<br />jB3-003075
<br />
<br />
<br />9. Cnlilu...rioi-. The proceed!; of any award or daim for damages, direct o.r consequential, in conneclion with any
<br />~orothertaking j)ft!le Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance in heu of condemnal1on, are hereby assigned
<br />aaa_ilbe JPliicUo 'L.emtu. . , .
<br />In lhee'V'etltOf ~ ~lrakingof the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums securea by thIS Deed of Trust.
<br />1IridJ. t.bt '. .er, 10 the event of a partial taking oJ the Property, unless Bo~rower and Lender
<br />.' . . "haJI he applied to the sums secured by dlis Deed. of Trust such p!,opomon of the proceeds
<br />uiseql.illt to...~..... ... hiclnneamoum of the sums secured hy Ihis Deed of Trusllmmedlately pnor to the date of
<br />~(beat"$ tojMfair mllri.etnhlcoflhe Property immediately prior to the date of taking, witb the balance of the proceeds
<br />.;==id.toBor;UJ....
<br />Uthe'~y is l'Iba~ by8m'rower. or H, a.fter oOlke by Lender 10 Borrower that Ihecondemnor offers to ~e
<br />lInllward.OI" ~ a claim.fordaR'lllJC$, Borrower fllils 10 respond 1<' l..e.nderwiihm 30 days after lilt;' dale such .notlce IS
<br />~.. L~ ..is8U1tNml'1:!d to<<ll1<<t alld appl')' the proc~, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repaIr of the
<br />Prof*1)'QrI.)Jl.1eSUIm ~edby thil> ~ \1>f 1"nl$(, . .
<br />tlntC'U.t~ aRd~fl;)t!lerwise lIBlee in such llppllc,uio!l I? prinCIpal shall nOI.extend
<br />or~thcdue ,ilI:teQf tiM:. montNy ill$t.Umenls ill pa.:rag,rapt!$ j 1 hereof or change the amount of
<br />sudl Jnmllmesm..
<br />Uk ....W<<.N....a~.Ex~~<<}n of the time fOl
<br />by Ibi$Deellot Trml by tender loanYSUC<:a$I}I in
<br />die liltbill.ty arod B6rr(}wer's
<br />~Ilpllpimt S~$.\tl;:Cf::SJIOf Of relUile extend lor
<br />~bylhis;~ ot Trust by ~aon of any mlute hy
<br />t I.FOorillelll'lllllirC>ll.by IAf...... Nota ",1Ii"'~r, Aoy
<br />oltlll1WiIe afflltded by apptktabie lllw,dlal! om be II
<br />nepwcu~l .of llUiUEance Of of 11l1l;C!I or
<br />rip, 10 ~tetM, maturity of
<br />12. --...(:~. AU
<br />or :r~v WIder tb.m ~. (Ii Trnst or
<br />~"ty.
<br />11. ~_ lUlId AlIiIlIp8--"': ..cia. .lId ~"'~nd UaWUC):
<br />am.uiMd sllill! bm.a. ..;;:dlbe rigbwhereundo:r .ll.llllliHlf1l' 10, lhe
<br />~ 10 the lJI('Q\'i'iil_ Cfl plirllltllph 1 7 hereol Ail
<br />Tile cllf2tlOm lIrid tw:aQlnp .ot me f"V~rllphs tll lhlll
<br />i~ or ddl:ne tb~ ;:mwls<00lI ~t.
<br />14.. No4IIitlt. Exce.!l<< for lI\ny Ilotke i.iiW (I) be g,"en 111 <lnt,ther manner. (;Ii ~IlY nOllce !O
<br />lkifrower pro;rt4ed for In this Deed Ijl be r,m:.h llOlle!:: certified addres.'lied 10 Bormwer ;!II
<br />lMPro~y A;~l'GI!, Of III ttl<::b {Mbu llddress ll.~ iw 10 liS proVIded herein, and
<br />fb} any lllilbCC 1.0 tClrider shall be gJ'l'I!n by cel'tlli.ed mad, return rece-JpI requesled.1<> Cender's address i$tllled herein or 10
<br />MlC;,1:I lXbcraddl_ llll Le.adOf may de$t.n...le b), non,el': 1(\ .B"rrt'''''e!a~ 1li.)lice .pl'ovllied lor HI tins
<br />OIled. of TrUt11 J~lulll lie ~ 10 hllve lleCll Ill\'c:n to lfnrmwer m '."b.en mrnanner de$igoatcu herein,
<br />1$. UMfo... 0._01 T~ G."......... t..lIIW; :v...~,. n'll~ h:>rln 01 deed IW,! combIne;; utlllOrm cow::nanls f,lr
<br />na~ _ 1I.lld non._donn CO"e.n&nIS widt IImlled ..anll.!;IM:I' In eOllslllUle a uniform >lecurny InSlrUlTI!:nt
<br />I,;~DI real ipt'DplmlP, This [)e;ed ot Trwoti'hJl.H be In III winch the P'mperly Islo<;atcd.
