<br />ms,rance. or renswals as are rsqurred hereunder, or laHUre to pay any sums advanced hereun~shal~ tHe~j!!t`ah'bFDdhellciary
<br />constitute a default Ati unearned pramrums are hereby assigned to Trustee as additional security and a Sate and aonveyarice~-of the
<br />Trust Property by the Trustee shall operate to convey (o the pwchaser the Trustor's interest in and to alt polioies-.-ot insuranpe upon the
<br />Trust Property -
<br />5. fn ease of any damage to. or destfuctron of, the buildings. rmprovements or persanaf propenyconSNtuting paRat-theTnYSt Property,
<br />whether such ions rs covered by rnsurance or otherwise. Trustor, at its sofa cost and expense. wilt promptly restore, repair; replace and
<br />rebu~.td the soma as Hearty as practicable to its condition immediately prior to such damage'or destruction or with-SrJah:changesand
<br />aireraUOns as Trustor may deem appropriate. provrded such changes and alterations do not materially lessen the-valueand utility of such
<br />burdings, rmprovements and personafitylrom that existing immediately prier to such damage-or-destruction. -Trustor shall be entitled td
<br />reimbursement from the Trustee to the extent of the net insurance proceeds received by Trustee, but only to tile-extent of the actual sum
<br />expended under This provision. -
<br />B. 1f Trustor +s a corporation. ,t will do all thrngs necessary to preserve its corporate existence; eights and phvlteges urfderth_e laws of the
<br />state of its rncorporafion.
<br />7. Truster wrtt not commrt any waste upon the Trust Property and will, a! elf times, maintain the same ingoad-Operating order and
<br />condition and cart! make, lrom rime to trine, aft repairs, renewafs. replacements. additions and improvements which are reasonably needlul
<br />or desirable ro such end Na burrdrng or rmprovemenf now or hereafter erected upon the Trust Property shall be altered, removed or
<br />damplrshed wrrnout the prior wnttan cnrrsant of 9aneherary. -
<br />A ?t during ..*ne. existence of rnrs Trust there shall be Threatened. commenced or pending any suit or action aftecdng anyo(ahe Trust
<br />Property, the true thereto or me onorrty of rho ken ar this Deed of Trust rheraon, or it any adverse ctaim furor against the FrustRroperty, or
<br />any pan thereof. ne mad¢ or asserted. the Trvsfae. 3enstrcrary, or both, may appear or rntervane in any such suit or action; retain-dounsel
<br />therein, and d8lend the same. ar OfherW?Sa take such ac Unn as that' may deem advisable and Settle or compromise the same Orthe @dverse
<br />ctarm: and rn that regard and for any of such ourposes may pay and expend such sums of money as Trustee Or Peneficiary may deem
<br />advisable. whrch sums shaft he deemed ro have been advanced hereunder and Secured by this Geed of Trust. -
<br />9 Trustor hereby covenants. warrants and agrees write baneticrary. ifs successors and assigns. teat Trustorawns the Trust PrOpertyfBB
<br />from any prrar Iran or encumbrance, feat lets 13eed of Trus[ rS and writ remain, a valid and entnrceab/e tirsttien On the trust Property;:ttiat-
<br />TfUStof will pfBSarva sUCh title and w?t? inrev$r Warfant and deiced the SamB t0 fh@ $enetFClarY and Will tafeVef warranlanddetB/td:ttiB-'.
<br />vshdrty and priorrry of the tree hereof against !na c?a,m of al? parsons and parties whomsoever. Trustor cart/make such furtherassurenae oc:, _
<br />assurances ro perfect rrs rile to tea Trust Property as ,,may 4a reasonably rsqu+red try BaneGcrary. Truster hereby reiingwshes-elf-rightOt-
<br />dower and homestead rn and to the Trust Property
<br />t t). Truster wrf? pay aN taxes. assessments and orrar pubtrc charges upon ine Trust Property before the same bylaw become-delinquent.
<br />a.nd canon any such taxes, assessments or puDHC charges shaki ba F¢wect upon the hbte secured 6t' lhrs 1Jeed of Trust. or upon the Trustee
<br />of B¢nehcrary or upon iherr successors cr assigns ~n account of said debt ar the tree at rhrs deed of Trust (except income taxes) Trustot
<br />writ pay such taxes. aS3eSSmenrs or pubtrc Cnargas prrar to fh¢ ?'ma ;ha same shat), by law, baCUnle dEl,nquent.
