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<br />Norwest Bank Omaha, National Association DEED OF TRUST <br />F4,,K~; P.O. Bax 3408 <br />Qmaha. Nebraska S8f03 ~[ ~- 00.1488 <br />This Peed of Trust made this <~~ '~ -`~ ' day o! Mgrch 19 $4______ , by and between <br />_ ~~a_g wardens Development Inc a Nebraska Garoor'at3o c~_______ <br />whether one dr more, hereinafter called the "Trustor°, whose mailing address is .14.4 S~u~I}_Bla ine Grand Island NE <br />NpRWEST BANK OMAHA, NATl4NAL ASSOCiAT{ON, hereinafter called the- "Trustee", whose meAing address is R O. Box 3408, <br />Omaha, tebraska 68103, and NORWEST BANK QMAHA, NATIt?NAL ASSfJCIAT{4l+1, herBinaltei called the "BeneRciary", whose <br />mailing address is P O. Box 3408, Omahe, Nebraska 68103. <br />wrrNESSErH: <br />iYHEREAS, under Bven date herewith, Trustor executed and de!lrered fo Beneficiary a Prpmissory Note payable to Beneficiary in the <br />pnnGpa! sum of 5 ~~>~-- ._._.----.~_.'.~._._.__ _ _ ---_.__. <br />which Wore wits t}e referred !o h&rern as the "Note" or the "Nate Secured Hereby": <br />fJD W Ti-tER,EFC)RE. for the purpose of sec+xmg payment of Fhe Mote, accord!ng to its farms and any extension-ot renewals thereof, <br />and for the purpose of securing peAormance by Trustor of the agreements herein contained. Trustor irrevocablygranfs~nd vansters <br />tD Trustee, rn trust, with POWER ©F SALE, at! of the following described real estate situated in _~~.. _ ._:. County, <br />Nebraska, here+nattercattad the "Dascnbed Promises"- Lots 1 ~, 3 and 4 of Park Gardens Second.-Subdivision <br />in the Citti' of Grand Tsland, Hall County, Nebraska <br />together with alt burEdrngs, f~ztures and +mprovBmBnts upon the 1?BSCnbad P:'em€ses, whether new or hereafter existing, all rights-oi-way, <br />eBSBfnenr5, renFS. ,SSfraS, prOf;iS. .r3t'DmB !enament5, herB(trtamBntS, tlnrilBgeS and appurtenances belonging, Used or anjoyBd to <br />COnneCt€on wtth thP. dBSCnDad ;trerrlrye5, Gr any C}art thBrBO7 tsuDlaGd. hDwevar, t0 DS t+7B nghl. ROwar and authOrtty Ot TruSfOr f0 GO/lBCf <br />and apply such rants. ,sues. proErts ant; :rworne as then t~BCama due arm payable, so long as no default exists hereunder) and-all <br />proceeds of ccnvers+on. i~ohrntarv i= :;°.voiuntarr. e! any at N=e !Drsgorng +rrtD cash or liquidated clarets. including, without limitation, <br />prDreBds Dt ,assurance a:'id cDrmamnarrcn awards aA D! wH+cn eolEectrvB+y rs hereinafter referred tD as the '7rust Property". <br />;TES A9REEG. w+thout at+riconc tt?s genera?rty of any of the !or~orng prours,ons~ root a€i hsatutg, cooling, err conditlpntng-and-ptumbit{g <br />apptrarrr-BS and earxR-me^a now yr hareaher attacnsd tt~ or bu,€F rn, any busfd+ng or ;m_provemsnK now or haraattar erected upon th9 <br />dBSCnbed prern+ses. star! ~ dssmBd t,xtures and a pan at the reai;y, and a,e a portion of the Trust Property. <br />T~., ttAVE ANL' TO raCJLL'i the trust r=toaerrv c;tlon arN7 subtat~t to th+~ trusts and aggreements hereinafter set forth: <br />t ? rustor agrees to purtctua!iv pay rr.B p~mcrpat o'. ar,d :ntersst or?, Ehs Note on the dates and at the place and in the manner provided <br />tnBrBrn end !D pvr°c ic.a"lrV pBr'Drrr> ati agrp~smena, eondrtrWrts a;td prLir!SrUns 41 any ttYhBr SeC4nty rostrumen7 given in connection with <br />rhrs Fransacr.on <br />? Truster at : is expanse w:ir rna+r>tarn arxt Rreser ve r."B rren v! Enrs Lzc'~r}~J Dt Trust as a Errsr and paramount lien upon the Trust Property, <br />writ Gauss th,s i`>ssd or ?