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<br />83- 003273 <br /> <br /> <br />I 9. C....._titm. Tne proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct Of consequential, in connection wit~ any <br />condemnation or other taking of tbe Property, or pan thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, lOre hereby asSigned <br />and sbaU be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a the Property, the proceed" shall be applied 10 the sums :lecun:d by this Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess, H wer. III the event of a partial taking of the Property, un~ Borrower and Lender <br />ofhe'fWiseagree in writmg, thete shan be apDlied to tbe sums s<:cured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as i1S equal to dial propoi1ioo wtlich the amOunt of lbe sums secured: by Ihis Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of tbe Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the m.lance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower, <br />Uthe Property is aban.roMd by l'l4rTower. or if. after nOlice by lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to !I1l1k;e <br />an .award or sentell. cllUm for damap, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within :I(l days after tbe dato! such notICe IS <br />mailed, Lender ill l'O<.~S, at Lender's opttoo. either to restoration or repair of the <br />PropertY' or l<l tbe <br />Utdc$$ Lle;'lder' and 8orl'ower otherwise agree ill <br />01 postpone the due date of the m<:mthly installments <br />'l-uch ~lJ_nb.. <br />It. 1kHn)'Woer Not RllkMetI. Extension <:>I. the time for payment or mollilk'$lioil'l of lunortizlltktn of the sums secured <br />by tM Deed of Troo by Ltwr to any lIucc:e!l$or in interest 0.1 (k)rrower shall llo.! operate to release. ill any manner, <br />the Ii. bib!}' of the Ik'~r and Borrower's In il'terest. l.el'lder 5ha1i 1101 be required to commence <br />pl'~inlS IIpilu;1 su..""C_w or 1,(1 Ii1m' P'lyml/'f1t or olberwis.e modify amortization of tbe sums <br />~nld bi fht$ .DlIl:ed of Tf\lJi,t by reASOn any dmnand nw:ie I.he (lriginal Borrower and l'l4nower's succeSlOQn in interest. <br />II, P"JlI'1IIK. by I.A:Illtft NJiM.. Watn1', Any by Lender In ell.erdliing any fight or remedy hereunder, Of <br />otbet'wm: atf~ by IIpj)l:i\::a* law, $haU not he Ii e>f i)f preclude lbe e" of any such right (1'1' remedy. <br />'The pi'lX~treme:tlt of i.1l>Uf3llce or the "f tUCl> Of <;ltMr I!eM or ..-hll.ges by Lender shan llOI be II waiver ot tender's <br />flp Ii) KCQe.:IIlle llk~ lTtlIturit) of In'C ",.',ured atlll; {>eed of TrUlll, <br />U. Re~ (:lHIIUUIi.~. AJl tfI IA:ed 0'( TnlU ilrc .mftllCl llnd cumulative to 1I0Y otber right <br />iJr w.rniedy ulldln thil> ~ of Tnut or by tlW M equity. lIna ma) be eurcllltld concurrently, independently or <br />s.ucea.mvdv . <br />13.. s-~"II..... "..... ...... ,.. ami Se-wt:aJ U.....,.; 0....... The covenants and agnemenl$ herem <br />~onl&'llCd lIft4H O!!lI1;.1, <lml the riJ;hn bc:twndnr ~halllnure ti}, Ih-.: ~UCCel>$(IfS a.nd auigns ,)f Lender Ilnd Borrower, <br />~ubted 10 tbe provt-'UGI'l~ of p.l!.I'<lII'lI<ph \, netto! Ai! llIffft' oi Borr!)Wc'l' 1i.oall be joint Ilnd lit:vcraL <br />i he uphtmll land hadlop of the pilrll~l~ (II ITlI!