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<br />..~..~)~~0345 <br />.- r <br />{B) Amami of t^antslp Payments <br />My monthly payment wlll be in the amount of U.S. $ 308.27 The Note Iblder will ctsmige <br />my monthly paymant as. required by Section 4{C) betnw on t t rarest Cteuge Date-and on that ` <br />day every 36th month thPreeEter. Faeh of these dates.i.~- c~a "Payment Clsan~ Date." The Note <br />Uolder wi]1 alp my moc>thlp payment ou airy 3atec~t ( loofa-if Section'SCB) beile~v xeQuiree <br />sse to-pay the. Full Monthly Amant.. - - ~ - - - - <br />(C) Ctius of iYivetlsiy Payment i=srir~as - - -- - - - <br />Before each Payment 14ite, the Note Iblder will.calMnnrp a-new monthly-payment suffirfanr <br />to rePaY the anp~d P~P~ balance on my loan 3n full oa the maturity date at the Paym~t Rate in <br />subatasstially equal payments• ~ "Payment Rate" is the sum of tte.Indnt figurES.on the five <br />Interest Ctsas~ 7htes prer~t„o a Payment ( Date plus the Cisrett Iadea,..divided by the cnm <br />6 phis 3.150- percastage points ( 3.50 X)> funded to tl» ~a*aat' oc~e-dghtlt, of one <br />percentage pQ~at (O.TZ5X). Except the payment rate will ;rot"exceed 13.990X. <br />(Ice) Effective Dste of Payment Ctrs <br />t>cstil the next Payment Ctsange Lasts, I will pay the. amount of my oaa monthly payment; each month <br />begiming «~ the.-first sootsthly payment date-after the Paymsit Chance hire, or Interest Date ff. <br />Section 5(B) below requires me to psy the Full Monthly Amount. <br />5. UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE <br />(A) Ctsecsges in toy Unpaid Principal Balance <br />M9 mmthlp payment could be less than the amount of-the .interest portiois of the. first..Elrll- <br />Monthly Amount I owe or less than th! interest portion of my first full Monthly Amosnt after an <br />Interest Ctsasge Lute. Tf so, the Note li'alder will subtract the amrinr of my monthly Pa}mmt fmm?ttse <br />amount of interest I owe and will add the differasce to my unpaid Principal balatre each'mnth uatii: <br />the nest Interest Change Date. The Nyte Holder will also add interest m the:. amt of this:=. <br />difference to my unpaid principal balance each mmth. Until -the ne~2 Interest Change Date.-wtfeii ,tUe <br />Nate Bolder determires my new interest rate on my then principal balance, the rate of interest ; <br />on the interest added to principal will be tse rate derP.,,,;~ is Section 2 above: <br />MY mam:hly paymast could be sore [hsn the amosnt of the Full Moathlp Amcust. If so, the Note <br />t3older will subtract rte dif£eresre from tte unpaid principal balance of mY loan each month until the <br />next Interest Charsge i33te as if I bad made a mrtaal Prepayment under Section l.below. <br />(B) Limit on ik>paid Prisripal Balance; Required 1!1L11 Monthly Amonmt <br />My unpaid ps-incipsl balance can never e~ a maximr,. ~ounnt equal to ae hundred twenty-five <br />pett:vet (1252) of the principal amcnt I originally borrowed. If my paying the aaant of my monthly <br />payment after any Interest Ctsange taste would cause the unpaid principal balm to exeeed .[hat <br />matdmcm arrant at airy time, I met pay instead the E1ilI Monthly Amosmt as my monthly payment sntil <br />the next Payment Ctlange Taste. <br />6. NOTICE OF CHANGES <br />The Note [;older will wail or deliver to me a entice of any in the Etsll bfmthly. Amami <br />and my monthly payment before the effective dare of say ctsange. Ttie notice will incl_nde information . <br />required by law to be given me nth also the title a~ teleptsone rnmber of a person win will answer <br />any question I may have regarding the entice... <br />8. CHARGES; LIENS <br />Uuifonm Cavensant 4 of the Secnsity Itsstrunenst is sme<ded to read as follows: <br />4. CtsaxBes; Liens. Borrower stsaLl pay all tabs, assessments, and other charges, fines a~ <br />impositions attributable to the Property which may attain a prinritp over this Severity Instnntent, <br />aid ,---`r=ld pay,>~sts or gr~ rents, if any, in the manner provided sender paragrapts 2 tereof or, <br />if rot paid in such roamer, bq Borrower making payment, whas due, directly to the payee tM_reof. <br />Borrower stsall prt~tly fu-cnish to larder all notices of ama~nts due trader this paragraph, nth is the <br />evear Borrower shall make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly finisisti to lender receipts <br />evidassctng such payments. Borrower shall Pt'cmptlY discharge any lien which has priority over this <br />Severity Insulzoeat; Provided, that Borrower shall. rot be required to discharge airy such lass sc lcasg <br />as Borrawl3r: (a) shall agree in writing to the payment of the obligation secsn-ed by such lien io a <br />roamer acceptable to lender; (b) shall in goad faith contest such lien by, or defend against <br />eaforceaast ag such lien in, legal proceedingr which in the opinion of Lsder operate to prevent the <br />asforo~mait o€ the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any part. thereof; or (c) snap severe from <br />the holder of such lien an agre~t in a fozm satisfactory to leader subordinating such lien to this <br />Seasity IrLStrumeot. <br />If [ceder ~~+*+*+>a that all or any part of the Property is subject to a Tien which ~y attain a <br />prioritp over this Security 7~r,,.~.,t, leader shall sent Borrower entice identifying such liar. <br />Boarawer shall satisfy such lien or take urn or more of the actions set forth above within ten days <br />of the giving of entice. <br />c. NoT1cE <br />tlnifoaa Coawa~>t 14 of the Seran-ity instrument is ~d to read as follows: <br />14. Notice. ESa:eept for awry notice required ssder applicable Taw to be given in another marer.r, (a} <br />asp notice to Borrower provided far in this Secxsity Instruoalt shall be gives by delivering it or by <br />mailf~ it 'try first, :~ ;..,•' r-msed to Bw.~.,.l:r at the Propertg Addresser at such other address <br />as Bortoc,sr may designate by notice to leader as provided retain, and (b} any notice to lersder shat; <br />bs gicvea-bp first class mail to tender's address stated herein or to such other address as lender may <br />dea3~te try notice Co Bosrtswer as provided he9tein. Any notice provided for in the Severity. <br />Tpstnmeat shall be deemed Its Nava been gives to Borrower or lender when given in the- roamer <br />dear betels. <br />D. 1lNIFOBti IaEBD OF TRUST; GOVERNING 1.ATq; SEYERABILITY <br />tAsifolmazbc~t 15 of this Seaaity Instrument i.e amenc~d to read as follows: <br />i5. G?ni Deed of Trust; Govetnllg fast; Ss'waratfility. This foam of Secsaity 'Lnstrsmast ones <br />'.+°..,.`a ...,~-,~«..a :~ ....,.a..',q,.....~..~ ~a ~___Ri.`~ ccv~~,ta w.w 1'.m:t0d variatiats by ,jin'isdiction <br />rv calstitvd~t a uni,fnrm e~esi.ty inetzumexsL eovsring real prnpertp. 'psis S,sca~ity Im+trl~lt sa,ara <br />