<br />UNJFQIlM C~n;:N"Nn. Bol"f'OWef aoo Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />. . 1. Pll'loI!.~ of PriRdpllllUld Inkftsf. Borrower shall promptly pay ""hen due !he principal of and interest on the
<br />tooebt~ evidenced by the Nom, prepayment 2nd lale charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and imeresl
<br />on any FutllreAdva~se<;ured by this Deed of Trnst.
<br />2. . ....... f. T... .... ~__l!. Subject to lIpplkahle law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower sball pay
<br />to Lender on. the day t'IltMItbfy Installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note. until the N(,tc is paid in full.
<br />amm ~Tetlt '"FtmdS'1equlIl to <lfIe-lwelflh oflhe yearly la.;I(;!'S and assessments which may attain priorily over this
<br />Deed of TtUllt,aJ1ll:l grou.mt l'elltfS on tlre Property, if Imy, plus one-twelfth of Ye3rJy premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />~m; oM',~fth of yellrlypremhm:: i"sfaHment" for mortgage in$unmce. if any. ;In as reasonably estimated iniHally and from
<br />ume to tIme bY. ~ on tbe basis of ~t:1I .U'W mil<; ai'ld reasonable estimate;l; lhereof.
<br />11'Ie Fn1"!d$ sbaD.oo .hddin an imtittttiol'l the detlOSit~ or accounts of which are imured or ~ullnl1leed hy a Federal or
<br />stltte ~ unclooint [.crider i.' f..e~i5 l'\!dl an iristautioo}. Lender ,man apply the Funds 10 'pay said taxes, asses<;mcnts.
<br />ins_m:epmmmmlliamtlmutld~llI" Lender may nO! for so hotdil1g and applying theF"nds, ul1alyzlIlg sa,d accOunl
<br />Of'. veril'yi"laM eom~l!tl \ilI.id~rmmt:l1am:! hilb. tml~s pays Bormwer interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />~jts Le~ to make 1IUCJ\ 1I. c_rle. ~r and Lender may .agree in writing lit the time of execlllwn of this
<br />~I;)f Trmt tbiltmtel'll!.'rt on tile Frtl'1lib shall be paid 10 &J.rrower, llm! lml~ l;IlC~ a~n~enlenl is made N applicable law
<br />~ireli tld mftft!ll' toibe paid. t~1' 1I111dl not be required I" flll Borrower llfl~ iflle'l"esl or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall gtWltl ~, "'rit~ c~ an F!ind~~hlWll!1g credih lind dehil~ !(llhe F(lnd~ and the
<br />piU;tpCI!lIe forwhkh eadt de:lm. to the Ftlmb W1llS 1'mtdJi!, lire p!ed~ IlS lIdditional security for the ~U1'1lS secured
<br />by thi!! ~u of Tnm,
<br />the l\'MOIl)M of tboe Ft~ heM by t~deT, l~her wilh the futore mOMbl" i!!stanmellt~ of FHnd~ payahle prior 10
<br />the "'t)f lUes. u_ntlt, illSUtll.nai premiums and grouoo rlt'l'Ill;, shllll t!Jl:ceed tile llO'Wlll1t required IJ) pay said t;IXCS,
<br />~u, i:lmlrlli~ ~~I'M am! lP'!:ltIOO renlJl liS they l:aH such excli"l~,hall he. at Bnrmwer',. optl()n, either
<br />j}nm'tptfy Nplliti to Bon_I' or credited to Bur~r 0111 ()f Flmtb. If lhe .H1'lOHfll or the 1"11'1<:"
<br />.l!dd by tAZmKr lI~lUnol be lII$nu:~m to p,llIy tUft, :!I;.ssessm.eIUS, p:remll.ll'llSlInd rerlts ;II; fhey f,j!! due,
<br />BorI',lWerd11lfU ~!y to lA_V lIffY Il:n~iUnt tl<<,'ll'$.ry In mali.e up the dC'.llt~'encv Wilh," JO <I....., the nalc n,)lkc ll; mailed
<br />by l~ <<!I ~ I~mg pa~. t~,
<br />Upl[lfl Pll1-Q~ in f~ltl (>f Il:U _ ~ured by lntt Olel:d,,! Tn'~t, ll:'nder $hall
<br />held by t.el'lder. H undelrparq:f~ 18 ht'A)'J/;lflh~ '" ,old or !he
<br />~N1U a:~" Il<l tlllkt' thlll~ lm~tefy prior 10 the lhl~
<br />Lender at the lime ('II . :&film iIl~ II emdh a:r;lIJnllt Ihe ~llm!f; secured
<br />.l. A~!!l~ lt~ptil::'!lIb!l: !a '"
<br />NOle . .m31! be :t.l'lpb~ I
<br />II. . t. lOOn to i:nm~ fllli'fiil>>e:. 1.1l
<br />pnnapaJ on 1I1l1yFl:JtUI'8 Aaw-.
