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<br />I" <br /> <br />.i~ <br /> <br />83- 00263r.:. <br />9. Cond~mnatiou. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid 10 Lender. <br />In the event of-a total takin2 of tbe ProoerlV. the oroceeds shall he aooJied to the sums secured bv this Deed of Trust. <br />witb the ""cess. if any, paid to Borrower. In lhe even't of a partial taking of lhe Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shaJl be applicd to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is Loqual to that proportion which the amount of the sums see-ured by (his Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with lbe balance of tbe proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borro",,,,r, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or sett_Ie a claim for damage~, Borrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed.- Lender is atithorized to collect and applr the proceeds. at Lender>~ option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured hy this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower othcf"\Vise agree in writing. BOY such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the- monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />'\ut;;h installments <br />10. Borrown Not Released. Extcrl'..inn of the time (or payment Of modifka!ion of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate 10 release, in any manner. <br />the !iabHity of. the uri~inal Borrower and Borrower'.., sucn~ssorr.; in intercs-f. Lender shall not he required to commence <br />proceedings again!')t such .successor or refuse to extend llme for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this D~ed of Trus.t by reason of any demand made hy lhe Original Borrower and Harrower's successors in interest. <br />t I. For-be-annee by Lender Not a Waivt"r. Any forbearance by Lender In exercisIng any nght or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded hy appticahlt law, ;"hall not he ;i waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of Insurance or the payment ot laxes. or other Ji~m; or charges by Lender 'i.hall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right 10 accelerate the maturity of the mdchtedne-s:,; ~ecured by [hi, Deed of Trust <br />12. RemK~ Cumulative'. AI! remedies rnn.jded In ttWi Deed of Tnjst are disllnct and cumulative to any other right <br />or remedy under this [)eed of Trust or ~ttforded h~ law or equity, and mav he exercised concurrently. independently or <br />succes,-4j,ivelv. <br />lJ~ Successors and Assigns Bound: Joint and St...tntl UabiUfJ; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained \haH hmd. and the rights hereunder ;,haH ItHJre tn. [he respective SlICCC-.\.sO(S and assigns of Lender and Borrower. <br />subJect 10 ihe provistOns of paragraph 17 herent All (:o\.enanls afld ~lgreemenh l~t Borrower s.hall he joint and several, <br />10e captions and headings of the para~raph, of lhl'l Deed pi Tru'll life for con\'l'nience nnly ,lnd are nof to he used to <br />interpret or define the provimoos hereof. <br />14. Notke-. E)O-ccpt for an)' nO~Kc requucd under ;tppllcabl~ law 10 he. given In another ,manner. (a) any notice to <br />Borrnwe-r provJded for m this. Deed of Tru~t ~hall be given tw mailing such notlcr by certified mall addressed to Borrower at <br />the Property Atidre.'\~ or at s.uch orher address ~t' BotTowcr rn3)' designate hv omice 10 Lender as provided herein. and <br />(h) any notice fo Lender s.hall he gIven oy certlfied mall, return receipt fl."ques.ted. tn Lender"s address stated herein or to <br />\uch other J.ddrn'\ as Lender may desIgnate 11\' Tiotlce tn Br'fTower as pr{widcd hefein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Deed loll Trust shall be dc,emed lO have heen given 10 Borrower l11' l.ender when given III the manner deSI8nated herein, <br />IS. Onifonn IlHd of Trust; (;.ov.rrAi~'l'~ MV~f1Ibilitl" llll'~ fOtIn t~/ deed 01 IrWH combine'i Uniform covenants. for <br />natK.'