<br />83-00 1965
<br />
<br />
<br />'I',~ · dh .-<' I
<br />TbJS;'{)"f'n".t"lS used in connec.
<br />tion withmortgl;!l!'(!8 ,insured
<br />under the one- to four-fandly
<br />provisions of the National
<br />H~llIilrlg }\ct;
<br />
<br />
<br />THfS'MOR!IUAGF.. madallnd executed 'Ibis 22rid
<br />IY 6~'" bl'3~dhelweell E\i9~ F. FUller" 'a1'.d
<br />
<br />of till! Cbuntyof Hall
<br />tlleM~r;aml ~dor MOrtgage, Inc.
<br />
<br />day of April
<br />Linda M. Fuller, HtiSbantt'Wl4'Wife
<br />
<br />, amlSWe of Nebraska. !'8rtY of the fii'si:Patt,herei~t'er';~
<br />
<br />a corporaliOnntpnl:ted and C1tB'tingllnderlhe '"WS of ~ebraska
<br />parry Of the second parr, hercinllfle, called Ille Mllfrgagce,
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH, ThaI tbe :<aid MortgagOl'. for and in considcratlon~;f thesumof Thl1;tY.. ~..''1'Iiq~~~'v
<br />No/!(Hlths . . Do!lars($ 16 000.00 .. ),JlIiidlitIIll!MbIt-
<br />~.- t:he- receIpt ,Hf whiC.h l~ hereb}' ackncw!ed;ed:. hu~_ Granted and S~~d a~_6Y. t~~ P':es~,~~s doe_s..9~~~_-h-;'~_"
<br />gatn, ~tJ, ~oover and ('onfinn unto the MOrtgagee, tts successors ano aSSIgns. forever; the folki~~
<br />reat<<tUf", ..Iuated m "",CooMy ,>/' Hall . ..' ;wcStltfe
<br />of NcbrMIm, to ",it: . .
<br />
<br />
<br />Lot seve...teen (in, Potash Subdivision, Ball County,Nebraska,
<br />
<br />
<br />vi tbe Sh..th PdndpaJ Meridian. i.:unt~fr.fng in i:tH
<br />me-nt 5UfVt'\,-"
<br />
<br />acrnll.cwrdin31O Govern-
<br />
<br />TO HA V hAND 1"0 MOL!) tile ",nUl"" ."'lV<' d",,,"t!ed, ''''Ib all 1~ appurtenarn:e.thereulllO ~ ...uUldoding
<br />;dI healinll. plumbtlllland Jiaht'na 0'1>"'" and <'<jwpjffe1ll 00'" Of Ile",alwr .Uach<l1llo or u~ iAconQlK'\iQn,witb JIlIid _,atllte
<br />unto the ~""ti'\ll<<. .",lId I<Ilh """..:e>.."'" "lid """llfl'. I", "Vet.. n", MOllllll&<'f '''PftiClWO to. aadooVitflllihl. ..illl. ,thoc~
<br />~, that. the Ml>tlpgur hit. good nght t,. ",II aM <om,,} \;1141 "r"""l>"'; lbatthe,' Me f,e<: fl'i)!a "~~;lllld,tIIlU;lI!II
<br />Mortgagor witl"'"muu and ~fe"" lbe "me apinSllb.. I..dul chuln' of all """,>A. wlmlns""vel;:u>4the Sllidl\(~l!ere-
<br />~ relmquiohe. altngbh..' !IOtnr'iI...d, """ 1Il1 mllltla' .ighl'. ..ither In I... '" in equity, and all other COfttlhgCllt inltm{.'~f the
<br />MOrt...... in .,..U" I"" allove.odeM'ribn{ pt'enll"", ,"" mlentron l'>eitljl f<> convev llel'cby "n absoIute1ille; in fee .impIC. includ-
<br />.....UrildN.of lmInJ:'\!tead, anOVllwrr;~" anllinrere.~... .fo,,,,,aid.
