<br />005~16S-1
<br />
<br />83E:~tr3051r
<br />
<br />83.....D02708
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS ADJUsr~BLE P.~YME~'T RIDER is made this . . . . ' 3:t.st. , . davof .., ~y, ,. ." .. . ". ,
<br />19 . ,83, and i.. inrotpcrnted ililW and shall be de.'mted to aIlleod and supplement the M~rtgage, Deed of Trust. or Deed h~
<br />Secure Debt (the ~'Security Instmment") of the saJ'lle date given by the undersigned aile -Borrower'") to secure Borrower's
<br />Adjustable Payn1iellt Nolle to ,.", ,G~~J;'c;:~~.l. .f~~,~t;t.!-~, .~v~!1g~,~. .~~!1, .t\s~~~.'... ".. ...,...,,'....'
<br />", '" " "" " , , , , . , . ""'" " "'." " " . ' . ". (the "Lender") of the same date (the "Note'") and covering the
<br />property de..<;crim~ in m.e Security Instrument and located at:
<br />
<br />.' tl41.14Uw~QQ.J).t::tve.., .Gr{lJl,d, ,l;';!.:<;tl4. .N:~~-r~,~~, ?~~Ql"
<br />(~ Addressl
<br />
<br />Also Provide8.For Calculations Of TWo Separate Monthty PaymentAmounts. One
<br />unt That The Borrower Must Act Each Month. TheOlher WiltSe
<br />That The. Borrower Would Pay E 'Fully Repay The'Loan On The
<br />Maturity Date. This Means That The Borrower Could Repay More Than The Amount O1'Ig-
<br />lnaltyBoITowec:t Or That The Borrower Could Repay The loan Before The Maturity. Date~
<br />
<br />AOOmONAI, COVE.'I1A.!"<TS, Tn arlrlitkm Ii.' the c,lvenllnts an<l <lgrl':t.nn!!/lts made in the
<br />l'm'l<'U and Lender fll~r coven:>..'!! anli :igree iI$ fnlbws:
<br />
<br />
<br />TIw Note ftHarl. initial imere!;,t mte ('f . ':i(.. Set:tl\JllS 2, 4, 5 and (, I\f tile Not;c
<br />the lrite.rell!l tate aM the: iJllYffil.'11U. ~" folle,'"",,:
<br />
<br />"1. h"'i'TJIRESl'
<br />(A) imefUlt Ow-ed
<br />Wt:l'elll WIU be
<br />
<br />
<br />Ofl ihil:( ~'-i:lrI.
<br />until ti:!e lull amomlt
<br />
<br />the dall,':
<br />
<br />of
<br />
<br />The rate of interest I witl owe wiU
<br />change ,)f mc \'n!i)flth of !l~_I:le.t:. Cind thaI day <:\'<:1'.1' 6d'l m'n:lth Ukre!lfl"~r.
<br />d1iltc on whid:llhe mle ()f imere>;t coulo chl!;l,ge 1$ ,'lli!e:d' "11 '''hlle~''M Change I:.ljltC, Th\: new nde of illle..r~,i wi!!
<br />eftt"ct.iveo~le..adllnier'tsl DilW', "r~'e rate fief interefl..t, 1" w.o1. O~ lIIh.al1 Il,ot l'!:'Xetlledc
<br />(8; TtH: '*~
<br />itlthe r:ue vi illtcre'il WIll ~ IY<I....:d m .hl;; j",\;ic~.. "lnd<:% "
<br />00 Ol,ite;j St~e'1i hiU" ,~1 0 tnllflih:i.. ffii.l'!il' \lIi".il,;;;bic hy the h:-dt:.rlll RC1><7tve 1}<J"rd..
<br />U!he Ill..lC!!i. i, Itu h'>l'lll,ef ",valJ~)k," the N~>te H,..I.Jer wil! dh.l<""" irnj\,~. windl ,~
<br />l~ Nl'>l(: H('lder will me !1l"lK~ <If Il1i" d'l(ll.(t'
<br />100 I1lL'''' ,., mi:' ,J;l,C Im';.l''!,! Dl\ie ;~ .:,;;.l!cd In.:
<br />
<br />ra.te
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<br />tlc;"lf~
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<br />
<br />The "~F~.H ~1(-)nt.hly A'Xni)iflfH'~
<br />balance <:'f In)' ll.~n 'll
<br />,Jr; ,J\tn~., 1$1:,.
<br />An"IU,tt is t'.S. 'j;
<br />
<br />
<br />!nief;}t~i
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<br />S(:";::.:n{lN
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<br />I:A;(iIl,.:Uu. t:
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<br />flknun_. ~'~): nJ;(;n-~ly pitJf,f;;litcn*<~ 1.'ir~11 tlt':
<br />
<br />to ~r~t~t\'~sl
<br />
<br />011. !hi: 1'l1'>l dll'\i nf fH<,m..h ,)11.1 U 1 y.. '1 ,. t
<br />thc~ p''';ym.:t,t~ ;::Y<<Y I tuve aU tlie <Ill'" mll:lX.':;, ~1l,J all~ \JHl!:f
<br />,~.t u~ Ull..li 1'411'" if I :'-l:t!J ""'e 1IIltU\tfll" und,:;r ltn~ !'It",,,
<br />l~ lIIl..TI;,'iJfliJ; ';'>ultil !lI: ~r\;;;Ittl ,11"..n1l1e ,1llJ,i,Rm: l:;b(
<br />
<br />
<br />ADJUSTAIENJ~ M'IENT AIDER - S1t9l' ~"'#f,*1y
<br />
<br />':sal
<br />
<br />FHIllA IJAlfol"l'n !...b~t lPl<<< ~.~ ......, j
<br />