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<br />UNIPORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />I. h1- of Prindpal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and inlerest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by Ihe Note. prepayment and lale charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and inlerest
<br />Qn anY Futun... Adyances ~ured bv this Deed of Trust.
<br />%. Ftmdo ro.. TIIlIIIS and I....;,."".,e. Subject to applicable law or to a wrillen waiver by Lender, Borrower sball pay
<br />to lender on the day monthly in.tallments of principal and inlerest are payable under the Nole, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a stirn (herein "Funds"") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents on the Property, jf any. pills one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Fonds shan be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />slate agency (including Lender if Lender is such an inst~tution), Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said faxes. assessments.
<br />in!urance premiums and grou!'ld rents. Lender may not charge for so hold 109 and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compiling saId assessments and bills, unle~li Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits I.ender (0 make such a charge. Borrower ~md l.ender may agree in wnting .at the time of execution of this
<br />Deed of Trus~ that interest on the Funds shaH be paid to Borrower, and unles~ !;l~th agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requj~ such mterest to be paid, Lender shall not be reqUlr:ed to pay Borrower anr IOtere~t or carnin~s on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, nn ,annual accounting of the Fund$ \.howmg credits and dehlls to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Fund, was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security. for the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. logelhct with the future month"" instaHments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of faxes, a~~s~ent.~, insurance premium'i and ground rentl', shall c'>;ceed the amount required 10 pay said t~tXes,
<br />assessments. insurance premJUms and ground rents as they 1.:111 due. ~uch C:(CC!;s shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid tD Borrower \.")r aedited to Borrower on monthly in~tallmcnl~ of Funds. If the amount of the Fund"
<br />held fly Lender shaJJ not be sufficient 10 pay taxe~, a5..'iessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower s.hall pay tn Lender any amount necessary 10 make up the deficiency within 30 days from the dale notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in fuU (:tf aU sums s.ecured by Ihis Decd 01 Trm,L Lender sh<J1I promptly rdund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under par::'lgraph 18 hen~o( Ihe Property I!>> ..old 01' the Property IS otherwl'Oe acquired by Lender. lender
<br />shall apply. no tater than jm~iateiy pr~lor to the sale (If the ProperlY or _it~ a..::qllisltion by Lender, any Funds "elu by
<br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured hy thiS Deed of Trust.
<br />3. Applkation of Payments. Unless applicable !;l\\.. prOVide.. nthcn\'lse. all payment'\ rcce1\'ed by Lender under rhe
<br />Note and paragraph)\ 1 and 2 hereof ~hall he applied h\' Lender tin;! in payment of amounts payable tf) Lender hy Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interes.1 payable on the Note. then to the prmclpal of the Note, and then to inlere.'\t and
<br />principal on any Future: Advances.
<br />4. Cb.~: I.tens. Borrow~r "hall pay :tH !.iXC\. .t'-...c.;;smcnl" and oth('f I.."hargcs. tines :md Hnposllions allributablc hl
<br />the Propert}' which may attain a pnonly over lhl's Deed of Trusl, and It.''asehoit,l payments or ground rents. if any. in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in SlJch manner, by Borrower mak.ing payment. when due, directly
<br />10 the payee IhereuL Borrower shaU promptly furn,sh to I cndcr all notices of amounl~ due tinder this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Borrower sbaH make paymcnl directly, Borrower shall promptly fllrnt.sh hl l.ender receipts eviJem.'mg stich payments,
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any iien which has. pnoruy ovt::r this Deed of Trusl; proVIded, that fjorrowcr sball not be
<br />required to dlSi:harg-c any '&m.~h lien ~) long as Borrower ~haH a.grel:' In wrilln~ to the paymeni of the obllgafion s~urcd by
<br />'\uch hen in a manner acceptable to Lender. or shall If' I{ood faIth l:Onle~f \lu.:h lien flY, or defend enforcement of such lien in.
<br />legal p(oce4!dtng~ which operate to prevent the cofort'emeni of the hen or forfeilure of the Property or an)' part thereof.
<br />S. H.az:anlID8lUUIC~. Bonowct ~halll..cep the Impn.l\'cmcnrs no\\' C \l\nng (lr hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br />again'it Joss by tire, hazards included wilhlO the l~rrn "exlcnUcd \.'ovcragc", and '\uch (){her hal.art.ls as .Lender may require
<br />and in such amounts and for such pe(tod~ as I (fuier may reqUlrl~. pn.JvltieJ, that LenJer shall not r-cqulfl: that the amount of
<br />such coverage t',,\:eeu Ihat amt.lUnl of ",'twetagt: r~qUlted 10 pa~ the Stun, Scc~ured ~y thIS Dccd of rru~t.
