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<br /> <br />r- <br /> <br />LEASE AGREEM1~NT <br /> <br />83-00269& <br /> <br /> <br />;LEASE:AGREEMEN'f, made.. and. entered into this 1st dav of' <br />,19B2,by and between Hi\ROLD GREEN. and MARIE. GREEN, . h~;~i;::' <br />ai't.errefetred to as Lessor; and GREEN BODY SHOP, INC., ROlAND <br />D.S~Si.PRESIDENT, hereinafter referred to as Lessee. <br /> <br />vlI'I'NESSETH: That for and in considera.tion of the mutual <br />covenants herein contained and the va.luable consideration paid <br />and to be paid, the Lessor does hereby lease and let unto the <br />Lessee: AREA I - The Southerly 50 feet of Lot Four (4), Block <br />Thirty-three (3), Original Town, now City of Grandlsland, <br />Hall county, NebraSka,together with the one-story brick building <br />located thereon, and in addition thereto the USe area <br />approximately ten (10) feet in width presently enclosed with. a <br />fence adjacent thereto on the north used for starageof parts; <br />and, AREA II - The Southerly ~)eventy-five (75) feet of Lot Five <br />(5), Block Sixteen (16), Original Town, now City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebr'ssks, unimproved.. <br /> <br />This Lease is made upon tho terms and conditions and for <br />the rentals to be paid as hereinafter set forth. <br /> <br />1.. TERt"l OF LEASE i\.ND RENTAL. The Lessor by this Lease <br />Agreeme--nt do~?';~ lea~~~e and let the above described -premises to <br />the Lessee for the period of three (3) years, beginning on the <br />1st of Oct. , 19;';:{2, and (;~nding (HI Sept. ~30, 1985. <br /> <br />The Lessee covenants and agrees to pay as fent for the'premises <br />for the term stated above. a total of EIGHTEEN THOUSAND AND no/IOO Donars. <br />($18,000.00). Said rental payments shall be payable on the Friday of each <br />week, in the amount of ONE HUNDRED FIFTEEN AND 38/100 Do1lars ($115.38) <br />beginning October' 1, 1982. and the Jast payment on September 20, 1985. <br />The weekly rental rJaynlOnts shall be paid to the Lessor in Grand Island, NE. <br /> <br />2. TAXES AND 3F'gCIA.1 ASSgS3I.1E:NT~.J. And, as addi-tional <br />consideration aue.: :''-i!;tl. ['8r1't<11 tlw Lessee shall pay any <br />increas_e in t.aXf'::3 J.uv-it~d ':unlinsL t.he: atHJVe two (2) Areas - <br />ARFA I & AHE;i\ 11. In the ~;veHt Lhort' 1~; tin increase in taxes, <br />as soon <':1::5 the LGssor i~~ appri ~;(;d of ~:' incr~~~ase he shall <br />forthwi th tlotiJ'y the L(;~:56_0, .in \iiI'i ti ng, of such increaSE; and <br />the Lessee shall })0.1' the adJit.ioual r'dntal due on account of <br />such increase \'1ithin ten (10) day;:o~ of being ~o notified. Tho <br />Lessee shall be 1 tn.ble. for :.:,he of ~3uch i.ncrease in <br />t-a>;es beginning 'tlith t.ho yetJ!' ar~d ~~;uccessive years, of <br />this contract. <br /> <br />3. Ul'ILI:rIES. The L(~stiee agJ'(:-e;:,; to pay for all \'latet', <br />electriCity, !n'lS 'and other ut.JlitJos used bv Lessee on the <br />leased pre,mis~s dur1ng t,he Ler!ll ()f thi~) L8a~;e. <br /> <br /> <br />If. INSURANCE. 'I'h0 Lessee ilt~r'eui.; to eo.r1'Y and maintain <br />public liability :insurance. in the ar:iount of c1t least $300,000.00, <br /> limit, by DQlici85 of in.:::;urallct.; issued bv responsible <br />i-nsurance COt:lpanies autho;c'ized. to do bU;3in.o~;~~ ill the State of <br />.Ne:br~s~a, fully 9rQtt;c~i~lg t!lC L(:~5SE::; an,J the Lessor against <br />any .l.0$$, damage: J ()r c~alm t;lerel ()C In any manner connected <br />wi-th O);~, ar~,sillg- by r~;ason of 1 the U~30 of the premise,::; by Lessee, <br />and fully_ protecting t~he Lessee 2.lnd LeG~-O:c. -againL)t any loc:is, <br />(~~,mag€!,-:.,.,_ (.~r 'cla~,m cl...;t:'ising in any manner to any momber of thE; <br />public, in, upon, or about. the 18ac,ed premi::'h;s. Les3ee, prior <br />tp Qc.cupying tht: .leased. premises, cihall furnh1h t.o Lessor a <br />ct?}~'ti~~c;;l:t.e 'e'Y~denc,ing the ~"'act t.hat SU.Ct1 insurance ha~~. been <br /> and thiJ.t it is in full forte and effect, Hnd further <br />~h<iltthe same cannot, be terminated wlthout rea:;oU3ble notice <br />t.oth~.L~ssor. <br />