<br />4. (~[,.. ~~l" ,;hall pay 1!II!r:Ueli. "U(!~Wlem~ ~nd (llner d\lIll1leli,fim::~ :lml IIn"O';Hion~ ;Illriblllablc If'
<br />lhe h~ wnil:tl may iIlttam II pnontY over rtull [~. (If 'Tnl1ll. "nd lelll\1lllhofd plilymefll.$ or gr'Ollfld rents. if :my. in lhe
<br />mumer pnwlil:la:l UDdiel' Jl<&~2.~ or, II not In UlC'" mllUller, Iw Bt)rr~'r""er makll'l~ PllYIne!'/!" when due. dlH~ctly
<br />It) tht. pa)ll!ll\ l~lOif, hrro'Wef mall ~i'Y In L~nder ilB m111l;C:, nl ;llno!!n!' due tmde:r 11";1; pllra/!,r:l.pn, and in the
<br />e\'\mt liIorroww al!HIi! mab pil)'1'l\'mlm.r<<tiy. ilot'n~1 ~ltlilll pn:mlptly Imm'ICh w L~l1def eVglel"t~mll such p;jymenl~.
<br />8orn:.." WJJI "'O'ln:plty d:itdl.1ll"lF any hen !Ii-hieh hll:l I'flooly ,wer HH~ Deed of Tm~l: Ihal Br'fr",w~f ~h;lll fH)! fl{'
<br />teq\lImd 10 I.flllic:h1~ 1.1I1r ..m:tr hm )M) l()fit: Jill Borr~r ~hAli In W II;" nl Ih.: nbhr.ill1nn scnlted by
<br />,ud1 bllll'llft llll'ftalua' kl.UIe !(' tender, or ~haU '" j.'(>O!:l c,mll:'Sl ny, N c"fnn:..menl 01 such ",~n m
<br />leplpn~"'bch~!t 1(' P~I lh<e enlo~"t ()I 'he fl.,,, (H Inrht'IUl1t 111 Ihl:' P"~peny IH 1mv parI lh<:n:l,j
<br />!. .I~.. ~f ~hallli.re:p d~ lm~ltll"em!:'nts ,It)", C'j~,ml! ,)r hen:..fler erecled ')rl .he l'mpenv lfl~lin:d
<br />iIllltll'1!l\l 10& by. In:, luaa:rd:I ind~ "".tthm the term ..cl-ltrnkd , ;!rld "Ien nlhr:r h;l~..nh M 1 i.'m.kl .tl1~y fcqwre
<br />IIlI'ld '1'1 Juch llmcMltn1!1 and tor !RICh ~ AI IIlDlkr mlty rCQ""<'.lh111 tCIHkr .,!'litH fin' lhillllH' anl!)UI'Il ."
<br />.ucb c_. (Hll~ed 11'1," ~ftl o{ !.;l:t'Yef.lIIae r"<:tItHed 10 ~urm "''':<lr<<l hv lhIX [)f:""J "~I n,'"
<br />TIM- IMUCllnI::>Il c;arnr::r Pro",atlllthle In"",nnt;<, \hllcll .h<"'<CfI t,'I' lliif"._er ,,,b,e(1 v' as'PH''',!i by I lellder. rn.,v,ded.
<br />lhalsuch ~.l _II oot be U:1I'~llhly "".dthdd All pr\"nHum, I'm '''~tHlll'!<l:e p<'hl;'~ \It'll! he paId II' Iht' lnJJllne:r
<br />~ under pUl~b :2 be~ Of, ,f Ill)t paid II'! !i;1~~1l "u'm~I, by !huT,,,,,,,!':r 'Hlllonl! ~"Y~f\l, ....hen ..hl"", dltl::<.'Uy to Ihe
<br />,~'>t~,
<br />,I\U 11tlMIf_~ poilCil~ and tc_Ill,_ IhenlOl studl be II> If'>ffll ''''CI'll1hk In lender llj}d "l1Ilil mdude (\ ~Ll!ld",d
<br />d_ Ul r.vlJI\'i oj alMl in (\1fm 10 l.efld!l~f ! cll~kl ,"aU h~"!:,,he Hl!.ht 10 ;,nid the 1"'!K.e~ M,d Jenew",,,
<br />..00 B<1!ff\....a llbItU ptOl'Jlifl'll'l' W 311'1:""'....", r"'l":l:'l 1I.,,1 .,\i Il"ce'/'h "I p!~m"'ll" lh II". ,:v'('nl "I I.",.
