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<br />.. M4ivff "f'~'. .<!:d ('-rme ~ p(~y
<br />'. ~... tie ".... t.,.. ....~ Iii4 . ~___ -.. t~. T~
<br />I.. ~ -I::-.t.......... f~ -*n (>>'1_" Nl~ ~'_li IiillI$ U"'_ IJIl th ...., _~ -.
<br />-........ "...r...."..,_~~ .!!:S~ ~ *~.... ..~, "".....uluh "~y'" f",,-, __.-Dol
<br />"'41_104"," to.............,.. ~.. T~ UIl\t ~"'> th 1tJonu, fi MY, 'IV . lM-" F- ~y ~*W
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<br />" I.. ._l......... a.t n ~, N"","',~_4"!;:t l,u'*r'" >K:<:.ekrMil<)f! 1>1 {~ ~"m~
<br />lIhrf~"~ ~ n~ t~ ~ ~ _y pt"""-.:Il...~ bo;,g_ t>'~ I.A_'. ",,,Ion,..: 'hi<<
<br />4iOlldll!U' ~ _ ~f i<i t~ if~!*, u." ~f@fe lli(! """ill <>tIll(!
<br />
<br />
<br />9. C.'r-""'V'" The proceeds of any award or claIm for damages, direct or consequential, m connection v.tith any
<br />coademaatioll or OIbertalcioa of the Property. or part then::ot, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby asstgned
<br />IIIId UWI be paid fO Leader. . ,
<br />III me eooent of a .tOOlllaking of me Pmpeny. the proceeds shall be applied 10 the sums secun:d by dus Deed of Trust.
<br />with the -. if !lilY, paid to Borrower, In lhe event of it partial taking of the !'mperty, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />~.ql"Ce m writinJ. lMn: shall be applied lO the sums secured by tillS Deed ot Trost ,such proportIon of the proceeds
<br />-~. ~tG.that pl'oportjon which the: at'I:lOIml of the sums secured by this Deed of Trost Immedtllle!yprlor to the date of
<br />_iqhears ro theftlir lI'W'tet vatueof thePToperty immediateiypnor to the date of tllking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />Pitid. m Borrower.
<br />If the Property is ahand<med by Borro....'C'r. or after notice hy Lender 10 Borrower that the condemnor offers to!DH:e
<br />_awant 01' $Cute a claim for 4ama~ Borrower 10 rapond 10 Lender within 30 days after the: date 'Such.noheels
<br />~.~' it wthori:zed ro cOI*:l ll1Idapply the proceeds. al Lender's Option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />~yor fo the S\1mSSl!CU:r. by tnJsOeed <)f: TI'U$I. . . .. .
<br />HnleuL~aoo Botm~ ~i$C in such appl1Cllllm. (I(proceeds to prmC!paf shall not extend
<br />0.' , . ~.. .. .. tile d~ daU: ~f the tn<:l<Ulbly to In paragraphs I and :2 hereof or elmnge the lImount of
<br />sud:lms_Jb~.
<br />.t. .........", Not R~ of llJ:ni)rtiZll1iollOf the sumsi5eClIred
<br />by thili.Decc1ot T'rtBl ~.edbl' to oot operate to release, in anYntllnner,
<br />the liabi.!ity ()( tile oriS'!MI &rn>Wet a.nd ~CleSSOr$ 'II} mteren. shaH nol be required !i} commence
<br />refuse 10 e.~lead lim>: for or otber"N's;e mooifyaffiortintion of the sums
<br />ot any demand hy and Boi"rower's succes..sors in interest.
