<br />,m: sums, ~tlretll by this Deed of Trun shall continue unimpaired. Upon such payme.m and cure by Borrower. lhis Deed of
<br />Trust and the ooh~ratwnll secured hereby shall remain m lull !Nee llnd effect as if no acceleration had occurred.
<br />23. AliiSi..._ of Rents; AppoiIdlM1lt of Receiver, l..emkr in p~ As additional security hereunder. Borrower
<br />ht;reby 111>si'j!ns tt" tendel' the n:nh of the Property, provided that Borrower shall. prior to acceleration under paragraph IK
<br />tteTe<)f ,.". abllM~nmenl of the l"ropeny. have the ngtn 10 =l!eel and retain such rCflts as rhey become. due, and payable.
<br />lJ n acede-ratloo under p'.l.rIl!traph 1 jI, hereof or abanckmmenl of the Property. Lender. in person. by agent or by
<br />upon, take pos,<iession of and manage the Property and 10 collect the
<br />. ts caliceled by Lender or the receiver shall he applied first to payment
<br />L-t the CQ$;IS 01 m;m,agemem (If the PH'f'eny aIld C{,I!ccll<)l'l of rents. including. but not limited to. receiver's fees. premiums
<br />on fOCeJ\ier\ lx,nd~ aM re:U>OfIat>l.e ltHNlle\r's fees, :md thell to Ihe ~l.lms secured by this Deed (If Trust. Lender and 'the
<br />t~"cr~n<l!l bit Mllble to ll\C<:oum olliv for rrlo'ie rents actul1llv received,
<br />Zi. FumreA<lfvU<<llL ~ &m,l\1\1Cr, tender, al Lender's option. pncr to filII reconveyance> of tlwProperty
<br />!>)' Twstee lQ &'IT~ef. m<ty Adv<llncc>s BorrnweL Such Future: .'\dvlInces. with interest thereon, shan be
<br />notes "<ltHl; that saki !l(lte. are: secured hereby, Al fI" time Jhail
<br />of 'Trll5!. n,)\ mdudmg sum. advanced in accordance herewith
<br />amount of l'lQte ptU!i. US $ ,
<br />till;; Deed of lender shall request Tnllitee 1'0 reconvey
<br />Trl1,Sl all lJ(ltl:\\ evidencing jndcbte~ ~tlr:ed by this Deed. of Trust
<br />Property ',withem WlIWllrty and Without charge tt' tile ~nIlOn or pcnons legally
<br />
<br />TnlSCtee and a~ir.t \'I SUCCfl$Or
<br />which this ~ of Tnlsf it rewl'dell
<br />litte, power lmd dutj1!5 COIfferred > upon
<br />
<br />
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<br />l~w.
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<br />ProperlY Address,
<br />
<br />J1'< WtTNl':~,:S WUl' JU':Of, B(ll'rc!W'\."f hlJIi. ('xetult-d Ihi" o..'e(j 01 TrUllt,
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