<br />lS.j-W U ~ 4 ~1..)
<br />
<br />effect without the cm'lfikting provision, and to this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />
<br />
<br />Uniform .Covena..11t 17 of t.l}e security Ins:t.nlffie!lt'-is amended to read a~ follow's:
<br />
<br />
<br />11. 1hmst"el'll!f tbt> Property: Assumption. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred
<br />by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent. exchHiing (a) the creation of a lien or encumbrdnce subordinate to this
<br />Security Instrument which does not relate to a transfer of rights of occupancy in the property. (b) the creation of a purchase
<br />money security interest for houseoold appliances, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of law upon the death of
<br />a joint tenant or (d)> the grant of any lea."ehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to purchase. Lender
<br />may. at Leljder's oplion. declare all the sum); se{'ured by this Security Instrument to he immediately due and payable,
<br />if Lender e;(~rd$cs such opti0n to llccelernte. shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance with
<br />paragflllph 14 berf'of. Stich notice shall pmvide a period (If !lot less than 30 days from the date the notice is mailed within
<br />whicb Borrower m~I,.\' fHiy lht' s\Jms dedared dlle, if Hmrower fails to Vay such sums prior to the expiration of such period.
<br />Lender may. wi!boUtt rurther notice ()f demand on Borrower, invoke any remedies pennitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />under maycol'lsellt to a sak\ or transfer if: f.!) g<:>rrower causes to submitted 10 Lender information required by
<br />Lenderl., evaluate the trarlliferee ll$ if a n.:w loan we!'t~ being made to the transferee: (:2) Lender reIDlonably determine.!; that
<br />!..ender~s security wil! not l;)e impaired and that the li$k of a hrC~l(;h of any ..:ovenlOlll or agreement in this Security lnstrument
<br />is acceptable; OJ interest will No payahle on the SUIl" ",,~cured by this Instrument lit II mte acceptable to Lender;
<br />(4) chllnges in th(~ Ilenns of the No!,' and thi" Instrument fl:qUl.red by le'l1cter are made. including, for cx.ample.
<br />periodic adjustment in the inu~res! fllle. ;\ dil'fere!'ll tinal paymem date for the loan. and addition of unpaid interest to principal:
<br />MId (5) the ll1msleree !lil.lll$ 1m as!il.lmptlol1 agreement that IS a'."~cptahle tl'l Lender and thaI obligates tbe transferee to keep
<br />all the promises and al<relmlC'llts made in the NflIe ,md in this Instrument. as mmliiied if required by Lender, 10 the
<br />t'lltent pcmlitted by a~lplkllhle law, Lender als;) may d,;Jrgc II rca~ftnahle f'~e a~ a condition to L<.':Tlder'~ ,"onsent (() any sale
<br />ur tralll;l'er,
<br />!3i:m'\:lwer WIU continue to h..: under the NOi~' and thlli S,'CUl1ty Instrument unless Lender releases Borrower
<br />111 "'ntinlft.
<br />
<br />
<br />NOll-Uniform Covenanl 19 I .'Bnrf{)w(;'r RIllh; In Rcinstlltc") I.' amended to read as follows:
<br />
<br />11JI. ~~i1"'S Riltbt to R~l.m.1.Iitt.. Lender's IKcelenmOI1 of the sums se,'ured by this Security
<br />InStnlllllmL fk\mJ\!ier sh;.!l !la>1.' the fIght tt' h;,lve an., pmn:c,lm!t!;.ix'gun by Lender tn ,:nforee this Secunty Instrument
<br />,1i.'iCommued ol1,h il! applll,:able bw '" proVide,. AllY nght 10 ft'l!1stal:" shall be exern",~d ill d\<' manner required by such
<br />lllw
<br />
<br />G. ~O nT('Rf~ AU\'J'>N('I~S
<br />Son.UnilmTIl i, 'ovt'llll1n1 ~. i "~I In('
<br />
<br />Imlnmlenll. .'!.ulure ,'\d\;lfKC~'" is ddtZlcd
<br />
<br />H. LOA~ ('tli\IIUa:"li)
<br />H the loaIl 1fl.xl.lred I!w the Secllnt' b"mlmen! I> ,uh!<:(1 10 ;l hl'ls '" hlch sCh ml1Jtlfl1llnl !r,;;n dl;lI1\C~, and Ihal law is finally
<br />mterpn~I<:~ S<J thlll [he !11t~~l'c'l ,If "lllt'l Inan ,."lkc't<:d '.'1 III 1)(' (!JUee!.:d IJ1 n.'llll('ctHlll wilh the [("Ill cxce:.;d pcrrmtted
<br />hmllli. t!Jen: III any ~lld\ l""1l1 ,hal)tt. stw!l h.t n~du,cd lw lht' ,Hlll1l1l11 nt:'t'".,:'j'l) h' rn!tK<.: !hl: .;harge to the pt:'l'mitted limits;
<br />"nd (::1' ;U1Y 'IJm~ allready ",llc.;.!cd !l'nm Bou..",! "Illdl nc,:"dcd P''''nlllH<:d ImlH, "ill be rdul1t!.:d !\.' Borrower. Lt'ntler
<br />!\lilY <:~KJ('>e 10 In;!'''!: thiS refund OJ fl'duO!1!,: In.:, pnn<:lp;ll (IW~,tl undel In,' Not~ .;r by miilong II d1l1:<:1 paymi.'fll W Borrower.
<br />H II rehllld redll':':;!;' pmK1:1>..L lh(' n:dul.tl<ltl "Ill IX' !n:;llt'd ii" .1 P:Ul,.iil pr<:f'ayrHcm under lh(~ Nnk',
<br />
<br />I, I.U;ISlM-\:J'lON
<br />
<br />If. ;lller tht~ 4ial.t:' hC1rc,,!. ":.nll..lm~1ll vr e'plr,:;!;,'!! "I llpph",thk la",~ h;t,~ thl: dkl:l t~lthe!' "Jlendenng the provisions of the
<br />Stilt:. the St'iCurity illlSlrmllCnl or ttll~ <'\djU\labk Rilte RHkr "llher Ilwll 1I'll.s pJililgraph I, Illlt:nl.)fce.lhlc an:ordmg w their
<br />It'mllO, ,,}f all Of allY p.ut 'II the s,lm~ "'curet! hClcby un..oile..labk, ", oll'lerwl~t: i"IQvJJed l!1 the Secunty Instrument and this
<br />Adjustable Rl\l~ RI.ler. .If III dllmmstullg. lh" \. ;!lu" ui I..c:llder \; ><.'l..UI11y, then Lender, !it L..:ndcr" option, may declare all
<br />~IlUL'i 1>i:<,;ure(j by th~t s..:..\iHly InsIrum"ll! 1<' 1."-, r111me<hllldy <.lac: aud l'klyabk
<br />
<br />I.N WrrNESS WHEREOF. Borwwer ha.'l:xe..ul.,,<l !rn:' Ad)IJSUihle Payment lbder
<br />
<br />
<br />( S,~all
<br />.Borrower
<br />
<br />{S,,;ah
<br />.Borrower
<br />
<br />
<br />(Seal}
<br />.BorrOWllll
<br />
<br />(Sign Cingm<1f. Oniy)
<br />
<br />