<br />83-001976
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows;
<br />I, Payment of PrIndpaJ and In.......... Borrower shall promptly pay when due Ihe principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepaymenl and late charges as provided 10 the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advanees secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Fa'" for T_ and msulII..u. Subject 10 applicable law or 10 a written waive, by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and mterest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum (herein "Funds"') equal to one-twelfth of the vearly taXe5 .tnd assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgase. and ground rents on the Property, if any. plus tlOeMtwelfth of yearly premil,lm installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus oncHwelfth of yearly premium installments for mongage IOSlInn-ce, If any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of a.ssessments and hilts and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits. or accountli (If which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency iinduding: Lender if Lender is ')u,,;h nn institution), Lender !-ihall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments,
<br />insura.nce premiums ar.rti ground rents, Lender may not charge tor ...0 holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account.
<br />or verifying and compfhng said as:.~-s!ments and biBs., unles.s Lender pays Borrower lIlterest on the Funds. and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make "iiuch a charge Borrower and Lender may ~\gree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mongage that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and untess '<,uch agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paId. Lender shaH. not be f'eqlHred In pay Borrower ~tnv mlere.st or earnings .Dn the Funds. Lender
<br />~haU gi.'e to Borrower, WItham .charge. ~n annu~1 acCOUnllng of [h~ runds ~howlng credits ~md debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose (or whkh each debit h.' the Fund$ wa~ made, fhe funds ;irc pledged as addillonal :'\ecurity for the sums seCured
<br />by thi. Mortgage,
<br />If the umount oJ the Funds h-eid by I.cndc.f. rngether with the future monlhly IOSlaHmcnts of Funds pa)'able prior to
<br />the due dates of laxes, a..-s.s.e.f\Sment:s. lfisurance prernmffi'\ and gn-..und rcnts, ':ohaU ex.ceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />assessments. insurance premilifn-s and ground rem!. <1\ the.. I ~iH due. ~t!,h c'..:e.....' "hail be, 4t Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credHed It) Botfo"'er (m mnnrhty !m~!aHmcnts nf Funds. It" the amount of the Funds
<br />beld by lender ""hall not be !>uffident to ray t:UC5., ;l.SS~"":s-,.,,mt'm!\. lIl,"ur,ilKC prcmHlms and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />BorrovfC'r shaH pay (0 Lcnd~r ~n~ anhJUflt nCCCS-flo.arv f,' maKe lip the ddh::ClH..'\' Within ,~O ditY~ trom the date nOIlce IS. mailed
<br />by Lender lO Borrower reque..\Hn-g pa;'ffiefH !het~oi
<br />Upon payment 10 full oi all sum1j s-e-\:'urc:d b\ !t-w:. \-h)n.g:J!lc II,':l1(kr ...hall promptly rctund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lcnde-r. If under pa.ragraph IX hc-rc(I! Int' Ph\pen~ ;, .,\)id <'f the ProfX'rt~ I'> ...\therwlsc acqurred by l.ender, Lender
<br />li-haU apply, fK1 louer than HnmedJ.itldv prh..1f 'Ii' the ..aie ,~f !hoc Propert\' t"r 11" .t...:qUlSItli:m hy Lenuer. .any Funds: held by
<br />r ...~r- ;or tNo fIrnt' or ;-I!"!th~atJon as "" l'redlt aeftmst the ~unb "C".:ureJ. h\- lhn.. \t(\rt~aJlc.
<br />3. ApplklltkJa of Pa};IJK!RU.. Cnk'\.-!> ;tppb.:.:ahle idl.\- pn" Ide" nlh;."r....l'\e, ~,lll payment~ re..:eive.d by f ,coder umler the
<br />Sore and paragraph.,; 1 -.lnd .z hcrc'(\:f ,h>!!! he apphed hv I <::n-dt::f fir.1 ;n r~\ menI :)t amounts payable to L.:ndcr by 8orrower
<br />under parAgraph :2 hefeoi. lhen 10 mterc\~ payable ltfl the .....'.lle, !hcn III Ihe- pttnCtP-31 Ctt the Note, .-HlO Then lO interest and
<br />pnnclpal on ..ny Future Advances.
