<br />require Trusted fo expend or risk its own funds. or otherwise incur any financial obligation rn the perfo(mar00~ar~`2Sf~S duties
<br />hereunder, or in the exerc+se of any at its nghts or powers, it it shaft have grounds for believittg that the repayment o/ such funds-
<br />or adequate rndemnety against such nsk or Irabilrty rs not reasonably assured to rt; (c/ Trustee may consult with counsel of-its awn
<br />ch=aosmg and the advice of such counsel shall be full and compl8fe authorization and profectron in the respect o/ any action taken,-_
<br />br suffered try +r hereurder m good faith and rn releance thereon; !d) Trustee shall not be liable for any acGgn-taken 6yit-Fn~-good
<br />forth and reasonaby believed by it to be authorized or within the d+screhon or rights of powers con/erred upon it by this-Deed of
<br />Trust
<br />?? in the event of any default hereunder, under the Note, or under any other security instrument given in connection with this
<br />transaction. Trustee shat! be entitled, at any 6me, at its option, and without regard to the va1Ve o/ the=secur(fy or-the solvency or
<br />,nsolvertcy of Trustor, to enter upon and take possession of the Trust Property, or any paR'thereol; and--id da-and perform such
<br />acts as may oe necessary or proper to repair, protect and to conserve the value €hereot add to'rentor tease.-the-SBRIer=or any part
<br />mereot. upon suds rental, terms and condmons as its Judgment may dictate. and to collect and caceive-the rents, issues and
<br />profits thereat whreh said rents.+ssues and prolNS. present and future, are h8reby assigned to the Trustee asfurther•securiry. bur
<br />wnrcn assignment Tn.rsrae agrees not to enforce so long as no such default has occurred.
<br />78 Truster expressly covenants and agrees #o pay and discharge ail costs, fees and Expenses of this Truck including. ,h the
<br />event of sate by rho Trustee of the Trust i'raperry, the Frustee's costs, expenses and lees, whreh fees shall notexceed $50000
<br />plus ', at ?°rc of me amount secured Hereby and remaining unpaid.
<br />?g. tr Trustor shall sets er convey rho Trust Property, ar any part fnereof. or any interest dserein, orshalt t>8 divested of its tide.
<br />ar any interest therein. +n any manner ar way, wnsther voiunianly or nsvotuntanty, without the written consent of t3eneiiciary-being
<br />first Had and oorarnad. Qenetrctary shalt have the right, at its option. to declare any mdebtedness or bbfigationssecured_hereby,
<br />rrrespecrrve at the maamry dare sp8ci;ied rn env Hato evidencing the same, immediately due and payable without notice, andsaid
<br />debt shall tneraupan become absolute tt the awnarsnrp of tna Trust Property, or any part thereof, becomes vested m a person
<br />other than the Trustor. t3anehCrary and Trustee may, wethout nonce to the Trustor, deal with such suepessor~or successors in
<br />+merest wnh r8tarence to tnrs DBed of T,~ust and ina debt 7rsr8by secured as with the Trustor, and may forbear to sue or may extend
<br />rime for payment of the debt narany secured wethout drschargmo ar m any way affecting the ttabiNty of the original. Trustor
<br />naraurxtar, qr upon the d8bt sacur8d
<br />2(} Trustor witr pay to Trustee and ro the 5anairaary. r8spactivaty. upon demand. the amounts of all Sums of money which either
<br />short have paid ar e.rpanded rn cunnq any default at Trustor urxi8r this Dead of Trust, together with interest upon-8ach O/~Sald
<br />amounts. unfit paid. !tom rho nme or expenditure tnareot, at fns rare of 16 ?o per annum. Alt oI said sums shalt be dub-.and
<br />pavable, tagemar wrtn interest aforesaid- rrnrnediar8ty upon rho atlvanaam8nt thereof. Neither Trustee nor Beneficiary shall 6e-under
<br />any.tsbtrgation_ However /O CL're any datautF of TrreSfaf
<br />. ' !n case Tr,rsror snau wet! arrtt tn:ty pariarm :rs obtrgatrans wMer tars DeBCt cf Tnrst, and pay or cause to ba paid the debt evidenced
<br />by rn8 tVOta and air other rnonays agreed rq as pa+d b'v ri i;nder lire farms. prgVtSrbriS and Candrhon5 of any dlhef S@curify instrument
<br />green rn cannecr+on wrtn mrs Cransac trait, arKr a?sa the raasonabte axtaensss of the Trust herein provided, than the Frustee, its successors
<br />assigns. SnaN r!?convey to 'rusror aN dt rn8 Trust Property conveyed to Trustee by the Trustor Any part of the Trust Property may he
<br />BconvByef! at any tine. to rn8 Trustor at dse request at ins FsBneirerary wethout atl8cnng the validity and prioniY of the hen of this Dead
<br />at Trrst upon tna rama,ndar of tna Trust f'rtrop8rty
<br />22. 1n rho event at any or>e tar n;ora or rite provrsrons eantarrrad rn rnrs i)ead or ?rust, or at the Ndle or any other security instrument
<br />given rn connactron with rnrs *ransac t.on shat; rot any reason h8 netd to b8 ,nvatid, d18ga1 or unenforaeaole in any respect, such
<br />,nvatrdrty, ,ttagat+ry or unantarraabrt,ry snafl, at tn8 gp[ron of t~8neticrary. Hat affect an y other prbvtsiOn of this Deed of Trust. bur this
<br />Deed or Trust anaii o8 r:onsarusd as st suc:n inva+!d rttsgai ar unarrto.<c8abta provrsras had never been contained heram or therein.
<br />23, Whenever used here,n cite singular ncrmber 5nafr rnctuda Ira pherai, the pturat the singular, the use of any gender chef/be applicable
<br />Eq a1! genders. end me term 138r*et~rary-matt ,rrc iuc:8 any payee of tn8 r:sdebradness neraGV secured or any transferee #hera0l,
<br />whether by i)aaraRdn Ut taw fYt 6CnarwlSa -
<br />;N WtTNFSS WNEPc'C:F, rrr~s t"iaeri r,,r T.~cest t;as [;:yar; d,,ey exar;uted tna day and year nareurabova t;rst wntten.
<br />S~ :~:.
<br />PARK 122DIzhS rsTVEL0P^1E:NT', I?;C., A hEEkASKA
<br />/r ,
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<br />~t_Ta~es D. Roth, i'residebt
<br />F ~. , _ ~ u
<br />fPann~ P. !iotYr, ~ecr Mary)
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