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<br />, 9. C....IUI..... Tn., proco:eds of anv award 0' .:....m iN dam..ges. dm:c: or m conneclio!'l with an~ <br />cNldemmuion Oi" l)lher ltaking of the Propo:ny, or pan thereof. or lor conveyance in heu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and lmall be pa;id 10 Lc:ndeT <br />In the even<! ,,,f a lilt&! takU'lg of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied 10 rhe sums secured by this Deed of Trusl. <br />w.rh the er.cess. iil any. paid 10 Borrower, In rhe e.Ven! of a partial raking or the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree '" wri!i'rl8-, there shall be applied 10 lhe sums secured by this Deed of Trust such propomon of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion whIch the amount or lhe sums ;;e-cured by this Deed of Trust immediately poor to the date of <br />taking bears to the fau' market value of the Proper::y immed....lely pnor to the date of taking. ""th tbe balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Bo~,,". <br />n the Pmpmty IS aban.ioned by Borrower. or if. alter notice by Lender to Borrower Ihat the condemnor offers to make <br />an ,,,.....rd or setltle a claim tOT damages. Borrower fa,ls to respond to Lender within 30 days after the daie such .notlce IS <br />mailed, Lender is autb<:,nzed to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's Option. either to reslorabon or repair of the <br />ProperlY or t.o the, sums, ;;ecured by this Deed of TrusL . , <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in "'''img, any such applICation of proceeds to pnnclpal sh:all not extend <br />or postpone the due da~e 01 the monthly IrultaUmems ,eferred 10 In paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change tFle amount of <br />;.oct! il1$tlillments. <br />to. Bonowet" Not RdeaRG. Exten"on of tne hme for payment or modllic.uion of amortization of the sums secured <br />hy thIS Deed of Tm;;, granted hy lende,. to an~ suc;;:esror In trlteres! or Borrower shall nm operate to release, In any manner, <br />the lla.bifllY <1r the ongmal Borrower and Borrower's successors '" interest. Lender shall not be required to commence <br />pma:edings agam$1 sucn succeuor or reluse !('e;uend tune for payment or olheNn!;C moolfy amorTization of the sums <br />!iecured hy !Ius t~ of Trust by reason of any demand m..