder will change my
<br />l'llOl1thlYp;il;yml:n?! as required by Section 4(C) bekrw . Oil the 6th Interest Change Date and ootlJat day every 36th month
<br />tben~afi.er_ Etch (lfthese dates IS called a "Payment Change Date "The Note Ho!der will also change my monthly payment
<br />on any Irltetest Change Date if sec!ion5(B)below require.s me to pay the Full .Monthly Amount.
<br />
<br />(C) Caktdation of Monthly P'..yment Changes
<br />Before eachPayme.nt Change Date, the Note Holder will calculate a new monthly payment sufficient to repay the unpaid
<br />prioolplll balan(;eon my loan in fullm! the maturity date liT the Payment Rale insubstantially t~qllal payments: The -'Payment
<br />Rate" is the sum of the Jodl:x figures on the the Int.vresl.. Change Datespreceedin~ a Payment Change
<br />Dale plus the Current fndex. divided by the nllmher 1.1. pIllS 5,. ~22 . . . pt'll'Centage points ( ~:, .2:~ . . _ ':il,) , rounded to
<br />tM. .ooarelll one-.e...i.f.l.hth (jf()lle. -rCenlaltt: 'JOint (0, E.xcep.t that. .thema.Xi. mu..lll l.u.ter....e.s. t. .. rat:e......ch..a. n. 8. e.d.
<br />.~.. .r~ . . -, ..8h411 nOt exceed lS.OOO%,
<br />IwiU pay the amount of my IJ>eW monthly unlil the neXt Payntefll.Change .DateunlessSectiQu 5(B} below
<br />requn-e.s me to pay ,he rul.l Montbly.AmOlllH.
<br />
<br />(D)l'::.tt<<ltive Hate of Payment Changes
<br />Until my 11'~'llnthlY$~ayment is againchange~L I wlll pay theammll1t of my new monthly r1aymcnleacl1m()l'lth ooginning
<br />on the first ll'1olltllly payment date ;,fler Ihc. Payment DatA;:, 01: Iflt.en~st Change Date if I am l-equjred to Pl;iY the..f'uU
<br />Monthly AU1QU.In!.
<br />
<br />(A) Cbangt!:s in My Unpaid f'rinl~ipal Bllblll(~e
<br />My monthly p:.ymenr could be less than tli,,: amO\lllf of !h~, lmcresl portJOfi of thl~ first Full Monthly AnloUllt I owe or
<br />k~ss than lht~ intere,t portion of 111V tirst Fuil Monthly Amount :liter an ll!tere~ll Chan.ge Dat.e. If so, the Not.eH<llder will
<br />suhrmct the amount of my ll1imthh l'aymc!1l frofn 1l1e ill!1lltl!H of inr;~rest ! owe :md "ill! add the difference to my unpaid
<br />princIpal balalK(: each month until lhe next Inl<'rt~"1 Clllmge Oi:itli.'_ The NO!\~ Holder ,,,,'ill also add intert\st 011 the amounl of
<br />this difference II) !ni' unpaid prmcipal bal,mce ('urn momh. t'nlll tlle n\~Xl lnte,rest Change Date when the Note Holder
<br />determmes my new n!ll~ of Illtcrest ('f! mv lo,:n I.mp::no balance. tiH~ rate of tlllereSl on the interest added !() principal
<br />Will he the rat<: J,etermmcd 111. Se(;tlon ] ;jbi.)V~'
<br />
<br />!\.1y monthly p;nment ""tilt! 11<: iTi"l." (hilll the dJll0Unl ot the FllHMnl1lhli. ,.\mounLII- so_ the Note Holder .....il! subtract
<br />!.he dll'fcrcnce lrnm lh(: \lap/lid prmnp:ll halllnn.: mv l\"lfl <,..ell month llnliltht; nex, Inteft~sl Chang.: Dare as jf I had made.
<br />11 parnal pr\~pllvmeru lll1der St'('tmn -, helf'"
<br />
<br />UJI Umit (~It l'OI:mid "rindiml nllUmtlc: R~(luirt'd Full i\tonttdy Amount
<br />'\h ;mpmd pnmlp;d hill.1f,.,c (.;10 [l<'\cr "",cel! ;, m:nllHum aJll(ltl!J( "lJtIll11n one hiHldrl'd twellly,live p'(,'reent (125':~..) of
<br />!be prinCipal amolllnt I Ol1l''1I,lil\ 1"O!!,.w,.d Ii 111\ p,'~lnW! Ill,' ,UIluum 01 my month!!! PilyHlcmaftN any Interest Change Date
<br />would ,'ause th(: Uf\I~lll~: pn!!<"lpa! h;l.l;Ul(,> 1'1 "'.'.<:<:0 Ih~l m..l'.mmm allHlUnt at all',' Illllt:, I IllUSt fillY m~te<ld the Full Monthly
<br />'\moum all my morullh l'aY!ll('nl ulllillhe flr'1 .P;I\m(~nl I 'h,m!:,: n,l(e
<br />6, ~OTln: 01; (.BANGE,'"
<br />
<br />rhe NnlC Ih'Jdn .'" II!