=:rs; and each amsradmant or supp€emsn! !h«rsao, t„ ire t,led and r*=corded as a mortgage of the Trust Property <br />,rr such rnanrrer ;rod : ^ sue." , +acau and w+F€ ?axe s,rcn otnsr a~ t,c>n rs ~n rhU opinion of Trustee Wray De required by any present Or <br />:'uterr~ €a-w rt t7rdfJ,` r,= U?r7~;.'- rna:r~ra;r a>~t H C,i'eCt the fee`-c ~~i rhrs LJGt? te! Trt 3t, as~ !h& ssme rr7ay DB Irc7m fete tD time amend8d or <br />suRp!anean rBC7 <br />.~ +•' trHe to a+:y ?err nr tnF 7rErsr Uroceny Sr?m'. be taxen ,t. e't3odernrea€ron proeeBdrrtgs, by r:gtat of ammsn7 dorrra€n or similar action, <br />~_ sHai€ bra Stu- ..;rroe: threat tr, ,-n:;s;em=!ac:orr a:7 awards. dan+,rgas aced pasreads arB hereby asS!gned and shaft be paid to TrUStge <br />woo snail apptg sea ar>touzat ro t^B ptepa ynren9 ul ine Note T+.rstDr w+?r prDmpfly. and wrtn due dii+gence, repair, otter and restore <br />ins rema;rrrng Harr cr tC~e Trust Prooarty 4; :rs tprnrar f:ondroOn substantraliy rD the Bxteraf that the same may dB Teasib€e and so as to <br />;,onstrtuta a carhpieta anr,+ usabre ::+.: _r <br />~t i •usror at r=s e..vense, w+rr ^°a++3Faan w;tn ~+ua+Drs apprt ved Dy bBnshcrarr ,nsuram:e with respect to the rmprovamenrs and personal <br />v~roperry ;ursht:.vvf~T ine, 'rust .~orsrfy against =ass ay t,ra, t,gnrn,ng, acrd Dthsr penis edvsred Dy standard extended coverage <br />B,•adorsatrranE, rt an :r;r*auro:' ec~:ar tear le-asE ,rte. ~ ar the f++t€ r3tT!irC~B=>rsnt i~alue rnereot, and insurance aga,nsr ouch other Hazards and m <br />Suu'r* anrCrz,nt ds S eusfoma; ,ty Larneo C.} ow,'ai5 a=~+d DiieratprS or S:rnrrar proparLBS and aS BBrt86arary rredy requ+rB for rtS prOFBCtron. <br />?re.sfor w:~; %arretary wath suv,, Orn,?r requ,rearnBrrr as BsnB!+c,ary rasa. °rvrr t,rra to trmF requas; rot the protection by insurance of the <br />~?: iarBdt G't .."h@ rBSpEtt:trri3 :Tart+BS. Air ,:isura+rCe Ar:ii,C+es +*lbtnta+nu-d /jur.SUant r~ tn+5 mad D7 i~=usf SHat( name TruSIDr, TruStBa 8nd <br />~3rle-:_.a `r ~A ""SU+~"s- 3,$ 'hn,r '&'T{.c ~.: ~-y - .,, YG y .•`~3y Jf,p6 i! ti"7 i-'OV,JS 'C.prP 1t'N iJ J[- lU f.d+;G@iie EiOn Ot Int?dll!(:aiiQn W1€TtOUt tJr <br />~ayS _ ;~,: ~fil P'@'; •r„ ,';E.a 1-;.: .,. .a, 4t' fit,}~ !~ -:, _t u, .=:e Pi'Br,: u.+r iY:il=~ y hareuncrer .S =0' renewBC Dn O! DBtorB i$ oa yS ptror <br />'r. :s ez~kratc.r, ua,e_ "~-ss ee ~_' E"ter e=+.._a -. ay .a u,...rM s;;c~^ :^su=a,ice. puy rho prenuun+s therafDr and such sums snarl rmmsdratety <br />Urn <br />t+tA.: C ..;rY- d'k`, (Jyd:l e w = - .:.. :3- ., .. r fi tom. ei.-. ., .. i3ei~U a+ (. S, a-. . SeCUret7 Dy rh,S i~.'Bd ~] rrir5l Ai! <br />- ...,*'L' ..,. _ _ : .. _ ,. ~rP r J _: a^L "'a<t+eC ~ -'::sloe ~arr(Jte O! r'USrL'; t7 rtr'++rsJ1 SvCn <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />