<br />0824242-0
<br />
<br />
<br />83--t}03433
<br />
<br />
<br />83 THIS ADJUSTABLE PAYJI,fENT RIDER is made this ..,.,. 29th,. day of ,.' J.une., ,."......,. ,
<br />19 ... , and is :incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Deed to
<br />Secure Debt (the "Security lllstrnme~:r') of the sarr.e date ~iven by the undersi~d (the "Borrower") to secure Borrower's
<br />Adjustable Pa1ment Note'to .....,. ?~~~~~.a:~ . ~~d~ . ~~.~a~~:n:g~. ~. . . . an, .A~so,<:'. . ." , . . ' . . . . .. . . ., . . ..,
<br />. . . . . ., '..",........,.,..........,.....,...., (the "Lender ", of the same date (the "Note ") and covering the
<br />property described in the Security Instrument and located at:
<br />
<br />. ,~~~6. .R:~E;~. ~,~~d.., .C~atld, ~$.la.tld.., ~e~!!,*.~~a, .6~~Ol
<br />(Propetly Address)
<br />
<br />The Note:Contains Provisions AUowing For Changes In The Interest Rate And The Monthly
<br />Payment A:ndFor Increases In The Principal Amount To Be Repaid~
<br />
<br />The Note Also Provides For Calculations Of Two Separate Monthly Payment Amounts. One'
<br />Witt Be The Amount That The Borrower Must Actually Pay Each'Month. The Other WmBe
<br />An Amount That The Borrower Would Pay Each Month To Funy Repay The loan On The
<br />M8tur1ty Date. This Means That The Borrower Could Repay More Than The Amount Orig-
<br />inally Borrowed Or That The Borrower Could Repay The loan Before The Maturity Date.
<br />
<br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. 10 additillO tOI!le cOveml.llIS and agre\~mem$ t11lldein the Security Instrument. 801'-
<br />ro\l.'er and l.:cndelf further ,:ovenllflt ;~nd :!gree as follows:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Nt)te provid~:;; for an miti"l il1terelil rllte of ~ 25140. SCI'tlOfiS 2, .~. 4. .5 ,mo {} of the Note provide for ch;mges in
<br />the mterest rat~ n,nd the m()nthl~ pllymt'ms. ;IS follows:
<br />
<br />"1. INTEREST
<br />(Ai IDten~jl Owc!d
<br />Interest will be ..:hal1tc-d "ll thm pal'l of pOfll'lplll wludl bas n,\1. been p,mf Interest WIll be rharged beginning on the dale
<br />uf Ims Note llllJl.!.;;onllUlung untlllhe full ,U1lOlmt tit prinCIpal has heen pai,J. 11.250
<br />Beginning on the dale of Iins NOI~" I Will ('Wt, mlerest .U a Y~'ll.flv nil,' Ill' 'fill' r,lte of inl<::resl I will OWl:: wII!
<br />dllU11.ge on the hr!'1 day of the month ot.I'i1nu./~ry . 1'1 B~ ;;nti Oil that ,lay every 6th month Lhercattel', Eadl
<br />dat.c ,Ill wlt"h the rale ot llItere,! '-'mid ..hange I' lallcdall "Interest Change Diue" Th(~ new rale \'1' Illlerest will b<;:.ome
<br />elll.~:tI\'e'lll<:al;hlnlerestC''1umgeDale The fate of lnt(!r~~8t 1 will o....e sball not exceed 15.000%.
<br />(8) Ttw IN~lI.
<br />Any chlln~~~,in the nIle oltlllere,>! Will be o.lscd Oil <.:hall14eS HI the lmk\, Th~' 'Indc.K' lS lhe weekly auction average fate
<br />011 Unite\! Stlll.<:.1\ lrea.'tlll')' hllh wIlh a matmlly ':01' n llh>mh" 'IS made "I<lIlabk by lltc'h:dcrai Reserve Board,
<br />It Ill<:. Inde~ liS fll.' longer :tv:ulabk. lhe Noll.' 1!I,k!.:r will ch,,,.,,' " n.:w Hld",x "Im:h I" haSted UPOll l'ompurable H1klf!nullon.
<br />The Note Holder wII! lth<: me: nlilt,," "lthl" dl<"'l'
<br />The most 11'e1,:endy av,ulabk Indell hgurl' :!~ "I (hI' ,.!Jk ..15 d,,), t't'f"m: (.ldl lrH"I<~,1 Chang,. 1)4(1;' "t'"lkd the "Currt:nl
<br />Index. ..
<br />Ie) Cak:~tlatiol:l or Inter'etit Rate Changes
<br />Before e3(:h IntcreSI Change Dale. thc NOle' Holo<::f ,~illl,'"kulate my Ilc.... nu<:: (If HlWfCst by lidding .3~.?2.2
<br />percentage p<:1illlli (3..5122. 'kIlo the Current lrld<:l\ The Note Hoklcr will thcllround the resull of this "ddition to the
<br />\leIWe,st oue-eighlb ofoll(~ p<::rcem.age 1)<)lnllO, I 25'il: j, This rounded aaMIll! will he my n~''''' fale of int\:resr until the next Interest
<br />Clumge l)ak. Except that the maxilllUl1I interest rate cnallge shall not exceed 15.000%.
<br />(DI IntMeSll After Dtfault
<br />The filte. of inlereSll't"quired by thiS Sec.timl :2 is the rate I \" ill owe both bel()lt. llnd afier any default describt.'d in Section
<br />'9(8) below.
<br />The Note Holder wtll ..:al.culale my Ful! Monlhly ArnltlH1t. The "full lVlomhly Amoum" i;; (he amounl ()f lhe m'.lllthly
<br />PlYJllent that w1wld Itle sufficient to repay the unpaid balallCe of my Joan ill. full at the rate of mt<m:st I
<br />Ml1l"equiredtopia'y by Sections 2(A) and 2IC}aoovC' ill sUDMamiaUy equal payments (m ,J.~.:t.y , .l.~t. ' , . .
<br />W . ,~~ .whiidl is c~llled the "maturiIy date:" My tirst Fuli J\wllthly Amol/Ill is U.S. $ . ,,4A4,~P:,.., Before
<br />eacblme,n:sl tlwDgIl Date. the Ntlte H(llder will cakl.dale the new Full Monthly lI.JI!Ol.int which I "'Iii owe eljl,;h mon.th
<br />(1) die first mO:lltWy paYI1~fll dale afterdle Date.
<br />OWl":' IfItl)/ l:11-0!t:: or less Ihdt:i 1tJ.{t tiy'Tt()uru l {un to l:;ay p:..~a{,'h n:u.nuh. S<<'~f.,.tion 4 bi!'/.(/~v
<br />tlfUihtiw it.wl'NSecrum.5bt:'toh ,,},,'::r,:rii.l<'s how my
<br />a~!rd lit" AmOUnT are
<br />
<br />
<br />every month.
<br />
<br />W'.U.rhf;~
<br />
<br />
<br />~" i.nkt<:.'SI
<br />
<br />1<!/8'l .~... FHMA lJriitorm ~n.trumlllnt 4PliIn :2.~, Am.}
<br />
<br />