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<br />(I) ",,,nth prior to Its due date the animal mortgage insurance premium in order to pIOvidesu~ MW." <br />with fund. to pay such premium to the Secretary (If Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />Nati01l31 HO\I$ingAct;as amended, and appliCable Reguhltlon. thereunder: or <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />(II) If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held by th!, Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban. Develop.mnt. a ioonthlycltarge (InlitUof 11 moftgagf! in3uJ'Q1Icf! premium) whjfh 'h~l, be,in an <br />amomrt equal to one-twelfth 01 I 2} of one-half (J f'1)per centum of theaverage,outStiindiri~ !uillin~ <br />dIuJ' on the ni:lte computed witl\outtaking into lICcoont delmquencies or prepayments; . , . . <br />(b) .....~um equal to the ground rellts, if any. next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />~i~~s of rITe and other bazanl InilUrance coveringtb,e mortgaged proplrty, plust.3J<e$lUULll$SCSS1IIent';;, <br />01l~ m\lrlllll~ pr(lperty{ tliJlJS; estt_ted ./1,Y tile Mangagee) le.s all sums already paid therefur;dividedby ;th~, <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the d.te when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />a_tlhwill become delinquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre, <br />mint!1$, tueaandspeciaLa_U;'am:! <br />{eJ AIlp;l)metll.montlooedSntbe twO pre<<niri.g sumecuom of thiryafJlsraph~ndaJlpay~isto&iIliadeUnd~r <br />the notelleC\lrW hereby mall be .dMd together. and the aW"gateamount thereof shaU bepaidb'y the Mortgagr>r ' <br />each month in a srngJe payment to be .ppbed by the M,m~e to the following items in the ()rder set forth: <br /> <br />(I) l',e"IlUln c~ges under the wntr.ct ut lIl$Uun,,,, With the Secretary of Housmg and Urban Development, <br />Of f9Qnthly' charge {in !it!U nl mortgage insun:mcf' premium J. i!S the case ,may be~_ <br />(In gtl.lUl!d nmLS, tu.eS, assemuents. tite llnd OIDer llazardinsurance premiums: <br />(Ill) ti1<<rest on Ihe note :litcured lIe;eby; and <br />(IV) amortll1!UOtl oftbe' priJ\clpll1 of md n",e, <br />Any~'Y in the _OOllt of any >uchaggregate monthlY pavme,n shail, unle"'mad"gpod:by,the~- <br />gagor rnor Iv !he. due dau.ofthe ncXI such paymen" ,,,"slllu" an event of default under this mortga~.' '!'1il! <br />Mortgagee may coiled a "lale charge" no' h.> ,>"".u tout een" f"~) tu. each doJlar(SJ)ofeac1l~t'mofll <br />than frfteen (15) tillY' t~ arrtarslO co...., the ex,,. <xpen.., mvol..,d In handling delinquent payments, <br /> <br /> <br />..... <br /> <br />S, Th>tt I ( tlw tQuo! 01 the p"Y'm,,,,!'; mad., bv th" \lorljr,aJ('" "ndn ! ot plU""l'raph ;! preceding sball exceed <br />tlw """,.."t of pllYIIUltlLS ....,"""Uy made hy the !\\of1l<~ for i!round renL-, i;i,e" and assessments or insurance pre- <br />nUu_, "" ille,'a",' mil)' 00, ~'" exccss, ,I the loon '" <:urre!1l, ,11 the "ptioo o{ tbe Mortgag\)f,,,ball be. 4.-re<lited by <br />th"~',, ""~ub""'ll"',,t pay_"t.~ 1.0 be mad" In tit" Mon"..","'r, or refunded to th.. Mortgagor, If, how..~er, the <br />",..ntllly l'a,!/"'l'flts.madt by ,heMongap under !I,} of pamgraph 2 prc(,,,,bng shall not be sllffi<tieuno pa}' ground <br />~~. '''li~~-U ~!'~ ,.......~....~t... <"or in!;..l~~.'''' nrptfttum-_"",. i\.;..o lnt~ {"lL"<fl ma,,- bl'. \\-rum tiU'~ ~amp.