<br />I
<br />
<br />83-f)(j1976
<br />
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law, Bo,rower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof,
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts sball be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereoi. and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbu~t at the rale payable from time 10 time on oUlstanding principal under Ihe Note unl... payment of
<br />inlerestat such rale would be contrary to applicahle law, in which event such amounts shall bear inlerest at the highest rale
<br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained 10 this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder,
<br />8. 1ospeciloD, Lender may make or cause to be made reasonahle entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender !-hall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection ~pecifyi"g reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property,
<br />9. Coatle........... The proceeds of any awurd or claim for dama;!es. direct or consequential. in- connection with any
<br />,-ondem.nntion or other taking of the Property. or part thereof. or for conveYance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be naid 10 Lender,
<br />In tbe ;"""t of a total taking "r ,he Property. ,he proceeds shall he applied to ,he Slims secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the e~e-eu, if any, paid io Borr'C';\'cr. In the event (',f a partial t~lkjng of the Property, unles..."\ Borrower and Lender
<br />o-th~rw~se agree in WTlfing. there !inlllJ be applied h1 the 'J.ums ~cctlred 1w this Mortgage s.uch propOrtion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportioo whlc-h the amount of the ~um~ sc'Cured hv thi~ Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the P!'Of!e,l1Y immediately pr!('f ff' the d3te of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />pa.id 10 Borrower.
<br />If the- Property is abanda-ned ~y Borrower. Of lL after nmice I:w Lender in Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a daim for damaget. BorTl"Wef f..l~h tn rC'ipnnd tn Lender within JO da\'s after the date such notice is
<br />mailed Lender it authoOrized t() collect and apply !he pfocecd~, at Lender'" option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or- In the sums ,\CCured hv this. Mor-tg-agc,
<br />Un~ Lender and Borro-wer (Itherw-I~ agree 111 \-\, ri-tin~. ~\!ll ;;"u..:h ,tpphc.uii'\o of proc:eeds to principal shall not extend
<br />l)f ik"")$tpone the due date t"f the monthl\' installment.. rdured t\.1 in para~Taph\ ! and 2: hereof or change the amount of
<br />\uc:h inJ:taUments
<br />10. Borrolft'r Not R~. FucfI"inn t>f the iime h'lf p-;l\'ment f~f fnc,.jitk:Hlnn ('If amortllation of the sums secured
<br />hy this Mortga;te granted toy f ,-tnder (0 :uw $tfCC'C'5\(\r nl lIHcn.."'t of B0rTf'Wer ",hail Ill'lt operate to release, in any manner,
<br />!ho(' fJ-abdit\, Pt the ori:uHut RoC':-,(\u,'l'!r ~!"ui R,-.r-r"'-u....~"'" ...",',-,'""..-'".. ,... '''lrr.-'t t .~ndrr ..h!tU nnt ~ rt"ouired to commence
<br />rroceedin,~ agaHl'tt sHch !l;tK;i.:aiOf nr r-du~ 10 c'\:tcnd t~m(' f;'f raV01~nt pr Clthe~'i'iC Tnndifv amortization of the sums
<br />~ured by ihi~ M.ort~. hy rea"l.On {If J.ny demand made ~..- lnc \'ri~in31 B~"rn~wer MHJ B,"rrow('r's ~m:ceS,"ior5 in interest.
<br />It. F'~ by l..e"'r Not I: Wan". :\m fnr-hc-autt-..:t' hv 1 cnder in e\cr-ns:mg- an\' n~ht or remedy hereunder, or
<br />~.lherwj'\C afforded b~. appltc3hlc Jaw "h;,til fl{\f he J W;U\'('T r"t or- rrcc-lude rhe e\erct!ie' o! "mY such right or remedy.
