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<br />I <br /> <br />the sums secured fly {hi~ Oeet! ol Trust shaH continue unimpaired_ Upon such payment and cure by Borrower. this Deed 01 <br />frust_and Ih~ oblig,tHlons secured herebS' shall remain in full force LInd effect as if no acceleration had occurred. <br />20. A~~nmenl' of Rents; AppOinfment of Re'cejYer~ Lender in Possession. As addifional ~ecurit)' hereunder. Borrower <br />herehy assign.. IH Lender the rents_of the-ProperlY. provided -thJ:t Borft.Jwer shall. prior to acceleration under paragraph IX <br />hereof or ab~nd('1omenl of the ProperlY ~ have the nght to- C{)HCCf and retain such rents as they become due and payable. <br />Up(,',"<.:elerallllO tinder paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of the ProperlY, Lender. in person. by -agent or by <br />JudiClaHy appointed rcn.'!vcr, stun be entitled 10 elitc-r up0n. lak.e pos-sc'\;.sion of and manage the Property arid _to collect the <br />rcnt~-(lf the P-ropt'rty including those -past due AH rent" <:dl-ec-ted by Lender or the receiver shall be applied- firSt to payment <br />of the co~'" of man,tgemcnt of the Property and collcchon {}( rents. io-cluding. but not limited to, receiver's fees. premiums <br />on rc\:ci"cr\ bomh and reasonable 3uornefs fee~. ~lOd then to the slims c;ecured by this Deed of Trust. lender and the <br />rCccwcr shaH be liable to account only f()r rho~e rent... aClually received. <br />2-1, Future Ad\'anct--5~ Upun requ~t of Borrower, Lender. al Lender's option, prior to full reconveyance of the Property <br />by 1 fustce to Borrower. may make Future Adv3nt~e.. to Born;wer Such Future Advances. with interes.t thereon, shalf be <br />'iccured by thi;;. Deed of Tr\t~t when evidenced by promis.-,ory notes- stating that 'laid notes are secured hereby. At no time shall <br />the principal amount of the indehtedness <;ecured hy !hi" Deed of Trust. not ,"c1udlng sum>; advanced in accordance herclWith <br />10 protect the ~urity of this Deed of Trll\L exceed lhe origmal amount or the Note plus US $ 15 f 000.00 <br />2Z~ Rt"t'ofne)'.Rft. Upon payment of all ')um'\;. secured n} rhi, Deed of TrusL Lender shall request Trll,,\[ee to reconvey <br />rhe Pn}pcrty and shalt surrender thi~ Deed of Tru..t and ;;lit n(ltc~ evidencing indebtedneo;s seemed by this Deed of Trust <br />to Tw\tC^c Tru~tce shalf reconvey lhe ProperlY WHhout warranty and without charge 10 tf1e person or Person~ icg;'IU~ <br />entitled thereto, Such per~on or person.., shall pay atl co,t-<; of recordation. if any <br />23. Substkur* T~fte. Lender.;.tf l endcr-" op-tIlJn, mil\' from time tn lime remove Tru"rcc and -appoint d successor <br />iru-s-lec to noy THI\;tee aPPOinted hereunder D\ an Hl"trumen! re.cnrdl'd in the ...ount!- In which this Deed of Trust is. recorded <br />Wuoout conve:\ar".-cc of the Property. the <;llCCC"'.;;,or nustee "hall suc~ced to all the tltle_ power and dutie') conferred lIpon <br />tht. l rU'itec hen.:Hl ,lAd hy appficahle law <br />2-4, R*q~t for NotkK, &...,rrowcr ft>qut"l' fhat \;oJ1je~ pf the notice ('!f default Jnd notice ('If sale be sent to Borrower's <br />~-ddre..~ whtch 1<; the Pr-{}f1erty Addre$s< <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WllfRfOl' <br /> <br />Borrower ha, executed (hi" Deed pt Trust <br /> <br />/~#~. <br /> <br />.. Lawren~ J. T7 --Sorrower <br /> <br />~~~~~-- <br /> <br />Sf ^ rle Of NfBRA'''^. I~ <br />On Ihis ~ dB) of l~ <br />dul}- wrnm""orK"(1 and qual.tkJ. for. ,..d counl'. ')!ll"tllljlil <br />~ :r. r~ I ~ 6~d At4. t...,'-1'k.. <br />Hlcntic..ll perMlfJ.L.:J whose namC'W arc _~ub\~rlncJ to (hl' h)h.:g\)ltlg rm,trum(,fll and <br />thereof 10 Ix- ~. 'OIUlllilC) ael and ,In.d, A~ . d ~./l I <br />\~lftn('"s.~ m.y h.wd and "Plana) \-cat at l~.... ~~~ <br />dale ,.tore"",d <br /> <br />County ss: <br />J ~ F3.. before me. Ihc:yn'!5..fSlgned. a Nol3fY Public <br />,'atlle' ..L&",/:4>le.. "-I",./~. .-..d.. <br />. to me known to be the <br />acknowledged the execution <br /> <br />III ,aid county. Ihe <br /> <br />My Comml5wln " ~f)lfe~ <br /> <br /> <br />c:...-....;r( ,,--p D <br />~\()./JJ'J,'-I~." . <br />\ I Not.ry Pub' Ie <br />.~ <br /> <br />REQU:~I FOK RHU/I,\F'rANCE <br /> <br />fo TRliSI ICE <br /> <br />t <br />c( <br />0:: <br />I- <br />'(I} <br />CO <br />.<t <br /> <br />The ut1<Jcr5.gncd " the h,>J,kr "1 rhe flI'k '" note, ""\lIcd hy II", Deed 01 Tru_c Said note 0' note" logether <br />WIth aU other IIldebtedtl." '.'"I<'d by 11m Peed 01 !tU,I, haw paid In lull. You arc hereby d"ecled to cancel <br />\.ud note o.r O.()(c\- and thlS De\-'d l); lfU~t. whll..'h .tre dt'Ii\'('r~d heh'b}, and to rc(,;onvcy. Without W~lfranty. all the <br />e~latc now held by )0" under th" Deed "r Iru,1 I" the per"". or pc""'" legall) tllluled rhereto <br /> <br />-: <br /> <br />Date: . <br /> <br />;j <br /> <br /> <br />(Sl-l"(~ 8~~""", p"" l.Ot' $l~~f"ed '-or t"'t1a~r /t'.(I''O~'1 <br /> <br />..., <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />]~ N :: <br />C'? . ~. .... <br />c.o \... <br />...... ~.,:,.......'I.'.; [. i '..\~~; .j~g <br />~.OH I"........'..' <br />!II J,..' ..:~, '...."'~.. ...':';.....' <br />1 L. <br />, '. - ;)., <br />: ............' <br />C "^ !;~ <br />w .."" ......-f'~ <br />"'u <br /> <br />CD <br />- <br /> <br />.....j. .', <br />" '" <br />"'-.,.' tt:: <br />'" II>' <br />~q b.. <br /> <br />J: <br /> <br />"" <br />:c <br />a.. <br /> <br />c.o <br />"'" <br />liE <br />e <br />il'<"J <br />- <br />.. <br />