<br />
<br />lhe ~ums '\ecul'Oll 'by thi's Deed of Trust shall cantmnc unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower. this Dcc:d of
<br />Trust and the ohbl<l1IHll'l:> re<:ured hereby shall remain in full {,'n:e and effect as if no acceleration had occurred.
<br />2~. Aw..m.mt ofRtmts: Appolfttmeut of Refti\'u: I.fltder in ~on. As additional security hereunder. Borrower
<br />hcreby a\~.<;ign5 to l..endc.r Ihe rcms {;f the Properry. provl(led thai Borrowcr shall. prior to acceleration under paragraph HI
<br />hCTl;('{or atmmllrn~menr of the P~y, 11;1\'e !tIe rigl11 10 coUeet and retain sU\:h rents as lhey become due and payable,
<br />Up;:m occellll,tJon '{mder paragraph I il n.::reof or abandonment of the Property. lender. in person, by agent .or by
<br />, aM be emitled io enter upon. take possessmrn:>f and manage the Property and to collect the
<br />!hose past dne. All re,w. coliected by Lender tlr the receiver 'Shall be appl'led firs! 10 payment
<br />the Property and colkcrion nf l'l!Ob. IndudinE. hut not limitedlQ, recei\'er's fees. premiums
<br />reas.:tn"ble aHomey's fees. and then to the slims se.:;ured by this Deed of Trust. Lender and the
<br />
<br />~det's option. prior to full reconveyance of the Property
<br />SIx:h Fmure Advances. with interest thereon. shan be
<br />1\l:uing that ~id nole.<; ,u"e'J;el;ured hereby. At no time shalL
<br />'f!'\IS!. not including sum~ IIdvanced in aecordsnce herewith
<br />of the Nme phl'ii OS $ .
<br />!:If 'rn.l$.t. Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey
<br />S('Cured by this Ol..'ed I.lf Trust
<br />char~ to Ihe person or persons legally
<br />
<br />
<br />bpl I (')f' , mllV !Wfll ti!'l'\!: W
<br />r lIn iry~u1rmerll l,"'Cordcd ill !he
<br />'S'UCi::'e~s():r trU$l.ee s~~dJ 5dJ,t;;'"eed u) an
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />remove Trum:ee and appoint a slu;cesmr
<br />III will-en this Deed of Tn!""t is recorded.
<br />litle, power and oUlies. confemd upon
<br />
<br />lhc TruMtt herem
<br />:Z4, Req_t ft\1" requcm li"l.lt C<)Pl~$ of the nullC;: of def:u!h ;lnd nolice of !..lIte be 5em 10 Borrower's
<br />,,;:l<.lr~' wind., l~ ttle Property Add.re'lil,
<br />
<br />l~ WHN~'.S!l WffEREOt" Borrower has ('J(.eculcd Ihl,fX'ed o! Tnts!.
<br />
<br />
<br />\,-'i
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />, 19
<br />p<:r"lloilllv Olt:r!\"
<br />
<br />COUnty !IS;
<br />befOfll, me. the underslll-!1ed, II Notary. Pu!>lie
<br />t, t ~ ~"Ljl ,~:dn.n dn,(~ 1/lCt(1 ,L.
<br />
<br />. " 10 me known to he the
<br />111'i.!fumenl and lldmowl<:dgcd !he execution
<br />
<br />Sun Of NUiIl"l~",
<br />On 1111'S
<br />,,'Ommt~!l\or:(:d and
<br />
<br />ldenltl::"j p<:rsoll!~ \ '~'ih,\iCril"ll.:d I" the
<br />Ihl'fl"Ot !o he W!!lJtH,UV llC! ;md (ked
<br />Wlllles~ my hand and nl~llmll "cui a!
<br />daltll.lmeuld.
<br />
<br />
<br />-4_
<br />
<br />-.~
<br />
<br />. ., l!'l :!.iilid county. lh~'
<br />
<br />M~' COmmlS$!Olt
<br />J:_lIIOfM'r. $\:dt '*.-.
<br />J.AN1I! TllUil;fP
<br />I. ,Ii' --'1:" _:rl. _
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />for,u,'.snl:'
<br />
<br />"
<br />
<br />l'k undcl~~tl~M(\ I;~ 1m:- hoWeI' ,* the n{lte n"'I(;~ ~.::-cured b.,. lilts [)ere ()[ Trust, S,lld note or llotC$, together
<br />wtlll i~1I ulher HH:!chlrol~eli~ ',ccun:d bv !h!~ [~,~ nl r n"c l'!;]VC' b{'en pllld m full. YOu llrc hereby directed to cancel
<br />'llid Ilute n(~h:~,~ "'(ld 1I'H~ (Rilttl Tt\.l~, ,....Indl are ddlYel'cd herd,y, l~nd l<.l recotl1,ey, wilhout warranty, :Ill the
<br />ti\.!l!ttc 1;OW !leid Y,)U IJn<i~f ~hl$ .Oiec,;;l ollru."l '" !he penon 01' pelf>~'flS leg,tlly entItled lhcn::tQ.
<br />
<br />Date; .
<br />
<br />f~~~tiI'- :e~~--.t~~_J\-$ ,t,;~.. Jt~~-N' &i'fl;-P' ~~ aM ~,*>i;-IJ,t~.fi
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />