<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />83_H LJ 25iS7
<br />
<br />
<br />The condominium consists of one (1 ) building which is built on a
<br />crawl space and 1456 of basements. The bui Id:img\~i 11 contain eight (8)
<br />suites which may only be used for residential purposes.
<br />
<br />
<br />The Regime also inc ludes eleven (11) automobile garages, open parking
<br />area, recreational area and landscaping. The total floor area of the
<br />'building (excluding garages) aggregates 6,659 square feet and the total
<br />land area of the Regime aggregates 37,929 square feet. Said buildings
<br />and improvements together with their location on the land and the area and
<br />location of each suite are more particularly described in the plan which
<br />is attached hereto as Exhibit "B".
<br />
<br />
<br />Each owner shall be responsible for the repair, maintenance and
<br />replacement of all exterior doors, inc luding garage doors and the mechanical
<br />operators thereof, appurtenant to said owner's suite or garage; it being
<br />understood that the only association maintenance of exterior doors shall
<br />be the painting or finishing of the exterior surfaces thereof. If any
<br />owner fails to repair, maintain or replace the exterior portions of his
<br />suite as set forth in this Master Deed and the By-Laws described below,
<br />the Association may perform such work, invoice the owner and secure and
<br />enforce a claim and lien therefor against the owner and his unit in like
<br />manner as delinquent assessment for common element expense.
<br />
<br />VI. VALUES
<br />
<br />The basic value of each suite and garage separately with the percentage
<br />Io'hich each suite shaH share in the expenses of, and the rights in, the
<br />common elements are as follows:
<br />
<br /> Share
<br /> Su i te Conrnon No. of
<br /> Value Expenses Votes
<br />Suite No. ~,,~crift~2!: Area (Each) _(Each)_ (Each)
<br /> -----....---~~-, ""---
<br />29 BR- B 684 . 00 Sq Fe S n , 900 10,,428% 684.00
<br />30 BR- B 675.33 Sq Ft Sj4 . 900 10.296% 675.33
<br />31 BR- B 72 8. 00 Sq Ft $39,900 11,099% 728.00
<br />32 BR- B 926.00 5q Fe $46,800 14,11 n 926.00
<br />H 2 uR- B 881.67 Sq Ft 543,800 13 ,l,41t 881 ,67
<br />34 2 SR- I; 869.00 Sq Ft $44,800 1 J, 248% 869.00
<br />35 BR- B 916.00 Sq Ft $ II , 600 11.978% 916.84
<br />36 BR- B 878.51 Sq Ft Sn,150 l.l ,,'I J% 878.51
<br />
<br />
<br />The following covenants, conditions and restrictions relating to this
<br />condominium regi_ sball run with the land and shall be binding upon all
<br />grantees, devisees, mvt:tgagees and any other persons who use the property,
<br />including the persons who acquire the interest of any owner through foreclosure,
<br />enforce~nt, of any lien or otherwise:
<br />
<br />a. Tbe Windsor Square Association, inc., a Nebraska nonprofit corpora-
<br />tion, has bo:en incorporated to provide a ven ic Ie for the manllgemen~ ,,[ the
<br />condominium. Each owner shall automatically be deemed a member of said
<br />Association. The By-Laws of said Association are als" the by-laws of this
<br />condol\l.iniula property regime and are attached hereto as Exhibit "B",
<br />
<br />b. All general cOllIIIlOn eIe_nts are for the use and enjoyment of all
<br />atomer.. The limited cO'WllOn elements are [or the exc lusive use of the ""mer
<br />of the .uite or suites to which 'they are appurtenant, his family, guests,
<br />."rv.l.lta and invitees. Th" ownership of the COl11lUOn elements shall remain
<br />ondivi4lld" a~ n<:> pUllan or owner shall bring any action for the partition
<br />or.divis.ion of the cOm;;f!On el<lments. Tbe ASSQciation shall frol1l time to time
<br />ellt;*H.llb ruh:lland resulations for th., sue of the COfflll>QI\ e lemen tll, The
<br />lIh,llU.Q(IItL Wl'ler in the COl:lll'l1On elelllents ill appurt"llant to hia ~\1ite and
<br />lnll*Pllrahl" fl'QlIl $"ite owners!li,p. AUeflsmentS against ownerli for 111'",ran<:,',
<br />
<br />"'2~'
<br />