<br />83-ulJ2708
<br />
<br />etf~twithout tile conflicting provision, and to mis cnd the provisIOn!' of this Sa.~rity In!'trumem and the Nme are declared
<br />t() .be severable.
<br />
<br />Ik..-~h-L
<br />83-0CJ3050
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />E. 1"RA.!'\iSFER OF THE PROPElITY: i\SSli~IPTIOl'\.
<br />
<br />UnifOrm C.(.wenant i7 of the Security InstrUment is 3lP.ended to read as follo",s:
<br />
<br />17. "Ihmsfell" of ft3~ Property: A.'iSUmptiml. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold or tr.msferred
<br />by Borrower without Ler.der~s prior written consent. excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to this
<br />Secu:rity Instrument which does roOt relate to a transfer of rights of oc.:upancy in the property, (b) the creation of a purchase
<br />motrey security interest fvr household app~es, ie' a transfer by devise. descent or by operat.ioo of law upon the death of
<br />a joint tenant OJ' (dT the~ grant of any leasehold imerest of three years (lr less not containing an option to purchase. Lender
<br />may. lIf Lender'> !)ptiOJ'n, declare all the Su:m$ secured hy this Security Instrument to be immediately due and payable.
<br />If Lender option to acc.elerate. Lender shaH mail Borrower nOlice of acceleration in a~ordance with
<br />paragraph 14 hereof. Sucb notice shaH provllie a period of rrot l~ss than 30 days from the date the notice is mailed within
<br />which Bo.rmwer may PIil'Y tbe sums d<:;;lared due. if Borrower fails ft, pay such sums prior To the expiration of such period,
<br />Lender may. or demand on Borrower, invoke;my remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />Lender. l'WlCy COO$Cllt to a sale or transfer If: (I) Borrower causes to be <;ubmitted tt' Lender mfornunion required by
<br />LendeTt(, the rrnrlsteree as if II new 10lln were being made to the transfe~; f2l Lender reasonably determines that
<br />and thai the ri"k tH li brl".acn of .my covenant M agreement in this: Se\::urity Instrument
<br />13} intc,rest will be llayable on the ;.urns se<:nreo by this &x..lrlTy Instrument at a rate acct'ptable 10 Lender;
<br />lbe tcrrl1il'i nf the N(:!te and lhil> Security Irtstrmnent required by Lender are made. induding. for example.
<br />:! ditierent lill..l payment a.lte for the loan. and additioll of unpaid interest to principal;
<br />the tniL'l1>f..-ree s;ir.ns 1!Jl assumption ;lgreemem that IS a.;:c~:ptable 1<:> under !lnd that obligates the transferee to keep
<br />made ill the Note :md in thiS Security Instrument, a.~ In,xlifie.d if required by Lender. 10 the
<br />by la\v. Lender lttsn rrmy c;h;lrge .;l re'IS'"I111hle fee :IS :'1 .:ondi!!Qn 10 under'" consent t{) any sale
<br />
<br />
<br />Bnrro\'\It.':r win \:o''lll:inue 1.0 be
<br />
<br />UrUlfj,f the. f\h;,)tt and d1.i~
<br />
<br />lnstrumt'nt unles, Lender rdcases Borrower
<br />
<br />
<br />C,)Ve.n:m1 9 l"HumJl1.'~r \
<br />
<br />.Re,itH~t~~~~':
<br />
<br />~~.rn-4~'nded t{) Ie:at1
<br />
<br />follow,;:
<br />
<br />19. fk~wft"~ Il~t Itl Rcftn!ltl!ite.
<br />lnl>l.itlu~ellt, Borrower \ball lla"ce the nght to have ~,ny
<br />if i~W l.mlVlt:k~;i n~:,hl
<br />
<br />l...i;J$.dC;! a~'ele:f'a~,io~ of the SUJ!'f;i o/~cu'red by
<br />by Lender to e.nforce lid:'}
<br />tCW$tJAte ~h;llj h,,, e.xltl1:i'ied ill rhe marmer
<br />
<br />this
<br />Instrument
<br />OJ! such
<br />
<br />
<br />law,
<br />
<br />lfte
<br />
<br />ln$l.ml~le!l! \ "1"1l(Ul'l' i\<hlll1t't'~
<br />
<br />ddetl\d,
<br />
<br />r.U-ilJUJ1'ltUtl itnd ttHu h;~w i:~'
<br />in 'L'tJn,ne<.:,tif;H1. \NJth h~12Jl t:K~.~eed p~'n~rn'itted
<br /><<hilH b<: r;:iJut:;;d l1y iHllOunt Il<:?:.'e""ilf> f"alt.:" roc ,:rkvgc w the llmil$;.
<br /><vH~;,.tcd flnm B'('11T{.!W~.1 whKh ".~n:~dt:d p;;nmtn;d hmlt, will be t~lullded to Bm'l'nwer, Lender
<br />lilt: nH(!;cr l,h",. StIle ,;'! i1Hl:Killg II \1m:", payment !\J Borrower.
<br />Il~ tt:t1\l,c:J,m ".!II .:; 1~"l'lI;;1J prq)a}m';l1l t!!Id,~r the >h'IC,
<br />
<br />i. U~.>:ISLAl'lUN
<br />
<br />i,:-;i" ~;;i\v~ b:Rl,v.e (,~id-l(~,r ~)f re:l)(!t-rin&_ d)tt- of *~he
<br />,R-id:ot't-l ~~ (it~f thifi piin~;f~)b ul1~nf't1r:ce.abit;, to the.ir
<br />l;;"~ ~~ 'l';;,J/tIDS s:~:,;tl'~,d i~.rlCb)-' a$tt_,');)HC~,~.tilbit\~ r$~be1')AY'~~ pf';:.)vided ;Jl the. 'hl$'U:1JJt~n.t and this
<br />,he \<1100 Lelll1er', hl:lllnty. ,hen L,;mlll:f, Lt:nde:r'~ Hlay dcda.re all
<br />In,;trum~n4 tJ" lfHlllC<1.:ilt':\Y JI.lIi;. and Iy""d}i~,
<br />
<br />,i:SO.r-f~):,W~f' bifA~ (\~~~,(',~j$ed thi%1 }\djf;,.t;$l;jthl~, P-~l(~{fnt1-rH' Rider,
<br />
<br />
<br />..f;IOftOW<lf
<br />
<br />,Sean
<br />.~(~
<br />
<br />fSigfl OnfyJ
<br />
<br />
<br />I
<br />I.,
<br />
<br />":
<br />