> Deed i Hlst are t~~f ;;:OlwcllIcnce (luiy and are no! 10 ~ Ul>ed to <br />il'lterpl'let or dt\fine the pnwuiml'S ~f. <br />l,t, l'Ii.wkt. iEJ;~"C'p~ fm i#~" nm'14."C' 1't'qlUft'4 vn<h:! Ill"" to Ix' ~!:lven Il'l <I.noloer manl'lef, (al any notice 10 <br />8orro_r pi'\'WMSc~ fOf ill Ihllo ~ of Tn.~ IIluiil Ix ll~~Cf'I m:li;lm'ilcuch Iltllice l:l" t.:emfied mlliladdreacd to Borrower at <br />the f''.rty ~.;J,~rlc:B I'"~ ~I Jl.l(;h olber ~dd~ ",\ &nower mllY doi,nale by 1l('t1~ to t;:nt:ie'l' as prQVided herein, and <br />II> !1<<10;(:, In tender 'NUl be liVen by (~lC':I'tl~ mlllt n:tlUfn l'eoclp{ flC':quet.led, to Lender'saddn:ss $tat,ed herein or to <br />\u..;h l/I,jtJllIJ~ .il LeUilkr lna)' datlll"'h\' by 'I'IKI<.:;:! 1(1 ijorl'til'Wet ll!. provtl1cd berem, Any notice provided for in thiS <br />!~ I()l THAt UlillIi b.: .~l l<l rla'lle been 1l1"'~i1 10 8'lImwel or lelKkr ....hen given m tbe manaef deMgn.ated herein. <br />IS. t;llIif_ l~ of Tnnt. Go"'''.... L_; Stru,......,. 11'1I~ fO'fm 01 deed of lruu \:ombi!lell unlComl covenants for <br />ll.1tKmiICi "'lie <\1'Jcl n,,)tH.l&.torm <i:QVen:.;u'.IJ ....llh limited v,ullll:hUIU hy jvtu4I1:llon t.~ ;;:('~lItute a umform 5.e(:unty mSlrun'ICnt <br />,<.,"-ennc r'l:II.II""'~p!:'rIY '111"" DICed of T11.D1 ~h.H h<: by the tlilW III tn.: m wlticll the Property 1$ localed. <br />In lhe C'\T1lI th..1 .UW p!1),vu,>tm 'l>l d..lUl:: \)1 Ih." (>I if""I/.;I1 1,/)(\ NI,>>te WILli ilppllCl\ble l:aw, such conthd shall <br />lWI ali~'l t.,dlttf ,~t 'Ill", l)e~ ,~1 fn;;!,.t ,)I tn.: N~.'.C;;h "HI hoe g,v'en clfetl"Ul the coofiichftJ pi'QVlJIio.fl. <br />.lnd 10 !l\ll cnd pN)'\'~_ ul the ~ 01 1Hal .:in<J Ihe N<:l~ JUt iledlllfed tl:l bli: M!Veflltl'4C. <br />I.'. ~'" t:.". O')fu....-et .n.all ~ :...nHW<! ill ,v.,lom'cct ';')1l"I' of 1M Note,.rId ollhlS Deed ot TrWi! ill lbe lirrn: <br />"I ~~c>,.utfOO (.f ~.hllJt ,'e.;m=tl\oo _11:01 <br />17. '1'r-'ff of tlMt ~,.; ".lIII'IlfilIlD II jj;1l ," 1''''1 ,,( Ille f'1'I)f)Clty Of lill Ullefellt Iber'CU'I 1# wld or Iranlllferred <br />>>" a..w,.--er "'lhou'! Lcrudcr 1'1 p'1U<' ...wttm ,.,.,..1>4..." I" I llie ..:rCi'al~Jll of It l>l!;fI III l:lK:umbnwcc wbotdinale If' <br />In.~ t~ vI l'tUl.I, IblllhE: crel&tI<.m "t a p'A(<;h.. nl>.)Il~t 'I<e....UIIl" mWtrll:loll,lf ~bl.,ld lI~liU~. tIC} lItr:aMter by dt::VISC, <br />"-'efIO. (I{ l>'y ~>Pl:H'lI011 .~ 11IW tlp;.m 1M death Of ;, l<lIUII(:ThiilAI ,il I d i the Ilalll ,)f lI\l1Y 1l:'JllM:hoW iwral of 11'11'<<' year:! or ins <br />.WIt ':UQUlllhfllt.a<11 I" f-'~' I en,tel /'t'I.lty, ,,' I el><kl'l< ,,~O<)fl, ..11 the "..iTlS l<e(;urw Ill' thlli Deed 01 'fnm t.:. be <br />If....m.eli> .!.uot pii);ll'l<<. Le:f.' lIAllH 1'1....'" ....l~ed ~*"h to ~CI:.Il;fl\ltc: If. pnot 10 tlie !ollie or trl~ie(. lCI)t.k!r <br />!l"C V"'I:lo<'" .