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<br />I <br /> <br />83- 001952 <br /> <br />!t, C.......mnado... The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct 0' consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid toLendcr, <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceed. shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower, In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and lender <br />othenvise agree in writing, there.hall be applied 10 the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as i. equal to that proportion whiclt the amount of the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />tating bean to the fair martet value of the Property immedi<ltely prior 10 the date of taking. with lhe balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower, <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after nOlice by Lender to Borrower Ihat the condemnor offen to make <br />all award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails 10 respond 10 lender wilhin 30 days after the date such <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds; at lender's oplion, either 10 reslorationor repair of the <br />Property ;)r to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust, <br />Unless lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds 10 principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amounl of <br />such installmenrs, <br />18, .......wet' Not ReIeMed. Extension of the lime for paymenl or modificalion of amortization of Ihesums secured <br />by lhis Deed of Trust granted by Lender to an}' successor in inlcresl of Borrower shall nol operate 10 release, in any manner, <br />lhe liability of the original Borrower and Borrower'. successors in inlerest, Lender .hall not he required to commence <br />proceedings such st.lC<:eSSOr or refuse to eXlend lime for paymenl or olherwise modify amortization of lhe sums <br />secured by Ihis Deed of Trusl by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in inleresl, <br />II. F~ by u"'r Not a, An}' forbearance by Lender in exen:ising any right or remedy hereunder,." <br />otherwise aWorded b}' applicable law; shan nOl he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy, <br />The procurement 01 inml1ll1Ce or lhe peymenl of tax.. or Other liens or charges by Lender shall not be n waiver of Lender'. <br />right to accelerate the malurity of lhe indebtedDe1S <""ured by fhis Deed 01 Trusl. <br />12. Remedies C.....vIatfff. All remedies provided 10 this Deed of Tm.t are distincl and cumulative 10 any Other righl <br />or remedy under this Deed of Trusl or .ffo,ded by law or equily, and may he exercised concurrenlly, independently or <br />succ5Sivelv . <br />13, s..u- and A....... BotoRd; JoIm and S<-vrral Uablllty: CaptioRo, The covenants and agreemenls herein <br />conlalned .....11 biod, and the rights hereunder shall inure 10. lhe respeclIVe succ...",rs and assign. of Lender and Borrower, <br />.ul>jcct 10 lhe provisions of pal'1lgraph 17 hereof ~"'1I cuvenanls and agreemenls of Borrower shall he joint and several. <br />The caplioit$ and heading> of the paragraphs of thl< Deed ,)f Trust are for c<mVeme'Ke only and are not to he used to <br />inltrprel or deJine lbe provisions hereof. <br />14~ Nodcc... cKce,Pf fOf any notiee required under applica~.k law k"l he. gi\'en tf1 another manner. (a) any notice to <br />Borrow..r provided for m Ihis Deed of Trusl shall he glv..n by ,",,,ling such notIce by certified mail addressed 10 Borrower at <br />the Propc~ Addn:u or at lucb ot~r address. a.'i BorT~wer may deslgnatc hy notice to Lerukr- as provided herein, and <br />I hI any tlQIjoe 10 Lender shall he gIVen bv cer!lfied mall. relurn receipt requested, 10 Lender's address stated herein or to <br />,uch ,,>iller oddreos as Lender may designAte by noUce .n Borrnwet a, l'rovide.d herein, . Any notice provided fo, in Ihis <br />Deed of Tnmt shall he deemed to have bee.. gtven '<' Borrower e'r !ender when &",,,n m lhe manner des.gnated herem. <br />t!