<br />r
<br />
<br />83-001968
<br />
<br />10, That the MortpgOr will keep the buildi'lgS upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste
<br />upon said land. nonuifer the said premises to he used for any unlawful purpose,
<br />I L That iithe pi-emises, or any part thereof, be condemned under the power of eminent domain. or acquired for a public
<br />use,thedamagcs awarded, the proceeds for the takillll of, or the consideration for such acquisition, to the exlent Qf lheflll!
<br />amOl.mt of ~nes upon tbis mar/sage andJhenote wbich it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are herebyassigned'hy the
<br />Mon8l\lNf 10 the. Mortgagee. and shall be paid forthwith to said,Mortgagee to be applied by the latter on account of the next
<br />maturitJginstallmenu of such indebtedness,
<br />12, The MOfl88gJll' furtbcT agrees that should Ihis mortgage and the note secured hereby not be eligible for in-
<br />__under the National H_ingAct within Sixty days from the date hereof (written statemenrofanyol!k:er
<br />of the Department of Housing and Urban Development or authorized ageut of the Secretary of Hoosi"8'8ndUrban
<br />Deve!op!l1ent dated subsequent 10 the . Sixty days lime from the dale of tbis mortgage, declilllng toinsuresajd
<br />note and tbis mortgage, beiflli deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibility), the Mortgagee or bolder ofthellOte
<br />may.llI itsQjltKm, declare all sums seconed hereby immediately due and payable,
<br />13. That if the MOf!Jlll8Of fails to mue any payments of money when the same b;:come due. orfailstoconformlo'and
<br />comply wilb any of lhe cOlldltlons or agreements contained in tbi. mortgage, or the note which it secures. then.lbe enlire:princj-
<br />pal sum and ac<:rued interest shall at oncoo hecume dU<! and payable, "t the clection of the Mortgagee; and tbis mongag<::titay
<br />thereupon be furttlcsed immedialdy for the whole of said money, interest, monthly payments. costs, ground rents;wes:cand
<br />the cost of extending the llostnlCI of title from the dale of this loan to t~ time of com~cing such forecloSlll'e suit,.anil area-
<br />sonable llt/l)""'Y" fee, all of which shall be included in the decree of iorecl<1Sure; and the conlT"ct embodiedin.thismoogllgClc
<br />aM tbecnote secured berthy, ,hall in all resfl1'Cu he governed, con.trued and adjudged by tbe laws oiNebrasn.wher<noo
<br />_is.mad",
<br />TberovenarllS herein cootllined shall bind, and the benefits and advantage; shall insure to, the respective heirs; executors.
<br />adminismtors, succeuors and assigns of the parties ~reto. ....'henev"r used, the singular number sball include the plural. the
<br />plurallhe singular, and the use l>f any gellder shall be applicable to alt genders,
<br />The foregcmg conditioos, all and singular, being performed according to their natural anrllegal import, this conveyance
<br />>ball be void aad said premtses rel...sed at the expense of the Mortgagor; otherw;.e to be and remain in full force and effecl,
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF,lbe Mortgagol'W have
<br />abo'\'e' written
<br />
<br />hereunto sel the ir
<br />
<br />hand(s) the day and year first
<br />
<br />In presen"" ,,(,
<br />
<br />-- -~/ .,--
<br />
<br />~,~:~.~-.;:__ ___:2':~~__..~~_~_"
<br />EOOf.;)lE P. FULLER
<br />
<br />. .,__,_~_~! S-EAL ~
<br />
<br />, '~~L~v.r' /1 /7/l'F/L.I/ ~ -J
<br />1.I. M. FULLER
<br />
<br />[SEALl
<br />[SEALI
<br />[SEALl
<br />[SEAL)
<br />
<br />t;;p 0- Hi~n8
<br />
<br />
<br />HALL
<br />
<br />I
<br />{ s.
<br />
<br />
<br />(lt1tbis 2200 dI.; "f
<br />NOtaty Public
<br />
<br />Apr.il A_D. 19 g3>bd~,"nm-e.
<br />1ft and for '\aId (""ctunt'y. pen~m.idl}' i..::.1tne
<br />
<br />Filgene F. Fuller and Linda M. Fuller, Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />to be the ident;,;"! pe""" Ii who..., name S
<br />ani. m.lrument as Mortlllill'lf. and
<br />e.ecuritm tbe,,,,,f to ~
<br />
<br />are
<br />they have
<br />their
<br />
<br />, per""Mlly to me known
<br />ailixed to the above and tore-
<br />""knowledll"d the lIlIid illstrument and lite
<br />VOluntary act and deed, 10' the purpose. therein expressed,
<br />
<br />In lest"''''''!, whet<<.t, Iltave heleunk' ,,,t mI' hand and dhed by notarial seal.,A1 Grand Island, NE
<br />on the day lInd date laS! alsove \Io'III1"n _ I / ~.
<br />
<br />t:::4l ',P' '(/Il-IJ:.j i?;''''-V)
<br />N(J(JI('f Pl1bhc
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />5TATEfiFNE"A~
<br />
<br />Filed tqi,rei:ord this
<br />.at i)'dilek ..'..
<br />~inW.
<br />~ (jf
<br />
<br />S~
<br />
<br />da) of
<br />
<br />A,D.19 ,
<br />M, and entered in Numericallodex, and
<br />of Mot./gag"s. on
<br />
<br />Rtgj.ter of Deeds
<br />
<br />Htill.-9l1.f'>>A UiH'IJ
<br />.<1",;' ..-I'~,t'l'1t
<br />