<br />Nof.. W__> lien)' right.nr remedy hereunder, or
<br />odllCrw... altiorCed bv Jaw, "fu"lH pfecrnde the of an.)' such "!.lln or rll.medy,
<br />'T'bl: ~l Qt. [~(lr, tbe pll)'mllnl luCl> Qf ~)lhel' !lefl,,~ . Lendet1lmU not bea WiU\!'el' l).f Lender's
<br />ri.... to ~Ale tbe matur~ty of the lndel:'''!ednes'S 'fl:cured thi~.. ,
<br />U. ......... .:::~_, All ll'l Deed ()I T!Ullta:fe distloct and cumulative to allY olhel' nglll
<br />(}f ~w~ tflr'" .~ of Tn.l$1 or hy iaw or cqUtlY, linu may he exercm:U concurrently, illUeJll!:t'ldently Qr
<br />
<br />~~ UIlI .It.... __.; ,1.1 .llNt Sn<~ iJaWlkf; ClIfitioas. T~ nwcl'lll.nl$ herein
<br />oo<<lila.iACd dl.ltilmnd, lOil4 the Nghts Mreu~r shllll inure I". the $~'o:eswt$ and and Borrower,
<br />~ h}lbl~ PfOV~- oj !'*QlAph 17 hemttl, AI! .;iI1Tllle~n;. af Borrower and severlll
<br />~ ~ ~=",::~':s:r'''~ !lilb!!; Tmsl an: lor Ct,nveruence ol\ly and are not to he used to
<br />
<br />14.. Nudc:e. I:Jlcept fl:l!r _)' 00j;~~ requ&ned under nollee 10
<br />Botr~r pravu.dl(1f m 1M ~ 01 TnJlit llillOll .bcl at
<br />tile PN:lfCnlf Ad4,_~ (If' ltl. tucb j)fnel ",lid,. 'u and
<br />{b} lInY l!iO'ba! tt! l.e9det sillaU !:it {!:i'1lfI by certified mail, 01' 10
<br />sudl ~ .ddRUiti ~ ffi.II.y daiplllW by fI'OI,<:C \{> in this
<br />Deed of TNIt lIbti,! bI: dc:cmed to lttJ'I'e bee~1 l!I"vc:n 10 .Bof!'ll'\Ii'l1ir or when ffilUllltlrdetillflale(i herein,
<br />1.5. U"" D_ ""T~ G.Y_,"",", 1",_; &t1r'~Y,. Tha form i>1 deed !nlla unitorm l:ovenanh for
<br />t\ltt.i~ UNi line! _.~.lwm Cl?iilliMIWI wnh ilmited Yanll!~ 1(> cons-mule: l't s,~<:;ul'iW imll'l.lmenl
<br />l:Q~rinI.R:lII! p4r~~')L'",iIi .~ <::It 1'1'11111 ilLtlllll\: by (yf the III lhe ProperlY IS locl'lted
<br />left lIIcn>l/Im dMtlmy' pr-.lOQ Of dliUle ...{ lh,~o!. or the NOfe 11IW,. such cUfll1icl shall
<br />M( .idJoet ~t' pI'_~ !.'it l~ t~ ul Of !I'!;: Nl~e whfCb can IbeCOllfliclltlll provision,
<br />oUld to lb. aid theprtw~at the ~.. o{ "'11U tl'!;: Note l\U~
<br />I., ............ C..,.. io~f ~1II11 be: lunhtohW II c()n!ornJed ,oPr (}!Ihe
<br />M ~ lOf UW- tel:~~.
<br />." ~"'tIIe Pil.,..tlr, ....'M1I't...... Il Ill! m p",n M !ll;! Ptn,:>IfIIY (}~ an InlerCl>1 tll;!rem 1$ sold (}r lfllntierred
<br />by ~ wuhoot l~npnot' .otten COrniil:tlt. 11 Jibe <;;r<ea!l(l'l ~. hen <;If eni;umbrllnce 1ulxmhrllile to
<br />Ibt$ Dai::cI of Tr~. lb.! die ~n ()! ilIi ptu.n::~ tlll:M'Ie). lrl!~fe.l lQr (C J 1I !riln~fer by &V!JfOe.
<br />~. ... or by \}'~i)Q of. law _POll me dealn 01 " IlCltll! l.en/lII' ,)f i d) !.he ()l ilif;.Y.. intelQ! ttt ,')r les~
<br />lKl4 ~uu. ll1I opIKm to ~. t~fmliiY, ,,' L~r '1 t)f"!()~", "I{ the ~.lJm1 ~i:llJed Ihl$lO be
<br />Im~, ~kte..r1d pa)'llbk, l.l:~r _iI ba\fe """.~ 10 iI, Lendet.