<br />Th~ prncur-em.ent {If im;unul('~ Of the pa~'menl of t~P.t':,\ PI' ';llhi~r- llCf1\ .x d13r!l~ t-v t ,ender ,hall Ot.)t he a w~4ivcr "f Lem,1et~s
<br />right h"s ,lc(:dnarc fhe maturity p( {he tndcb-tcdnc" <,,(".;:-prt.d h\: th\\ "1ortp-at'C'
<br />12. R....... r~. AU re-med~ pr:(''I;'Hkd lf1 !hh \,1{'nr;}~C" ~re di<;fin,:l ~md ,,:umuiative f(\ jll)' 0ther right or
<br />rcm('u\, Ht\der {hit; Mor-t~-age (.f ~ff{'rded lv, \;\\1;' nf equH'\, .{tid m,-;\' ht' t:"-ct..,."...~J ..-nrn:urrer\ll\', inJependel'\tl\' or S\lt:ces.sive1v.
<br />13, s....r-..lMI A...... a-04: Jolul ....t s"wnd UllItilily: c.ptlom. !1", ("Venants :lnd :lRreemenl> herein
<br />Gmtatned s-hall hlnd_ ~1-nd the nghtj, hcreu~-r ",o~H !nl1Tt' (d flit' f<:-<ipe,;tl\-\~ ../If.;..'T-;;;~i~ ,'jod as;;:igrl" (st {enJcr and B(lrro-wer,
<br />1.~Jbje--~ to tm- -r~u~'~Km, f.t p~f:agraph 1'7 he-rc(,j '\iT (dV~~!hllH'S ~:nd .l~r~-c-menl.. "j BOrftl\\-cr ..hall bc.. iotrH and sevual
<br />1'l'lc ..:.:aptlons <Inti headmgs. (}.f l't'te r;:H~.r-Jph'\- d ~hJ'\ 't~'n,l:;J;.t\' ~l:rt f"l -.'_"TIVt'_f!H'th.:C ~'nl'r ~Hlli ~i~ m~t !n he u'\ed to
<br />;ntet'pre-t (IT define the- pr(lYl~jOlh hcrn-;f.
<br />J4. Notire-. Except t\~r iU))' n~"nN.'C ,eqw!t"d ~>!Hjer ;q:;pll<.';thk Lt\" 1,' ht." t,vcn lH ::umtht'r- manner. fal an\' notice to
<br />Bnrn:~cr- pn'lvided. ft"" 171 thi~ MOf1ga~ !!<h~H be ~n-yn ~,\' pudwi." \n<.:n ~hltl.;(: h u:rHft-t'd m,:u! :Htdf(~s-..cd to Hnrrowt"f' at
<br />the Pft~tty Addr~\ l'f at ~l~h f>th-e-_t ;:iJdn::...~ ;a); fi-{'1-nn'.,>,'t"t 1\"\,1:\ \.k"tl~rutiC hv n~..lKC tt, Len(.kr :;Hi ptuvidl"d herein. a.nd
<br />(h) any !\on-i,.'-t' to t.-c-tH,kr '!lhaH he grven by t;uhned m;.uL :t:f:H"l1 n,'';''('tf't (l"qtre,,-lw, h' t ende:', a-dJr~ s'f3!e-d herein or to
<br />such orner- Addre-,'\'S -"'~ lsndc-r It'HtV de~ign-a-t-c O\' np!il..-_l.' r,', H-I..;.H'''~~r !it'\-- p-n'....,dcll h-cr't'lH, An\" n(ltK:c pn-,vrded fiJr Hl thi~
<br />MottlaJe WAH he dcefn~d hI'- !uve boNo ~n--ef~ h. i:tmfo""-fl ~'f I enc.kr \Il-'Il-Crt gn:efl in the- manner thJgnaieu herein.