<br />4-. Charcn; I.Jees. &r-rro''Wi'f ;,h~jj p;.\'l' ;di u-..e-., ,...'>C~'\ment:'i ,HHi .'l.he-r \..'h~ng:-c:..., tlne.... ~lnd anposiHons ..Hflh\llable tl)
<br />tne Propeny which may attam a prlOWY \Ivcr Hl1'> Mon~.tgt;~ ,tilt! ka...'Ch~1!d p;~vment\). \'f ground rents.. it any. in tbe manner
<br />pw\':ded under paragraph ~ hereo~ pr ,1 not p.wj IT1 ,"u.:.:h rn:mncr. h H~\fw""er maJ.-.Hlg pa\luenr. \I;hen due. directly to the
<br />PAYCC therrof Borrower ~-1lajj p-nJmp.t!\ !urm...h I>~ I ('ndcr ~t!j HPlg,.l"" ,': ",H'H.HlfltS \jUt.~ under thl' pau,!!raph. and in the e\'ent
<br />Horn,'1Vr"Ct ~haH make iNlHn-cnt I.hCc-di\ Hi..1H'(',^,-t,'f ~h;-l;a rromp-th lmm..h !,1 t ~n.J("r l\:,:ctpts. I:,-"\ddencln~ ')llf..-h payments.
<br />li-orrow-e-r ~,haU promptly d.hcharge an\' hell '" f'H",h rl..i~ jlfH'(j1\o .-....n It)!.. \lnn~J!:C'. prlwlded. Ihat H{)fWWer ..hall not be
<br />rc-quued to Juchar.-e iillY ~ulo:h h<<:H ""0 km~ ~~ H.('HP~("'r "h~tH J:l:!fe~' III ,~rifHlt; 10.\ {he p.t\t1leOl or the tlbhgahntl \c\:ureU by
<br />~och hen 1\1.. manner ktc;\.-'Crtabk hi Lender. ,,'r 'hall HI: ~,,-....o ;,iiih >..iSlh',t "il~h IKn b\. dl' defend c-nl\lCt;Cment of' ..uch lien in,
<br />lcJtal pf\x.'eedmg~ whu:.'h upefa!~ (,,1 prc\cttt !h~ c-ntpld:-mct:! pi tiw ~'t'n \'1' k~rtC'fhlft' d the Propcrt). or .wy part therenf.
<br />S~ tia&al:"d 11IMII'a.Jt("t'. tsorn)....t>f -..hali k~p Int' !mpnhctnt::nh 1'\''0\ \,,-p'!ln~ ..'! hCf~altt'f \.'f~\:tCti on the Property Insured
<br />.tgauu( h:)s', t-'\' fire. ha..xAnjfj mdudeu ,,^,Hhm thC' !;;rm (,-'o;!crH.1e...i ,OH'I..~~(" _Hld ..ad) mhcr hal.ard~ a... I.coucr may rCLJulre
<br />and 1n loch a.mounb .).nd ttJr \u..:h p~7nf'-1.h..t... t cOUcr r!,;.i"- ,..:,illife, i'rl'..uJt'd. ;h.at I ~m.h..~f ...hallllnt requlre- thaI the amount of
<br />\tKh ~o"-e-fage C'-\cced Hu.t i!IDUUm ,\1 ':tn'~fdge t:t.''4ulfnl II' pit\ !hl' 'dnl', '>!'i.. un:d hv iht.. \h,n~age.
<br />lbe .Insurance !"'"irT1ef pn.w.dmg the rn5,-ur;Hli.~e "h.J.ll r.e d){y"en t<\" Bl_"rrfn~t., "'llbtt',.:t to aprro...~l hy l.ender: provl(:ied.
<br />tha.t \Ut:h approval ~bali 0\)( be u.Hre<i-!iOnahh \.qthhcid .\ll plt:ffiHJm... ,'-rt Hl\U(~n,,;l' p..\l1ue-$ \haU ~ paid \(1 Ihe manner
<br />pr-oytded under ptu&.graph 2. tU:.rc.'tll {.lL d no-l p..HO in ;.,u..:h manner. b'j Borr{)wer mak-mg payment. when due. ~hf('ctJy to the
<br />iluurance carne:r.
<br />AU iO$U-tanc-c rt(Jlt'Jc~ ami ,.~oow..d~ tht."H:-{" ~h,:di tr-.; H\ !(}rm .__h,:",~p.t,-i.bk hI t (T!\h'f .md ~h.lH wdude ;t ..landard mortgage
<br />clause m iavor r,t ~nd m. iurm A;;~cpt.a.hft h) t <:ndei I .;nu{.'[ ,t,~dl h,J1.,,' the ngtH to' hold lhl" ft\,)!I...'I~~ ~tnJ renc"'ab therC'of.
