<br />B3- j 1,1:5075
<br />
<br />U"'Il'OIItM fO\i1'!N!lfirTS.. 8cn'OW~I"oo Lem:lef covenant and ag~ as follows.:
<br />
<br />iI. Par-II ,ef Pri..... ... 1_._.. Born_r ~h311 promptly pay ...hen due the principal of and interest on the
<br />.nddlfedn= eVf;:lenced I~ the Note. prepaymmt and 1:<le cha~ as provided '" the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future ^dvancc:ssecured bv In". r~d of Trust.
<br />1. V.... I... T_ ... I....;.._~ Subfecl 10 applicable law or 10 a written waiftr by Leuder, ~ shalf plIy
<br />10 LeRder on the' day nxmtbly installments ot princ'pal and inleresl are pa}"able under the Note, until the Nare is paid in full,
<br />a -~ {herein ~F,tmds-J equal to one-twelfth of the ye:arlv lUes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust, a100 grOUlIld rents on the Property. if any. plu. one-Iwdfth of yearly premium install~ts for hazanf msutatM:e,
<br />pillS (me-twelftbof yearly premium .nstallmenf!l (or mortgage insurance. if any. all 3S reasonably estimated initlally and from
<br />time to time by Lender ~m the basis of asseurnents and blll,o; and reasonable estimates lhereot
<br />The Fund!! ,s.'IaJl be held in an institution the depo~it,o; or accounts of which are imured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state ;!gem:y linciluding Lender if tender is such an inslftutuml. Lender shallappIy the Funds to pay said taxes., assessments.
<br />'mtlTlUlCe pmmit'Mlt and ground rent!'. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing !laW account
<br />IX verifying and c(mpihng Sltid ~tx and bills, "nl~" Lender pays Borrower ;nterest on tbe Funds and appliclfble law
<br />pennit; tender to mak.e such a charge. BorrOWl:r and lender m'ay agree in writing at the lime of c:o;ecution of this
<br />Deed of Trust thaI illlerm 00 the Funds shall be plud 10 Borrower. and unlc:s;! slIch agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires SlIch inc,t'Tl1!llt to be paid. Lender .hall not be requm:d to pay Imrrower any Interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give In &mrOWff, ~mhout charge, an annual accoltnlltlg (>f the Funds '\howlfljl credits and debits to lhe Funds and the
<br />pllrpolll: fOr wlm::h each debit to the Funds was made. ibe Fund$' are pledged as additional security for the !l\urm ~
<br />lw Ihis Deed of Tm5t.
<br />, If lhe lll'lt'lOllint of the Funds hdO by Lender. lngether w;lh lhe Imure merllnly installments of Fur.ds paYllble prior to
<br />lhe dlre dales of ifaJIe!l. ar~ts, ill$utllllCe premiums and ground rent~. shall exce.::d the amount required to pay said tllllell.
<br />a_menls. inMtnlnce premmms ;md ji:r~md r!/111S M Ih{'~; I;dl due. ~uch e~cl:'ls shaH be. lit Borrower's option, either
<br />praml'dy repaid '<1 Bonrnwer Or credited 10 Borrower on monthly installmellts of Funds. If the amount (If the Funds
<br />held hl1 Lender ",,'ml! !'>Of he llufficient In pay l;..e~. JUscs<mCJ;lS. IrtSuram:e premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrowersh1l41 p.lI.Y' '" L~,ndcr any amount rn:C6$l1ry 1O make up ;he dcfioencv w!ln'" 30 days from the dale notice is mailed
<br />by lender to 9oIrn_ J'eq~i. pli~t thereof.
<br />Upon {l'aymeru. in full t,( ..Jl "'l!'ml ""c.....,o by !h,s ()eed 01 Trm.!. Lender shall prnmplly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />1'le~d by Lender. If ,rnder plIrattrapll HI hereof the "mid or !!lC Property 'solhcrwi<<e acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />5hllU apply. no '''ler Inllilt lmmedwefy Il'flor !f> th.~: ,ht' nr its a'qms'lion by Lc:nder, any Funds hde hy
<br />Lttnder lit the tinilc of lI:~~lion as 1I cred~t :!Igllimt lh>e U!rrt. Lleed 01 Trus!. .