<br />11\ h e-.em drtllllll'l) ploYt'!.lOl'l UfChlUJi:lie 01 'll wall applicahle law,. sueh ,:oothel .hall
<br />ncx atfoct, ~ prOVihOtlS ,~( !h~. i)ccd 01 <.\f !he NOle wh.ch can be effecl .",!houl lhe <:onillClmg prov~loll,
<br />lIIIId to IllilSend the p1"OV_1OIIil of the Dcioed IInd the Note are f\) beilllvefllble
<br />16. &.1,...... 'Cop". BolTtlWlI;r shall be /uml~ a loot<1mled ,,;"py'.'/ the NOIe ilrid tllll1i~ Oeed oj Tnm at the lime
<br />of e:u:cutiOfl elf .atlli:'r r<<mQllbOIl lwIrwt.
<br />.,. ~.,... ~)'; "'iii'll 1 ,liilll. If IIU (H all illlerellc! Iherem l~ sold or Iraosfern:J
<br />hy Borrow.. 'wlthoul unders pnor "lInel! ,;on~m, '" .l iiC:Il HI enCllmhl1lMC,mOOrdimue to
<br />1_ 0..1 of n,m, I hI lbe Cl"aIbQfl 1.11 il ptifIC.r._ money mtereol lOt ho~b!Jid a~}j)ltiln..'Q. (" ,,(raMler by dev!!,e,
<br />~ l)l by Opa-lIlKlft ot bt.w Uptlfllhe Out/) 01 iii i'''flI lenalli 1)1' d J 1~1C of ..or le.Men.:.ld IIllleretl <,( three yeu~ III Jes$
<br />.llOIl (:(IIft;lali/:ll...Jl optl_ 10 pufdlaae., lc~r mllY. al Lellder'\ "ptIO.l>., <Ill lbe~\H1\$ loe.curw by th.s l)ecd 01 TrusllO be
<br />l$i~.atdl' tifue al:ldpay.we.,. l..coder lIhaU ~"e ",u~'ed mdJi II) II. pnor III lbellale Ilr ttllllllder. Lender
<br />"lid tbe pcJl1OI~lbO WDiml ,t1w Property III 10 be ",.;,Id 1M IC4"h . wrilul,that tbe crcdll "I such peNon
<br />.. ..1aIac10fJ !() l..-Iler alllllt Ulal I,. Intefa.1 P"Ylll:lle 01' 1i'!<I:'\Jrn~ by Ihll Dlloo 01 Trust ,shall be at IlUCb fine iU
<br />Ll!llIdc,'_Il.~Ilfil!UOlt. If I.AlltlMlla "'1lfflt\4 the opt'~'f\ 1<, :''';l:1:lerlllt' ptOVI<'k-d 1111111$ parll,&l'llpb17, arod .(Borrowe,', sUCctaor
<br />III '...... hu fl;I;~lGIliI ""ftt_ ~ 1I1,R'Cl'llefll ll<!;Ccl*'Q If! wrlbl1l by ul\dl:r. Le.m:ier .hall n:lealle Borrower from
<br />.u 0Wi&at- 1l'9iIWt !IM OIled of TI'UIlI 300 [he Not<<:
<br />If ~r <e'J;.W~_ li\K:b <>pj:iofI 10 a,;:..cdellllC, Ll:llUc1r ,hldi 'mllll llormwer Il(.hcc lfj lICCon:lllooe with
<br />prill'*ffaph I"~, SId.~ 6iM!1 pru". .. "t ""H i<"., tlllUI .l{l from dilt!: lW!ice i~ matlcd wIlnm
<br />wll~ Bo~ttITlllY Jl'IIy.lbe - ~m aue IlUl:!. 11> pay ~u_ pnOl' W the 1I:lI.PIUUOO ot $ueb peflod,
<br />lAIIIlcr me)', "'.II~ f~ ~ (If ~alfIllrd on lny"e "'~I~ n:nledtes perl1'Utted by Il'If'lIlp:llpll 18 hereof.