<> ,,,boo,mt lhe Pn'lp:ill .. lc> b<i: ",,1..1 III "j;f~nl in \iJo!IlU"~J IImt the creOll (If sUl:h pl:f.M>t1 <br />,~ "'h"tlt4;i<~'') to lll'mk'f .u'Jcllhal I,,", UUlff>::M "'., .he hIm; l;(.",..ued by lh,.. Deed ,,( l'rosl .hall be at :l\l>l.:b nale ;os <br />I c"t.U l<r~lelol II t~lldC:I N.~ "'1I1~t'ti ~'I"""\ h' ......ckil....'!:' pfO".ded.1'I thll. ~rlil1irlllph 17, ..I>d if 8;;),rrOWtill'!> UICCQW1 <br />.t\ .!liCiftit ~ l:~<<'\Ak;li ,~ '" UIlCfl _tlp.\_\ JI..~'CplC'd ./1 '.,,'Hllli by tender, Len~t .Il r\::le_ Bot'\J;Wcr from <br />.11 obltlil.!><;\lil& Ufl\.l;Qf '''''' {~ 1)1 r rWH ",.iJ Note <br />!It t:~ef':il<1> ,melt! "potIOn 1.<.' ...,t.:d<l<l!(, I el'l<k. .h...i! ",,,,,.1 f!.oH<._r Qi.:l'l~ oi lli:celotlllWll ill llccOfdam:e wilh <br />p.r-.aph 14 !l.el:~ S,li;h _t;g: !Illail pl'o",l'doe "pcrl<Al nut 1':'1>\ dl.Jrm JO d.ya frlJ'm the .iarc; lhe n!:lltce r,j. mll.led wllIhm <br />...t!>.:.h B.J<u"....'c:r mll) p.> iht "om~ ,jll:,.;Lii.f~ ~ It Bmt<.I"'IU l..,1s, I'" p,it) lIudl il>U;tm; P'flO( 10 tn.: Cl!.ptfllfJoll of ;j.U(;n pc:riod. <br />t~r l'f"~. ""'Hl!'j;(l~ !wrlMI' tl<J(la. U<' .J.c,jNfN.H.\ b",Ul_Cl. ,Moh ~m'f rC::l~ IlCWmflW4 by plil.r."a:;m 18 !l.ered, <br /> <br />N.",.l:"IH:,jUoI ('Q"',!'<4H'fl> ~;lIfn,,*f:f..nd tA;~~ hUlbef "Q"'lmlI\llt lllN &JreCI .~ t~k:.Iw.: <br /> <br />llJ.. A.."...,.... R~ li;uC'pl"'",,~ _ ~ ., __f, .... ....._... ~ of MY ~.... or <br />~ .r ......~<<I m lba I)ccd of Tr-., ~ d"" <It>VI''''' t. pltJ ..... ... MY __ ~ by t_ Dn4 <br />of 1..-. f~ P"'" 'l~ K~............... to 1k1on_ _"...,iIktI in........ 14 ~ ~ (1) tU <br />........ <2t eM ..... nl~ .. (_ __ ~tr, (Jt it _II" DOt __ ... JG Uya ,_ * ... tile Mtic:e Is ........ 10 <br />~. b1 ........... j,Wih tImIdt __ .. ..,__ .. ~t f-" ,..... .. <<II1Il --. brudrI .. or W... dM ... ,ifltcihtt <br />m tM ~ all) n!'MlilI. in K"~ of d1c_ _1Iln:d tr, daM Dw4 of 'rhllllll ... .. iii .. ~. 1"tM <<lefke <br />... f~ mi_ hr_ _ ~ riPt to "'~ at. _~ .. .. ..... tv lIriIrt . <<NIt .Ihta 16 lUiIfH1; <br />... _~ _ .. ...... iN' ., __ ........ of 1kIf_ tv _~ ........ If rhe ~ is 001 ctlftll <br />.. . ~. l~ al Vt~'$ ... -.:r ~ .. of the ..IM ~ .." tiriI Deed <br />of ..~ w~ fwtUt~"''''' 1M,..... dill .....,..... UJ'--~ <br />....-.ki4 ~ ~. 1lIlW'. r..-.... C'MldN tilt ...~ . ftl...... aIlIllI .... ..... ___ .. ...... die <br />rUllri'_ pm"....... ~ ., ililddhl_ 11M.. ~_ to, nn 'f,fllh ..........1'5 .... <br />T~ .. ~4Ri... ~C' of ~ hi udl ~J' or _ <br />~...t...~ of _h "*~. the ~ aom.WU Mil to tM <br />b,~~. At_t_~of_"~ .~.. <br />.m _ _ ~ .... m --... OA'! <br />lit. _...... dM\ ~ ~ <br />__ *' 1'~ ...,. MIiiI of .. <br />lit _ (i.. ... ~ of -., i~ or <br /> <br />any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />,0 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />