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<br />83--i1iJ2708 212!(} South 7Zncl Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124 <br />! mak.~ my m<:lIlth!y payments at <br /> <br />~ _",1:, '~,'r .,~ .. <br /> <br /> <br />or at a different pi!ace if required by the Nnte Holder <br />I,D} Amoellrt of Miemhly Pa"ments , ~" Q "'" <br />My m<mthly paYflu~m will be in the amount of U.S. S .C .',...~, ";:""'1-" The Note Holder will change my <br />montifi!y payment. as required by Section 4(['. bek)w no the 6th Interest Change Dale and on that day every 36th month <br />t!'le.reafter. Each,)!' lhese dates is called a ~Payment alange Date." The Note Holder wiBabo dlange my monthly payment <br />011: any Interest Cbange .Date;f Section 51B) below requires me. to pay t.lre Fuli Momhly Amount. <br />le! Calculation O1f Monthly Payment Changes <br />Before eachPayrr:.em Change Date, the Npre Hokler will .:alculate a new monthly payment suffkiem to repay the unpaid <br />principal ba!~~ on my klJl:ll in full nn the matuoly date at the Payment Rate in suvst1l!ltiaHy equal paymel1ts, The "Payment <br />Rate" is the sum of the Index ligures .m the tiv,~ Ir1j~~S Dates prece<1!~!f Payment Change <br />Date phis the Currenl Index, divid"d by In.: nun:be~ 6~ \ e' t tM t' t ~fl:;!it~l.frit:er~st' ratE!, {ffii9t~~ <br />tile nfOrlep.ep::.(;'fltagepmn"tI'U;'\"'l l~ not exceed 15.000%. <br />.l win pay the arru;:mnl of my l,;t\l;i 11'lO.l1lhly pi.lymem until the next Payment Dllte unle:'>s Section 5(BlbelQW <br />i'eqUilceS me to pay the Fu!!t\moUll1 <br />(D~l1;1f~"''t.!D.t(!,oi Payment elm-ages <br />Until my ll~~ll'!bly payment !'sagall1 (:lu.ngt%I. i will PllY lh-: mnoumof my new mi'>l'lthly paymcm each month beginning <br />(m 1M first P<lYI:l'l\,'I,t d4te af!l;';r !h-,~ P:Ivmem Dat.e, elr lmercst Date if I am required lO pay tn.e Pull <br /> <br />:0 <br />LQ <br />o <br />I?!':: <br />.=> <br /> <br />-. <br />- <br /> <br />'41 I <br />. ~ tw') <br />, l~ <br /> <br /> <br />s. u~~m PRINGPAl. RALANt:}: <br />tA) C~ io My l;n~d BalOllUCe <br />mmlthly jlaym"'nl be \e,~ tOJl!\ 1he ;!I'WoJlml of the ,nh:tcs! p<.'rthJll 'l( Ihe firs! Fun Amount 1 ow~~ or <br />i,,~~ than lh." lnl<l:t"'::'" l'(>!'l!<lll i1r~l Full Arnnum illfJ:J' all !mcrt'~t Dale, I!' S,). the Note Holder will <br />";U~l the a:rrlOlUlt i'j' ;nnmhl) pavmt'nl Iro!n 1111: "mDunt im~:l'l:,! I "';lie lme! will add the di!