<br />The insufanCl~ c~rrrer pn.l\'iding th(~ In'\Ul'aOL'C ,hall he ;,.-hn"en hy Hornw..cr sublel.'t t1l appro.....ll hy l.ender; provideu,
<br />lhat such approval sbaU not be unf'e8$onahly Wllhh-eJd ;\11 ptemiulns un Illsurl.lm:e l)t,hcu~s shall be paid in the manner
<br />provided under p&lalfllpb 2 hereof or, It not paid III such manner, by 8orrower making payment, when dutl directly to the
<br />iosurance Cirri<<.
<br />All IOSUfarn:.'e pohdes and f-t"l1ewals lhetcnt \hall be on torm al.."\.:eptablc w LefHJcr and ~hall tndudc a slandard mortgage
<br />dause In falior of and in form aCl:eplable tn I crtder I.ender ...hall have the nght to hold the policies ;md renewals. thereof,
<br />and Borr()wer shaH plompdy h.n-oiro (0 Lender aU renewiii !h..H...:c'i and (ill rc\:C'ipl\ of p-aH.i prcmtllJn~, In Ihe event of loss,
<br />Borrower shall give prompt notice to lhe ;n~uranc~ ..:arncr dfHJ Lender. Lender m:..y make plouf of Ins.. If not made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unlc$s Lender anU 8orfowe~ ~)[herwls.e agree in \Hllmg. HH.,H.U1l"C fHlN.:t\..-dS. ...h.all he applied to fc..tor-atlon or repair of
<br />the Property darnaged. proviJed \lK-h fe~l\)faOon \'f fcr.W I'" CL(lnollll\-..lIy 1l'i!!>>lhlc .1110 Ihe '\~l.:lUlty tlf lhl... Decu tlf Trust i'\
<br />not thereby impalfed_ If such rei-tocatlon or repair l' nut c~'lfh)Jni("all}' l,'aslhh: l.li tllhc "ccwll~' of ,hi... Ueed ot Tw.,1 would
<br />be Impau"ed. the msur,a.H<,:t procccds shaU be: applied tu the sums s.c(:ufcd h)' Ihls Deed of ("ruse With the c'((e'~, II any, pah.l
<br />to Borrower. If lhe Property is abandoncJ by BoflOWCf, N if "onowcr Luis. 10 fes.pl.uh.1 to Lender withll) 30 days from the
<br />date notice is mailed bv lender 10 Borro\4;.er that the lnSUuo\.:l,; l,;;J.rllcr \)ITcr<\ to &cule OJ daim (or lO~lirllm::c bcnl;t1h, Lender
<br />IS authorized Iv t:oUet;t and apply the insur-.ln~c prO\.:ccds at Lender's l}Plion either to rC~lOralJOn or repair of the Property
<br />or to the sums secured by th.s Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower othc.rwt~ agree m writing. ~n) such apph"ullon of prol.:ceos (0 pnndpal ~haJl not c)(ten~
<br />or pl)$lpone the due date of the monthl) lO~laHment~ retcrred 10 III paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount 01
<br />such in$talhnc~ts. Jf under .~ra8rap~ IS here-oi the l)ftJpeIt) r, aC~Ulrcd b}' Lender, all nght lltle and inlere~.t of Borrower
<br />In and to any Insurance pohc~es ;lod m Jnd It) lh~ proceeds lhereot re~ultlng ftom damage 10 the Property prior to the !J.alc
<br />or acquis.ition shall pa4S to Lender to the extent of the sums s~cun:d b}' this. Deed of Trust immediately prior to such ~alc or
<br />acquisilion~
<br />6.. PresN\'a'loo and Malatenaace of Property; lAaschokb.; Condominiums; Planned lJnil f>e\'elopmeuUi. 8oHo....cr
<br />-.;.hall keep the Propert} Ul &\.lOJ repair iJnd ..hall _nUl ,1.'mHmll \>\ as.h: \If p1.:'rrnil imp..!!! IlH:nt UI Jl:lt~f wn.lllun (If Ihe Prl~pcrt)
<br />Olnd .shall comply with the provisions of 3ny lease If (hl~ Deed of Tru~l is on II lea~ehold. If thh D~d uf Trust I:' on a UfUltO ~t
