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<br />8~--~'n z~UD-34:5 <br />be federal. law aro law of the jurisdiction.,in utiicte tt,c Property is located. In the <br />esrffit.that any provissia, or ,-raim of the Secasitp-Instilmmc ar the Note ~~i^r= ssith agvlicahle <br />lair, such rnnFlim shall rot affect other pzuvistais;,of this..Seaaity Instrument'or the Note which <br />rdss tie. given effect- without- the caafljctirla, prspvlsion, suit-. to. this.. cod the provislms of this <br />$ +~j[~ T*tarn.~irst apd. t112NOtP 8rL'deClarP~.tOhe'; awmrahla;. <br />E. TAAN5FEB OF THE"PROPERTY; OR'A BENEFIGIAL:INTEREST IN BdRR047ER. <br />Unifozm Pauenant 11 of the S~n-ity Tnar.,,~,r is amen to nod asfoiloWa: <br />17: Transfer of the. Property or a Nanr+P;riAt Interest iu Horrvwer. " If all. or any part of the <br />Property or an interest. therein is sold or transferzeil (or if.a bawficial ;*,rar.~t in Borroer is <br />sold- or transferred aro Borrower is rot anatural-.person} wlttiout larclar's prior Written. consent,. <br />tender may, at Lender's optima dertnrn all--the- sum seamed` by -this Sechsity Instnuent to be <br />i®ediately doe and.payatile. However, this option shall-rot' tie. exercised by "Lender if e~rcis~ is <br />not authorized by Federal Law. <br />If Lender P$.A-ia.= such pollen to aMPa~te, lender: shall mail ~+*•***•~* rotice.of a~exa*i~ in <br />acrnrdan8 with paragraph. 14 hereof: Such mtic5e shall provide a; period. of rot -less than 30 days. <br />from-the date the entice is mait.xi within which Borrower may pap the, sums. declared.d,e. If Borroc~r <br />fails to pay such sums prior to the expiratim of sued period, I~der'may; without fishier rv,rira or <br />demand .m. Bortncer, irivake azry remeEiies peffitted trj paragraph 18 hereof: <br />Natwithstatxiicg a sale or transfer, Borrower wilt opnt3m,e to tie obli~ted under' th=_ Nate axed this <br />Secasitp 7nstnmart u[ilags radar has released Borrower is writing..' <br />F. NO FUTIIRE ADVANGES <br />N~-[Tnifann Cavaiant 21 of the Security Znstriment ("Flitc¢e Advances"} is deleted. <br />G. LOAN CHARGES <br />If the Loan secmaad by the. Seci¢3ty T.,~,,,,,w ,r is subject to a Law which. nets; ma~mm loeit charges;: <br />anal tlsa, law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other. Ivan. clz3rges collected or to be` <br />rnnnrrrt in connection wlth the-loan e~eed permitted- l.i~ta, then: (1}.nay:;sigh loan- ~ shall.- <br />be reduced by the anoint necessary La reduce the charge to the petmitrod limits,• acrd (27 aay'sums <br />already collected from Borrower which exceeded pemdtted limits will tie refunded to Bcurawer.- ieuderr <br />may choose to make this refiad by reducing the prirr3pal owed under the. Note or by msldi,g a direct <br />payment. to Borxnwer. Zf a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial.. <br />Ptelsyment under the Note. <br />H. LEGISLATION <br />If, after the date hereof, enactment or e~i.ratiarn of applirahrw Lis have" the effect either of <br />rendering the peavisi,pns of the Note, the Security Instnmant or-this Adjustable Payment Rider (other ' <br />than this pazagraph H} uoenforzeahle according to their terms, or all or arty part of the sums seccrzed <br />hereby uncoll~tahle, as othercdse provided irn the Security lnstrumeat and this Adjustable Paym~t <br />Rider, OF Of ~limini~ch 9ina the value of l$Yier"s sec~nity, then lender, at lender's optical: may delcare <br />all sums secxaed by the Secnsity Instrvnennt to tie i,,.~tiaro,y due and payable. <br />IN wl'¢~FSS borrower has e,oe~vted this Adjustable Payment Rider. <br />r, <br />~~~ 1}~ }3~.~¢?'~*-~~„ (Seal) <br />Stanley M. Aic~liin(~s "borrower <br />-S<y <br />..!?f :L :;=~ //i'GC~ftLr.;_~x_,~ (Seal) <br />Rva L. ttullings -Borrower <br />_(Seal } <br />-Borg <br />(Sign 0.-iginal, only} <br />T"1C-005 (qe} f Page 2} <br />(New 11183} <br />