<br />3. A~"" ~fll".~ Unl~~ '4'. rmw,rlc, olhe:r....,x. IIli payment' received by Lender under lhe
<br />Note lIml I find :1: h~reol ""baH hv lct'ldc' t\r~1 'I> parmer>! of amoullts payable 10 Lender by BCfl"OWer
<br />ull4er he!reot. then tn !fItet'i!:~.1 Or! the NC'le. !hen ;0 lh-e pnrKlpal ni !he Nole. lInd then !O interest lllld
<br />on 1lI.ny Future Ad~~.
<br />~ i1eta. Ik>rMW"" s....aH pa}' ;Ill la~e.. "'~"'''lnl:'hh ~mi olher dlilrge"fines ~fl4 ,mpositionll 1IIlril'mtabll: 10
<br />the Propel'ty which ~Hlbtl a "ver ,1'1,1< ~oi Tm1it. and leilllelmhi pllymenl.s or ground rents. jf any, in tbe
<br />fnlim:le'f prov~ Pt. if mx il' Ml<:'h mlllmer, by. Borrower m~I(I!'I!l "lIyment, when due, directly
<br />10 lhe PllY<< thereof. Blil'rmwer ,,;. !.<:ode" ~i1 l'Oi1n~s oi,.moanl!: line under !Ius pllNllgl"lI.ph. twe in the
<br />""lIeUl fkn:rowef $hall rnfie ~n,,!l furmsh w t.1t"ltkr evilkncmgnlCh paytnent5.
<br />BOn1t>'w<eT $i1.IIf! IJee:d 01 Tnt!!>!: thaI fl{,rrnwcr shill! not be
<br />hi l1!'l'i' u..:h to Ihe paymcl'll oJ the nbhgtllioll se<::Uf'ro by
<br />hen It' I< mjj,nftm' lil.Q~l'lf1lihj~ ll:"'der. ,)f $h..H if! !(t'X'ld <OOlesl $W,;t. by. or ,k:fend enlorcement of n",h lien Il'l.
<br />11ilpl prl~~ w.l'ud, 1'" lm::i/'eln the <::'i"'rr:em~"t 01 the h,,,., 0" #"II;:'II"r",.. of the or part t.hereof.
<br />~. If '-'"11. t~H luec,p Ill'>: 0< i'.ereallllF on Ihe imured
<br />l~ hy lhi:. hazJlin:h meluded ""thm tbe term ,uch other tlau.fdli a~ b:'liIder mllY reqUIre
<br />HM:n liifl\1O!lfl'!.silnd 'I'F( ~lJCn ,1\ Lemk.. Ih,,; Lender ~ni1l111f)! Ihal live IImounl 01
<br />e",,~ Ihlll ilmt:lUm nlV>!tf1>.ll!e 10 ~"'''''' ~"red llll~ Deed oj
<br />Tf~ Oilrn~ i.''''O't'lJ;1iP" tt..e HlM,r:i.ni:e ,ball hy R"rrowt'r 10 by leflder: PfClv.deU..
<br />tlBt JNci:IlItppWVlI! sh.Ul'IOi l)<l \!l'll_m.ilrhtv w,tl'lh<:l:d All fl'T,enUtlm:1 on Il'l1lulJ.locepohdes he jmld If! 1M matmef'
<br />pr~ ~ p....p:!l'~1I2 ber1t<:>{ Of. "Cll l'>lllld ," rnJ1"'~'. "'I Borro....er "'lOI!l:itl:g paymelll. when due, directly to the
<br />l~~~"
<br />All
<br />
<br />~ueh
<br />
<br />alld ff.~_i~ Illeff.<l'l $IMlll b<t In i.."m ,,((,t~idblit hI iooder u.oo ~llilH ,"dudl: it standard ml:fI1IIllJt
<br />It} L>:!lOeii !~fld.el ~li"li ":>Vie .he nilbt MY ~;Id !!'le aoo ff.n~w/ll~ lhereof.
