<br />
<br />83- uO 1960
<br />
<br />Lender's writlcn 8Jl1lCll1ent or appli1::ablc law, Bor'ower. shall pay the amnunt of all mnrtgageinsurance premiums in the
<br />tnlltIller provided under paragt;aph 2 hereof.
<br />Atri...llII)OUnts. dishursedbyLender pursuant tn this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall becnme additinnal
<br />indebtedDess.of BOIYower sccmedbythis M.ortgage, Unle5$ Borrower and Lender agree to atber terms .of payment, such
<br />~nls:sltallbe.~upoll notice from Lender to Borrower reqi!eS!ing paymen. thereof, and shall. bear interest from the
<br />datll::.,f dlsbu~at tberatepaYJIblcfromtim<! tn time on outstanding pnncipalunder tbe Note unless payment of
<br />in!erestatsucll rate. Would"" eontrarylo applieahlelaw, in wbieb event sucl1amounts sball bear interest at the highest rale'
<br />~UlIderapplicablclaw, Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender ta incur any expense <l1'tne
<br />lUfYaWonhl>reundCt,
<br />II; . .t~, Lender may maIr;", or cause to be made reasonable cnln'" upon and inspections aftheProperty, provided
<br />Ilmt t~malls.>-.ellorrower notice prior to any .ncb inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender".
<br />int"reSt in the Property.
<br />9: Co'" T 11\ 'ft The proceeds <.f any award or daim for damages. direet or consequential. in connectionw!tb uny
<br />~llJ' other taking of the Pl'opeffy. or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of cnndemnation. are hereby llS$lgned
<br />andsball ""flliid to I.Mder,
<br />tn the e""m of II 10t.1 taking of the Pl'opel'lY. the proceeds ,haU he applied tt> the sums secured hy this Mortmc.
<br />with the ex_, if any, paid t<l Bor"""~t, In ,he evenl "f a partial taking of the Property, unle5$Borrower and Lender
<br />.'olhetw.... agree in writing, there shall be applied ,<> the sum, secured fw thi, Mortgage ,"ch propOrtion of the proCeeds
<br />a. -i. equal l<> tlmt l'fO!.'Ortion whkh ,he amount of the sum. ...""ul'd hy this ~f"rtg.l!': immediately prior to. the. date of
<br />,akiat! beaT> to the fairw.ark<'t vatue of the Proj>erty ,mmediately pr.nr to the date of l.king, wi,hthe balance <>f the proceeds
<br />paid to 80tr0wt'r,
<br />If ther Property .. abandoned by iku'ro""f, or if, afte, notice or Lender", Borro_r that thecondeml1or olfen to maIao
<br />an awanl or ..ellll: a d.im tor damage>, lk...rower fait. to rr.5l'tmd H' Lende1' wilhin :10 da;-.. afterlhe date sucllnoliceis.
<br />maUe<!, t...end<>r is .utMrized to .;oflect and .pply lhe proc..",,!.. .1 tender', option, eitller to restonllion or ,."poil' of the
<br />Pml"'rty".. In ther ..",ts $<CUred lw ,his Mortg",.
<br />Un'- I-J,nder and Bomt",,,r olhe,,,,i... .grre '" wnhnjl, an" 'Hch .pl'lie."o" of procee<U to principal ,lmllnol extend
<br />or pool"""" tbr due da'" "I ,be monthly lO't.llmenlS rdrrn:d to in "aragraph. 1 .nd 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />"",It lOlltall:mnts.