<br />
<br />PROVUlEDAL WAYS, "00 I""""_on .re ",,,,,,ted ami deb,"'ed _ the lollo>...ina oonditioa&..1O wit:
<br />
<br />The ModpllQr "If"'" f<1 NY I,! the MHf'g;ll:<C. ,if ,,,,dc' , tbe PfUl\,~ ....m or Thirty Six' T!lOu~ and.. N()/
<br />10Gtba..--- . Ikllw.t$ 36.000.00 ),
<br />
<br />with .lUt~tt."St Jj-om daft -dl the fa.le' tlj TWelve l-\t'f ,:entwn.t 12.0 %) per annum Ofl
<br />tht unpalflbal_ until \",ditl. The "lid I'rmc'pal"nO mitre" ,hall be pay..ble "'lhe offict of Superior Mortgage, !.ne.
<br />
<br />fl. GrllllQ Island, NE 68802 . Ilia! 'ti<:b otfler l!.lact as the holder of
<br />the ""tt IllaY~'" '"",u... ill mOlltAfy in;la,Jme"t~ of Three HUndred Seventy and 30/LOOths---,
<br />DoIlan IS 370. 30 l. commencing 00 lhe first day of
<br />June . 19 83,...,u I.ft ,l>r li"l day uf .""h ","'lIh there.after unlil the prindpal and in-
<br />let..,t are Iully l'lI.itt. """<'PI, llllll the .fiaal paytnent of pnm:tpaI alld intert"" If.1IOI .,,,,,,.,, paid, ,hall be due alid
<br />payable on the tin' day QfMIL~, 2013 ; all ""cOHlinlllo4he terms of acerta;n promi,..
<br /><;(l<'y note "~I <veil darell<<cw;th u<<ut~ bYlbe ,aid Mortgagvf,
<br />
<br />'fbe M~iM in-urder mQrt: h.iHy tor1(.te-(1 the ~cunt)' \J( th-b Mon~. a.gr<<!t
<br />
<br />I Tlwt lie will l'lI.Y lbt;.ndcb",,*-~, it. he,,,inbefore f'l'"vided. Priviltge is ""...,,<<1 to pay lhedebt in whole. l)f itl an
<br />lllll\lVat e.,.<IM Of _,_tlll;paymt'ttls<>tt lM'rrifi<'ljml ,lIa! ""'he,! dlit'<m the OOIr, on theflnrl day of lony month
<br />prior f,O ~y:, -~.:--~v<<~ 'fhat writtm fK)tice \)f aft tnte-atum to t'"\en:i~ such r{jviJe~ as JPven at least thirty (0)
<br />daY'f'ri<'H.lt~llI1;Itt;
<br />e!,T!lIII..~~_:;...lJli, MOd,'lI' ~""<" ti.;<; lJ>onlllJ,""Ymel'll$ of pr_lpaland "'Ier",.1 p&}!ab!ll. \lIider the I_s of the
<br />__\lt~~y, \he ~M!'lf willJ1"Y\"J""'.M"f~, 0" \he~ daY of C>\~h _Ill "lttiIlhe jllill~,;dully p.,.J. the
<br />t~q~t ' . .
<br />
<br />hI Aro<,"'''\i1itlk.i\t!lt t.,v,,~ flu; t1uld<'fh~It'<'f ...ith funds t"\>>1 tlI~ """" O1ffl't~ ifl1lUral''''' 1"""'UU01 II ,ni>
<br />Imtftl.nl<lOtWl_'_r~llet~ ~~ IMlrItd. m a ,-thi) d11Ult (fn litu (If. "'on~ i__ pI'I!'
<br />".,..) I!~ lIl'f'~lly the Sl!t:."tIl1Y "r Ifmtq;!nd Vrb>>11 ~optnent,~. fnlklwl'
<br />
<br />in If "nO. $0 h.~ ~ -~Y rH:.;i~ H-{ n<:H d..H:' and thE! lHJiMUHtt'ftl ~1i~ 1Hrofcd 01 :art' g"mMJf'Cd u~r 1he Ino,
<br />~ <1fttwN.ltl<lnIllI!ffl'slitl!f,o\<:t, 311 *1"-f"!lt~ 1<.' lktllm,illl'le in Ul< bands "I the bold", ooe
<br />
<br />~ t<-tt.,:~.*,~_'MlfY b1t'~-~'~lj!'-q-i.'~~_
<br />
<br />;,'TJ. Tt: o.~ Nlt8JlAS.lU.
<br />,.",,\;;.I12143M tll,19'
<br />