<br />~n I"ft:>mfl'liy II' L-Z..".Iltf II!! n-:l""",~l n"'~l<:lt~ ~I'!<l "II flf!jl:<;lf'!$ <>f 11'1 !he event of 1000!I.
<br />llhlllil~li"'\t 'pl'Qmp\! ',.Oi.!{ilt '" !he H!%UI"IMl!';>;: ~nd !t:,,<kr 1. .~~de' millY pn:>o! (,II"s.~ .i no! m""~e ?Hlmptly
<br />i:ly~~.
<br />\Jnie1l~
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />~hall l'Iot eltteod
<br />the am.!)UUI .)f
<br />of Bonowllr
<br />prfOr 10 lhe "I."
<br />pnOf to such ule or
<br />
<br />~ Vd l)e~ Borrower
<br />or d<:I1t"or>l!;,rll "./ ,hi: f'Topefty
<br />If ihis Deed of Tn~l HI ,m II unit in Ii
<br />oWi~~r> urnl4er the dechmllioll
<br />by-laW!> and m t~
<br />or lk~elOj:lmelll
<br />;,r ~uch rM:ler
<br />'rosl "1; if Ine nder
<br />
<br />f"X~fJ1.JH
<br />
<br />afm ilclf<<menlS cofltlti~d III thi"
<br />Lender'~ in:!tt'eSl m jhl: Propeny.
<br />or pnx:eed,oif!' mv()!vmll >l
<br />",ppear.an'::<:$. didlUr!l() such
<br />nul. nol hmiled It:>. d,~bur';Cm<el'lt n!
<br />mak.: '''I'"..H If r~umlti ""'llgllse "'~""~ncc ll$ a
<br />BOH""'''! ./laH Il'il}, If,,: premium" reqwf"d lo maml"m ~..<;h
<br />'j.tKh l~~W(;rn,,'< ielmU),at-~ ~'n: .a-c(:t~t-rdaft<;.-e wtd, B,f'i:f.r(~,",,'ers af\cl
<br />.il,," P"i 1ft" MI...::!,mt nl ~H mmtgage .tl$urllnc!e pt<:miums !n I he.
<br />
<br />t~e:~ -t~f ikw'.r~f!:,~r !f~~'Ufe,,{j b~' ::t'U-s
<br />"I'I>"."'~, ~~j! ~
<br />.Jtic ot
<br />.Jln~"
<br />
<br />7" ~d:h "ntetat ibenO(L _~ha.u ~{H'lle addj;tiunai
<br />~nd Lc:O!der a,gre.: It' "t~t 'efm~ 0.1 pa.vl1'I!:ni. $",,1\
<br />;('~hi!Obni p;j}>,'~-rl:i :-r-i("l"c-oi. ,.Htd '1<haH be~u Hltera.t tro<m tbe
<br />tl~,. !,he ?'k~e ""'~$ P.Y~1 of '!'IIii'm!
<br />llITl<llJoh:;hilH ~':Mtll:'1,1 ~! ;~ lUlhell! !lIlt
<br />'<;<lu',e L(:"der ,nlCUI an", e_~r;1Ioil' ,,, lah
<br />
<br />
<br />q~
<br />
<br />,1",'1< !''t f<'lMIt 1~."sn~!;,l~ rn!nc-' lifl'{'" 41l<l :!>\f"!l< !'OM ,)/ Iii< PfOl"IH'!~.
<br />~ltt H,}"&~""I:"'>it( '~P"!~-;:,d'fn'lll rrit~,}f14t'l~f" '_~iJ:H d1i~:r..trH f~L~t~f
<br />
<br />