<br />and Borro~'('r !t.haH ptumplly hllllUn 'n Len~f ,1.11 h'I1t:"".\t! jWlh,-~:-. ~n.d ,ill H~';Clrts. (It !,~ud prernUlIlh In (he c\-'-c'nt (Ii l()~~.
<br />Borrower ~h--aH gwe pft)mpl nohce h~ lhc ,It)Ui.Hh.:t' ,-arnel .ill...ll t"n-ticr i €fh.1....r rn..t'! ma;..: prod ~.f lo:.s It n()t made pn\mptiy
<br />by IlomlWer.
<br />Unle:u I.cmkr .:tnu Bo-n-o'A'cr U-thtTAI~' jJ~fee In .\f!tH!~. m"'IIJ:'Ul(l' rnx-\:\.--J.~ ~tHlH tlt, ..ipphed II.) re,toratioll \)f repair iJ(
<br />the Pr-op<ny d-anlagro. pr(WH.tL~ ~ui.,:h rnll~ritla~l d tt:"i'.aH )'\ ~'...'i.'fh)mtl,,:.J.lh :'\.'4~lhk ..Ind the \.e~unly of thl'" Mongagc ,...
<br />Ot.'tt lhtreby impallco, Jt \ut:h ~C'l-h.'Ia{tPn (\f rcpau I" fwt ~'~t~thmlh.....dh ;......l~IHc I'J It the ",ccurH\' d tius ,"-'1ougage w\luld
<br />be mlp&-ned. the msura[KC ptOC~$. ...h.di ~ ;tppiJed hi the "LUn~ '"'"lureu h\ thl~ \hlrt~i.ig~. ""!lll the c.\i..:t:"ts, If .my. paid
<br />l{l Btllfowe, It tbe Pr\)pcn~' Ii .th.om..h:H\t.Xi h B""H,l"-i;t 'f il &'o,--'"","{ l.ilh ;,' ft.~rx:lnd ttl ICfH.kr \.\"lthm .30 days tram the
<br />date nOb't ~ nunkd h\. Lender l\' 80rrOv.(,f IM.)l the la'Ufa!h:C ~a!fICf r'ti~r... t.' "-i.'t!lc ,1 ,..'j~tjm fpI 11b.Ura-Ht:c hcn~ftt't, (,cnder
<br />t~ .:ilutbonled to ~oUo:{ and .otppl',- the lll~uran,,;\:' pr4.'C<<'\i" _11 i (',h.lI:r.. ~'pth.Jll either (0 {('j,toratu:m <'f repair ot tht" Property
<br />,)f 10 lhe: sum, ,,,,,Uted b) ,tus Mortgll.ttC
<br />Unless l.:elukr and BofTt:'we{ ('ltMrv!'t:\(' ,lgr~e in ~H;tmg, ,J.n\' ~th..h ..lpph;':~U1(J-n I.t prl..'...:t"eds 10 pf!nt:lpi.tl shaH not t.'\tcnd
<br />Of IX~ rile due dar:~ oi the rnonthh tn-~~...ijment.. ,t-!(-Hcd h' In l~ata~r4ph:. ! ;..ll'ld ~ hert'<)f Of ..:hange- Ihc ;imOUn! oi
<br />~h 'OS-Ul.Umcn~< It under paragraph I ~ hoC:re-ul the Proper{, ,.. a..~Uln:J h. Lcndcl. .lil flJ;tht, !,lle and nH-crt"st ..^'t HClrrt\WCI
<br />in ~nd to- -iluy HtIoUf3Q1;C po4u:.tc:! .lOO !O ;Jf'~ if' the pii.'>t.-eeJ.. thert.."'(Jt f~ultmg !i,:\m J,uuage fo the Proper{\.- flnor h) the ~alc
<br />o-r acquiMtiQJl :o.haU pail 10 Lender to the ~,\!ent ,-,t ~hc ...ums ~<.'(uH:t..1 r'~ ihi" \1,\ftg,f~t: lmnletil..td~ pnor It, 'lIch 'aie ,--'r
<br />..:qUl$ilWn,