<ie by the Dogmal Borrower and Borrower's successors 111 m!eresl. <br />11. FO~Dtt &ley LeJllleT N.. II WainT. Any /,'rbe:arance by Lender !ll exerclsing any nghl or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise "flordelJl hy a~!cabie 11Iw.. ~ha.lI Imt be " waIver 01 or preclude the eXefCtse of any such rilJht or remed~. <br />The procuremelll 0/ Hl;wrance or lhepaymei1t ollnes ""f (>!her hens or charges by Lender shail not be a waiver or Lender s <br />n~tlllo accderate tbe rnl1illrity 01 the mdebteclnes. s<:;;ured 'h.. Deed 01 Trml . . . . , <br />12. R__~ CU~"f!'. All remedte. m i:>eed 0/ Trust are dlst.ncI and cl.Imuhmve 10 any other nght <br />,,>r remedy ande'f thii; Deed 01 Trust m h\ lin.. or "Guny. ".ml may t.e exerc;sed concurrently. Independently or <br />'u(;~Yl:ly . <br />13. S-ea~ ~ 4~f:- __ad: J.t ..a s<;...",ral Liability: L'aptimtll. The .:ovenants and agreemems herem <br />";"Ilt/l,nea bind, /lnd the tigbt~ hefC<JIl<kr ~h<lli "11m: In, (he fl,"'pox!!"" "uc';es~r$ and assigns of Lender and Borrower. <br />m pro",,~il~ru, "f ! I' h<rr~~,i AU covenantli ,md llgreemenls of lk'lfOWer shall he joint and severaL <br />capl.!<}fl~ ~tld ~.iftp 01 !h,~ fJeetI c1! Tnlli.! llre lor conveniellce only and are not 10 be u.sed to <br />."ltcfpret m d",ftl'le <br />!4, Nntk<e:. ttl~ <br />HlXn~"er prOVided letr ,n thts <br />!he f'n:'ipCTIV ,\ddras "l ",;en OIher "..w~ .i; <br />noit{iC It} L;:ndet s.niacU be <br />a.ddtl::."", a~ O,-ltV <br />'InM>~ ~hll1J be df'..eme<l I,; h"'~e <br />lJliiii_ iJRcl. of Tt'liml, (,;..",,,~ s.."",,~y. <br />a.i.\'!inOfUi~ tbe ,;,uu:J n~}n' tu,ui':e:rm .t.~(..l'feft~~lU wl't'.b tl;t.1HH.,:,d <br />'~O\,ef:ing n;::,'a.l 1,}~~ i~ ot' 'rfU~! ~p~H hi(" <br />I" !.llie eV<:)fH P"")"''laOl'l <),cl>lWilt <.'1 II"" W'lll <br />"01 ;;VI.:"I olhoer (IH~ [Jll@cl o! T r,,~! ellect <br />"nd In lh,~ ""lid <?l lhoe r~d oj TrUll! a.,,4 thc N!JN: ,ue In he sc\>etillble. <br />},6. ~h,.lj l;;;: h'I<H:iJlO:(! " "",,/ormed vupy oj 11>" Nr'"llllnd (If 11...'5 ~d of Tn'<'51 al the time <br />h4:l'1!'O! <br />",-~. Ii ail "I 1';"\ (,./ tll" f'r,)pelly <)1' "0 lI11cre1it lherem ''5 :!,{lld Of Ir:al'lsletrj!;d <br />a4~rn;Wjf;:f Wt~i~i~n ~);f$01 wt~tt,en t'.-\.Hl:W':',nL 1.~,) {hc tJeatK~n of IJ it~t& Of ~,ocurnbrat1~e !j;uho(d,tn:a~'e to <br />~ of Trl:li1'l, h.l In.: CreilUotIl,# II ",ome., l.<:~U;ntl ,,,tCt~! fm h<.N,tll<:;l-.(,ld Ie) II Intl'l5tef by devise, <br />dC:!k:en.1 ,:~.. by ...>~~.~~1"1l .1>1 1>1111< Il!tl ot 1I i""hl l'I'flil,'" ,)I i d" t.hoe ;/,flY i.IWreiSl ollhn::e <If l~s <br />not JU1 t!j i e'n~r m$,'Y. D~~ LCf,df::f'~ Q:pt~'~,~'n. aU n1iC ~u'{r't3 ~ured tu be <br />Hnm.:,atllttt+'f ~:i'ti4ij h"v,;- .. ""e<l $<:<::l'l l"..c"deflllll .~.i!}f bmdet <br />~OO tho:: peU,,,," \Q ,~ bit !~lIch "~nICtt"""lI In the creail ol pcr~ol1 <br />I~ 10 L.::n..k.. ~,I<l IhlillK'lllfCI p'"~,,t>i(: !lie uml~ """"a1ted hy !h!