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<br /> <br />prior toentryofa jjldgll1enten(orcingth!s MortgageH: (tI}Borrowerpays Lende, all sums which would be then due under <br />Ihi$M~~; tbeN"tund llOfes securing Future Advan<:es; if any, had nO acceleration occurred; (be) Borrow!'f'cure,qU <br />breael1eS of a"yotbe<' coven)l,"" or agreements . ofilorrower contained in this Mortgage: (c) Borrowerpay,"l1T<'llSOtl~~ <br />incu~brle!iderine~forcingtherove'uU'lts..and.agreements of Borrower contained. .rn .,.this . Mo~&lialld* <br />Lender'nemedl$ as pl'!)vided in panlgrapb ,18 bereof.. including. but.not Umited to. reasonable alt(lmey"!ees;i)illd <br />'. . . .. ,. ..> ... ,as Le.>deftnayreMotlablyre.quire !03S$ure that the lien of this Mtlrtgage,UR<ler'. il1terest. <br />inlha~at\dilOrroWer) obligi!tiontt>pay thesun\$$ecured by tbis Mortgage shall contioueunitilpliire~L.. Uil?n.t\l:Il <br />P1lY~ and cure by Botr<lwer, tb;,.Mortg:tgtr and the obligations ~ured heieby shall remain in full foreeandejfe<:tM'.if <br />l1O~tl"" had~rred, <br />~;~ofa"'A~"'RteeIn'l'l I;emleHn~, As addltkmalsecurityherelll'de1'B6rrower <br />~-'I!ns to.l:emler tbe r""ts ,,( the PrOfl"ny; ptovided that Borrower .hall, MOl' to acceleration underpar~t8 <br />be:reofo('.bandonmel>tof the. Propert)', . have the right to co'Iec. and retain such rents as tbey becomedue.arid p~~, <br />U\l(ltlac<:tlellltiorl underplU'l\llfllpb III hereof onhand,lnment or tbe Property,Lendet,inperson,;byagentorbY <br />jll4ieially a~ receiver. shllil he emitled toenteru!"'n, takeposs1$Sion of .ndmanage the ProWrtyan4ro colk:/:t'tbe <br />rertli of tbe,Property. includitlg those past due, All rent. colle-~'t"d by Lender or the receiver .hal1 be appliedfirsl. to payment <br />oftbeco.u ofm:magemenl"fthe J>ropeny ...w"ollectm" ,,(rems. Including, put not limiled to. recdver'sfees,Premiumson <br />reetllver', bon& an<!re_nal>leau""""y'. fees, and ,hen to .be ,,'nlS .C<.~red I:>y this Mortgage; tender and tbereceiver <br />shall be li3b1eto a.,'Cotlntonly for tbooe ",un .c!\lally received, <br />If.F\Ituft A<b_-. Up<m r"'luest of Bor""""r. Lender, .( Lender" option!",o, '0 rel....~ oftlrisMorl!l'iB"'"11IY <br />mak.: Future Advames '0 B<trfO\llff. Such Future A<lyanee.. wrtll int"""t ,hereon. shall be ",cured b~' this Mortgase wlicn <br />e~ byprom'OS(!J)' _t;ntatmg tbal ",id \I"'e> are "'~ur~d bcrehy~ AI no limc shall .be principal amount of the <br />'n'd<i!b~ """uredby tbi;, not ,ncluding .um. .dvlW",e4.l!j"al:f['<<lance herewith to protect tbesecilritYoftl1i..ll... <br />MOf1lll'gll, uC<lCdtbeori,l""': amount ,,( the No<" plus USS,. "J./~.UU. <br />tt ......, Upon payment "I .11 ,urn< ,,",u,.d hy thi. Mortgage. Lender .hall discharge this Mrirtgagewitltout <br />,-"haitf f.O ~t", 8orrn'We'f' smuf pay aU cO$l~ 0(- r-ccnnb.tion, ~f any. <br /> <br />STATE Of' Nl!lIbSKA" . <br /> <br />HA~l,. <br /> <br />, County u: <br /> <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WJUclUiOF, Borrower has executed rbis, <br /> <br /> <br />~~~h= <br />iV:' ,~~, ,f~~~" ."" " ,. .,.""..,.,. <br />Lois Hodson ~ <br /> <br />0t1 tbis..,. , ,4H~" ~da)' ,,{ .liprf.i. ,1983., bef<>t't' me lhe Ullde~ aNOWy Pubiic <br />dulY ootIIIIIiulO1ll!d lUld qWlkiM.d it" .aid w\lllly, p"m>nalho (am<: ~JQl:lH. Hj).QS~ , AteO. hQ~S ,1:I00SP1t., _"., , <br />~~fiPAAq ,~~9, ",i,f:~ . . . , . " to me known to be the <br />Jdent...~ petW!.l("{ ~ l'..JImef>} arc 'u!lM::riNd to 1m, foregomg 1O$!rumet\t and lKkoowledged the exeeutlon <br />!hel'eOf to be, . , . , Il~J.r: ' ~ ~ . ".>luntlln ""1 and ,keU~ <br />Wim- my hand lU1d nutanal SC1li~!. ,Gra~d, I,sJal)q. <br /> <br /> <br />MyC~...J;fIireJ' <br /> <br />t.30-W.:s <br /> <br />~P,r:as.k4, , .In md county, too <br /> <br />I~ 1-LL'h <br />~'~ 1,- . <br />\\....;,~~~, .... '"'''' ......' , <br />1-- <br /> <br />L.I.;i......... .... ....~ ~ . .......... I:... 1:. ...~.l;.tII.IiJ...H. ..... .. <br />...... '__au _ <br />.~ ... .. . <br /> <br />"- <br />\l\ "\ <br />c:"S <br />~ 0 <br />''--- <br /> <br />~~ 8ti!fow ~ l,~ It...,... few l~ ~ R~) <br /> <br /> <br />: .. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />~ <br />....J", <br />~j~ <br /> <br />i~ .... <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />, <br />i <br /> <br />if <br /> <br />......" <br />..... <br /> <br />.. <br />. <br /> <br />~ .rvct~ Hi:ir'~: <br /> <br />,~,).... <br /> <br />;:..'1~'"iI_'J #.~_."' <br />