~ UaHOIWt (keel of TI'IISt; C..oftmistc I.....; Se-\'f'rabBity. Thl:\ form of deed of trust combmcs uruform CO'lenaon for <br />nab-onal UK and noo.uniform c{\venant, with limited lo-anatimu hy !ur'lS\'i!ctjon In constitute a uniform security ,nstnunent <br />Ctn'ering rft.1 property - This [)eed of Tru\.t ~haU ~ ~"l\'Nned hy lhe law 0t the l~rrsdu;u{)n an which the Property is located. <br />in the event thilt any pmV'lion Of dame 0.( thiS- f}eed ('\t 1 nut .'11-" the !':O{C I.:_onthcb wHh applicable law, 'Such conflict _5haU <br />not aiJ'-ect other prt.tVi$tom of Ibi:t l>e.ed flf lrwI or the Note_ whIch can 1'1{" gwen t."'tfect wnhout the. conflkting provision. <br />and to lhlS end the provWOftS of the- OeM uf Trust and the ~ote- arc Jeclare-tl tH he severahle. <br />16. a.o.-ro....~. Copy. BotTO\W7t $hall be tUfnrshed a -.::ontormt"-G CUP)- of tt\c Nutc and ill [hil Deed of Tru:c;,( at the tjm~ <br />,-'1 t'x~-utJ('tn -or after n:coni&tion btrwt <br />11. T~ef' of dw ~J ~ H alt or tiny part i\f fhe P!\~rty or an in~l'".~f ther~m ~ ~..Jld ~r tr~'U.fe~~ <br />ny, tiorr~ \,IiIlDow l..enclcr'1 p:"o, wtittet'! eon-lent. -c:\c1udm, i ~i! tnc (fe-alum of A hen nr encumbrance subordinate. to <br />!hts lXed of Trust. t b) the en-man of it purcha.K ,none" ~unt}' HHcfC!lt tor .aPph.iHl~C$. (i;) :t tramfer b~,. deVise, <br />da.c-ent <)f by operation of Jaw upon the death of a !,()ftl! Ienanf (.'!-( f d) the gum 01 any lea;se.~l.~d mterest Qf three years or less <br />not conta,minl an option- to purchase. Lendef m3V. Jf l.ernlcr'j. (}PUflfl, J.edarc all the wms \CC1Jfcd by thu, Deed of Trust to be <br />immediatety due and payable. te:nOer S.h4U h.ave 'W31V.ed i-U(:h ('-ptH.n {.(l ;ti,,';I;ek:f3tc- If. prior to the SAle or transfer, Lender <br />and ~_ pe~ 1-0 whom the- P'r(~rt;" 15 It' hot ~...)!d ,-~.f ~flln$tt'ned ~.-:h .ag-t'eemet---li m writin~ that the credit of such person <br />IS ~anstaclOry h.' Lcndt:r .wd thai the mtt'~ pavahk ('>1\ the I"UfTb ~~uJ--t'd hy !hJS IXed \'11 Trust !j.haH be at s'uch rate {l$ <br />Lender ~aH teqUClt. If Lender h.u waivN tht t.)pht'm- to a.,:.;dcrolte pro""itkt; in thIS r-iliragrapb 17. and jf Borrower's s-ucceuor <br />1ft 1ntef';C$t has el<<,-uted a wfHten ,.uwmpUon ii!jrttn\cnt iiCt.--c-pUX! w wr1ung f'Y Lender, Lender \hail release Bom)-wtr from <br />all obIipHons under this Deed of T...... and lhe Note <br />l! l..ender e~ \och o:p:cion h"J ac:t.'"cleT~te., L~ndef ...h4lj 111a~! !IN--rn\'' notH':;: f~f accel.:ralinn in accordance with <br />pan,rapn j" hereot Sth:-h no-tice shail PfU\rHk 3 perIod (If :tut ku Ih;tn 10 da,,'"5 from the date the notice is mailed With1ft <br />which Banowc~ may pay the' SUfm deda.rnd due_ If Bo.nwwer tad\ 10 ft3Y ~m,h su:m prior to the c~ptration ilf such perk\d" <br />Le:ndff may, wlthou, rurthe:r nohce or demand un &"1fJ'\"\\'-e-r. H1\-0l..e an). rcmcdu:s permitted hy paragraph 18 here-of. <br />NON~l) SJFOkIl.f ('O\,ljS,~Nl---S. lior.rower and tender further tO~naOl and 3gTff ;t:s t'OUOWll <br />18, A<<...Jmotioa: Re-"" E.sce,t.. provw..t In pIII1II....... 11 _f, u_'. bmoell of any <'ov_ or <br />"'_1 of Bonv_ ia tIlI5 ()oed of 'f_. Indadinc lhe co.e_ 10 pay ..hen due any _ IlKUred hy Ihlo Deed <br />of T....., IAtIlller prior 10 ...~ sIlaIl noalIllOtin 10 .......wet' '" pro.icItod in peracnph 14 hereof .pedf)'\nl: (I) lhe <br />I>readI; UI the.acflooI ........... 