~ Deed ~hlltt lJ.eitl $ocb nile .i" <br />L.'moo '~~M:lIt. It f..<:'~ 1U!$ wlIlV..d Ifll: "Pl!;:.n ,<..> >1,,-,,,I<:/',,lt p.<.':IV>de<.lm thn ;mo if BOI1'"wer's <br />~llli <:,,~ut~ " ...mliml a",,<:pt0:4 In ...."t<nlil1ry. !~Ie_ B;}nower <br />",,,<>0:1 !h'$ O<lC<l oj <br />~~ft((.a~ ~tZ1:b; \)l];b~fi 1n.-f.ut -&.u':r(~wet n~t>;;.e t.~t acce,k:f~hon, ~n accordance witb <br />14 iJ;e1'~i S",<;;h tlQtl;;e; k'ii% ihiil:fl ;U iIOI'1'1 the ,hoe !loti" 1$ wllhin <br />'11;0.'1' !f~ wms . Jve,. lu,,. HI VllY . ~UI1M Pf"",r 10 expiTlll,on. such pl:1'lod. <br />l-<:;~,!' millY. ....,lhl;,u,l !",~...-.e ;,lJ ..' "fl i",.mw<:\l. ,rnT4:.<:\ lln;t rem~ lX"fl1l'ltUe<l by p'.ilra:g1'llpn 18 hen:ul. <br /> <br />83......,) u 3 0 3 8 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />law 10 be ~\l"<C11 1Il another mmner, (a! any notice to <br />such (luU(;e by cemfied l11ailllrldn:~ 10 Borrower "I <br />by notice 10 Lender as provided herein. and <br />1<.> t"l1der's addreliS staled herein or w <br />!'l(,lice provided It}r inlhi5 <br />manner designated herem. <br />timfarm COVenll.!llS lor <br />W l:onll(IIUIC II ~.Irlly mstrufrlenl <br />1!1 whi,,'i'I lhe is localed. <br />law, conflicl shaH <br />the provi~ion, <br /> <br />"j <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~~-~"-UNiif(J$~ (~{}:V~(.HAN'rs-. ~1'rt'1W'C;f it--.nq ,LO:~l"jet h~:r'Htt::f ~~}v'C~n,a aw Agree D. !-\Q;i'fuW'$': <br />lit ^"c.~ R~ t':~ptu F-~ m j1I~ 11 hllftfl, u~ ~w..r'. bftach bf ImY c","e_ W <br />ll!C-~t of ~f_eKiA<, I~ ~ Of T~. M;K~ fiMt t:""il!~~ tu p.liJ' ""~.a 4"* _, _ ~~ hy lli;b Deed <br />.H T.,,1Ot. l."'~f ~'- fill ...'"~ ~ .... -I~ I... .. FM'~ .a~'. .14 ~ ~m.: HJ In.: <br />t>>,_..... il} .,,,,~ to cure: .~. hm~A; {)l JlI ~. ~ ~ 1:U!t. JO -J'lli b'om tl\le -. tM ~,., Is ~ fo <br />~. ~ ...~ ~~ hm_i11 ~ k .......~; .-s i41 thlIIf fdwtl.lG -'''"''' _fa ~b {>fi ..... Ile&we $e -. ~pedfhl4 <br />;ft U'lI_~m.Jt r~ i~ -~~ ~ . w_ """,,,,,"...., 1M 0_ fJI.l'rust ..~ liilk I.>l f.Ille I'mpc:rl:y. The _ke <br />~ t~~ m$~,,~ h'f'_u ci l~ric...t to nt~. aim lKt'r~ .;uj 1_ ~ tll It.m. II l'it'Uft ~tI ltl _d <br />tl!lc l<1i!_~*:" ,!it " .W~ Od(' lIlI>;!I .... .,f_,.., 1>'1 ~""'*"'\I!r ~... lK"~ a&lti..... n f!le mKit is nut cuRd <br />- w ~on: fMdm"" "Plot:~ _fM ~. l...emielt _ j..<<uM.', ~"lft _, ~~.d fill tM ,"u_ ~.umd by thi!I t>ftd <br />lJt 1'1'_ t.l tN! _~l,.. "- and pIIY""'* ...~ fu~tl\le. d.,...-.g ~ may i~~ ttR: ~,9f Iilde lImcl MY {(II;~,. r"~ <br />~~ .., ~lll", t,~ sIl.d ile. e..t.... to <:..Ik<:1 til f~ l:~ .liIll'>4 u:~ ~. hl piml'1IWtg the <br />.~ pn;>".