<br />10. ............ ~ RfteaIed. Exttn\iOn 01 ihe {frne f,'!f pa"nR:n~ nr mCtdifk:.atif:m of a-mnrtttal<<m of- the ~ums secured
<br />by 1hil- Mort.. JJ'ante'd h,.. L-e~r to i\ny Slli:C~'!iQT ,:~ tnh':Te''it ,'~f R(")rrowe-r ",hail not opoe-rat-c m rdease. in any -manner,
<br />the liability ot rhe- (~gin.al Borr-o,,"-er- ;'l'nd Ht)rt'n~--("-(\. ~t.~..:n~<1-:'!'- Wi in-ternt Lender ~hJtU n(}t he :required to- commence-
<br />ptoceedinfS ~.mt _~ucb s~,.("u()r (~t rduw h"t ~,te--nd t!!11e for ~ymcnt or mhe_n.\;~ rnodify amorti_:lation (It the, sums
<br />~":PLJbil_,~O'~-,'~ -('tf ';-H1Y demand J>>-ade hv the ~ert~loal Bt1fTOWer ~nd R(1fTo-w~r~$ ~tl<cesrol"$ in intel'e$t.
<br />_~:fIt;;,-.-"'ll _ rt~.:"""""~"Not. w......, A.'fV fc'~aanc~ hv Lemfer in t'xerci~m~ ;:my right or remedy hereundef~ or
<br />(}t~ .li.)t'dl!d(~-' ~ ~w ..htiU n(H he ~ w:ai'lt'f ,\t _no;" p.tt'!Cf-u-dt the- <;x(:n:t'1C' of a.ny 'iuch -ri--!!,'bt or- .remedy,
<br />T'he ~llf;-~'-Or-tk r-anlwnt f',f 1.:t\C" ':'f M~-r ~'e-n.'il (}-r (-ha.r-ges hv Lender --.:haU not ~ a w:aive-r of Lenderts
<br />ri~m ~nftrrtte-tnUilrif\' i\fU~~ irnkhtedf\e'-'j ~u~d h,- thl'\ M{H1,agt:
<br />11- It...... C~1 ,..4;.11 ren'lCd~ p-tt~"-Hk-d H1 Itd" \,ffj.:t1,a,_t' ~rt' diltln\:t lnd ~'umtllativ~ to- any ot.her right or
<br />f~ umkt ~hh Mi..'JftJ&-gt:- or J1ff{''lf''dcd M' ~aw .H'- e-qurt';o' ,tfid rn.:.tv h< f',er';"!'\.M c\m\7lH'-re-nHv, mdependtmf"~ or :,;tfCCeMi-vely,
<br />1:~ ~:L~~~__.,;. ~ _~~ ~~ !:~: ~ ~Tvi-lii: I,;"'~~~ f'~ for- COVe-fl:tnlJ ana al.reemen.u nCtel-n
<br />1.,':t;~i.M~ ~:h~)i b-md. #.n4: !~ ri:b-!~ ~t~~ ~h~H i-n~:>;-{ h~_ ~r~ ~e~~tn-{' 'HJu"e\i'\lJB. llftd .~i:ti:m ef Ltftd<::r and Borrower,
<br />\.ubje<< to d~ pr-ov-kwn~ fit p.4i-a$:ntph ! ";' he-T\"1.1_f \li ",,)\:'t"nann_ jnd ~lgf-ecment' ,--.f tldrrnv.'cr ~halt be i~)ttl:t and several.
<br />'J'lle ,aptu"''mj il.M headmp \.11 the ~u'faph."-. ,If thi~ M(~r!;il~~ 3ft' (n:r ',"'ltO,"'ctUcnCe .,-olv ~tnd ;\irt" not to he uled to
<br />t~ ~~ ~ dt:e p-rov~-.m ~~f~~)f.
