<br />83........003074
<br />
<br />
<br />UNWOIlM CtlIYEHAlrorrs. Borrower and lender covenant and agree 35 lollows:
<br />
<br />I. _~ of Prfadplli HIlI ItdieIat.. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the prim:ipa~ of and interest on the
<br />i~ eY1~ by tbe Note, prepayment and lJ1te charges: as provided in the Note. and tbe principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advancelli secured !:Iv this Deed of Trust,
<br />%. "''' f.w T_ ... I~. Subject to applicahle law or 10 a written waiver by ~. Borrower shall pay
<br />10 Lender on tbc~ clIay J'l'llJnlhly installments of principal and interest are payable under tbe Nole, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a _(he.'"ejn '''Funds~l equal. tn. olW'twelffh 01 the yearly t"xcs and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust, 1l>nd ground renls on the Property, if any, plus ol1C-lwelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-lWdfth of yearly premium instalfmcnts for mongage insurnoce. if any, aU as reasonably eslimated initiaily and from
<br />time to time .bYlLender 'Im the basis of _menls and hifls and 1c;L<;<;mablc <~mates thereof.
<br />Tbe Fundtshan be:beld in 3n institutlon lbe ~ils ar accotloLs of which- are lllsured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />stale agency {including btnder jf tender is such an insututlonl. Lender shall apply the Funds 10 pay saidlaxes. assessments.
<br />Inmrnm:e ~nm 2100 ~rmlnd tel"It.s. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing :!laid accoUt'lt
<br />or verifying aoo com~ing sliid_tll and bilb, unl;e$s Len<iler pays Borrower imerest Oil tile Funds and applicllble law
<br />prmnil!! Lend:I!r It) mUe well a charge. Bormwer and Lender may agree in \Vming at the lime of execulion of this
<br />Deed of TtWit IlIar lnlerC$l: on lbe Fnn.\k shaf{ he pmd 10 Borrower. and tll1le!is 11,ucn agreement is mllfk or applicable law
<br />~Jta suctr inlie~ to be paid. [.m<:ler shall <>{,I he re"qumed 10 pay Borrower ~my In!eresl or earnings on the Funds. tender
<br />!l;ltan )give 1,0 &rr_r. withm1t charge, lUl lll'lIU,al of the Funds showing credits and debils 10 the Funds and the
<br />pltrpG!lielor which ~ debit to the Funds was mAde. lire pledged as addit.ional lle<:l.uity for the sums.seeut'I!d
<br />h)' thl1t ~ in Trnst.
<br />if the aml>t1!ntoflbe Ftmds held l:lyLender. lt~her .....ithlhe future momhly install_ts of Funds payable prior. 10
<br />lhe dtie d~ ol'!l(x\Cll,lI!~nt~, iMt_~premium'!i and gmund rem~, ~"lllllj{ceed the amount required topa)' said taxes.
<br />~ments. 1Il5un.m:e prem~um$ !rnd grmm<! rents as the'l 11Ill dltl:e. ~u.l;h excess .hall he. III Bort'ower's (lplioll.eil~
<br />f'lI'llomli't1y fieplilW to ~ <'1\1' ,crOOited to Borrower 00 ,nstanrnl:l:lts of Funds, If lb<e ltmounl of the Funds
<br />helt11'1y tender ~MII not !:Me. $~d'llcienl 10 PllY lMie". llsliti~t;.menlll, premiufII& linG ground renls as they fallduc,
<br />&"0_ ~lulil piJJ' to Le~ ll1tjl1ll:l'i'lOI.H11 fl<CChr)" In make uPIl1ew.jhm 30 day~ from lhe dale notice m mailed
<br />by t~r la ~r P~I!m:l'Wl'.
<br />UlX'fl m ,)1 ~_ $ocured IhlJi Deed ollrU~I, Lender$hall
<br />heh:U.y U pllfa~aph IS here,,1 \~ ~nkt m the
<br />~ltll<U 3pply, m) bl!~ t!:lllll im~mlety pnm 'n li~ Ibe
<br />Lem1er al. t.he!imf. ",f ll~~!ion ll>' ill credit ~aimt the '.um~
<br />), A~ ofP,.,_..ili.. 1;"... t'fl)\!ulc!> recewed by Lender ua'ldec dre
<br />Note: lIind P<l:rill!.fj~!,l~t~ I Mil'l<! ]; hcrrof hI' Il'nde(!ir~1 ;unollnh p,ljIahle to tender hy IklttOWlll'
<br />tl~ pat'lIIl!:t'llFt :il herecot, lIMen In int.era! on lll<:: ~'''!e. I.OCI1 10 ptim;rpil! o! Ihe Nme. and then 10 inlc~ and
<br />"nnaplll/ onllll!:Y Future .'\tWltM'..