<br />condominium or u planned unit deveJopment, Borrower l)haH peeJorrn ~dl of Borrower's obliga!lOm under the JedaratlI.JIl
<br />Of cOVe:lUints creating or go\'crning the condominium ('r pl.mned Ullil dcvelopmenl. [he by.JJw~ JI1\j rcgulatlfHh ;,\1 the
<br />condominium or planne-d Unit develQpment. and ....(mSlI_tueot dOCUfllClll"': , If ii t:ondomiOlum Of planned unit d.t.:\'citlpmcnt
<br />rider is e:\ecuted by }k')ffoweI and recorded together wun lhl-S DeeJ ot f ru.')t, !he ':OVcnanls and agrecmcnh of :-.uch ridel
<br />shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the (,"o\'cnants ~lnJ ugreement~ of this Dt."ed of Tnt..l iI>; if the nder
<br />we", . parI hereoL
<br />1. Prottctwn of l..ender's Security. If Borro\licr falls to pt::rform the I.:O'iC'oal1ts "oJ ':igrccmCfll\ ;;nnta,HH:d in rhl"
<br />Deed of Trust, 01" if any action or proceeding is commcllced whii:h rnatcfJJlIy .tfTccb Lcm.lcr's int!:rc~l In Ihe Pro pert j ,
<br />inc1udUli. -but Ill'll rimit-cd to, eminent domatn. insolvency. code enforcement, pr arrangl.:'mcnh Of p.roo;:cedll1g" IfH'oh log ;l
<br />bankrupt or de\.:weot, then Lender at Lender~! opti{m~ upon notice to Borrower. may make such arpe~r~HK\.'S. di..bU/)c )u".h
<br />~Um.s nnd take such action as IS necessary to protecl Lender's mlcrnC ;ndudfO~. hUl fwt limited hI, dl...hur~l'!llcnt \II
<br />te.'l$onahte. attornty\. fees and entry upon the Property Il) m~~e repJH\ If Lenuci required n1l._Htgagt: HI"'Ufiiih:1.: <I... ~l
<br />condition of ma'linglhe loan ~ured by thl~ Deed or Tru'!)!, Borrower ~hall pay the premium.. rcqulIcd h' 1H~llilfajn "ll(h
<br />Jnsura~c-e In effect unt"H $U(h time as. ihe requirement fOf :such InWlaTl:;:e tcrrnifl.<l!e\ In :H:>:;)n.!iH"ll.'i.' Wllh R,Htl.~\\-t:f\ ~IlHJ
<br />Leflcdcfi written agrccmtnt Of applicable law, Borrower shall p-a~ Ihe ,Hnuunl of .all mOrlgabc lIhlHJn';t: pft'll)JUf\1'l in Ihe
<br />m.nn.r provided under para,rarb 2 ""rooL
<br />Any ..mounts di$butK'd by tender punruaot to this. pafJ8J-aph 1. ~llh :ntcre.sl thercr'!l, ,haD he\:Pfnl' ;tdtlltl~\llai
<br />inde:ttttd~$ of .8crr-owtr s.ecured hy thi-:s Detd of Truiit Unless Borrower unJ (elldtr /J.gree W \lthcr !l.'!rn~ d p:J}O\cnl. ';\lell
<br />,iUln~nl'.malt be- ~);able upon no{u;e from l.t-nder to s..)rro\.n~r rtqucs!inS paymi.:'f1t lne,co(, .l.nd ~hal! l>cal mtNe";-.1 tr.Hl1 dw
<br />date of dkbvr1en'etd at tOt nUt payable frem time to time on f1ut\tanding prmnpat under the :"JOlt' llnl('5.\ payoR'iH d Hltcrcsl
<br />at tlK'tt ,ate would be conu3ry to 'appUcnble law, in whl:Ch c-Yent \iDe" amount.... ..hall Ni\t m.rcre>;l ;.H the hl~hc"t t;,tc
<br />pe-t1n;fuibJ~ un<kr apptkahte !JiW Notl'un,g cootaloo:-u Hl tnt... pIHagniph "7 <;n3H requite tcndt~r !o Hlcur ,HiY e"pt:!1f,~' (If take
<br />llJJr &Ction hereunder,
<br />~~ I~ L~1\del ma-)' make (!f(ij;use ro be m...-(~ rc.noni!tlle itnH';t\ il~H; ;Hh.l lh-<..r{'d;~~fl', ~,f lhc PHlj_'k'tty, pr,nHkd
<br />UU-i Ltndr,r 1fu.iH ,ive- tlt-,nowtr f!otic<:, prl('l( fQ. :lnj' M.ith m-tpet:tf(l11 .;,;J)t~{:d~t"ln~ reas(in;~Nc ,:311"-.;.' l)wrdt:;1 j("l[jh~,d 10 I \.,'!~ki ~
<br />1I1t~,.t ~n the frtlPCflv
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<br />83- OU263Z
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