<br />., ~ t!~cqM' (f}f .-nV tlOtive_ r-e-q~m'e..-J uH,-1er ,1.i1-prt..:.-:.tb<k !;.i~ L' h< ~T""~-n m a:not.t-.er manner, {ill any notice to
<br />tkJ;f-y~t rm;w~ fQir m thito M.('rt_~--e "l.hilH 1"!(! ~~~>!"n hy f'fHthn}t ".H{'h mlH~t' t>-~, ,;r.nr1red mait ~ddf~ tl~ Borrower at
<br />tM PtOfIeflv Adc!1"nS Of ~t :\u.:h Q,~h<r :itW_fec\1:. A!io. ik~ffr~~("f min dC_~ign.::t!1,'" -f,\' Iv.tkt H1: h:::~Je-r at provided he-~in. and
<br />fb) an)" nocla- t(~ Lender- d~.n bc ,tt"n'n ~y (eruOOi f'ft-a.l. H'_h:m !IT'CW4 t("qH~l(d, h1 Lcnder\ -Midn:u ,It.~ herein -Of to
<br />~ud\ -O{Mf' add~ a$ tcnde1' "t.;l:\' dn.~te hv r-";)tk,, t (, B>:::;rr"-~-'t"f ;tS rt~'--'t(1cd herein Afi~' notice: provided (o-r in thi..
<br />M-('tllPfC ll'ulU N ~ t{,) .h-<:E';,~--t' hc~ ~1V-t'-ff h1 lkW,,'j-~--t~f n( t 'C'~<<-t ~hcn ~.'>ef\ in the manner de$i[t.nat:ed hemm.
<br />i$_ U....~; ~ ......: s.-,-~'. rh;-.. hry-m ~~t ~n;~e- !..'ommnn unifornl '':'-Oliena_n~ for national
<br />tHlt and i'tOft~WlifOt-m (,.,(.WC-fi.nlh" \Htn hmneJ ,--un'Jn"'W!\ rn. ~unsdH.:h~~t f,.). ~'t)"-uHutc 3 unH'orm ~unty i-nstf-ument eOV\i!'nna
<br />mlJ ~yTht\ MOrtJ. ,h"ll he: g''''''.mrn hv in" ie,,, cd ,he !umd"I,,'" '" which '!Ie Property i, located., In the
<br />~~t tbat ~u'ty p.n't\'"J:$.i.t.'tn (..1!" dlU!iot i-;.t rhi-s. M-o-r1!lag(" nr !~ N('!1e ;;'dofikt-s with .,,~'pftcahle law, \uch c:oflft-kt \haU !'tot .tf<<t
<br />~ ~"'~'\ ot ffli! A-t-on,. P-!'" !~ N~~ wh~\b ",.-,aft n.e ~T"--ffi: ..-:ff~t wi:tTh.."l{Jt 1~ ....ih-~rt-ictini pro-vkKm.. and. 1\') this
<br />eM the p<<..w~ or the Mon~ -$00 the ~~~'>((' ~;~ ~!e<-b,l'~ tfl- ht- \C'-\!'erable'
<br />t6.. ............ C..".~ 8on-l~~t dud! ~ !mn~hcd ~ -t(ltlhHn-le<J ((~y \.)( rh-t- NOh,~ and of fht~ MortttfiCC' at. the time
<br />.... ~utjon "" .00 'ff~ h~
<br />1'.. ~ 01:.. Propwty; ~ If ai.! \~r any riotrt ..-:!f ~he Prope-It)' fif an tn-te:fell therein i~ .oId or tran_derred
<br />by Born'NIf:'f wlthout under~, pmlf wnrfe-t) i.,'\ft~tH, !:::-\t:h_Kfltl}: Ld the l.--f~atKlf\ 01 fI- hen \"1t mcumbram."e subordinate: tt')
<br />thK MMJ:a,p" tb)- ,the ~~ioo ('~f a pun:-hil'ioC fil(\fic."\' $l",,",un'\' IrHcfnt Mt hOt.~-,iJ appha.ncct.. kt .l.!j transfer by devi$e,
<br />~ Of -by -operliUOO (), l-i1'a- -upon the t.ath u'- a Wtnt {en ant (\of f J I tM )tu,ni cf an" ka.M:hold: interest ot three y(!'an. (}r le:ss
<br />_not \':untainina *-ft. opt1;un h_' purenue--. t ende:t m..-y. :.u f entkc \ oi':-ph-{ln, d<<bre ~H the "urn, ~'-urcd hy thil Mort-glge to be-,