<br />iU'lQ!be ptrklft to whum ,me I"ropetty 3 k~ bt;"ol>d ",( '(:01,:/:1 person
<br />"'5 U~!Ory 11(1 l.ilmOer and IMl tile "11 tht ii>um$ note a~
<br />~ IIb11lll'lllq_t- lll<ll~.~ ""~ It' I\.lJ(;X:aIIOf
<br />!I\ ~.bu C'~ltld... .\nitttM ~ptolml rele'lt!ie &rR'flInr from
<br />lI;~ obU~i tlad<< tn.. .Dcct:d ot Tnm a.OO
<br />l.t l~il' ~.err;lrta.1IUdI i)p$,'iim tI"~~enlAe. nOh.;;c ,,! "",deration m wIlh
<br />p.,.,.'I"'Ilpit 14~, ~~ II lr(ltfl lh;: w,thin
<br />w~ a..-. .-y pe)1 the -- $W'~ to ~1f peflOO,
<br />1iIl8dillr -yo 'lIIl'lsOOW: j~r -tat Of by p;or.,11taph l!l
<br />
<br />NON.UNtflCltLM C(N'.N~ ~ ll~ Le~ hM1heif C<t..eMnt iIlnd 1IgJ'= ., l'oHC'JIn;
<br />Ill. 4~1_! .......... .~..,.,..,.... m .~. 17 ~.,. ~ aon-... ~b I:ll II"" 'l.'O"~ M
<br />:f." . III of ~ .- ~..wi y"*,.~ I. m~ ...,., -.. '* 1In1 _ .~BJo Ibau-1
<br />.T...... ~...I'm ....... ....... .1IIIIiiIIf .~ h~ ~..._ ... 'fml~ it: ....... 14 hcftof llpedf:ti8l: (i) tile
<br />~. ~l)_ ,.....~ "' ~ .MdI. ~"; (.)) lid..." ao4 -. UIM Jt fhI".f_ me .....iIe ~:l': b ~ ..
<br />......... .., 'l!lihka ..... ......... ___ ~;. .UIlI(4!... ~ Jo _ ~kaleh _ << hdefe me ..~ ~
<br />....~.., ftlI'lIIit_____.t tile --.~ ~Iil.~ (lfl't......... of .It.. 'rl>fM:rty, l'ire: mmce
<br />...f.....r.. .~ of .. ~ ... ""..... ld_tllOC"'~ ... .tM 1'_ t. ~ JII court ~ 1.<1 lISMrt
<br />--Ill "~.'tll ftl...of 1IItW'.. --,.....,_ of ~ I~ lIOC-.___ .. die. U t. Mt'lildI itltKol c.mt
<br />..- W".I!W .... .~. .._~, ~ .. t' . of. .tbe .~~ !ie<:!U'fllu,r .his. {~
<br />rtl T,..... ~...,........~w....l.. ... a.of _....,. 01'" .I"t~
<br />.~.,.~j~_,l~."'''.~.~1.tr~~... n,... ~ is.~ at'
<br />~~"t""~l"~_ M<l ~i", "'____ ~:r'* f_
<br />'rl~'" .~1I __~ .f ...... _ Wl:h .be Pt.,., <11'_.,
<br />~ of..... t .IIM io *
<br />-, AI........ o(.<'t. . tI)'. ~pik"'f.aw,'J'(__"
<br />me ~r ~.~ . 'r~, ...itJtM,1 ._d ~
<br />.......- .,~.~~~- - ~b>Kt..~ lII. "",,1'-IlOlld"'fIK~ .1md__1' d.", tuUM ~
<br />_1'~_1 .~. r~ _, ~M.1MIie of .IIi)
<br />..... ... .~ .. -, ~y ~... ~ tl\'lIllkr ..or
<br />
<br />
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<br />