<br />
<br />83-001976
<br />
<br />'I'JUSMOllTGAGE is made ~. 'EU"~~e' Aiins'tron" and' 'Be*YN~' i'\'riris~~6~L Hu'soanif' ,....,
<br />t!L.8~~theMol1pgQr,... ..... ..9... ....,..,..9..... '.....'."...,..", ,.,...,.. ,. ,."",
<br />. FM .'iU~.. . . , .. .. , ,.. .. ,. . . . , , , , . . , ,(herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee,. , T~!'!, .F.i,t:!l t, f:I!l:t,i.o,!,!<! 1
<br />,llAA~.Qf, 1irpl\<l .t!il~tld...~J:ql}(L I:>JpJ1q..l'J~!>rll,S.l\i\, .. , '" " .. " a corporation o~ized and existing
<br />unQerthc; laW$ of. ,... ,ti~bn:>/<li", """,." "',"".""" whose address is, . .?9?" ~,S,~ ,T~jr\l...",.
<br />,litAAq,!$JaflA.. .J'{~t)rasJt.a., "" " ., ,,' , , '., " " " " , , " " ,.,'., ,., , ,., (herein "Lender").
<br />
<br />\VUm!..\s. Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of, ,,~~y~t1~y, J~Qlj~~f19, ,a.llc! ,!'Jot J PP. ".
<br />. :-:"':"',-:-:-:":''::7';-,",-:-:-:":'-::-:'':-,.,.'-:-:-:7:-:'':-:'',".-,-:-:777':-:-, DolialS, which indebtedness is evidenced bv Borrower's note
<br />dated, . , AIR"n, J a.. ,1983. , , , , , , ' (herein "Note"), providing for monthly installments ofiQrinclpal and interest.
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness. if not sooner paid, due and payable (}n, . , , May. ,1. , , , P& . , .. , . .. , , .. ,
<br />
<br />..,................" J
<br />
<br />To Sl!CUR8 to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payllIeIIt. of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordaore herewith to protect the security of this
<br />Mortpgcl. and the perlOf'lllallCC of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained. and (b) the repayment
<br />of lIDY future ad1l1lOCC6. with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"PuIuRI A4vanl:ea"), Borrower does hereb~ mortgage, grant and convey 10 Lende.r the following described property
<br />10CQld in the Ollmty of....... ,... ,'.. ~J)... ,'.."., . . ,. .. . , ."... State of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />
<br />wWdI_* ~ of... . .~305..QI.la1 L Lane, ,. .., _ " ".., , " ',.., ~r:aod, Isla.rt(L" " " .'.. ,',.
<br />- ICilYI
<br />. .If..br.ut., 6BBfll,....,.,. (bcreiD"l"roperty Addre$s");
<br />...._ZlttCoolol
<br />
<br />~. widl all the illIpI~ now .>r bereafter eceded on tbe property, HIll all ~, ritJIts.
<br />~ . !~', ~ ~ llIiMnil, oil anol.Jti riJbfs and prolits. ....ter. _r ~, and .....ter 5tQC:I. MIl all
<br />~,,<<""""atUdledto tile property,.'" of wIlldI, mdudlflg replaeemenlund. additiolIa tbeteto. shall be
<br />~tobe"''''.,plIft (If_ property ~ by tbi$ MM~; and all of t_ fofl:8Oin&. topthc, with qjd
<br />~. (...~.... iftllk ~ ism a.~) are herein referred to as tbe "Property",
<br />
<br />.............1Mt ~ is t..mlly HiIRd of the estate beteby C'OlJveyed and has lhe riaht to roortpgc,
<br />... -ClIIMlf._.~. tllII..tbe Ptopcny is u~ and tIw Borro\Wr will warrant and defend
<br />""""-._10 _.~.......,.aIt .~.._ domuIcIa. ""bjed: to any ~tiom. _Ill Qr restrictions
<br />..........(If ~to~ many title ~ polky i_ring Lender's interest in the frapeny,
<br />
<br />!liD" _t ..~J&..""'''''''' __
<br />