<br />!\or",". .MIlI,,!", ptOftJlpll'lOll","':t: If> the 'l'I1I<urlll\\:c [iill'y,eJ "r"lln,<l~,. L~IHkl" """ Pfl>"! j,,,, 'WI "u(k I'''HI1IHI}
<br />hv Borr_,
<br />. llnletlll t,p..tlder al'Id 1~'ft'IWC:f "Ine"". JJI11llt III wf>ll!l!l.. lil~"nl!t''''e ,haB be ,,!,pl,,'d I., ',,'l>H,dHIfl <H rep,w .'(
<br />ltM: P11"li1'C'rty ftm4:tl!ld. pr<,"'",icd !Ul:h f.e5<!(Mlllli.'" VI '~I',*'1 " ,k.."h!e 'HId ih". ,.d 1111\ U;:ed..1 !
<br />fJOC 1,".,'C!b~ 'I'!'IifI'I'HJ'lIid. H ,ucn !'lMMOf.h<)(l .Jt ft"iM'H ,~ "'.1i r:,:,,,,.'m,,;~ji1, h.:",."hk ,>I .he ":".""1" ;l'", I k",j In',. ,,"ullld
<br />r.e 'mp..~i, lbe I.~llllcn<~ rtt'l(:~.! $h~ij r.e applO<J'd It) l~: :."It" ",,,,,,'1)'<1 1>1' .hll; ll,,"ed ",I I rHSL ",,,h II", Ch.C" "'ly. p,..,1
<br />to lkm.,>'Wet, If I'he, PK"fOG:JCry I~ lI~:>ftCd f\(,,,.,_c<:: ,t 1"',,,,,,,,(., I ",I~ w 1.,.,,,<1,,, Wlli!,,,III Irom Itw
<br />dii'~ n<:'I.l(:el~ lI'IwMi-od by ll(,~f' lol8ofroWll1f lh<<; "'I!l.unn~'... "iUnlt' "Her. 10 ildclIm l""IIIM',.!.' !e'H!er
<br />" .u~b()(,ud to (;00111<<1 ..Ad IIppl, lhe 'l1tiunu..:;;e p,,:.;:ced, ..I Lender', "I"l<.m e,lhl:r Il, 'l""'Ut"'f! uf rep",r 1,,1 In" I'r"per~"
<br /><\or 10 the a1llml" "(;l.!~ by IbMlI I>eled of .il'l.l'1i4.
<br />Un'- t!'fldlm: 11M liJonower OdlJC:'",iK iljflll: III If.< pfHl<::IIH.11 "hall 1..'1 '''lend
<br />or ~'~ t. d\lt dlll41 (,111M monthly l!'lllilaUlTl(;nl:!i 1'1'::11:.111 n' dHwge In.., amount o.
<br />:<u>;h ifl!StllU~ll. .If oodl<'!. rpu...t:1ltpf\ ,Iii MfeQ( l.heii1i "llnl, and ml<:',,~1 3"{f(W,'er
<br />in afld 1.0 an)' imjurll!)l;;C1 l~- .nd III ..lid 1(> the I<l pf!m I" lht" ",!~
<br />('f~~~.liOl1lI>hl.l1 ~ liD l..ender 1'1:1 (bel e~tII.'It \)1 lHH" ',IH:h ~i!k N
<br />~jl~,
<br />6. ~tlill.I."'~ ~_. llIf~.,.
<br />.,h~1 k~p the p'~)' '" lI:o<;~l fl:Pili1f ....d "ollll "'"
<br />~m:!Wll c:omP'!,. wilh t;l:MI ~~! any !e",~ it Deed nt Tn!">l
<br />,~}I'~m~i'lUl'l .Of a lil:otf(1i~e,
<br />("I"
<br />
<br />83- 0032i'()
<br />
<br />
<br />n:ftmd 10 8m'TOwel 31'!Y FUlKh
<br />:Ic<Jllircd hv I curler, l..cndcr
<br />by Lender, Imy Funds held by
<br />
<br />n~ce:"'N.1 Lcn.4er under the
<br />W hv Flnnower
<br />and lhen to trlll:reSl llnd
<br />
<br />
<br />F1MmtId t:Biit
<br />
<br />O"'''1O~.l>, flmrn\Ocr
<br /><,-j' ~hf;'" Pft)pt:ny
<br />;.i\ una Hl ~t
<br />Imuel lh~ dt'dal::HlI>"
<br />~n~' n>~:Jib.ti'0'H~ tht"
<br />Ht"n:t
<br />
<br />re.lunr,,,bk- ~Mnt" Hf,,:m !,m,! "I~fi<"';.I'.lm\ (,(
<br />r~~"ir'();U,4i'h4ft ;;:$t,~"t.' ~h,el'Cf~_,:'<;
<br />
<br />