- ;o;.haJl OOcom@ dup and nav.. <br />aWe, lltallw ~llJlM shall pay '<>lh" 'Itortj!1tl!.... any a_' ",'n,~""" '0 malt.. up the deficieney, on Of befom <br />the d_wheflpa~_l of "UCh !(IfttIIId ......t", t;n"",a"",,~_t". nt in,;urance premill_ shalt-bedQ~, Ifalilll)' <br />lim.. the \lMtgllp 1'hll.11 tmd<tr to lit.. \lorlga~... on j"'n)nta.nt~.."'ith th" pl'fwj,;ioos of !hI.' not.. sllCU.redh~b~. <br />lidl paYlllliltll or lit.. "!Ill,., indebtedn..,,~ wp",,,.."l'.,) !he,'''!>Y, lite ''')ftg~''{' ~ltall. '" ''''mpntlll3/,h(l_~1, olilucll <br />indehtc:dne",,.. cralit 10 the a<:.cOOllt vf lile Mllft_ ..a l"'YIDent,. made under me pr'>vi..ioos '" (ai 01 ~2 <br />b_f wlII<tll tlte ~ hu 11<>1 bet'OlIIe olihl!aled \<) va.y t.. Ill{' /;'<"'fWl1tl)' t>f !lousing ..adlldl8ll0e'Wlopment <br />llItd anI ballUKe reouaming in Ihe I~ ae,'"",ulatt>d u...... th.. ,tmvi"'''''" of 10,1..f parallfllP!t :l b_f, If lllere <br />~haH t.Kl' 11 de-fault un~r MJ uf dli(' vro'\-i-""Ion~ ~-,f thi~ mortI!Oi~t.. re....-uIUnp:: If~ a puMa' :",,>alt'- of Uw- pwmi~t~S covered <br />Itereby, llr if the \loripll"" 4"'l"UW, th" !,,,,!w"!> "th.,l""'" aft", d.,j;lll!l, lilt' \l<fFtf(aj:.... .hwlapply. at.the iilll" of <br />the ("otftfttMt'"em-ent of ~udt pfu-("oodin~~ or ~u ifW ltnW Hlt' pfn~lt-"ny L" H{hPTW'~p .-u:quired. thee h-ahUlc-~ thM rt'"-main- <br />U\,F in tlw fundit i:u:c\tmuh_tt.~ undet' : of parai!fi1.pft ::: vn'l>t"'{jif1~> .t"" ,\ fwtht a~amst duo amount of prin(~ipal then <br />remai.ninJt unpaid undt>r ~&Hi no-W. and 4iiH p-wpt<th Jdju~l Ml) paHlH:o-nt;-.; \\'hi-rh ....hall ha"t" bHt.m ma.d,. under {'--:) <br />"f !''''''!lr""h 2, <br />,J TMf riK Mon~~r wti! pay ~Jui;md rr.ft!:,\<, t~\.(':'I_ .b'H'~",-m('nh. v,.-alt"! !~t-ts. j;od \l'tMr g,wernmentaJ (if muni-clp-at <br />dllfltC'\. tlne," i..f ~m~"'t1tii()n?, i;:;H" ~hK::"h r..rU\-.tHc;"m tu... iKl{ h<<:fl mao-(' ncrcml'\eiorc. .HId m ddauh thcrenf the MOrfl{agee may <br />pay the: 1'amc; .:in-& ibat the MOf1ga@nr \1,-!H prn-mptI\- iJeh\'c:r t~ ~,ffh::~ r-e--(e~ph thcfdm to the MOfl~ <br />~ _ The- Mort~'Jr ~ IH pill uH l...tM:-" \l,juc-n fH3:J t>e k\-'lCd ~fX.lfi t~ \1\)ngu~-eC"... Interes! In \ald rtal (';;,tatt and improvc~ <br />menh., and whKh m~) he wv!ed upt.l-.'1 t:tu:'J mnrt~ at th<- de-ht "--t"-\:uft"d hereby lhul only h) the e\ten-t that ~uch i.... not prohibil~ <br />Cd hy- law and 0:..)01) to ill<> ('_,tent trod: \,tH:h \\itt nut !nake dli'\ h~n U'-Uf1~~"i. {"'ut -t:",-\.-tUtll!l#- any trh;.-ome tax. State or rederdl. <br />impo-\e-O on M-(~'lga,<<. and Win tik lhi- 1,ffina1 !:e\.'e-~pt ~h{rwlng \u..:h r.~~ mrm \qth the Mortgag-cc:, Cpon violation of this under~ <br />[akini~ (,\r if the Mongagt}f i... f\ftJhih1t-td ~\\. [i:1U- no!,i, Hf hereiifter t"':'iuni: f!'~'m p.aylO~ lhe \io'hoAe Of any purtion of the afore. <br />~id ht~e-~. vt uptlO the fenduing \;l( any \:\."lUf1 de\..r~e prutnbitml?_ the pavmen\ (1\ the Mottga,or or any ~u('h taxes.. or if such law <br />Of'dc:c-rc-:e ptondt'i Ihat any ~nwunt so i).litd !'tv the Mort~,or ,h~H he dl:dltc-\l on the mungagc: debt. the shall have <br />the- npl to tlivc mllet)' dAy.... ,*ntteo notJet' h} the t:\Q'OCf ,'1 fhe: mHn~d rre-mru':il,. requiring the payment 4)f the mortgage <br /><kht. If su<h not.cebe ~"'", the: ,ltkl debt ,hall ~""'e due, p",'at>le and ",'llett,bk at tbe exptration of said ninety days. <br />6. That should h.