\Oul use ,wu fmo^uOlform (.'Qvenants w~th liouteo Vartat!ftft", by lurislll'Hon to constilute a uniform $ccurity instrument <br />covenng real propcny. This. Deed ot -1 ru~t :'<>hall he- )..,T{.lvcrned P)' the lilW (1f the Junsdi~'llOn In whu::h the Pfflperty ni located, <br />In thle ~ent that an\' prQVI-5.lOn or clause uf ttm Ih:-ctl of 'I rUst {\f the ~(He l'vnfiu:h With appllcahle law, such conflict shan <br />not affect oLhc:r provtsions. 0.( ihts r~i ("r TrU~1 or the Note ~ hH:h ,;an ht: gl\'cn dlecl Without the conflicting provision. <br />and to thi~ end the pn.wis<<)1lI of the Deed of Tm~l .wJ Ihe Noh: arc declareo to be severable. <br />16.. Be;-rowu"s Cop,~ Borrower .s.han ht' hnlll.,ht.-d a \,.'tmfllrmetJ ~opy \1! (he NOle and of thi, Deed or Trust at the time <br />of execution or after recnrdalloo hereof <br />17. 'fraasftr of the PrupHty; Aawnptiou. If aU (If an) pan of the Property tlf an intere~t thefCut IS. sold or transferred <br />hy Borrower with,JUf Lender's pliof wHiten con.\Cnt. c.l.duJing t ,1) the creatIon of a lien or encumbrance .subordinate to <br />this Dccd of TruM. i hi the (fcati(lU ut a p\Jtchasc f1) ~e\,UlI!Y lnk,,-~l hH hou)t'boJd dppll;lft~es. \...' l :t transfer hy dC\li$.C:. <br />d~em Of by operation of law upon the d~.h \}( a 1,11.nJ H'Hant or {d) the grant oi any leasehold inlerest of three years or ten <br />not ~of)ta'nmg an \.l.ptlon to purchaMt, I eltder nUt)". ..It i enoel"\. opHon, d(-dare .ill the scum., secured hy thl) Deeu 01 Trust to be <br />tfllfnedialel) due and pa}.ahle, I_coder !'J,h;Jij h..I"'';: i.4:iincd 'l>w.-h lljlh(Hl tv illl.:dcrate if, f~rjor In the sale or trander. Lender <br />and the pt:.($on to whom ,the Pn}peny 1\ tn Oe sold or trans.fcrfct! reach <1grec-menl lfl writmg thal the (:(edit or SiKh person <br />is ~atisf.C-tO.l) to Lender and tmu the Ullereit p<t}'abie no the ...urn) '\.(X:un:J by Ihb Deed of Tru..t s.hall be at such ralc as <br />Lender sbaH re~ue$t. If Lender na3 WaIved the \..lpoon 10 aClI.,":dtratl," prO'iIJed m Ihl~ paragraph 17. and if Borrower's successor <br />rn intet'til has C'Accuted a written ilssumptlon dgn:CinCnl d~.:...plcd m Wfltlng [I)' Lender. shaH release Borrower from <br />all nbtigahofllt under tttl~ Deed (Ie Tn.tbt ~tnd the Note <br />It Lender eJ.-cn.:is<< 'Su.:h optU.Hl lu al.:.:e1cf..lh.', f.t'"fuief ...hoi11 mail Botfow~[ nmi-ce of ac.:\.:der.ation III a~cordance with <br />paragrioph t 4 hereof Such fhllKe ~ha.1l pft)~YlUC a penoJ oj /lot k'lo!> Ihan 10 Lla}ll. (H\lll .the dale tht! notice is mailed wi~hlO <br />wbu::h &HT\.l\l\cr ma) p")' lhe sums declare\J due_ It f...lll") In pay su~h .\ums pnor tt' the explr.alu.m of sUf:h penod. <br />Lender may, without turther nOli,~c ,If dCilulnd on Horrowcl, inHll-.t all~ rcmcdn::.s permitted hy paragraph 18 hereof. <br />NVN-l!NlfUMM CO"'l"N....N1S Borrowci dud. t"l1Jcr turthe~ ~O\icnam and agree a~ J"olJows <br />18. A.-celenllioa; R._dl6. ,,-<.pI'" pmvidod In par""""b 17 he....,f. upon Borruwer'. breacb of .ny <0"_ or <br />"It_I uf In Ibis l'lecd uf 1_1. im:1udi"l the <0..0.1115 I.. pay wh.n due lIDY ....... ....und by this D..d <br />.., T....... I......' prior lu at'<donl;.,n shall mall nutl... tu Borruwer III ,",'ided In pIlf"lrapbl4 he....., ....dfylna: (I) the <br />bre...,h; (l)tho a<lion req..ilfll.o <I...., >neb .....ach; (31 a date. _ 1_ tluon 30 da)'. frum tho d.k lhe noO<. .s mallod 10 <br />Bono....... by which SlIcll btelleb must ho eun4; and (4) tbat fall.... '0 <"'" bftllCh "" or hofore Ih. cIlIte ....cified <br />I. lhe nolk:e m., I'O$uIt in a<CCleration of lho ....... ..cured by this Ooed of T r.... .nd sale of tbe Pro...rty. Th. nutke <br />.ba11 fUlther Info"" Bono_ of lho riahl to relll$lale at",. IlCcelff.'loa and Ih. right 10 btio& a <ourt action 10 _rt <br />tho _........... of . defHlt or any other def..... .., Bonower lu 1lC<.lenllioa and sal.. If Ihe b...ach is nut eund <br />.... or btfo... lho date s,.ceIli.a in lhe noll<<. Lender at I...nd.,'. oplion lnll,!' d.dar. all of lhe ..