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<br />I <br /> <br />83- 0019S'I <br />.', -- .,., <br /> <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />Loan No, ......?f.J&~.::k:J..$..... <br /> <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE' RATE LOAN RIDER <br /> <br />NOTICE; THE SECURlTYINSTIUJl.!$NT SECURES A NOTE WHICH CONTAINS <br />A PROVISION ALLO'\VlNG lO'RCHAl'lGES IN THE INTEREST RATE; IN- <br />CBEASBSIN TFlEINTBREST RATE WILL RESULT INHIGHERPA~ <br />DECltEASES IN THE INTEREST RATE WILL RESULT IN LOWERPAYMENTS, <br />This Rider iamade t:hill ~,...,.....~Q.t:'~'M day of ,.,....,......:~p..!.~L........,_,...., 19.~.~... andia ineol'poratlld <br />into andsball bedeerued to lUlUlIld and supp)etnent the Mortgage, Deed of Trust. or Deed to SeemeDebt <br />(the ~'SeaJD.1;y Inmumant") of the 1laDItl.. date gi_by the undersigned (the "&rrower")to~~ <br /> <br />rtJWer'&.Ntlte tD. ',...-:.,...,.,.......__..._.....,...._,.,_.,...~..........,.-.....,......,.,..."..., "'-~...._.,...,._.....-..'...,_.._-.';'.,.,...,.....~.~,. <br />,,t...U~lA....lL.!1.altf:!!;~.~.$..;,!:Q...r,1\Q~.t;.i.g!t.. <br />!the ''Letuler') of thuamedate (the "Note") and eowringthe property described in the BectuityIDstnt- <br />menf; and ...Jll,.sut...2Q.t!l..Su.e..L._....,....... ....".....,G.ltaw;l...llil.4.mL....ti~lll;\..~BQJ........... <br />Property Address <br /> <br />MODIFICATIONS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument. Bar- <br />l'OWtl!' and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />A.. INTEREST RATE ANn MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The Note has an "Initial Intmult Rate" oL.....J.l."U.\L. % <br />Int&reist rate changes may occur on the 1st day of ..........,............,.......,lHl&.\l...lN.L. 19,..a~. and on the <br />Jst day of ,................,.......,.....llarJ:..lL,.....,. J9..&:i.. and on the 1st day of ...................,......JWl\\......,..... 19..1l:l. <br />and on the lat day of .....,....................,.....Sut.~c. 19..,e.~, and on those dates of those months in ~ <br />:''lllIr thereafter, Each date on which the rate of interest may change will be called a "Rate Change Date' . <br />ChangeR in principal and intereIlt payments to adjust lIlIIOltisation of the loan to co~d with <br />im-t rate cha.tices llhallbe made on the lBt day of ..__..........._........".,S~tlUl.b.e.t..., 19.,65.., and on that <br />date WflI'T........~""~"ft..., year!B) thereafter, Each date on which the principal and inte1'ellt payment may <br />change will be ca.lIed a "Payment CIwlge Date", <br />Changes in the lntereltt rate are governed by changes in an intenl5t rate index called the "Index". <br />C~ h={e:} ie ~ ~ <br />(Ii 0 :~ rD~ ~ ~ m. F,VT~Y ~ H€-~~ Na~ A,"-era~ for all <br />Maioi' Typee of LendeJs" pub1illbed by the Fedeall Home lMUl Bank Board. <br />(2) at. .Adjl.Ul.t.a.lll.e."ll.A.t.e.,..l(O.tA.::: ..ll<ult.hl3...UJU:il&lk.1.idiL.<ltl..U...s.... " I.r.!l.a:llU'.,;':..." .."..... ,. ....._'... <br />Secur.1J:..J.UJ.ll.jlUltwl..ts>.,Jl,.~\Ula!;mt...~d.1;1'...>lt:.,.l.l',uJ:".l}.....i1U/fMIt,J1:t."j;bll.,l,\\<<lU".~l...R.M~r.Y.~,.,I.\Qard. <br />Chedr:box<.> to indicate timits. <br />(1) 0 If t:hill box iacheeked, there will be no maximum limit Oft chaJlcee in the intelftlt rate up or <br />down.. T'he Preliminary nate referred to in the Note, win be the new intelftlt rate. <br />un -0 If- thia b=;'.i:--eheeketl +h.. inte--eet rate that I pay .hall not ~ more than 'm",~."H.""'~ <br />petl.'eIlUlp poUrta on any Rate Change Date. <br />(3) O. If this box is ~ the intanIIt rate that I pay sball not decnue more than ...,................ <br />percetltap{lOill" OIl ay. Rate Challp Data. <br />(4) [jjU'tbis ba. is checbd, the in..- rate that I pay sball never be more than ...J..4...QIHL % <br />dllliDlthltpel'iod'l have my lOIUI. <br />(5) fil If this ba ill checbd, the intelftlt rate that I pay ahal1 never be le!I8 than ....lll.,OOO... % <br />duriDc the period I haft my loan. <br />(6) 0 Iftbia ba is cbec:ked. the principal and intelftlt payment that I payahal1 not inctease more <br />than .................... pIIl\ll!iUt. Oft any Payment Change Date. <br />('1) 0 11 thia _ ladlecbd. the principal and inta.t peym.ent that! pay ahal1not deereaa& more <br />tbm .._...._....... ~.OD...,.. PQmeat Chance Date. <br />TIl8== 1IIDQUI1ta ril aIIo ~ Oft ~ Chap 'DaterJ .. provided in the Ntlte. <br />:::...~hf~u:-~~~~=:-=~r~8:~y~== <br />==r ~~ l.JItpaid int.erfl!lt la.ade4 to . principal balance of the Note and itaelf will aceme <br />--- <br /> <br />J <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />..J <br /> <br />L <br />