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<br />83-riV3038 <br /> <br />, UNtFORM O~F"NANTS, Borrower and I~ c,,"enam and agree as f~'llows: <br />I. ~. I/JI Pritllrip:lll ... ~ BorrO'wer shall f'mmptly pay when due .he pnn<:ipal ".f and ,nterest yo the <br />.ndebciedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provuie.i in Ihe Note. and the pnnc.pal of and ,nterest <br />Of! any Fulure Adv,mces ,secured by th.s Deed of Trust. <br />2. F.... f<llr T_ ....~. Subject 10 applicable law or 10 a wrillen waiver by tender, Borrower sball pay <br />1(' Le",:Ier On theWIY mo<flthly ;nstaUments of prine, pal and ,meresl are payable under Ihe Note. un[illh~ Note i~ paId m lulL <br />a sum (herein -Punds-j equal to one-twelfth of rbe yearly taxes and aS5eS.'imCnrs. wh..::n may amun prlontY,o'.er tillS <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any. pius ene-twelfth of yearly premium installments for .hazard Insurance. <br />I'M OI!ltHwelfth (If yearly installmenls for mortgage insur.mce. if any.. all as reasonably estimated mltlally and from <br />lime to hme by La1der on the basis of assessments and hdls and reasonable esllmlltes thereof. <br />The Funds shan be held in an .nstitution the deposits nr accounts of which are ,"sured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency {including L,endc:T if Lender is such an institution) Lender shall apply the Funds ro pay said laxes. asses.sments, <br />msorance premiulrn~ and ;~round rents. Lender may not charge for so holdmg and applying the Funds. analyzing said account <br />or verifying ami c:(ljmpihI1lJ said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower imerest on tbe Funds and aPi'ltcabJe law <br />permits Lender 10 make such :; charge, Borrower and Lender may agree in Wnling a! tne: lime of execution of !hls <br />Deed of Tru$.l Iha! inte~;st on the Funds shall be paid to BMrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requ'~ such ilHereilt 10 be paid. Lender shan nut be lC'GUlred topay Borrower any IOterest or Nrnin~s on the Funds, Lender <br />..hall give to Uorm""er, wnhout charge, ;1.0 annual a",-,;,'ul'Ilmg 01 the Funds showmg cred.!s and dehus to the Funds and Ihe <br />pu~ for wbich each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by thi!; Deed of Tram, <br />It' the amO!.i1lt of 100 Fu!l<l$ held by Lender. l<.>gcther With the fumre monthly ,n~tallments of Funds payable pnor to <br />the au<: dales of IJ~Xes. """iCS5ments. il1llur"nce pn:mlUms ami ground rents. shaH exceed the l.'lffiOllfll requm:d to pay said laxes, <br />a~ml.mrs.. innmmce pn~mll.\ms and ground rents as they laH due, such exc!:.