<br />B. LOAN CHARGES.~3......" 00195 ...
<br />ItCQllld>be thattlte. loan .~', by,. tl1e.. Lty, Iustmnent is subjeetto ala,,! which setsitnaxinitllIl
<br />~"'~.'.' ..... and.. .....th1I;.. tlaw ilifuterp.ret.ed.... .1IPtM.... tthe.in. tere.Jt.Or.ll. the elIO.an. c~.. 'cOll~tedO.r..to,be... .CO.' iflectIld.. .......'......
<br />m~withtb8toan woukleSce8il........itted lh1:dta. If this is the ~then: (A) anY'S\lChClmut
<br />~==~==yY~~~~m:~~~fun~;.~~~::
<br />~ma' .cht:!oec!. to,makec tlda.'retulld .by~the,prineipal..owed\~l'.the NotA;l.QJ'by ,~;,.
<br />diJ:ect..~t. t() BimO~.
<br />If~ determines' th8.f an '()I' any. part ofthe.8tIIniJ.aecured nytbis: sel:uritylDstrmbentate._j~
<br />toadieawtiilihhas .p;ioritY.over,.tbis. SecuritY wttumBnt. I:ender may. send;Bol'1'OWel'anotiCe~
<br />tbatli8l1.~ sbaIl~y, aehvitb:regardto that lillll'll8prondedmpararraPh~'of~'~i
<br />IJI8~ ()I' sbaIlpl'OlDptlyseeurellll qreernent in a fmm satisfactory to Lendersubordb1atingtlteil'lien
<br />to thilI.. Stituity~. Faifure.to. pIQVide 'erideneetbatLeDderbasfirstlien sbaIlconstitutelldefault
<br />ImGerthetemllJot thi8Note.
<br />IHhere is atral'Mfer of the Properly, lIUbject to pclI'8fl'8.pb 17 of theSecmity bts=::r'Lender'
<br />m&fl'ilquUe (I) '.an ineraase. in the current Note inten!st rate, or (2) an increase in (or' .' . of) the
<br />limit on tfie IUllOUJlt of any one interest rate Change (if them is a limit), or (3) a changem theBue
<br />=r' or all of the8&. 811 a condition at Lender's waiving the option toaecelera.te p:cividedin para"'
<br />
<br />By !Iiping this, 80mlwer agteM to all of the above.
<br />
<br />
<br />7 "~l'1. .~?
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<br />,..,k,i.::KY.~:Y..~._'~'._".:,...,.,."...._..._.' . ................,.......
<br />'.n1l1alll C. llaubold ---.
<br />
<br />_,...a:tt!:.,,:;t..,&~o::y:\.........,............,...,......,"',.,.. ......
<br />Setty I'?Govler --
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ......,..,......,......,..~~AJ
<br />
<br />......, County 88:
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<br />~ the ~ thelNf to be .......-l;fte,!,l'..-..-.........-.-..,.......'--- vmunWy lICt and deed.
<br />Wl'1"N1llSS tnY MDdaDd DOtar.ialaMi at ...............bi.n.lnlLl:<.J.and...,;h:UAS4.............. in said county,
<br />the date afonMid..
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