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<br /> <br />83- 003273 <br /> <br />ootllme: tlnimpatnl<j". Upon suihpayment and cure by Borrower. this Deed of <br />n:mainin full fott:e and effect 3S if nQ acce!cration had occurred. <br />P~P. As l'I<JditiQfllll securilY hereunder". Borrower <br />ulan under 'paragraph I II <br />become due and payable. <br />nt or bv <br />oHectthe <br />l'im III pll,,-ment <br />fees. premiums <br />Lender aodln-e <br /> <br />"rustee tQ !'C.:onwy <br />~"t"d of 'fruit <br />or p<:r!ums Icgally <br /> <br />Tmil and all tlOl'~ evidencing ii'ldebrc<h::le1l-l s<<tlred <br /><ll'ld without charf!!:' 10 the. <br />('If nleordatfon. If l\nv, <br />may from lime 1\':1 lime remlwe Trll'!itee <fila appoint a sm;ce'!i~or <br />nll't'Cm~d lJ'1 t!lee county In which this Den! of 'fru1l1 IS nl!iNooll <br />Wltho!:l4 ~~.ftc::e tN'-tee shall sU<<l!'~ l(lll!! tbe IItle. power :m'd duties conferred upon <br />the Tnlldft hlm!lin and '1>)' .~atM 11Iw. <br />1.... .......... ~ ~ reqtle1l'!i thllt (o$'I,In of Ii'll(' nonce (\f del aliI-! i;ll'Id l'l(rtlce ftf ~ale be sent w Borrower'" <br />il.4dnl. ""*'1>1 it. tilt' Property ."'ddras. <br /> <br />(M Wn'ME111S Wttlttmf, BorfOWt'r h.$ executed thiS r>cced of T ruSI <br /> <br /> <br />8o.f'fflwet <br /> <br />80fft:liW4M' <br /> <br />St' 4 're, Of' N".'hl&At. I <br />CM ems e i J-rd., day of ,; :,H1*~ <br />dulye~lftItd and q_l~ f(lf Did COUIIIY, p~r'\Ofl;jIl'i' <br />ltl"'l.~TJIIP,~, <br />14kntol ~n~:') 'lIi1twM: M:nxh) In: sub-!!,cTll'lcd to lh< <br />'heRcH to .., "'~ry a;:t lInd dl:<'d <br />Willun& filly MMI andlKltll'rJaI !ell! at <br />dat....loraIlId. <br /> <br />ll) I' <br />f ;lfnc <br /> <br />County 'is: <br />hefon.:me,lnt' UI'H1Cl"!>Il=ned. ;1 N,1(arli Public <br />L\;llal .:Jtud:uun.., .siIlq1.e. <br />. to me known 10 be lh(~ <br />1n\lnlmcnl and a,kno",'kd~~d lh;:;, C'H'cullon <br /> <br />.;~nd <br /> <br />1 i.:tntJ" <br /> <br />.;.:: br.:l.:, 1<;" <br /> <br />,n "lId <:0\1"''';. Ilh: <br /> <br />/. <br />r<J / J1/ <br />~jQ?'J~~tl.- <br />". " . "". <br />~~~ "\i~;j-," <br /> <br />~ 0,....... <<'''-8; <br /> <br /> <br />~....I.. . U:: =-.. ;j <br />..... tl[ll ~ ~ <br />~..!!.....- <br />To 1'11-1.1$1'1. . <br /> <br />; <br />REQlJli5l ~OR RI:~""\. \"'~CE <br /> <br />ilk< u~ldollnl'pCld ill tM ~f of dw l'IOh~ !'If ~(''' 'l.!:-nlred 1'1" rh" r><<-d ,..t Tro"l Siud note Of noh:'. rogether <br />wlithilli at_ IN~~ ~r~ by lIns DClitl,l III rn.l'\. h';'n: ocen p;uo m full 't'oo lIrt" hen::h\ dll'e.\:1ed to ,:;wee! <br />iliAlid ftaIc (It' m:lillfli a~i:I 1M Deed of Tr~, w!'ucl'l lint d~:h"ered herd'!), and If> ret~('n~c~, w,ln<ml ....<In''!H~ all lh.t <br />atHe: .. lldlllil'y )fOil \ttlder thi10 Occd of I f11l'~t 10 1M pcf'l.<m or pcrwn, cnlltled thereto. <br /> <br />1_: <br /> <br /> <br />;,1&~.,~ 'f~ ~;,"* ,)t<<l'-'fMJt'~",": t:.i;j!:t 1,,~* .!~ *,~~1",~ <br />