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<br />83--003038 <br /> <br />r' <br />I <br /> <br />tne !i.UtnS liCC~,rc:d by ithis Deed .of Trust shali c"'~tlnn!: unImpaIred Upon such payment and cure by Borrower. this Deed or <br />Trust and the obiiglll.lon5 secured beneby shall rental'" in fun rorce and effect as If n" accelerauon had c-ccurred. <br />20. A_~ 01 ReafS; APf'll" 1_ of R~ LmcIet- in p~ As addinonal <;eCur;ty hereunder. Borrower <br />hereby aSHgn1s 110 Lender the rents of the Propeny, provided Ihat BOlT","cr shall ;>r10r 10 acceler.mon under paragraph IX <br />hereof or 3b:lInlWl'!mc~nt of the Property, have ::he nght !o coHect and retain such rents as !hey become due and payable. <br />Upon <K:celera1:"1ln under paragraph 18 hereof Or abandonment of the Property, Lender, m person. by agent or by <br />.iooiclaUy appmnted receiver. shall be entitled to enter upon. lake pos.~'on of and manage the Property and 10 colleet the <br />remsof!r.e Pro.pert)' Including those past due. All rents collected by Lender or rhe rece,versnaH be applied first to payment <br />of the c~ o.t manal!lemertl ot ,he Property and ccUeer,on of renls. ",duding, but nO! limited to. recei,'Cr's fees, premiums <br />on receIver', .bond$ and reasonable :mornev', (.::es, ;md then In the sums secured hV lhis Deed of Tn.",r. Lcnder and rhc <br />re<:el'''er shaft !be lialbJ.!: to accounl only fer U\ose rents actually receh'Cd. '. .' . <br />:U. A~ Upon l"eqUe$1of Borrower, Lender. at Lender's optIon. pnor 10 full recooveyance of the Property <br />by Truste.e 10 8ot'r0'ili~r, may mak.e Future Ad~ances ,.:) Borrower. Such Fulure Advances. wilh inlere..<u Ihereon,. shall be <br />sec:ureO by Ihis !Deed I~f Tftm when evidenced by promisc'iOry !'lUtes ~tatll7!! Ihal said notes are secured hereby. At no !!me ~haH <br />lhepril'lC1.pa1ltmount.of lhl:indebtednen secured by lh,s Deed of Trusl. notmdudmg sums advanced in accordance herewith <br />[0 prOlCC'1 the$l!ClJllly of rhill Deed ,jf Trust. exceed the original amount of the Note plus US $ <br />n. RftCll~ Upon payment of all sums t.e1::ured by Ihis Deed of TruS!, Lender shall req\iest Truslee to reconvey <br />the Property ;~nd ,lulJlt sum:nder thIS Deed or Trust a.nd ..iI nt'>te<; eVIdencing mdebtedness secured by Ilus Deed of Trust <br />10 Tmstee Trtl5t<< l.nallreconvey l!lt Pl'operty without warranl)'. and wtthoul charge to lhe person or persons legally <br />emi:t!ed th<e~o. Sucnpenoo Of penom :;.t,aU;my ail costs of recordatIOn, ,f any <br />.13. Sahi;lftllft T.~, bender, at Lel'\der'~ Optl00. may from lime to lime <br />rrUllteea~'nt:ed hereunder by an instrument recorded In !he <br />conwya-m::e "t lhe Property, the ,uccessor ImMel:: ,hall succeed 10 all <br />the 'fnJ.u<< hereil'lllrm by appl<<::abJe !~w, <br />24. R....__NOt~ BOi'l'ow-er reque.~~ Ih,a.1 c'1Ples of the notice of defauh andnOlke of sale be ,ent to Borrower's <br />~., wl'l.ili:hkthe P~tIY Andreu. <br /> <br />remove T ruSIl:e andaPlminr ;; slIl;:ces;!>,or <br />m wl'licll this Deed of Tmsl is recorded. <br />tille. power and dUlies conferred upon <br /> <br />IN Wrolus WHli.IH'Ol', BOrrower has e~ecuted this Dt"ed or 1'1"\1$1. <br /> <br /> <br />Il.ienh<:lill !Pt' il''l\IHIl1''tem and <br />i h<:'re<C!t 10 be, . ,tc t ;). ni! dt~ (f'e!' <br />Wilm"Sli my h~n'li l1itl,d nO!:1lfl31 M::al ..1, . ~l.,l,i:n;l~r. <br />date :.lfOI'e!'.il'lll:l'. <br /> <br />10 me Imcwl1 !o h<: tl1e <br />,he (' xc.cut/On <br /> <br />''1~aid CQUllly rhe <br /> <br />Comm''$$ioo <br /> <br /> <br />~~l <br /> <br />'n) 'httS'l'l<t1: <br /> <br />REOUEST fOR l-H~CONVEYi\NCE <br /> <br />1'llil! ill> the h,,!de( !h>!: noti: nf nOl.e, \i-etir~ bv 10" !~cd <r( T f\l"L Said t1<~le or rm!e~, !(~e!ner <br />with ll'U iJther t!ldel>>iCd~.s s.e>tlJred t>y ,h,1' [~d i'i.cer: paid ii' IIllt You I.ue dlftCH:d W ClflCel <br />~!(l "<lite \~f n()t,<t\i an'li thill ~ of TrUll-I. ,."l'm:h 1ilT1l: d!:h"~r!:d ;;md to reconvey, wlthoul warranty, ;Ill the <br />},')U U~I' lhlJ\ Deed Di 'I'm,>! ,n'!: jXfwn ('nt!lled !!lerew. <br /> <br /> <br />D:tlte; . <br /> <br />.;..;~-~ <br /> <br />\$-~MJI'teai@.~~ Th,~$ ~"!"r4!~~r\ifN" j!"';J1' L~~ ",;f~;tS ~~:(~ut%:t~f'j <br /> <br /> <br />