<br />
<br />NoN,UNlit'Olt.M COl't!iN."NU. iorrow.,..rod l,AillWier (unl)er ,::o\'el'llllJ! j1'ld 1I\jl1ft'M fOUOW1:
<br />... ACft___t ...........~ ......WHm......~ 17 ~t. v,.. .~a"illm!adl of lI,O)' (;~...... iN
<br />~I 11 II 01 a-.. hi ... ~ oE T..... ........_ ~___ tt> lillIY 'IlI'htln due a"~ ._. ~ bYlhif Dl!ed
<br />eI'.~ I..... fIriIN' to. -~.. ....M>iKe l!:J .__.... .pr-wN f. ~ 14 beH4Jfipedf~: It) thr
<br />......., (,l)_ltdM. .~. ... c._ Adt --ki (J}1I _cr. -.. he llllaa 3ttcbt". i_ thc-: ..... the. ootk., is ~ to
<br />....u~. b:rlllWeill~.""'___ cc._ ..... (".1'" l"t:lo eVl. lii4tdl. '--It .. ~r beI_. the ... "'P"Wed
<br />ia.dM!. ......~ -- -____.01 .. __ ~b,IWlt .1-" lllTl1eiIllUlld -'e ., tiM P~y. Thi! IiOfb
<br />...,..... ~ ~ - ... .diM .. ~ 1I#f.W aw.c......lUI<Illflot "10 Im;q. .. "WIt. ~ln ~
<br />.. ~..., ...... - .,........-- .of h_r I",_~ lUI<Il.-, U' tbe .tnuclt 1$ not ,~.ft8
<br />..lilt .~t_ __...~...liil tiM ~'.~ . l~li "',.. dOay ...... . of. !.M.. __ _BIU .~ tWIt 1-"
<br />vI'r.......... ...~ ....,.y..llI.... f~ .~.. _lI'iIav. ~ po_r _ -'ellAl'i JUly "'betl"~
<br />,....... byn"..n....., ~ .fiINIIi. k.,~ .. ~. d. I't'~;;:" -a e.,.... ~ hi ~ ..
<br />........~... ...dUI...........l.. DId...... __. ~ _, .~ mO!l:lM:y'$. '..
<br />If ... ....~. lit ~. of .wait hi",. ~. m wwm ~ '"'Pl'rtY .1 _
<br />.8IdI~_ -~~riW.~ .... ....~. '.IJ.N_er MIlIlim the
<br />~.~.fI>f._"~.__y ~.~taw,l'~"
<br />lh ~r.~ri__ T~ ..~ ~. 1m
<br />tG tbet~ .~. iU.lh 1* _~ellMd"""I_~4~
<br />-"-" 'J'~_y~ T~..~ ,~.."'.'!:Jf aM
<br />ti ...,,,,,. ~ bId.~ - .,.~''''''~..... 1___
<br />
<br />
<br />!l'l(ldifiCli!iOfl {jef amorti2lltion of the sums secured
<br />nN IQ release. in llnY manner,
<br />be required to commence
<br />Ilmorlil'.alion (If I be sums
<br />and .successors in interest
<br />any r.igl'tt or remedy hereunder, or
<br />of such right or remedy,
<br />sball be II waiver .of lender's
<br />
<br />are dlSlloot l.lfld cumulllti...~ 10 any other righl
<br />may b<: eJlerl:!sed C')t\cllrrently, independently or
<br />
<br />
<br />(.;lIIi,ti<:ms;. The (:(tvenll.lltslllld agreements herein
<br />',,(.~c,,&""n alnd a>>jgn.~ 01 Lell<1ef(j.od Borrower,
<br />of BOffOwer dull! be loint and several.
<br />COll.elllence only and lire 1101 to he used to
<br />