<br />t 7. N l3EnarrC!ary shalt sn rP.quast. %iustnr agrees that ;hero Shari be added t.^, each partpdrC payment requrrad to be made hereunder an
<br />amount asnmared by Trusta¢ m be su??,c ~arlf ro e?Han;e Trustor m pay .-tr least 3G days iletore dstrnquency. aft faxes. assessments or other
<br />pualrc charges agex;st the Trust Prop¢rr;:, rna .Noss sac;:rett by lets Lhn¢o r..' Trust ar upon account a? the ar me ken of this Trust Dead,
<br />fCXJethar caste pramrums Tor •nsuranra regtnren to t?e prdvrd¢d under this tk;aa o? Trust anr7 nn rnreresf shalt ae payable to Trustor xl
<br />respect :hereof 1?pan aen:and by Trustee_ i rr:5rc)r snail der,var L2 Trus[eci such add,GOna! sums et rennet' as era necessary to make up
<br />arty dehcrenc=y yr the arrrourts rrge€s&erq fs enatrra Trcrsfeg itr pay Gray at the lortvyo,ng rte+res
<br />72 Trustor, ar )LS CxpeRSa Wrtt i#x¢f.Uta anQ dN.f:yar td rho Tfust9a, prantptfy updrl d¢mand, such sacurtfy tnferaSfS as maybe r¢Quifad
<br />n,y Tnrstea.~ 'arm and substance SaFrstactav tc; Trustt e. covanng any a? ttre Trtu;i Property conveyed by this Deed of Trust, which
<br />secup[y ,rutrurraants matt Gaz addrGOna? saCUrrty tar Trustar'5 tarrnfuf p~datmanee a aft o! rho farms, covenants and eondihons of this
<br />.r.~t'3ad Of Trust. tr:a %~fa'.8 secured haraG}'. fxr>Et arty pthar '#?{'. Linty ~nstru/hanlS ax¢ctitad r!'I CdnRBGFIOr! Wfih rhrs rranSBeflnn. SUCK
<br />rnstrumants shaFi ba recnriiad Or r.ied, artd rararcirdctd arrd rtfrfad. aF ; rustar s axaansa.
<br />13 Wrtnrn iq days altar damarrr, Trrsrar shalt tyrnra?t n? Trustee a scn¢duks Cert:frail tta ae ',.°usror. setting forth aft f¢asas ni space
<br />.n iha Trus.' Prafxrty rtren ... attec r. rtctud,rrg, :n :?ace case, the nan'ra tit the tenants anal rk^CUpants. a dascnptron at ihs space
<br />accuprad by sink; ie,wnt a?)d xc-.rpanr 76s r~,nrar r'7yabrt~ to= srxh sp=tea a-rc! sen;h Gtr,ar : ~farmafron veil dactrrnanlS with respect
<br />Fa suet: ;eases and tar?ancras as me Trusrae? ^!ay request
<br />24 Att payrrlants made under ?ha pravrS;G't+ ;?/ ins i~ark't 4?T:ust s>r tea NntB a'e.evr'ad ?rsr¢by_ whrch may ba CnnStru¢d as rnrarBSt.
<br />strait Hat, rn the aggregate .)vEr ms rarer nareok 5xrt.ed the rater teat teat' 7¢ taw?ally contraciad ; , wrrhrtg at the State of Nearaska_
<br />415Fnaut Ehe Pr±(5r wrrtran ~ans¢r;f of TruSreB_ Trus[a snarl :tor, E7rraC't?V pt :ndrrt:clry, with regpect to any r`aase pt space rn [na
<br />de5cnbad premrsas_ wtrstnar srrr.n taas5 •s r+Gw e.. ^er¢alEer .r. Exr3hEnC2_ gal aCC¢pt ,,^r pernrrf any prapaymenr. drSenurtt dr
<br />ddvanGe rant payabt¢ trTaraurlaer. rb! lance! ~r terse,?Far{3 `rip St3r1?P-. Or accept Hey CartC¢r(atran rarnNndtrpn Gf SUrranCt¢r (haraol,
<br />nt p¢rrnur an}' e/Bttf f0 t]CCur whre r't wau%d ~rttrFfa th6 lessee =hereunder rn r¢nnrnata r:r ::anfp,! th¢ Sarna_ raj am¢nfl Or mQdely Fha
<br />same sC) dS to reduce the term thae'sat. !ha renter pa yattta tnaraund¢r, car r0 change any ranaWaf prov7SrOnS lectern r,Onfarnad, rd)
<br />warva art' dalauft thaecrndar Or t;reac?r fhareat_ rR; y,v`a ar,y car!5ant, wa,uar ar approval iharaundar or take any other ar,Unri rn
<br />eonnectrnn t'rarvwrtn tr wrfh a +esa~¢ theresu^d¢r wrL.ch weura +'rava rtre allacr at rrnpa,nng me vague of rassor-s rntarast therm
<br />urtdar, ar rh¢ prt)perty subtaca Rterera. Or or <vipa,rrng me J>asdrcn Or rrPrar¢St of tea trustee fir _fjanet,c nary qr 'r! Bali, 3fS,gn_
<br />pfadgB, mar!gagE Jr :r?(r?arwsc d+Spt.)Se it ~_ p?rc arrrber. _ d1rFr'reSF r.: any such igaSa cr any ront5 ~S'sueS Or (Jra?NS s5titnq Or
<br />ar+srng ther¢urKte.`
<br />i b'. TrcrGta= tTgreeS Fhar ~a; rho ccrras one- RC~'rgatedns cF trustaer snarr u^e dstarmsnad Saie?y by r+r¢ erpr¢ss ;;rdvs,arrs E.rt rnrs
<br />t.?feati at Trust and t»~ T usage sear, r==~:' hri .~abta ex~C¢pr far the pertarrr73nGa flf Bach duties aged aairgarran5 as are sp¢cnc~alrY set
<br />?trrlh harean, NTk; rz0 ~mpr+ed cnretral. s -,r O;tflga !C rs Sea- - rrnpt-sed c:7X3ri ':1stBa_ 'h, oa prUVrS:att EN ttLS Coed O! l:u,( 9nait
<br />U
<br />
<br />
<br />