10 care .udt brntm III a date, _ ""'" lhan 38 day. from lhe date lhe ~. lo mailed 10 <br />IJenoWff, by wlUclo >ado Iwe_ _ be ,'and; oad ."1 tbat failun 10 cure .udt brntb on or befnre the dal. specl6ed <br />In doe -"'" may rnuIt.ln ~ of tilt ....... _ured b" lhis Ilftd of T...... oad ..... of lho Property, Th. _le. <br />sIoIIIl flU'llltt' UtI_ ~ of lhe ....1 to ..,iaRat:. atltr ..~rafloe and lhe r1cld 10 brine a court action 10 assert <br />llM: ~ of a default or ay ........ def_ of Bono.....r 10 aecelenditm ami....., If lhe breach Is not cured <br />- .... bot.... tloe .. aptdIled In tlw DGtice. l.eader at b"-, oplioa may d<<1art all ot the w_ by Ibis 11eed <br />of Tl'IIM 10 be ~y """ ami plIJIlbIt ..iebe... farther ......nd and may In.olt. lhe power of sale and any other remedits <br />,..rtW.1lf ............., U1Illtr sIlaIl be .otitIed 10 colI<<t all ............. <__ ami ..,.._ lMUrred In pursuing the <br />~ pro.-rded '" IlIito ............ II, 1uduoIioIc, but _ Illltited to, .........bIt _.....y'. fees. <br />If tloe..- of "'* is In"""" T_ sIoaIl record a _it< of default In ellt'b c......ty In which lhe Property or <br />""" .......... is lucaIlttI oad sIoIIIl noalI ~ of sudt _ice ia the _ prescrif>ecl h,. applieable 1_ 10 Bonower ami 10 lhe <br />-,...... phKriloM .., IIJIfIliaIbIe law, After IlIe Iapoe of <Ucla 11_ ... may be ........... by "I'J'Ik>lblt law, T_ ,ball <br />ch'e ......--... of.... 10 doe ,...... ...... I.. tlw __ ...--ribtd by appIitablt la.., 'f_, without demand on <br />---......... all tile ~ at puWk &1IC'IioD to .he "'- biddH al lho lime and place and under the I.""" dtSicnaled <br />Ia tlIlo.~. . of .... ia _. .... _ ~is ..... In __ ....... as T_ may determlae. T......e. "'DY' _Ipo... salt oj all <br />..... ay )!lMftI. of tloe I'nopmy by .- __ at n.. time and place of aft)' pteTiously ",ileduled salt, Lender or <br />1........ ~.-y........ hoputy at ..., salt. <br />u,... -. of JIllJ'- of. pritt WoI. T_ lIIuoII deliver 10 the pur""-r T........'. cIetd <on\'tying lite Pro,..rty <br />...... n...rtdtrM ia . T_'s .... shall be prima f.... e.icleJlce of tho initio of lhe stat_nu ",ade lbereht. 1'.....1.. <br />.......,............ of ..... . dte ~...... (al 10 all -"Ie c.... and n~ of Ibe oak, Includl,,<<, bu. <br />.. ..... to. 't--. '-of .. _..... 1/2 of 1 .. of 1M ...- .. pri<<. ~ atl..""'Y'. r... .nd ....... of <br />::'" H1, 00....____ by thit DHcI ofT....; oad ...,t.......... if ..ny. to lhe \It'- 11<,.._ l..alIy' ....m...d <br />1,9;, ---.... ..... ............ Not...m.tandinc '...,nder'. .c~el.ntion oj .he ,urn. "'-'Cured by .h" Deed o( TIm., <br />~ thail m..... Ilw'iah! to hrt.... any proceedin", bqtun by 'ender ", <nlore. .hill (ked M 1''''''1 d"CO""!'!V.d " <br />...., 1'- ~.Io tlltt -'_ III' 6I:<.'Uruf (I) !be !lflh day h<tore lhe "",. of lhe PH'pen. to lhe I'''''''' of ...1. 'o,..,."....! <br />i..lfMu....aofT_ ':''''(It)''l>ll1'd al'fdcmenl cofl.r",,,, Ihk o...d o! Tru'<l If' !<tJ Bot,o_r pay. tender <Ill "111" w<Hlld <br />be 1_ dve...... t.... Doed of Tltl\t, the 1'1_ and not"" moUTI!'!1! Fut"'" Adva_. ,f !lny, had no ;\CC"k..flon ''''''llffl'O' <br />(bt ~ c~ -.u ~ (if ;ttty ot:hct c~ (i:j" 31-f~t\ of Ban'owt'r eoouunc-d In !ht~ [>eM nf Tnn;t: <br />(-(;J h~ _~_~ ;aU ~ ex-~ ~ ~ Leader -.nd TH~t~ m CftfOfvmg the ,-'-(!rv-cnanh And 3-jITC1:nlt'nU \.t <br />....- c~ in t1\l!o Doed ... Tn... and in ""fo",.nll I......', and T""tee" rcme""" "' pm,,,Ic-d In p...gurh I" <br />~ ~ bot ~ ii--mttN k). f~ ut1--f'fnCY'~ f~~ ~ttd fdl Bor~f t-ake... :tiA::h ~ct~ .;i~ t\COLter m~'- r-c.'\~"nahh <br />t~'k\: ~ l~f 1M ~_ N tm. 0lHd td -Ttu~., LI1',*.r'~ tn-;~t in (he Pr!lpert)' :~nd >>~~~f;t~'wer'<:_ (1-hh~lIhnf\ 11' j'-:.n <br /> <br />] <br /> <br />J <br />