~ iOll i:'r ~. .l&. im:~. bul _. limiid t<:>, Ii~ ~Y"$ ,_ <br />If fMpo_ ..f MI:iol B m....u..Ii, 'ft'lll!itft ~~ flH:W@ '"' _io:", fiIi d<efMllf itn adl ~ty ill! "'~ die P~y .W' _ <br />jiflllrt f'l!tu('~ ls ......'"""_'i~ aHiil: ~~ filimd. ~ m tM_ ~~ lJy ~aiJir, i_ I.. ~fl'..... to t""" <br />'~.f ""- ~""~ illy ~ bI;w. Afkl' thr ~ .., W<'b tt_ u _y be ~ ~ appticllblc Ia.... Tr__ ~ <br />Jfwe,,'" ~j!( 'III....~ ~ il\le ~ 'IiIH ~1Ii 1M ..._....., i"~_ri~ by a.ppiR~ 1..... T~, withovc dll-.:l Oft <br />"'_ti."Iilw" wit tk' f'l~y lit ~ liIW€~ ... tbe "~beM ~u <1M tile I.ime ..... place ...4 .~ Ibe t_ d~_fti <br />... dll!. --.. .., "',",,' ... R>e """ ~ fi'!mi.... .... ... mdl r~ <_y .~. 1~ _,. fi*Upooe WIie 01 aU <br />"" _ypn. .' J:klI f'rDlilEfl'y it,. ~ __-..M 31<l! __ ~ ~ _y jIR'l'~Y ""'~ MI:iol. Lea", or <br />l""~:I(~ m., ,.~* ~n,. 1M MY ,,*, <br />I.:".... m;rtipl! ail ,..,.,--.~ lhe pm:"" w. h__ 0$1" Iicli..u t.. 1M pu.'d._ rnl.~'s ~ (:ODwyieg tbl!' Prto'perty <br />~ '1Ow ,lI'i.:.....~ 1M "f~'"..... ile ,..,,_ lu.., n""-re'" lhe lmek of tM ~~ ..... tileftitn. T/'1Wikle <br />.. ~ _pI'~KI""".t ~ ... 18 tM j~_ ~ IlIl ... &II ""~ ~lllib .... t!.~ of the.-. ......~. ~d <br />- ~" Tnlllil....'lI f.""" fIil__ dlu. . :"j % ..11M &,_lIiIIM ~<lI. 'f:~ .'-Jr', ,""" lUtd ",_Is..r <br />f.n~ t~:k>.u __.....,...-M1ty da& lJa,;i of 'r.--~ lUICi I<:j 1M ""',,_ d _Yo ,.. t~ ~ l1K .-_lq"y ",..tkkd <br />~, <br />llt, ...._"'., RO. to~. Not..,th~I.iO'~'i>ng 1,,,,,,*,',. '''''''''''''''''Il<)ifl ...1 the '''IDS ~':.<ifed ,h.. lked of r.a" , <br />fi;"I""''' ~~i l'uw,~ lhe ngn! It' hav.e ~KIiI""" hy l,""'<kf l" "r,I')f(l< ~Ia~ (k.l.'d "~I J'l><;OlHHlll<l<d ill <br />H{,'l'ili~ ~~') U:~Z r'AdfllltJt It"li OI(;'i.,:Uf {;,t ~jj d'-ll:~ '(be ~i.e O_f the- f)Ur~U-4_rt~ tH t:hie power Of' u~ -i.,:orHlt1~'(:d <br />r II""l uf ,;,f .. eni<:'l<:"'ll' Ill,. 1.1<1"11 uf T fl."', d P"1' I~'lder "'II sum, ... !".c'b "'('''hl <br />{~, d~jl~ s~ :Jkli_ t_h1'ti-~,th~ ,'_ J t'n~'., __ Not~ ..Ad, ~~ifa ~;'t,'+U~l;fi, f;Uf~if'M Ad,'"t'N,:,~. ~n", ~hHj no ~-l.ek:-rai;.i.-~f\: 1;~...UH~~,i <br />,ij.~n<:'''''''':.'ltie'' >Ill "'f'll_~ ..1 iir., l,'tilil:'f .:UYltn..l:ll1 ,<I ~li:'~.;::rlrlt<nh I!{fln.""'f <"! llll~ tJ,,~ "r I J <br />&;!jtlJ!'1~8-..w_t ~~~~, .;ij~d i-Hi&,tt;Jred t {'fM.kf j1;t),4j rf"' (i'nf\hf4..Hl-. 1~h.e ~I;.t....t"i'l.ut,. "*n-4 <br />~11.1if*"':i,nl'~t \:,:))$-~~l~.j1$~!j'-~ ",_, ' ,;fi4!'{.~,j I t'ra:M::f\ A-rki,-l't;t'_'J t~~"~J~ ,It~ fHtJ.....t-{k',.J <br />i>':wtt~:d' ~,;j"#{.~~1r.. 1dl-J;K~,. G~d;~1i~* H1i'.N'fU'.<:t,e, JliiJ, L('JIW,k,f <br />)'f"'--~H\~ ~~ ~ i:lliY' ~ & ~ _~.6i <br /> <br /> <br />