<br />4, ~: I.... B,'lf'I't>""''ltf' IMll pay Illl U~l(:' a~UCliltml'!m' :md alfie! thll~. line!! :art" lmpo!lllmns altributable 10
<br />the ,.~"' whkh may attAin 1Il ,!wru.y lweI' !i1I,~ need 01 r(\l~t lInri 1l!<L'!clKtld payments l)t g:rmma rent', if llny, in the
<br />m\Ultlli!'f provid!!d I.l:mler lrmragmpn 2 he,real' ,( n,'l! in ~\Ich mlllnrter, 80Fl"t'rWl'!f. ffi3ltinll pa)'mefI.t, whei1 dUe. directly
<br />~ni1l:11 m Lemk-r ill! m>!l(1l!CS junmml~ due w'lder thill p'.rnMt'llptl, iWd in the
<br />flrH 5n.lll IllnH\n II' Lender receipts e'Vldel'letn~ such pllytnflnts,
<br />which ha$ of TIU,;l; p''''',ded, ,h~t Sorrower ~h!iln not he
<br />Il1\ B.lfHIWey 10 th(: pilymen! ot the obiigahon lecmed by
<br />"..,!I /lei'll<> ilO mll'l'ulJlttti~::eptJtbk !(, (~ lit goml by, <.If de:tct:'lrl enforcement of illCh hen in.
<br />~.I.pr~Jj...blCh~lt to pre~1!t enhm:eme!1t "r forfeiture 01 !ltePmpc:rty ~lt allY part l!lereoL
<br />5'. II 1___i:'I!. BOl'Y.O\!\<ef ~hilH lh.t (1' herellfter eret.':led on the Properly insured
<br />:Ila-mlit Iou by !'11Ft'. hal:l1Inft 'l'Idu~ Wllnl<'l It:rm ~u(;h oIlier hiilUlrd~ l!5 tender mllyr~uifl:
<br />and m slIch 1II'l'I00~!lt!l; lO.t'\<di 1m ~lIchh:nd<:r nu~ '~quu,,; Ihllt Lender shilllllO! teqlnft: thaI the amlJiUl"lt of
<br />nlt'n tr"~ lnill """l:nl!,Il<:: t'ltI~H'I"rl iI:' ~um, !Ill:;cured Ih" l)ew of 'hUM.
<br />1M !:lIlT>er ,the lI1~<lU"C(, -hall h~: g"rrt'IW(,1' 1(1 "pprtWlll hy lender; provided.
<br />llat IIl\Id1 lIllfIWV31 ,ball !lOt l,mr_bl" ""thlkl& 1\11 p.rellt'lI_ at! HlJtunH,ee j':l1ll!ll::fm shall l:x: pIil,din the manINIt
<br />~ u~ lldl~.II.pb 1 hera,! r,m f'llal '" '11<::11 flHnll'K'tf. b~. 3l'lfTl""'fl m-ak~ng paymem. when due. directly 10 tbe
<br />t~1'lCe ~.
<br />All '''"fir_I!: ;poflC1le$ 11m:! ref1leWlllb. Ihereol~h1liil ~ HI 1"1m ll'.t;C.I:'lfllllbie h> ll;j~d ~hllH 1N:luUe Jl Jlilooard mO"'II~
<br /><;'Ia_ t!'l tll~f "land in h>ml h) LiCnUe( ende, ~h:Jl!i h~'e !IK 10 hold !Ik p.:JiKle$ and r;m;ewllls thereof.
<br />iUld8mn_ S.b1_ pt,mrptly M' Lell<le:l ~H '~"ew~1 ''':~K:e~ ;.Ill 1I::ce'I'llS of
<br />Bo:ml'W'ef' $bllll J>1ift. pr_.pt J!l<liIIC.I;l lhe !I'."j/,"OC~ ,:arn.:! ,,"!;J I e,,,k! mill)'
<br />"'. 80~,
<br />I '!lless Le~t ltmi :lJ!l:If<,"',,"c ,>!j~f""~ llIl!:ftt lfi '..,nl"'!!:. Hl\l:lntllt:"
<br />~ooh "",l\'fil:l."'fl 0' n:p',,' le.auhl't:
<br />'(;ttCh !"","~"!lIII~~n ot r'ep.l'r Ill}! c",''',m..';ail\' ',,"urhle Of Ii
<br />10 lltll "'m<'! !j(;t:u!'t'4 Il'n~
<br />1~ a('ilf<f;('Jwe':'# l6
<br />(.iltl"C:r r,J'len m a dam, lor m~"rllm:e beneflr~.. Lender
<br />"t 1.'<'Ili<kf'~ ",p,H_ <e'ther l() tl:$IOnillioo or rel'llir of Ihe I'r~rty
<br />
<br />
<br />rtfll0010 Borro_r lIny Fuum
<br />3cquired by Lender:' Lender
<br />by Lender, any Fund!! held by
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />()t'
<br />
<br />l\<;)leJt~
<br />
<br />in "It<! Ill' l!lftli'
<br />t:~f
<br />
<br />1Iddi!~1l1
<br />'0011
<br />in"n ,Ik
<br />plt'_fri of inf~l'e$t
<br />~ar ff>{I':'t:'Il ~. fhe 1';1~ r_
<br />,f.f lill 'l'\(,"Uf .n, tl~ (J!f tUi:e
<br />
<br />mil!! m& .,,, ~'~~ 10 ~.
<br />N)i..:e jl<r'~w HI Ul'l'
<br />
<br />.'It\ .0., in~timl'lI of ~. Pr~,. Pfi''''idIed
<br />r~1fl.llmt ,;.~ l!lert{ot r1l'1.t~ tQ Lc~.~
<br />