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~ ,.w__ <br />$~ °'~"' . () (1 ~ 3 4 5 0900102-1 <br />ADJUSTABLE PAYMENT RIDER <br />THLS anntrrnurF, PAYMENP RIIEit is made this 23rd day. of Jamiary 1884. and is <br />incozpeiEated. Into- and: shall.. be deemed to ametd 'the , or" to <br />Senu~e (the "Secaaity InsExt-*°,) of the .same date given by the imilersi8oa9 (the "Basower") to <br />asase.,Boitocer`s. Adjustable Paymrnt Note to Toler-Ffi+mmt=t, Tnc. (the>''Lendet") of the same dam <br />(the "Nate") and covering the property desetibad in the Seceaity InattimeaC and-located at: <br />and Nebraska -68801 <br />The Note- Contains Provisions- Allowing For`Changes In The Interest-Rate And The <br />Monthlq Payment-And For Increases In :The Principal Amount To Be Repaid. , <br />The Note Also Provides For Calculations Of Two Separate°Moathlp Payment Amounts. <br />One Wi11 Be-The Amount That I Must Actually Pay .Bach Month.- Tbe:Other-:Will Se An <br />Amount That I Would Pay Each Month To Fully Repay-The-Loan On Ttie Maturity Date. <br />This Means That I Could Repay More Than I OriginalTp Borrowed Or That I-Could <br />Repay My Loan $afore The Maturity Date. <br />AIDITIONAL CO'JEtYjNLS. Tn additim to the ccve[rsnts and agt'eemer±ts' made' in the'.-Seartity <br />Iffitn~t, BorrnRxr and T.eader furtiws t and agree as follas: <br />A. ZNT'EREST RATTs AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The Noce provides for an initial interest rate of 1O.SOf~; ~~~,y 2, 3,- 4, 5 anti 6 of :the. Note <br />provide for ~ fa the interest ate and the mon Fli y ~ymenrs, as Eallae~ <br />"2. INTEREST <br />(A) Interest Owed <br />Lztenest will be charged oa timt part of principal which has not been Paid. bed on'the <br />date I receive principal and cmtitat3ng until the fu11 amount of priadpal has-been laid: <br />Begicating an the date L rernlve principal, Z will pay interest at a yearly rate of 10.5008, <br />The inCernst rate Z will pay may change on the first day of rice month of August 1,--" <br />and m that day every Gth mxuh ttrreafter. Each date on which the interest ate s <br />called m "Interest Cnarige Date." The new interest rate will became effective an each-Interest. <br />~• <br />{B} The Irdex <br />Begirning with the first Lneerest Date, ray interest rate watt be based rn an Icdea. <br />"Iris' is the cly Auccicx Atera2e Rate ~ l Hired States Trmsvey balls with a matttt~ity of <br />months as made avaieAh~a tq the eeaeral Reserve ssoaru. me most- recent itx <br />t ^^e ,relays befog each Interest age Date is called the "(lai'ent Index". <br />interest rate I wi11 pay shall rot cxtetvf 13.99=)X. <br />If the Index is m longer avaitahto, the Note Holder will choose a new ibex which is based upon <br />compr•*ahta information. The Note ilalder will give me entice of this choice. <br />(C) Calcsilatiai of Interest Rate Changes <br />Before each Interest Chime Date, the Note Holder wi11 calculate. my new interest rate by adding <br />~ _ paresttage points ( 3. 15r 2) to rte Current Index. The Note Haider will rhea zumd <br />rrrult of this addition to oeaz~st cna^efghth of one percexr[age point (0.125$). This randed <br />amount wd]1 be my new interest rate entil the next Interest Charge Pate. t:xtept the Rnximer: interest <br />rate shall rot e:cceed 13.990. <br />(D) Interest After Default <br />The tnrawar rate required by-this Section 2 is the ate I will owe both before and after asp <br />default described is Section 9(B) below. <br />3. CALCULATION OF AMOUNTS OWED EACH MONTH <br />'Ate Note Haider will calculate my F1t11 Monthly Arrant. The "Pull Monthly dmora~t" is the amount <br />of the. mmthly payment tffit mould be aifficieit to repay the unpaid prlndpal balance of my loan in <br />full. at the intermit rate I am requirnd to pay by Secticna 2(A) sad 2(C) shave in substanttally equal <br />payments on } hO1w witiirh is raSlui the "maturity date". My first Frill <br />Monthly Aoaant 3•°.27 ore each Interest Q>ec~e Date, the Note Holder will <br />rAl.~,t~-R the t~ew Fill ~wtiidt I will owe each month hegicatirg on the first m~oihly <br />payment date after the Tnr>*~* Change ikte. <br />Tire Pull Fb~bly Arrant I case may be more ar less than the amount I am required to pap each <br />mmth. Section 4 belacr states the amount of my monthly payment and how it will ctmn~ge. Beerier 5 <br />helcar describes how my ~ principal balance wits ch~i@e if the arrant of my m>nthly payment and <br />the -Full Monthly Pmant are different. <br />4. PAYMBNTS <br />CA) Time and Place of Payments <br />I ad:it pair pcimipel and intezeat by mekicg payments every mocu~h. <br />I still reie my monthly payments on the first day of each mcozh begirning an <br />-ta rch 1, ! 9 U4 I soil.l make these payments every month until I have paid all the <br />say otter charges described laelw that L ~Y ctie tinder this Note. My <br />ro~ttlg `Pry~~ ad,ll be applied to t.,ra.+aar before principal, ZE I still sae +m+ounts under this <br /> tix rat+xity data, I will pay those amounts in full e!n that date. Those amosasta ccxrld be <br />greater turn the ~.sasnt of my last mrsrthly paymanC before the maturity date< <br />I a*L11 maiGS opr aaanthlp paymanta at 2129 South 72nd :Street, Omaha, Blebraska Fi8124 or at a <br />dlFfat+ane place if r~+ired by t3se Bette Eiolder. <br />,4p1.f£ ~nTA4t..1~ ~' 1^it';t ?'t?T£``: h rrt4y'['~S `?-F, 1. ;'uj' r..,3:: h. i : - ,.• s -. - <br />'!?SC-t}O5 (qc.) (Page .) <br />(Nev l-iftt3) <br />