~ fa.d to pa) :aJ'\)' ~um N Ltc-p an't {,"L'v~n"'-rH p-rovkied f,,-l-f m lhi\ Mortgage:. then the Mortgagee-, at its op. <br />tk)ft, rna)i ~y or pt"fform ttK ~m<. and aU ~ \pttktHufC'!l ....,J made ,haH ~ fu.ide.d to the prim:ipaJ ~um ('rwmg l.m the above note. <br />,hull h< >c<ur<d hen.'by, u.nd shall he..r "'.ere,t..1 the ..te 'et h'r!ft m Ibe ,aid !J{>Ce, until paW <br />, Tbat he ""pIS. tnKl.r." and set..wer to u.e- Mor~. to be lIpplietltowatd thepllYlIICllt of the note and all <br />sums ,scx.ureO b<<e-hy In i.::a~ vf 4 4dauJt in [he performan..:c: \.If any of the terms and t:ondil\.ons of this Mortgage or lhe $aid <br />not~. all the- renl:S. n.''''en-ue-~ and income h;) 4x dC'n~C'd from the mOftgaged pre61l'SCS dunng ~uch time as the indebted. <br />nes.s ,hAll ",_,n unpaid; and ,~ Mong..,.., ,hall ha.. power f<) 'pp"ml anj' all"nt or 'll"m. il may de,i.. for the porpo.e of <br />~mrll'Y'<'nri_ .1Id 01 ''' the same "no coliecung the ..nt" reve"..., and in<'OIlle. .nd it may pay Olll of ",ir! in- <br />~itl-h~oftqlOtirilll""'l'femt!le. ..nd "e<e"ary comm",,,,,n, .nd <<ren'es illCurred m rtnbng .nd managitllil'tlle <br />.. .!ll6.of ~"'" ft'lItak t~fr_; lhe balant:eremaimttg. if any, t<> N"Wlied loward the r1isdll\fge of~id'llIortglllje <br />~., <br />II. Thai he will keep the improvement> now,,~ or..........<<... erectetl on the mor~d l'f\lperty, insured a.nlay'he <br />''''ll.lirM troll> ti_ to time I>y IlIe M~ .11..' 10,. by lire and other ha.7Aro', casualties aoo contlnll"ncie! in ,uch <br />............. andf.,. .och periods Ii' -r be <<< by the M~ and will pay promptly. W~ll due, .n)' premiums ,m such <br />~~~ t!>t~t of which hit. not 'bmlllllldc hereinbefor.. ..1/ ,"sur..rKe .halt he earried in c<>mpanie. .p- <br />prov_t>y. ~'lIIldtbt flOliciu aoo-..!s lher<t>f ,hall be hdd IsY the M,)l:~e and ha~e attached thereto 10" <br />l"Iylibkclful... '" i..,,,, of .00,,, lorm ""......ptal>le (<, the Mo~"". !n evem of "'" Mrn1l!allOf willll". ,mm<diate not",e by <br />mall to ~M."r~,"'l1i1ltlll,\'. mai.!: 9""'( 'li ~'"ill1Ol "'lIde promptly hy M,>rlgagm, and cadI Irm"aoce ",'mpan)' mn- <br />~.' ~d.lId diteded '0 make payment for \OChkmduectly W I he. MortpjCe in'lead of I': the ~orlf!!1'i"r <br />MlilI_~ J{>lft\1iy; and ,he '''wt'"""el'H'.,e.;d,. ,>f ally ;WI~, may he .Pl>lied by rheM,~ al n~ oplll:m .ttlltr' <br />1(> the~~<1i lhe ~11Ole~l!I!t"bY _ured or to lhe re$lUl'4tion or ,epalr of the ptorelly dam.,ed. In e'ell! of foteek,. <br />__ MilliS ~\'\f<!l.twr ua"Sf"etof rilklo t""m(!t~ rm>....'': in ".IUlBW"'...'OI of tilt indebtednen ~ecu",d hereby, <br />o'Il ~."'''~cl'tht<~ Iti alld ,,, ....ylt\OurallClt/>l'lll':,k. then III '<1I'ce ,hall f'a".., the pu,,,ita.e, Ilr lll'IlRlee. <br />.. 'T'llllu'~_i all<i ""<<literal ",,,,,,,t,, (0' lhe "",m"ol of rhe note .s".c"llc<I, stim, 10 t>e"",me du. under thi, <br />_I~. I!WI :>A......... llUm "..~ Ut tile MIltIIlllltt all proiit~, fe''en",,'. !>>nllie.. fight> a..dbeneul> ""cruing I" the <br />~'~,' "",. Ol'ld 1lI1 '..:1'....1 "" te....... ,'" 'aid pf1rm,_, wtlh the fIght W receiv" and f"".ipt (')f Ihe 'an.e and apply <br />I" 1<>1<114 ~~~~jJ.jwfor" a. afl", deh,utt... tnH......uIi<_ vi lni. motlpjll!. 'Inti the !IiIOl'~ ma}'Mmallll, 'oe <br />1<< ...... '~ ",~~"he" <Wl'i "00 pay,,!.*, bill .ball IKH he ''''laired '" to do Tim ...."ilJiom<'lli i, Ii' ,,,,nuMle <br />..oo.....~ .llcI..>id Uj>(tIl r~....,"llbi, """1..,." <br /> <br /> <br />"l.Il:l":<'t4~"UlHtI <br /> <br />R96TOO -t.., <br />