<br />15~ tJlliform !dorttacr; (;0',,<t:1"IlIDe L1n~1 s.c.""l'llWlih, ! 11!... tc--'nn ~'f m,~rt~a~>c ~-,'-m-hjno nmlt);fm ,,-pv,,""nant"- f(\i national
<br />nS(:- and non~u-nih'lrm Ci~Ven3-nts ""itn hmnc-d ";H~a!h'H~ h \'-'~t",.J~i..t~cln f,.' ,'~n"-!!~l.lle d uruf;."rm wt;urH\' mSHtlment \-'{'lve-noR
<br />ll:'Af p-fope-ny Th;~ M(}rt~g(' ,haH he ~,-n,eH~d t-..v 'h~ i:!"oIo (hc :,Hl.-i.h..:-tJ:Ptl in whkh tht.' Prtl-pcrtv {, k\C3ted, In th~
<br />l,.~vent that a.."lY proll.tSh)fl or d~u-.e ut thi.. \fOr1F:ll~~ t'i' ~ne '-:~l!( ...-"n!h>.c'h ~~l!h .tpvlll.'..~h~ LiW< ~:h.'h \-\.~nt1it:t ...halt not affect
<br />\Hhcr pf'(\"J~)n~ .A HH-S }l.f{\f1gast' ('if the S(llc '.dll..:h L<H1 r-..e ~jVcn .;;lku \-..du'u~ !he ({lnltktin~ provNion. alld t('l thi!l.
<br />~nd ~he pf-\w-j-~k"1n~ df !he MOftgAJ<: i.md the- '(lie Mt' d,;-d<!-f-ctl ~.> k' '-e\Trabk
<br />16.. hrm~lI (,">p,. Ik-vTO\\.e( ~haH he hsnn.,he-~t ,,_ d\!Hprmed ,J'P\ ~.t tht' ,,"ofe and t'f lhi\- Mort~it~e at fhe time
<br />of C',.KUtl,10 ('it ;~h-er rN;(}fdatton heft'vi'
<br />17. T.......er of die Pmfaty; A~~ It jH ,"r oifi\ P,U: td thv Propettv nt :10 mtefe-"t thNein i~ sold nr tran5ferred
<br />hy Borr,--.w-ct ~itlK,,'u Lende.l''s rrtnr voritt~i1 ,-'HH.-..ent ('\(-ludt!l~ Ljl rhe <(~.lh(ln llt J 1Il:f\ ~}f em:umbraf1ce 'i.,tlO<,udma(t to
<br />thiS Mottat~_ ih) the ~f~at.tt'\rt of .1 rurd1lt~~ m.;Jft('-\' ....l.ytHl1... ,1H~ff')r h.t Ih)H\i'h~,td applian("\.~. k) .;j {ramJeT bv devise.
<br />dcsi."ent 0t' bv t..'pcruuon (~f hI"'; upon the ~kalh p{ .), i.'H1~ !i;'H<101 ('f the ~rafH \If >.-m,,' Ic.1Sehold imcre$t of three vcars or le'\s
<br />OOt \'~ontalnm, 3n option tn putJ.:.'h-a:sc-, Lt'rn.kr 01"\, .at l (t'Jl~f" \'pth~fL dt;\,:i.J.rc ,1,t! the "Un)' "<i.'tlred by this Mortgage t{\ be
<br />Immedl~.u;ely due and p&)'abk, L~nder ~h.aH h;nt:' '" ~w.'ed '\h:h ;..!PiH'\fl !., ;}\.'(der~lte d, pn{lf to the ...lle or !ransfer. lender
<br />and the peo.on h," wb(mt the PfOper't~ ;~ t{l ~ ~)iJ or tr'ln"tt'-1'n~d n.~a.;:h ~tgr~en,*:nt In -....Tfhn~ lhat the n-edlt of 'Such perwn
<br />is; IAti-!iif..ac-tory u.. Lender ~U1d t~at 1M inter\."'! p,;n~fb-h; ,\U fh~ 'iwn.. ~-(Ufe-d ny th~ ~'1i.l-ng.a~e shall he at su;;h rare .:1\ I.ender
<br />sha-U req~-t, tf Lender has- wan'o:J the -OptiN' h'l- J;';'l.,...~+cfale prfPd-cle\.i :~1 !hl'- p.'lra~tar-h t 7, and if Fl.:)rrower\ sU{,;\..'eSSnr in
<br />Utlere:st hti- c.xecuted a ",ll'ftC'n iiJ-'WmptlOfl agreement a..-:\..--eptcd 1<1 -,..flImg by f ~nder, 1 end-er "-naB release Borrower fr-om ail
<br /><>blll'llion. under thi, Mor~ all'' tt>" NOte.