<u...d by Ibis Deed <br />.., T.....t 10 be lmm.aialol,Y .... and ,.,.... ..ilbeul fun"'r lkmand and IIUI,l' Involle !be power of 5IlI. and lIDY nth.. remodla <br />..._itte4 by applicable law. under siWI be entitled 10 ,-oll<<t all re.....nabk <...IS Ilnd ox......... Incurnd in punulnll lb. <br /> p.....ltIod In this paracrapll 1 S. indIlcIlooa. but _ Iimlt.a 10. ...........bIt attom.y'. f_. <br />If tho power of sale k 10......... T_ sluoIl record a _ic. of def....1f In each eounly In which lhe Property or >om. <br />part the...of Is ""'-d aud sluoIl malJ eopks of soch noli<< In tho .......... p",""ribed by applicable la.. to Borrower and 10 t", <br />ot_..._ ,..,...ribed by IIppikalaIe I.... Aft., !be I... of weh lime ... m.y be requlml by .pplkable la.., 1'..-.. shall <br />~ poIiIIk node. of .. to the .......... and In lhe manner p......ribed by IIJ'plkablo la... Trust... ..ith....t do_d on <br /> shall..lI!be I'ro"'l11 lit poblk auclion to the hlah"l biclder at the time and pla<e and U1lder Ih. term;; doslg......d <br />In the tJOlke of sale 10 ..... or _. pareels .nd in sue" order "" T....t.. may determine, T.....t.. may postpone sale of all <br />or ..., ..-.:el of the Property by poblk ...._"".....01 at the time and plk' of any .....viously ",hedul.d .aIe. I..nder or <br />ulldet.. ......... m.y """.... tbe .....po:rty III ...y sale. <br />Upon ...... . lp( of pay_III of !be pritt bid, Tr......, sball dollver 10 lho purr"....r, d..d <o....yloll tbe Pro...rty <br />...u, 1"Iw recil'" la tho TlWII.... ck!.a sluoIl be pll.... fade HideDee 01 lb. trllth of lhe .,al.menls ........, T....... <br />......,..,. f1w,.-do of tbe _ ht I'" follewiac order.{.I to all "",...nable ,..... and .......... 01 Ih. ,a1.. lod"dl"l, but <br />.......... to, T_...... 1_ of not __ tluo!. 31ll of 1 % uf tbe ....... oak price, ,.........bIe allom'f" I..... and ''0$'' of <br />. ..flfe,"",; tll/ to llII_ ......... by tldo ~ .., T......; and tc) lhe euOM, If aOf. Iu lhe ...""'n o. ........... iecally ."Ihled <br />~ <br />I'~ ~.Itit... .......dMtaW. N,ltwulutandtnl. Lender"\. .i:lccelt"uhon (~t the .\-UlT1'\ ~t'\.'urcd by tlw~ Deed of Tru'St. <br />Jkw""""f .haH have lhe 'iaht 10 1I.'e ..nypr""""dlns, begun Ily l.cnd.. to fnfu,\c< Ihi. Deeil "f Tru,l ,I"",mtmucd 01 <br />&lty t''''' l'fk1< l<;t tlle ""Ii,,, to """\I' or hi tbe I\fth day betore Ihe "'''' "f the Properly puron.nt lo the 1"'\\'<' "f ..Ie ""nt.,ned <br />inlllts ~dotTt,...,,,, ('.'I.e.",.Ff of a 1"d&." ""'. "t enfor<inc tht> Deed of Tn..t tf: I.) Borrower pay. l.wder ,!I .um, whid, "ould <br />bet~n J.fue ~f du\ DeeJ vf. "flti'it, the' Note and no1~s S<CCHflfl' Fulure AdvafKC1. it any, ~;ad !1t? ,ilc,\Jn occurred; <br />tho) I!k;t~t .eutftt "tiff bff.K~. {}f lln.Y tlfher I,~\l\'.ena.nh of agrtttncms \)f Bmrcwcr tOnfliHl<<f ll1 thi5- r)c-ed \)f Tt.u~L <br />~t:) Ikm'(~r...,.y~ ...i~ ~~~ma.Ne ~'pc-fft.Cl IMuned by t:Cfldcr and 'rm~t<< tn en.f('J.i'"cmg t~ ,,'O\'~n01lt1t\ an~ .lgrct".lncnn (rf <br />~t."...r (~._,d in tJ'H:J. ~ of Trt>>.f. ilind Iri tflfnrnn, Lender'"; ..wd 'rfU\fCf."'~ no_m<dk\ ~:'i: pn:w~.deJ m i~dr3.Jrar~n t s <br />hff"t;{)f, mt.~4int, hut ~Jt tU.~h~d h.~^ .re.ttwMblt ~li~ncy\ f<<~,. and hoB .iklH1'~wer f.4~.C\ "tHt.'h <1ld!('H 3f! {_l:ndel may fCil\pn,ahh <br />{<<fob't' t(y "'1ilJ!.f.: t~~ the iJ!C'fi ,,"'!of ihf:l D<<-d !'}[ hu\t t t':'.n.f~r <;, Imere(,! HI It,.r Pf~'pef1} :..nd Hn{qn~n\ ,\hlt;t.;uwn lp P~) <br />