>.s shail be. at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly (!:paie to B6m:>wer or credited It' Borrower on monthly ,,,,,!aUments of Funds, If the amount of the Funds <br />hcld hl" Lender shall flm be wffiL-..e:ru !o pay I axes. l!SSieSSmenIS. msurance premIums and ground rents as they faU due, <br />Borrower shai'l pay 10 le,*, any amount r.ece1lsary 10 make up the deficiency w!thm 3D days from lhe dale nOlice is mailed <br />by Lender 10 .!k>rro_ I'llql.m;lllnJ paymem tbcreof. <br />Upon payment in fu;l! of all :>urn'!! se-.:ured lius need of Trus!. fender shali promptly rCfUllG to Borrower any Funds <br />heW by Lender. If under !~.fag"'ph j8 hC~<:lf ;' " ,'r 'he Properly,s olne,'wlSe ~cqlJin:d by Lender. Lender <br />>hall apply. 1'10 la:ter than iml:'lleiliatdy ;mof to tile the or ils by Lender, any Funds held by <br />f~il!lda'31 tile I.,me <.')1' llppb.;:",,~ "'$ .Ii Cfe:d1t against the mOls Deed <br />3. AJIPi~_ ofh.r-tli:.. Unless j;,w pmvlde,~ all <br />Note ;and p.u~n~lu I and 2 herwt witH 14pph<<i lend..., llrst In <br />under l"aragr"4'fl 2; ~<<>f. tilen 10 mtere!il paYlihl~;em No!e, then 10 <br />prmclpAl "Il;;"'y FUlure AdvtitceL <br />4. Cb.Maa;; l.ieat.. 3Grro"'"" $hah >,llt{ ..II Cue..,,, .1"'CS'5fI'H':111S am! mber charJ!;e5, fines :Hld ll'llp(l$'lions altr,btllabk 'n <br />the Property ....hid.. may :,ullin iI< <wer !11I,s Deed of 'fm;;;!. a,ad le<l.~hold fl.JI.ymenlli Of ground l'et'lIS. if any. in the <br />m~ providt-d !i.lodm- berool or, 11(1{ HI such mi\lIllCL by Borrower makmg payrnlli'll!, when due, directly <br />IQ the lhe,..,,,r 'I.lor'.fO'w'Cf" to Lender ;;U nOIJe:;::> ,,{ ,"llOUflU due undeor th,s plil'llgI1lpb., and in tm: <br />~"'el'll 3hall tune p<lYIl'l!mI shall lmm'!ih 10 Lender c...idef.l<:mll such paymenls. <br />1:Je"d 01 Tm1l!; ,hilt HOrrOv.'e1 shaH not he <br />to lhe the ubllg;llml1 $ecun,d by <br />by. or enforcemem of stich lu:n In. <br />farl;.~llUre Hi Ihe: or part lhereof <br />,~r nere.ahcr on Ihe insured <br />Dlh!:r hazards lIS may rt-ql.ure <br />,h<lill IIQt that the am;:mnl of <br />HII~ Deed of <br />ifl$Ufi>l<<:e Cltnref pt",,~jtll lh<;: m!>Uf:lfl';'C '.h..1l bit by Born}>n;, ,,, <br />WI ~ll.pj'l\lI'O"',,1 Il<hliil I~~I b<t IHI~Wlbl:y ",!~ld AU pl"eilliunl.$ Oll mSUHllM;e 1J<'1li<:ieil be paid in the manner <br />pr~ r~~l PlI.l'lI~pb '}. he1f~l ow. ;I p.,ud III .~!<;h rmUlf1ef, by .l:Iormwft maki'1l8 p"ymetll. wtliCl'l dUll, dm'll..'1ly III the <br />I~ClU'ri<<, <br />AU ,lI'lSU.!'lIflCe <br />,n i ll"\\'It 01 <br /> <br /> <br />reccfve{! bv Lender under the <br />amoums ,,~yabie 10 Lender hy Borrower <br />!>rlnclp;d 01 !h<;: Note. and then to inlcle$l and <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />or <br /><" .~_<l <br />C:t.e.:\,IOO ~y ~fIilWC( and <br />00 locorpoclUed il\l(l ,~m;l ~j IItI'll<l:nd <br />_1'<: It ....n herlll411, <br />,. ~,_If [AiclitI1u'" _Grit" If BonOl<,e.f r,,,,h lu .he covenanU "I'lJ agteCffielU" \:cmtamed iO Ill" <br />1~ Gf 'rr~, or d any "I<:IKm Of ptC<CCfltJ;!tl'l/l'S C';'IDlt..,n<..eol 'n..HIr'llU} aiftth Lcm.ler's mlet~l m lill: Pr()pe!ly. <br />i:u;nlti:'d lk..lNl.ll. i~jH'nq, ',;,.:>d.c clllor.c.efllCrll, or ""rlilnB"menl~ (If pf1X'wdmJ> llH""lrlJi " <br />i~l 1$1 Letide(s oplJ<m., fWlIce B6wi.lw.:r, may make )ucn "ppe<lf..n..e~. Jl,hur", ,u~h <br />{ ~fHereM. htU fh.l-! hrrtited to~ t3j~);hur~ernclH 'I:H <br />1~Jl ry(~t.,t: repii.ttl'~ req,Lined nlt)f'tg;.tg;e HhiHi&H-\;:e ~il.,_ ~~ <br />a.nH~"We.f ],t'UtlJ the p:eroHHll'S. H:~:qui.fed tc~ ifj.:i..HntdHii >~J>.:-h <br />in -cft<<-t iJu'd H:-tfiC: ;". tbc! r~U.,'CnlC:n.l ior 'u.~h In ~h,t:..ndf&' wHh Borr'o\l;'~(~ ~11d <br />.nt!"'l~ ii\l~'_n!. "~I ."~ble JAW. . l'iorn:vwer ~l! I'''r moft8l<lg<.: ",,..;;..m;<: prel'l""l1l> HI 1he <br />"'li\m_Pt,,~Idc:d ~;m;k, p.<r~"",pb 2. . lheleof' <br />~t~1~b'} I ~'r pu~fU th;{~ ,', "'"~th U1~tTt~::')f, the"rC(}H, ~,haH he"(.l;rne !:h.hJdH)-H~J,J <br />l~~ ~l' ih,~ [)oed of THI$i ",KlI<:'I'<i,c1 i/1Ji,re.: "ther kmt> \'1 <br />r~~lh~~ f"OH1- lJtrk'4et to I:k:,flty-*<ttf f~f~~ljC:~~Hl~ pi#jy'~nr:nt f,hc-le".'It, ,'snd ~h>JH he,lit" <br />r,iHe fnmif 10 fur~ unitkr :ihe ~--';01C ~.H4(:~' p4)1trr~tU rnl,t n~".~ <br />tii.., In \ilf.hkb ('iitP(. ,aJnV~J'HIj, ~hi1tH htjj;f '!Htfe)~ vlJ. the fV,M:h<'\~ f <br />Il,,, I",,'~.r..pb ., .11...,; f!;'Q."a: tenQI:t 'lKUI' ,HI) lI'~pen~ or I.QI." <br /> <br /> <br />itnd ret1e""..I$ r!1efll'Q/ ~h;ilM 1',1': ii' "Hlll j\,,:ce,".iilhm LlmUel' l<nd sha.lllododc a &tandllnlmongagi: <br />JOH!! 10 Le~f. 1.,.".111';., "lEdl I>'~j/e tile m huk! Ihe poli;;ies rern:wais lherooL <br />'0 f..ll.fl<.kr ~ll n~n<:w...l nOlK<'" "<Id all of thll ,",yell! Mio"'s. <br />1t}!!'Ie '''';W,fl1a.;;lt ,;.<ttller4,1l1 L,,~, Lende.r Illay 0110$.; ,I flnl made prmnptly <br /> <br />pnncipai !lOl <br />or change amount <br />and !merest of <br />Property pl'K,C 10 the ""Ie <br />ff'llllt Imnle4ll1.lely priof to such ",.Ie or <br /> <br />llWi ~e of. ~dy; Lf!'~l C~-. Pl:uQl!:4 I.JUM D,eY~m.s.. Il<:lrmwer <br />jti g~)lt~tJ a~,1i-d sJ~;j;U nO,j i.:i:,l,rhffHt '~,~~tt' pcnnd ~,H' ..JC'l~f~(~rah()n (if the Property <br />",[ ii\n.. ,lib,> [)eeJ \>! T fU,l ,* ,);1 il if thi$ Deed of Trust h 01' jj unil III " <br />' ~h;tH pe/iJOHtl <Ill "I' "bli&l!llofl~ under tbe dedaralion <br />or l.>nH lhe by-iaws ;md 01 lhe <br />dt:x:..atl~ilt.~.:. if a ,. Of pialUled linJt <br />...'ill'> th;~ [)eOO 01 f~, 100 ':o"'erliUll~ Mid agreements of rider <br />mppofef'1enl lPc c;,~etiiU,b;md agreement)\. of lOts [)eed oi Tru1l! >is II the rider <br /> <br /> <br />~\l:mo. <br /> <br /> <br />iM 1a t# ~ .'tit: <br />fiilfj""JlI:Ill'~ w."~er <br />lJ'i)' ... t.<::on t""r~:I",wdllf <br />S. ! "fl;Ik'f. n'~., It.,.". , <br />lif~t::;~ ~;" ,ri~,fJf H.~:ffi\~:if <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />rJ~J <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />""' <br /> <br /> <br />tfiir5w.:cti,;it);;ri1': ~,:'t-i~:;'f:C), <br />