<br />U Lendc-f' 1;'-x-~rc_t~ suth opt-Km 10 3\.-'Cdetatr, t ...~n..kr ,h,tH m;ul ft,.ffower fhJtt(C tA ,t;,,';,;e!cfatwn \!, ~H:cordlU)f,..<C WIth
<br />~faph 14 h~~)-f Such nt.',ti-cr- "h-2iU pHwtdc ;, pt."n('I:,,~ .-.j n.,~l 't::\<;, than ~O day.. frpm the date the- fwtkc- tS mailed \\'tlhin
<br />wind; B:otr\1\\'('.r may pay the ~IJIWS ded,ued due" If Borrm.~-ef Ld, l\,~ p>l:V ~th.:h '...nnu, pnt.-'\f to the c'pif'J.tmn {If ...uch pe.riod.
<br />Lmdc;r may. without further ftOf1\."c or dc-mand nn &lH("wc-r, ;!1\'I.~i..l..' -.'f;l\.' ft.'t1lC--dtes pcrn1me:d hy paragraph f R he-re-of.
<br />
<br />~~",U,NlI"OtM COV-RN-ANT'S_ BorfO'ifllCT zttlO Lender hntiwf ~:\"Ven~H){ and ~lg'rC{' as fOl!i'W\:
<br />,t. ~ R-.IIei. E:lttpt... ,....i<led in _'apR 17 bertof, up"" Borro..e,'. beea.lI ..r allY m.e......1 ...'
<br />........." ~ in Iloi& M............ ind...w., the ...'....,,'"" to pay ..hen clue MY .u.... _ureel by litis Mortc"lle,
<br />1........ ..... Ie ~ .... ..... ......... tu ............ ... ,....i<led t.. p_fl.pl\ 14 hertof 'p"dfyiRll' (I) the .......'h'
<br />(2HM.......... to ....... __ ............ (3) . date, _ '"'" th... 36 day. fr_ the dld.. ,.... ....Ik.. .. mllihHllo a..nower.
<br />by.1OtoIdt__ ..... _ lot e1lRdI ..... l04\ Ilt.M fa.iluR 10 ...... .OKh Iwe....h Oft .... brf....., I"" d.... 'p<<illed I.. """ notk..
<br />.........-..........--.....Iay ttm i\~, f...-..... by judkilll P~.......t Yk of I.... PtllfWrly.
<br />'u.... .......... W- ......u of the rilt~ ... ~c .tler ,..<<Iend"'n ..nd the riaht to .......rt i.. t"" I.....,~....II"'
<br />~ tlIt ~ of .. ..._ .... ..., olhef .f.._ u' lIorru..."" to ......\flation ",,<I f........r-..,. If the hnacl>
<br />10_ ~_........., dle dill........... In 11M ........., t....... at I.,,,....'. option may de<la... "" of II... ..._ ....lIretl by
<br />..~... lot itailll fiIldy.'" lUlII payal!le ...itlMMIl fm..... """""'" lI1lIl ....y f".....~ by judkilll t>ro~ft.II.... Leuder
<br />..........lemhct "'... ~ III u...- ul f_loov.... Iud......, hut _ limiIcd to, ~_..f doc..""""*"
<br />~......_lIat....
<br />1:t..' -~: __ __ It........... Nt'J4wjt,tI,Ul,U14tl\i l.~ttdt:.t"'\O ~1,";'-C'~-Hdlon .;.if- th~ "I,Un-\. ~~ufed hy thtt;: M(l-r-(g.a!le--
<br />k~ ,~, b... tM riJbt t(} ~\J~ lUlj!' J"T~-oodn't-fri' miun hI( Lender h) ~nf-t.'t('e ~ht' M(Jffg~~ ,iiiClHlhhtl\..<U "it any tmw
<br />