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<br /> <br />83- 002696 <br />5. ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLETTING. The Lessee shall not assign <br />this Lease nor sublet all or any portion of the leased premises <br />except with the written consent of the Lessor. The Lessor, <br />however, shall not unreasonably deny to the Lessee his written <br />consent to the subleasing or assigning to a responsible, reputable, <br />financially responsible assignee or sublessee engaged in a busi~ <br />ness or commercial pursuit that will not be harmful or annoying <br />to Lessor or to the adjoining properties. In the event that a <br />portion of the premises are sublet by the Lessee, or in the event <br />that any portion of the premises in any manner whatsoever are <br />used by any other person, firm or corporation, the monthly rental <br />payable by Lessee to Lessor as well as the other covenants and <br />obligations set forth in this Lease Agreement shall remain as <br />provided herein. <br /> <br />6. ALTERATIONS AND IMPROV~1~SNTS BY LESSEE. The Lessee may <br />make, at its own expense, any alterations or improvements in or <br />on the leased premises that it may deem necessary or desirable <br />for its purpose, including the construction of a permanent addi- <br />tion to the north side of the building, adjacent to the sidewalk <br />of no greater width than herein included for storage of parts <br />to be used for general office purpoc;es, provided, however, the <br />Lessee shall first have submitt.ed plam3 of the proposed altera- <br />tions or improvements to the Les~~or ~111d shall have received <br />wri tten approval i":)r th~ maki ng of ~:~uch .~i 1 terations or improvements. <br />All such improvcrnent3 and a]_ter~tions to the leased premises made <br />by Lessee shall be a.nd remain tJJ(; prl'perty of t.he Lessor, includ- <br />ing any fixture::; attached to the ~: ea:'3t:J premi3es. Should the <br />Lessee desire to make any such alterations or improv':~ments and <br />receive t.he :"vritton apPl'{Jv;:ll for T.he ~:;ame from the IJe~)sor, the <br />Lessee shall, prior tu maki ng t,tw s:une, Lndemni,fy the Lessor <br />against mechanics cr matf,rialman' G .Liens and shall make all such <br />alterations or improvements in :lccordancc \'lith all requirements <br />of law and local regulations and in such a manner a;5 not to <br />weaken the structural strength of thf~ building on the leased <br />premises. NaintenCinCl~ and t~eHeral upkeep of t~he building on <br />the premises shall be dOlle by Les~ee at its expcllsC at such <br />times as it becomes rea~i.)nct01y necessnry. The Le0see agrees t.o <br />maintain the leased orernis'c';:i i;l d cood and t,en~lntable condition <br />at all times. If an'addition is c~nstrucLcd by Lessee for office <br />purposes, t.nere shall be 11(! increa3c .in rent.. <br /> <br />7. LESSEE '1'0 COMFLY ,'11TH LAWS AND OEDBANCES OF THE CITY <br />OF GRAND ISLA.ND. The Lessee agrees that it will use and occupy <br />said premises in '1 careful, safe, :ind proper manner, and will <br />not corrunit or suffer any \.'.r';:L:.ite t.hereon. Furth(~l', Lhe Le~-3see <br />agrees that it will obey and 1'0110\'1 all laws of the State of <br />Nebraska and of the Ordinances of the CiLy of Grand Island <br />regulating its USe of said premises. <br /> <br />8. DAMA.GE on DESTRUCTION OF DUILDING BY nRE DURING TERM <br />OF THE LEASE. If the building herein l8ased to Lessee shall <br />be destroyed or damaged by fire or by the elements and if such <br />damage results in a substantial reduction of the usability of <br />the building by Lessee, Lessor and Lessee each ~3hall ba ve the <br />opt,ion within ten (10) days of the damage to terminate the Lease <br />by mailing written notice to the other. If the lease i8 not <br />so terminated, the Lessor shall repair or rebuild the building. <br />If the Lessee cannot reasonably use any of the building, the <br />1e9see shall pay no rent until the leased premised have been <br />restored to their former condition and shall have been fully <br />occ'.:lpied by the Lessee and full y reopened for business, in <br />which eVent the monthly rental shall accrue from the date of <br />the reopening of business. If, hOI"lever, Lessee can reasonably <br />USe any of the building, then a just and proporti.onate part of <br />the lllonthly rental shall abate until the leased premises ';;!'lall <br />have been completely repaired and restored by the Lessor, at <br />wl1;l.chl;:;lme the liab:ili ty for the payment of all monthly refiairs <br />herein'1tipulated shall accrue. Such repair or rebuilding <br />ahal,! be - done a.s. ~Oo.n as roasonably p()st3ible after ~)uch dai;lagc <br />occur$~ <br /> <br />-;,~_. <br />
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