<br />paymem belore the ,-!l,~,ll\<:' d~I!('
<br />Jhn lht' !Hlc .llldh:lephnw: flIlmo.:r
<br />
<br />d(-!! \-'~'l
<br />
<br />!lIt' ~} n(~tH..e j,~1 ,~n~' l-ILiflg'\.'...,
<br />
<br />Ih~Fuill\.hlnlhl\ Amoun! llnd my monthly
<br />
<br />;lny ,IMn,:.... 'IlK nOII\.,' \<, Iii Il"lud... Hll"rm~.llOn 1\'<.j\l!rcd bv I;lw 10 be gIven 01(' tlnd
<br />;~ jx:r'~'m \I.hp 1,:qH aH,+\\~r ;1l):V' quc.:.tton I nUt,~ h~nlt' f'\~g~-t.rdlng tht: nO(l("f:,"
<br />
<br />B. CIUR(;t:....:Uf:.NS
<br />
<br />l)oifu:nn CnV('naf1ll .~ ;\i th4: ";;t\~~~n1\ In~{n,itl~',,~nt .i.lHt-'i'ld,,',;:! lu r~.diJ ~h 11:d,h,I\~'S
<br />
<br />4.. {]\MC~~ lJt-Jl"h Bt1n\\\~i(;f '"h~tll r~i~- d~i t~o,\,'''' J"'"~~:~.';'fHt'n""" :UhJ ~ ltht"l l" hat),~\.~s. tlih:7'> aJ'liJ i,lnpo~jti(~n~ al1ributabk' 10 (he,
<br />Prup::rty w!ll\:fl rH.l~ ~\It,un ['nuol1, '.H"f ",~u.m!.~ hh!nHncnt. ,Hid k"""hn!J p<lym.'lIt, l.'f gr'lund f(~nts, If any. 111 the
<br />nlJlJltlef I~n)~lded w!der p,u4grapn:: l1J:!!:ol ,1[, il nol IhllJ In ,IAh m"n....:r, by Borrower makmg p.lyment, when dUl', directly
<br />to tb: plly..-e there".! l:~Drni\'n;r ,hail pfllHlplly !w'Hbn to Lender ,illlll,)ll,'" 01 amuuIHs due under f.lllS paragraph, and tI1 the
<br />e\,CllII Borhlwcr ,ball m....." PiI} m.:nllhrel.li~. g'lnt''''''1 "haU pwmpdy ium"ll to Lend,;r r"''-''lltS c\ilde!H:ing such payments,
<br />Botro.....cr ..ball plUmplly dJ..:harg<: J.I.1Y hen ...Illdl 11"" pfl"nl~ W't:r !.IllS S,,;,:uriry lnsllmnem; that flomm'e.r shall
<br />not be required I", disd:largc ;lilY '\Jell j\"n "', ,;." HnlT"w~r: l:lJ shaH agn.\t: in wrirmg hi the payment of the obligation
<br />s.e.:w-ed by ~Udl lien m ;! malH1CI ;;c.;.:pmbk !u l..(:nd~:r: i.bl ~l111H in !-"uou blth <.;ome;,;t sl.l(:h lien by. "r defend against
<br />enfol'ccmem '-'I !,Ilch hen In, ...lm;b In lftt' opinion 01 Lendi:r operate to prevent the enforcement of ,he
<br />h~n t'l" !1.,rfeittlll: {,I the PmjX:rt} ur "n:, pat! ,helm,,!: or ,hall 'C(llt<.: lrom the holdi;.\x of such lien iln agreement In a \"\)1111
<br />satISfactory 10 Lender '\l~h !l(:u /{, rnlS InS!l\nn;;nL
<br />
<br />if Le~ dlelerm.ines that ;.Ill or all) pAn <'l tlk
<br />1lll>tt1.llnClll, Len~f shall 1',,'00 &'fwwer n....lke
<br />l,{ ,be a.:tiOil.. SO:i !fIrth llrnwc ", llhm tell d1Jy::> of Ihe
<br />
<br />
<br />'UbJ~1 tq a ll.;n ~\hldl may
<br />>a.'h hen. Bono,"",,! "hall
<br />\)1 notice,
<br />
<br />,,(lam a pnority 1)\1<:1 thh senuity
<br />~llch llt'n or tak~ on.:: or more
<br />
<br />C. NOTJCf:
<br />
<br />C,;\'VSlliwt 14
<br />
<br />me SCi:un'J !n,;ttum.:m i' "mcmled
<br />
<br />l<~aJ a& f",llo".s:
<br />
<br />14. j~e. re'-jlJm::J al'"lJer Js"" 10 in "fl{llllef !l:l<lil!l1tt, \"1 .my l1nt!~1;' In Borrower
<br />rOil InSWIl"lem "hall h.e gi~':'ll by. it Of by tt by i"i,1Il: d,,::>'I moti! addr~s;,cd to
<br />a.c.n,}s\>er a. 'x ,,{ sll\:h mil.:!" llJdre~, l$~ BOl"H}W(:r HId) by m.\lll~" to Lcn{k;r iil~
<br />oof"!..,<~ ,0 Lo:ndcr ~il:ll.H be glVlt!\ by fir,l m.a.ll Lfmu.:r \ add..-c;,s ~tal<:d h.c'rdn "I !o Wdl lHher address ,IS
<br />tlll!"}" m,..v.t'," <\1' trf'~'l'.'k~ 11<;!'<;;\(\. Any {KIllee pW\"I.:.kd l{'f ill thb Seetlnrv Im.trllInellt sh..ll
<br />OWN (If Lendj);tr when !!-,V<i:fl ill Ih<J m"nn(O! <lec"gn.lIl:;d ll",ncln.
<br />
<br />
<br />j"
<br />
<br />to,
<br />
<br />IIl,il1l1'nli7111,\!mblllt';>. ulll1'orm c"v<;nl1.111~ fur
<br />~1 .u-S'fr f(ll'lH,
<br />HI''; l'ilHdl'-l!.,l(! m wllk!>
<br />" ,,11
<br />
<br />;',"tr
<br />
<br />
<br />i
<br />i
<br />I
<br />I
<br />