<br />H1\n'lC..tety due: and: paYl:bkt. t..-:mk.- ~i1n h-a"e '\4.at\'oo SUd1 upHoo to 3\.'"\:'def~le if. priot" io the 'Sale .or transfer. Lender
<br />and the ~ 10 whom lhe Pr<l\lCf1r i, hi' t>e IK>ld ,... l'3ntierrtd "''"''" _gree""'''' '" w"hng that the credit ..If such perron
<br />is ..,IiflWory 1" l.."ndet .tld tMt tn., ink",>! rily"blc 0" t!w ,un" ""tired Iw ,hk "'mtga,. ,hall be at ouch rate as Lender
<br />-~ RqUe$t. Jr Lender- has waIved the 9f'11Qfl tv ~~cekn:!e pnwided ~li fhi.. para8nlpb l1. and tf Bnm~r's 'lK':C~ in
<br />~. bli:l ct_....leo!l a writm! -..._ ~t ""''''.I',e<l in "rltinl by I,ender. Lender shall relea.se Borrower from all
<br />~iot>t.~IU~ aad IIle N<>l'l-
<br />tf teater' Cl.ct-ciic$- 5UCh t.1ptWn U.l iK~leriik. f_l1tWer ,tutU mad Borfo~er nQtt~ ()f a"mrtukm in actord3nc-e wlth
<br />~llfBplt. 14~, s..eb noti<< .!mil pmvlde a perk>d oj lli)\ 'e", lhan ,0 day,,; iwm the date Ihe "mice is m1liled within
<br />.."'-Bottowa:,-__y ,." the- iUn'iS d<<:iar-ro dut-_ It Borro-_-cr f;sa$- h,) p-it), ~U<.:h 'imn)i pnof to the c-.:.pifation f'it ,w:h period.
<br />~_y, witMut tUrtiR:lr llt>ti<:e N ,f<o.mand ,", ik'ln"'er, i'",\l.;e ""} reniedies pe<m'Ul!d bv p;ua;;raph 18 bel'('O(.
<br />
<br />~t~ C~~4.Nt~~ ~~ and L~r further .:,tv-eniint .uld -a~r<< it.'l tr'<lkj'-\<"ic~
<br />." AoC>..'~! " . I........ "'ftpI.. ~ In ...... 11lterfltf, ..,.... ao.-'s "'-ll '" ..y e........ Of
<br />~.r~ IndllJ~. ~ tile eo.._ to "", ........ title ...y __ _....... by ehlo 1\..........
<br />..........~...... ..... --. ... ........ .. ",,"i4M In ~ 14 lmMf ..-<<Ylaal III 1M ___,
<br />~_....,............fa:tIdot($I....... _... ..... J9 ~ 'rem 1M dale w 1lOti<<. Is mdM to Bw_.
<br />............,.. ..lie.... .... {4l.1hM ,...... to tlH't. sa __h ... ... befote the due ~ let w tlOt/tt
<br />....~.q(ff f........dw____hy_.~ '___by joottkbI ~......... eft.~.
<br />. . , . ........ W-.........'" 1M riIllt.... ......... ...... ~ .... 1lIe..... to _ ltlllle ,--.-
<br />II!t!lU_~II.,..... .....,.......w-...--...- .._..1&0....... _HDIft...... If the....a
<br />..... . .. .... _~"_""".I"'.~ ,~..... ~. o(lIloa DUlY' ...... .u of the _ -""'" by
<br />........'lQflfbll.'lr ___..,.....-. ~ ............ .., '_10M by .iatlkW ~t__
<br />........_altlct. tIli.'lI\ ...............- <If "".a..-~. hod...... '*_ .lktiIbtI .... ,_ '" """-"
<br />~~-.......
<br />a .-.-....... ............ N~~ I~'. ~,.."leut..'" (>f ihe ,,~ ""ured b\' Ih.. M<.rlll.,.,
<br />~"~tlle'fch<<l<\.""...,. pt~.l>>l.... by' l~ 'f' cnl""", Inn M""'l~ diK'll,ti""e<l al '''1t'_
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />