<br />UNWORM COVRNANTll, Bcrrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />i. Pay_t of Prlneipal. _ illterest. Bormwer shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indd>tedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on anyFurure Advances .secured by this Mortgage,
<br />::t..........for T__ 1__... Subject ro appHcable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to" .Ltndi:r. (!lItM <lay monthly installments of principal ..nd interest are payable tlOder the Note, until tM Note is paid in full,
<br />a .sum(llerm "Funds") eqUal to one-twelfth. of the yearly taxes and assC(<!\lllents which may altain priority over this
<br />Ml>rtilllP,and ground rent. on the Property, if any. plu. <me-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus _twdfth of ,early pi'emium installment. (or mortgage insurance, if any, all as rea,,,,nal>ly estimaredinitiallyand from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basi.. of assessmenTs and bills and reasonable estimales. thereof,
<br />'fbe Funds shall 00 held in an ia.lltltli<m the depo.its or accounts of which are insured or guarnnteed by a Federal or
<br />.tale "ll"'ley (inCluding Lenlk:r jf Lender is such a" IllstitutlOn). Lender ,hail apply the Funds 10 pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />1l1SUt'iltlCC prWliums and ground renL\, Lender Olay nor d,arge tor", holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or vctifyingandcompiling said au"".meJlts and bm., unt"", Lcmler r"'y' Borrower Illterest on the Punds and applicable law
<br />permits I.cnder to mllke ,,!Ch a ;:harge, Bonower and tender may "gr"" in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />MOrlJaie tba! inte.""t on the Funds ,halt be p'..ld to BowJwer, and unless such agreement 1.< made or applicable law
<br />requires such inteRs! to he paid, tender shall not he r""lIIred to pay Bom>w.... anv interest or earnings uothe Funds. Lender
<br />.halt &i>.., to llorrower, ''''!hout chuge, an "nnu.1 .o.counting of the Fnmh snowlllg credit. and debits to the Funds and the
<br />pIl!'Jl<lSe. fM wlli<:h each debil W the Funds Was made. The Funds Me pledged", additional security for the. .ums secured
<br />by tm. Mortgafl'.
<br />If t.he ~ of the Fundi b6d hy Lender. !ogethcr with the tw.ure monthly lft3tallrnenu of Funds payable' prior-to
<br />the: due data, of taxe:s, .atinlments, insuratK~c premiurtls .1nd ~round rents, sha.H exceed the amount required [0 pay said tax~.
<br />~nt.,... mwrancc: pr~miumjO and ground rems :as fhe,' .bH due_ :'iHch ~'\I.'CS'S "haH be. at .Bn-trower's option~ either
<br />promptly repaid tc iku'TO\'frttr or -cretht_cd: ~-n BtH'ft)\\'e'r llH, Hli)ut-hly In....taHmenn. f,-f fund~. if tire amount of' the- Funds-
<br />tmkl by l.endet mall twt- be. iufli..cicnt h,1 pay l:tt;"e'S-, .n!ieS:'HTlt."fHS-, lH;.ur,mt:c preffimms- and ground Tl:nL"'- as. 1hey faB due.
<br />~-r $ball pa-y t:o,1 l"r.nd.cr .an)-' ~m.{'it.mt nece.'\~ry 10 ma-tt' up the defkien.;\ wltnlfl 30 (b:\.-5o, from lhe dare notice is mailed
<br />by Leader tu Borrow<< requeotlng pa}m~nt 'h~"'''t
<br />Upon p.yment in filii ().f aU ,sums ~...-:ured: by iht~ \ft,ngaj!!.c. lender ..hall promptly rdnnd t-O- Borrower any Funds
<br />beW hy tendef~ If under p-an.graph 1 ~ h-er"(;(~i !1-'le P'rn-penj ...,\l!d ,n (he- Pr~~r<rtv h l"!-tberwi\.e <LCqUlred by Lender, Lender
<br />mali applY, no huer than ,mmt'dUttC'l} pm:n h)- ~he' "ide ~,f the Pll''-~~rty uf as J,-.::quJ\mon by Lender, any Funds: held -by
<br />Le.ndt."t' .ilt t.he tJUre o,"tf dpplk,atit.'m ~l >t ...:re:dn 4:gamst H\~ \tH1h '4.'1:urcd hv Hw, \:1Drtgagt"
<br />J. ~ioIl of Pa)1twats. Lnk_$$ <lp-p!j;!;;'ahlc hiw pr""Hjc~ ;,\ttwr\\-'~'. ,!in p..lymcnt\ n:crt\-ed br Lender under the
<br />Nt.1k" a.mi p-arqnpi'u ~ .furl 2. neret)f- \h.ail h~ aVP-he.:i hv L'l.'!1C{;f !.i.f'U W Pd\l1lCnI ,_'1 am.i,)untt para-hie 10 Lender by Borrower
<br />undt:r l~raar.ph Z he-noi. then 10 :tW~Te:x'f polyahk on t.he ~~Ji-('_ Ihcn !d lht~ prm,,"ip;:jl tlf rhe N.;Jh,;. j,nd then to jnter~t ;100
<br />pnrn:'I"oI on an} Future Ad,,,.rn:e.,,
<br />..~ ~ ~ BOfn:"wn ',h.ai! r-a;-- ,~il t.1'\(,", .h..~"'-<,."-m~,f)t\ ~rt-ij dh,~,r- "h~lr~t:..._ f1nt"i and impt1sltit,'ltU; attnbutahle to
<br />the P-ttlpItf)> whkb may :.;ttain i3 pll(lnt)' oYer ~tn\ Mi)rtgage, '-l~}d h"':a~tw.j:d p.-nmt:fiH ,'1' gl"\')Hud r~n-h. if -any, in the manner
<br />provFded UDlkt p.ilt~ph 2 fHt.f~(ll nJ', JI ~hW: f'.><-n.! ift 'H-,\.'-h fn;.tlHWf h\ Bl.>fn,~ct.'t lTI..'l.J,;mg pa\-menf. whM due. dif'Cctly to the
<br />pa),. thereof, mlf'ro'foll'ef ~H prt.'i'1'n!'Hh h.:-rnn.-h hi l.~nJt::f -iiH rm!-~..:~ !-~! :-itno-:.mt'il dtl"-: under ftn, par~graph, and IU the event
<br />Bofro~'e_r ')-h:.dl H\t'dr- p.\t-):m~nt ~bf&th-" H~~rrd\H~(' d1.!H pH>f\"'r\h~ i::,n~h-h h1 Lcmkr re>:cl-rt\ '-'\-hk_:ftcttlB: such p~ymtnts,
<br />Bc)fr~ '\b.itii p-rnmpU)' "hKhaJ#C ;any !,-~n '" tndi tl,'t\ Pfit}flh- ,'h~r ~rm, '\-t"-l-ft:c:a~'(": rro\'ltf-<<], !nOli t10rTPWer 'mutl mJr be
<br />requind l() -dt3CNu-8-C ~n')' 'l-w::n h'etl '.->;1 kHlg 4~ (l'PHO"'Cf ...l1.U! ,l,rt."--t" tit ,\r'l\H~ :O\,' r;t~mt"nt 1,11 !he- nnhfatk~n :\.ccured by
<br />~ bell m.iJ.-J1'tMntt ~"C-V-Hibk tt:'l Lc-ndct, ",,~ ,It,iH 1ft Jtl~1d i~Hh ,-.mi:t.",~ '\u...h j~"n hv" i,lf ddcM ~nt(ln.--emetH of :!i.H\'~h Hen U1~
<br />iqai ~lft1\ ~~iu:ch ;;~'letrur f;.) prt\.ent lhe !(:nh,;r""'~11i"f'jt .,! ~h~ l.t'11 ~~r 1,"oft(;'IWfC \\J the- rtr{)p('rt~ ~,~ ~H1Y part thereof,
<br />S.. aa.nt I~~ Botr.o~'~l ~-ha.H k.(.cp th-(' 'H-'tpn\I,Cmer,h n~\-~, ,'U"hn~ ,'-f /l-eTc.:tH<:t (f1;"I,:tW iJU the Prnpt'rt}' fosnrcd
<br />~,~i:!iit h:~ hy f4'e~ hUl!.rili !ndu4:cl: >M~hH1 th~ ~1t"nr:j c....!;t~~j..!('''-j "H';",~"e M~d "'h;h d!rn,":f hU.t\rd!. 4" 1 t.::o-del' may requite
<br />and ul ~ucb ~.tn(."Uf1" and h.n 'lu..:h PC1H:JJ;.. ,;~~ f itn-dcT m..) Fl.~4iJ;r'(' ~'f;':''''i4:_lL ~h;ll l.{':nJ~'r "baH fl('\1 requite that the am(lunt o-f
<br />~ cO\-"C1. itlo:.'C'ed HUH a,IDUunf ;;"f --:\::n-trt~ f~'~UJ.red P.;t'l- ~ht' ",~Yf!~;. c!-"'~\..'1-;,"{,1i h-~: HH~ Mungage
<br />The JOsUTiUK'C' -t:~ner r~ti)Yidml 1M i~r4n;;c: ;,h;,dJ !~ -_-hf,.l~"'H h\. li;,~n(~,"--cr ,,-'.lbj(';(:t t(~ -4>rf'OV~ hy Lendec provtded.
<br />mol. ~w:ft ~va1 roau not ~ w_fU"U'.Asoaa1}iy 'o\~thhi:.!td -\i! rrt:uu-tHlt<;. ,_'n inswan.i::t:: poJlues "halt be paid lit !he manner
<br />rrtWidod umicr ~aITApb 1. hc-r<<'''I Vf., :t m~ -fl'i;Ut1 m ~,,-l-;;h -;l\anfrt:'-.r. t>-y ~~rrt~--""'~r mum,: p3,Yl'!~n!, WMn du~. l_.hreefly t(1 the
<br />j~~,
<br />AU insur-an<:c' potlcre1...oo rene'W4.b t.hete-t':<f ~h:jl-H ~ ;f! ~{~rm ,~(;,.'cpt4hk ~;! L~mkr :HHl ...h~U Hu;:hu;k ... 'i,hwd<lfd fl)ottg-agc
<br />-dau:Ie-l:n la'lrOf of and in tiJlDl qc_c-epl~.Mc- !..i t ender- !.-t'n!Jrf d1-aH h-li\-t" the- ngh! H~ f\tlid the 4){\!i':R~!i ;HlU renewal<-. thereof.
<br />alld ~ !dlaU pmtapUf !:u~h to Lcm.ier ~U renc-..-;;t! l10tH.'t;:\ >'tud ;tH rn,'""e1fl'ts ot paid premium;;" In the C\'cnl Q( l()s'S~
<br />Bo~ lb-IM gl"'-'" primtpt tl\,lt-n:c h} the Huunm:,;;:t> .::.trn\.~f ';:1Hd i c-ir-i.it-L Le--n-iJCi rn;'\t) maK'C ptt)ut (~t k'1cU it not m,ade p-runlptty
<br />by llortower.
<br />U~ Lender!- and Jkn'rOVt'~f odW,:rW~K ~ff'c i'-B wn(!H-~" m~l.jfOUh:~ pti"i."'eed\ "haB be a.pr-hed to rcstoratlon i,1( repair of
<br />[he Propcnf Utun~~ pt'<.'JVtdcd iU\:h f'C';\llHll,tH.1n 1.)1' f-tp-;tff 1\ ~~"m~)fm;o:aH)" iC.iU-ibk: -,_nd !he M:'-i.:UfUY of thi-\ ~10tlJage r'i
<br />not f~- impat~. It ~tKb ro.]:l11--.,:thon Of ~Y~lf r:~. ntl:;: c,.-I_m..1ftui..ilh h,'.a\INe iff If !rtc '!!<cu.nty nt flus Mortgage would
<br />be nnpat.ted~ the jt\$UtllQ(;< pr<<eed;; :'thuU be:: ,.;,pp-hc,,-i hi H\4" "d.UU~ -..c..'me-d by !hlS Mortgage. .....tth the t:ll~-cM., it ~U\~', paid
<br />fO BortOWt-l If the: Ptupony K "i:H:lfld;Jn(~';j hi: l:k:l-H{\"(t. ,'t ,! !.kHww~r Lllh, U !tt,'Ir<n1d to l.ender Within 30 day~ from the
<br />dak ~ ni maUed b)' L.enUe-r tu lkW"tt",,-er th~t !hc lH.lUlafU."( \.'O!fr1'i;f \~Hen. l\.,\ ~Hh.~ a d;;um fo., lIuurancc henent~, Le:ndcr
<br />b. lWthoril&d. t-{) ~l and ,appt~ dw Htj,UfliU(:t" pttl\.~ .Jt L\"-ooe-r.... io.}-ptH-m t:lthcf to fCliUJraUon Qr n~pair of the: Properry
<br /><IT 10 IbJ _.....urcoi by t~ M~
<br />Unka lJ:n4er am:t &~'C-.f dtherw:'i~ .ag.te<- in \4nHng.. ~n)' 'Hl:;,:h app-ht:;au\-'fl ~~f pn..xeeds tp prmcjpal ..hail not ~:\t.c-nd
<br />-or ~ the due ~ (:!oJ the montbJy u).staUmcnb h,;h:nt?U td ,,1 p.ngrapn!j. and.2 h-ere"o-i or dlan@-C" fhe- amQunt -rlf
<br />iUiI:I! t~t$" H -undet plIf'AlI-apb 1'8 bereot the Pro-pert). ~~ :tC-q;Utt'ed ~y l..c.ndet~ 3H ngbt, tltle: and mterest -f'if RMrower
<br />it\JUM11~ m)' imu.f'aIKC poj-Kia and. '1'1) -and l{~ 1M pt'\X'Ceds t!kf'e(l-! fcswtmg trmt'! Jaft'lag:e It) t~ P'rn-perty prHlf to {he :.--ak
<br />Uf'_~ ii;bU p&u t~ Lt".nder to- the <,'-tent pi .he :'>Ufn.~ ~t:;.:-urro h~ thn. \1ortjfage nnmed:ialeiy pn('lT h' -.;uch ~i< (}I
<br />~
<br />6. ..............~..., ........,; i~ C...........iaium>; I'lanMd t:niI In",lopm..."" Bono",,<I'
<br />maH__lccp the-~ m aoad rep.-ir and i-hall f'*"'t -.;ommit ~'aue' or petmrl Hup-aH'me.nt or ill:1c!'\oralion i.lf tbe Pro-perty
<br />_,"'_'~ampty 'wfth ibe pl(W8.~ ,,f my ieaw }f till) MOtj,g,~ t" (l.n i: ka.~hnfd. h :hi'i ~tor-t{tag-t "''1 (lfl ~l unit In ~i,
<br />Ii,~ -l,'It .. plMnod Unit d('wk~nt~ I:k)n1'-~'e:1' \lU't-H pe-rforfft aU ,,}{ lklffOWCf''$ t.lhH~"lio"J unde.r th~ dt,"C-Iarattun
<br />-\if ~ (.~ 1M gt~m& the coouo-rrumutt\ (ir phtJHl~.d unit ;kve-ff\--p-tncnt. the hy~fa-w"l ~nd regul.aliofH, f'!' the
<br />i;oodr;u~~ilH..,-6t ~ tmil -dc~'()pnKnt~ ;,it~ ;,:tJMtnuent tl{)(;lN:neiH~> If ll. .::L1H(,h:;m:umwn Of f'-h.1tincd <.rut i.h;'\'e!npmem
<br />-~ .,~ by ~ and ~~ totctbti' wub Uu~ MortPa'C~ tht: --l,:Q-,\'-e-mu:Us and _,&rcements ,j,'r! "n~h nde-,
<br />..... tM ~- mco *- -.n_~, itfi.d s'uppkment the, l';-i,.Wen.nb. J,J:nd ;tgt,<<m<;flI'% ,-,1 thiS M(;;:rt.~se :.i~ ;i !he ri-de-r
<br />............
<br />,~-: ,~ ., ~ -SecwUt. U SO'fTo-..-er fajb- to pe:'l'f(\fn\ dw Co-yetUlnh: and n1t-r~l1b \.-,mtttlil<<J Hl JOt\,
<br />_ ~ .' -if -J'.Q)' ~ Of ~ ... cl.~~d \\-'hien: nliNeriaU)' aif<<ts. Lendcr':~ ~n[-et~~U in the Propen".
<br />~,.,'-__~~~"~in. ~'miI.>>\>~--'r, ;.;-~ ~ntoT'i;~tft(>n{, ~~ ,OinaU~lrl'ent3 \.,.4. prN;:l~-8'S mV(,:dV1-IlK a
<br />~""",lbel> lllDllllt at l...",.1'\ "l'l",". "p:", "'"".., '" Borr""'''t. "...~ make "",h aprear""",.... ,iI.put.. >t",h
<br />..... _taU: ..... ~ lit. ..~. to prore<:l I..""...... ,"l<<lIlli!, ,,",luJIl~., but !lot cum,." .1<), tI.>!>",,,,,,,,,,..l ,,(
<br />l..ilillllilillIlHiIl_.'. _ Ul4. ~ 1,_ ll\tl Pft>pClrtr 10 l1IU" tl:l""'" II L"nd~,.. te'<l"'r~u ""'''I..... lIl,man,,, "' "
<br />~'0I.'........ ~ ~-utfti hf t~ ~...-, 1k>m~-cr :N-ltal.l pa.y thr l1r'e':ll1,mm~ f~\JUed to) n_*jH.U-IH !!ouch
<br />~ kt,~. UDtiI ~ tid:.w at lhe ~t- fOr MIdi ~MQ;r~C' It.tmin''~ In ~(.,,1-rd.an,,'t' w,Hh ItonjJ\\l4r\ ;a..nd
<br />
<br />83- 0019'60
<br />