\'crenc.e to my unpaid <br />tralant.c !l1fll'lfh the 1le'\1 lnt."n:,~! nil.!"', The Nt}{e HoMer wdl J.iso add inlerest on the. amouIlt of <br />lnis diflerel'lcc fO ImpalO pnnCJfK-U h;j;Ja;le~ e;!i<:ll ",,)nth. It,," nr,:1tl lmen::$! Date when the NO'le Hohler <br />dettmuflell my llew ralt ,Ii m!eres.t lTI\ !ll.:n 'J!1>'''lJ r>nn;;lj:l..',J hal;;mn~. If,C ltile oj tlllere'll on the inlerc~t added to principal <br />\~iH hI: t.he dcte.rmmcd <br /> <br /> <br />\\1)' n,l>i)~nthly p~'Ylnt'm,:t <br />ttl;: d,HlcrCI.K'lJ <br />3 pr~l~~''!1(!ll <br />un Limit un Cflpll,kl <br />\1y <br />the p:m~lJlp,"t1 '!llHltilll ,"rlb!!f!,lillh <br />"-'OUli! ~'W<l~ thl: HllPalti <br />Afl~}U'in,t as n~,)' t'fliO~fh$Y' <br />b. <br /> <br />the N~;le H"lder will gubtmc! <br />nate ,,1; if I had m,ld,~ <br /> <br />i)nf:. hundn:d tw',:eJ}ty~fjvc }X'1'eent t. J 25<;5b) {}f <br />}"f;~'Ly'rrtf..:'"U~ atti;~t 1l:ny {nt'crest <br />j mllgt p,ry mSlcad the Full <br /> <br /> <br />p'~l"mt'!ll <br />!h: <br /> <br />MOl'lltliv .\m<..tlllt 11m! my 111;0l1lhly <br />requ.fX,cd by Li\V ~o i~:: g'l'F'tn rne a-nd <br />rft~~rdittg rh~ <br /> <br />8, <br /> <br />U}:,~,1i; <br /> <br />t:mfunll <br /> <br /> <br />!in", ,i!lj),'''ni,.'tk 'IHn!lui;Jble 1~1 the <br />InStrU;ffk:-Hl, p'aY'Ul~JH~ g'ctHJJJ,d r~n_f.~ ~ if an)', i~l the <br />-)U,;,:r:l ;.J:l~J1it~.~T~ hy f3vn{~W',ef Jn~1'kjii,g ,i)tct}'tt.lent.. v/!leo. -due, difC:i.::'Hy <br />to t .e,:Q&,,;;r i,~~t :.'ti.lJ~~)'V,i1t.~ .due tH:tLOOr thlB Z$nd. in the <br />fur-ni:t;h to Lend,ef slJfJh p~l':yrn~nts. <br />Se4:~ri#y IU$lllHn...~n~-~ tll,*1.t l~~.'#ffQ,w:e,r- s.haU <br />V~;l'dHs.g of the, <br />li',JO<1 faiEl Ci)m~l ~ud:l by, C'';; defend 4lgainst <br />!.;:"n<1.<:, oper:'i<l,C :0 preVJ2:1ill the enf"n'eme,lt ')1 the <br />_ho-ldti.; ~'h}(:h -an agrcernent in {f J~Jtrn- <br /> <br />tQ <br /> <br />H <br />it<l!;tn,ltl<em. Ltn.:kr l>h;,ilsead BOHO,,";::! <br />UIC%iOl'lb ~t f,J'!'th ll.1'I!!)',;; <br /> <br />,,"ai!l pnom} <Jvel: lh;~ <br /> <br />~u<;h hen ,n t:.<..kc 'me. Of lIlt.lre <br /> <br /> <br />14 d lh,,: ::>"''''''SH)' !n.>truml(:li <br /> <br />atn~:,f'td'f,jJ;j <br /> <br />,n,z,ad m.S fGn(}w~ <br /> <br />1'4~ "Nt~,. f(\t '':lay _n!)~ic:tl: re~u:lft~~ ~Ut$de;f ktp,piitaDlt' ltl~ OtJ ;g:,jv,en ~_]t J.-;;f:{Jlbt:t tn;~'nnel'l- ~UlY nou<;t'- to B;t)ITuw-er <br />l{)! blSU_UfUt51ff:: -~,h$;H. 00. cg!l(t:~l by ~Jf l)'y by htst ~J'a~,s rn-<luJ ad~~'ie-d fc~ <br />,'\Qi,.tress ;;ii$....::~ (1-t%;('R' ~tddflt'~~ ~?! HOH(-~'vv'!.';'r H104,,'' d,-,.:&}gHaie pr'i;:l'",'~ded lli:re~n, <br />~~ (b} ~~~ n!ot.t~'it: UJ L:t::H~t ~~r.#.n t.'H:; ,~~'}<e,n, i)r;st ;,;i~~'!; n~,e,J1 L>;~J-)d~;r -fj,Jjdn,:;~,~, ;;;tat~(:~ hl~~ri:in CH" i,ij' other uddrc\:\'i ~lS <br />jfl~ff- h,t' nt;)ti'"~ to .1Jrlfi'fJWe!' ,:iv~, pfn~'wJ;e~ b~,l;c:-n niiLl('iC prn\' rdi:,d f(lJ' thi~ Se-r,:-uh.ty h1f\tnnnerH :-lt~aH <br />t~ d(1t'~J :~~ !'H B~)'rrtC't"~Ntr -i.:,.f Le-~titef wt~n ~ivcn dle rn_anne,:f de",""igrK~,h~~~ ht.:'.rJ;.'.in <br /> <br /> <br />I). t'NU'OfL~ ~mliC'H;:At..~. '.;OVE.RNfN<; LAW; St.\l<;RABU.nY <br /> <br />Co",~ni411 I ~ "I th>:: <br /> <br />fr:tCt<ifUJnet1.t -!~; ~:U;C.fM,kJ tfi f~;,;~, a:!l- tni,kl'W'_!?O- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />