<br />r
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<br />83-00195'2
<br />
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<br />tllesums'SIlCUredbythisDeei! of Trust shall continue unimpaired, Upon.ueh payment and cure by Borrower, this Deednf
<br />Trust:aIIlI tlle'ol11igluions $(lCUn:d herd:ly~aUrCllllainin f ult force andelIe<;t, as if no acceleration had occurred.
<br />'. ..~,~t.~:~AppoiI!t_nt&fllkeiv....~ri..Possesslon. As ailditionlilsecurity hereunder, BOfcr(}wer
<br />het'4bv_~IOLendert~remsnf:tIlePtoperty'!,rovided'lhat Borrower shall, prior to acceleration under paragraph ..18
<br />b<!tel:li'oca,b;,ndalunelll of!he,Ptnperty, haw.!he nghtto c!)Jleetandretain sU!;hrents as theyllect>me,dueandpliyaI1Ie;
<br />accelerationlll\~ pat'll8\1lph 18<Mre<>i. Ol'llblln,dOnmant oftbeProJ:lerty" Lender, in peI'SOO;. by. ageoporby
<br />'l1l1et\Jpoon,take possessiooof andmanagethePl'Opertyandto;cOIleetthe
<br />due, ,Ail rent' 'collecledbyLenderor thereceiver.hall be. applied fir;;tto pllytpent
<br />of, " ,........ .' " . tyilndcolltction of 10nl$, including, but not limited to, receivers feesipl'Cmillms
<br />lII\rllil;Ci"~sbondt and,reaso'liablf: attorney's fees;andtben to tlleslltnS sc<;ured by this Deed of Trust Lender linck the
<br />_ivershall,beJial>lel() acj:OUDtonly {prtm-tents actually received,
<br />JhF\tbtft Ad_ Uponrequestnf'/llln'ower, Lender. at Lender'. option, prior to fullleConveyatlCeof thePropert}'
<br />bf Tnmeeto 8ocro_. may make Future Advan=toBorrower, Sud> Future Advances, withinleresttbereoo;sl:iall;\le
<br />s~bY \bj&Deed ofTrnstwhet\ evidcm:<mbypwmisSory'not.,.staltnll thlll said ootes are secured h<\reby, .l\tnolime,.bIlU
<br />theep~_ofthe.indebledness .=uredby tlti$Deed of Truot; not including sums advanced in accon;1aneeberewilh
<br />to prOtect tbe security of this De<\dof Trust, ,,:weed Iheoriginal amount. of the Note plus US $" .. _,._.... .....__. ..~' .,'.""
<br />2:.. a~. Upon p&'ynlellt (>{ aU.umssewre<l by this Deed of Trust. Lender shall reqUC$ITrusll!etoreconyey
<br />tbe, ~aOOsba1l.ummder this, Deed of Trust and.U n<>tC1l evidencing indebtedness secured by tbisDeed,,! Trust
<br />to Trustee, TI'US"'" shall reconvey Ih.. Property withoul waflanty and witholltcharge to the person or persoffllegallY
<br />enl'llleuthereto, ,Such ~ <<penoIlS 'Shall pay all cOSls of recordation, if any;
<br />23. SbIlIIitllte'~ Lender. at tender', option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appointa. su~
<br />In1St"'" 10. aoy Trusrei> ..ppeinted heereunder by an '''''lrument recorded in tbe county ,n whicltlhis Deed of Trustisreconle<h
<br />Wi1hotu coo""yan<:eof tlie Property, Ill<! sUCCelSor 1I1lSle.e $nall succeed to al1lt.e tille, power and duties conferred\Jpon
<br />Ill<! Trustee herem and by appli<:able law.
<br />z.t. ae.- tor: NfItlHa. 1l<>rrower reqUtSIS Ibat ropies of Ill<! 0: 'lire of default and notice of sale be sent 10 Borrower'.
<br />.ddn:Is whieb IS the Property Address.
<br />
<br />
<br />bl Wtrl'lf.SSWHIlllf.OF, Borrower has executed tbis Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />...9Y~,.~~"
<br />
<br />William C. Hadlold
<br />
<br />,.&~:if;,="!.."'/i",. ...".".""'.:...~;,;~
<br />
<br />STATE Of NlUIlIMlCA",. Hall , .. Counl\lSS:
<br />On Ibis ,20th,. . . . . ,day of. ..apr.u .. . 19 133., before ~, the undersigned, a Nntlll1 Public
<br />duly commi$Sioned lInd. qualified for said county, personally carne. Will:ia:o ,C. . ~ld ,and Bet:t;y. f. . ~:f.,er
<br />., husbatld.an4.wife., ." .,'... . . .... .,...,., '".,.',". l1> me known to be the
<br />identical pe<<on!$} whose n_(.Io) are 'ulm:ribcd 10 the foregoing 1l1.'trum"nI and acknowledged Ihe execution
<br />tberrof to be, ,~ir, . . mluntary act and deed.
<br />W~ my hand and notarial _I al. , \~ ;:~~t1A4,.., i-w~i<A , .
<br />dalc afon:uid,
<br />
<br />.......ao.-"1'iiWet
<br />
<br />. . , . , , in said county, lite
<br />
<br />/\
<br />
<br />My ~ upi Z-. .... ""_fl. -~" ~{.,.. ./[(,'-1".1,."
<br />
<br />ao.WOU' .. . ~.~--...~~~----- I."
<br />ltJ~'-_27,l" -....."""'"'
<br />.;......:-, ....__~_M_.... U
<br />
<br />
<br />TQ-~VSi'U~
<br />
<br />,",,".~ Is lite holdel of thee note or nO(~ t.eCured by thi.s Deed of Trusl. Said note or notes, together
<br />wi.th idl otllcr l~ea ~et.'1lrcdb)' litis Deed 01 Trust. have been paid in full. You a,re hereby direcled to cancel
<br />SlUd note or IlOUlS and tlm Deed ot Trust. wltk:ll are delivered hereby, and to rel;oovey, without ~'llrr.lnty, all lhe
<br />eslal(, mJW iteldby )'OIl vndet lhis Deed of Trust to the penon or pcrnms lcplly cnlltled tbenlo,
<br />
<br />Date:",.. ,.' "" " .."",..,., _"
<br />
<br />l:'$OaQt.... tttl$ -lm. ~ f'ot U:flOrU fincl It<<o~i'}
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />v..... .. !qWll bplo)'lllllAt. ~ttUild,tylAff1~t:1ve ,Mtion l"..mv1oyer Mfr,
<br />