<br />6. PnMn--atioD... ~t~ of Pl'nJW'rt~: I ,t'~huj<<k.; ('Qndomin*um~~ Manned t :WI 1>e\---eIopdH'nt~ BornlWCf
<br />shaH keep tbe Property to good fCp.lUJ' and Ji,haU n~>! I..:Omm'1 ~"',jU.I.e Uf ,permH Hnpaameru nl dcterK'fatJOtl of th~ Prl)perlj
<br />and sball compty wiUt the p--ro"'Jswns l..-.t .any kaK' ~t ttu'\ M{).ftgagt: !'\ \.'H .i k.!.';>\:'fttthJ, H tl'm \turtgagc !.;, Hl .. !lllI! In .l
<br />I.:~ium. ;:"1 -.i p-hu:rned t-Jfitt t1e\r'ch.lp-rru:nL HOl'fl'wer ..hall pC!1Hrm 4H t'f Bt.1-rri)"c(s ,'bh){J..w.mb lHH.1er the ,..kdar<.itwn
<br />(1f '.oY'CDaIUs creatine or itl'-~lfig the- ...(m,dtlmmlUm ~~r planned- <tf\jl J~\'t'inpmt'nl, ihc t<v.iaYo-:>' an"l ft:-}..tulathln:-. ;..,--f IhJ.:
<br />i:oudornifuum. (U' ptanned unit &evclo.pmem. ..tn-d ...<on\tttuent J~x'umcnL'" I t ~l .:r'n\!OfHlfltUm. t\r I"b.nn~u un;l ,k'-v.ch,p1lleOf
<br />rKiet t:i. C1C't;vted by Borrow<< and rtto-rdcd ~ngc:thC'f """un ihl'<o M~}n~4:Ii.gc. rh...... <..mfCHiHlh ;tliJ ,lgu:.:menh "t ,\;.\,:11 H.,fer
<br />~ be l:~at-ed lnt-Q 3fid \hat! iUlk';OO .aad ~up-pknl(:nt the (t~"'-cn.afHs MHJ .i~h,'enh'nts ~~I !hl" M~'lrt~age .'1" Ii lh-t' !lder
<br />'""'" .. pa.rt he<<:ot,
<br />,~ ............. l~~, If fh-,rr-owc-r Lnh H1 pt.:'f!t~rm the (Oyenanl\ olf,hl .l.gre-cmenlli u)fWiln<<! Hl thl'\.
<br />~ << jf u)' ~uon Hi P-fiXeeQ-tlll 1-" ~I,JfrulK'fK'ed wtHd1 fIlJ:llcnaHy t3tfiXl\ t (,'fldcr''\ 1ftler("!,,{ m lht.' Pwpt:'-n\",
<br />~ hut .f-lOt hnukld t.v, t'mmcn-t domasn, m-~\h'en;;Y. ...,xi(: cnh'lf\"t'ment, ~lr ~iffa.flgetl1elH~ ,\f rn..xtc-dtn!!.\ 1n\\II\'l!l,!:. ,t
<br />~ or -dct,'cd:ft1:l., tht;m Lt'n.dcl ..t LUlder\ t).ptHm, Upilf) noH'C-c: {('- Bt'lrr....1wec rmn make ~l1ch appeat:ant:o.. d{~hUl':H,: \\l\.h
<br />..... .:.w ta. itJIC-h- ~'1-Km i.U 1l ne,,;-C1\.~- h) pnH('~,t f.cl\de-r\'; d'llerest. H\,,:hH.ht~. hut n(q IUllltcd (1". dl~btH"\t~lnt'f\f >.'t
<br />~ ~'Ij f~ tU\d -tfiUl' up\-.m t~ Proptny ro. make U'PlaH"i If I f'-ru.k~r l~qtHred m.-:'ngagc !q..,mHl'l.'( ,,\,\ ~l
<br />{~tKlO 1.\-t ~.. tM k:..n ~uroo hy !t1t~ M\.-\ftiiliC. lk..npwc-r \!taH p.n nw P'!{'-ffiJtirrn, n.:'Q\I.h~d t\' mlll.tH,~ln ..ud!
<br />~HliCC m ~-l ,mtd \~h tJii')e aJl. lne r~UU'~nMf.H fut 'iuch It\:l\,urill'l-~ti; l\:'tl'tHfhlh:~'~ H1 ~.h.:-"':GrdAfh:c WHh Ih"TfPw~r\, 'lnd
<br />