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~~ ---fi 6 0 3 4 5 <br />thasurns secuted:by.this~Deed of Trustshall continue unimpaired. Dpon_sucfi payment andcure by ~BOrrower;ahii Deed;gf - <br />-Trust,and-theobligatioos-scaurad hereby-shall.rcmarn in full. force-and etfeel as if no accelaraiion had:oeeutTed. - <br />. ~ - 20, AasignteentofR6tet~ AppoiMtnentof:Receiver,=Lattdei•in-Possession..As additional security hereunder, Borrower--- - <br />hereby assigns-to Lender-the rentraf the Property, provided-that Borrower shalt;- prior to acceierationrunder para;~apfi I$ <br />-.hereof or-.abandpnmept.of tho.Pro~rty,_have the.rrght to:coliect and retain xueh.ranis,as~they. become.due.and:paya6le.- _ <br />- 'rJpgn:acceleraiion under paragraphl8'hereof.brabandonrttent of-Eht.Property.. Lendeq in-person, by.agerti - <br />judicialry appointed receiver, shall be entitled to enter-upon; take possession of-and manage the Property and m coltect the <br />- -rents of the Property includingg those past-tine. AU rentscotlected by-Lender or-the.:receiver-shall be appiied~first t©.payment - <br />of the costsof:maaagement.of the Property and collection. of rents, including, but:not liitiited`to; receivcr's:ft:es, premiums- - <br />- on ieceivec's:bonds.and reasonable attorney's-fees; xndahen. to the-sumssecured>,by ihis.Deed of-Trust: i_ender and the: <br />receiver.5fralt be liable to account only far those rents actually received: ~ - - - - <br />- 22:'~FUturi.4dvances.. llpom.request of Borrower: Lender, at Lender's option,:pnorto---fuH:reconxeyance of the Property -.. -- <br />by [Trustee to Borrower, may make.Future.Advances ro Borrower;; Such: Future:Adyances- wiibintarest thereon, shall be -. - <br /> this Deed-of Tntst when evidencedby promissory_notesstatinglhat.said'notes are secured~hcreby. At no time shall'.. - _ <br />ihrprincipa[ amount of the: indebtedness secured by-this Deed of Trust, not including sums advanced io accordance he;ewifh <br />-~ to-protect:zhesecurity of this Deed of Trust, exceed. the originaC~amaunt-of theNote plus US- $ .-....... - -0- - _ <br />- 22:-Recwnveyanee~ Gpou paymenC-of all sums secured by this Deed'of Trust, Lender-shall-request Tnat:e to re^_envcy-- - <br />the~Propeny and shall surrender this: Deed. of- Trust and all notes evidencing.indebtedness..secured-by_ thfs Deed of Trust- <br />. - to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and.wiihout charge, to'Yhe person.°nr persons legally - <br />entided tftoreto. -Such person or persons shall pay all costs of recordation, if.any. - <br />- 13. Substitute-Trustee. Lender, at L.endcr's option, mayfrom time to nme remove. Trustee and°--appoint a snccessor. - - <br />- trustee-to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recnrded:in the county-in which-this DDeed of Trust is recorded. <br />Without conveyance-of the Fropeny,-the successor Trustee shall succeed to all; the: title,. power and dufiies conferred upon - , _ - <br />the Ttvs[ee hereto and by applicable law. - - - - - _ <br />Z4: Request for Notices:.Borrower requests that copies. of the notice. of defauh and noti~eof sale besentaBorsower's <br />- addiess which is the-Property Address. - _ - <br />- IN WtTNE$$ WHEREOF, BotxaWer has eX¢CUted this De Of Ttnsf. - - -. - - <br />1 <br />Stanley Moiling` s -6orawar <br />r',GY :~ <br />Eva- L. ilullings C:rFa~~: ~~Z~. • • . • • • • ...-narrower. <br />$T ATE Of NEBRASKA, ...... SIa.Ll ......................... . ..... COUnty SS: - - - - - <br />On this _ af.....Ianuary...., it)...84before me; the undersigned, a Notary Public. <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county, personally came. .Stanley. i"i... ifuilings. and......... <. <br />..,Eua:L...h<.u111ags,.husbattd.and.wlfe .................................. tome known to be-the <br />identical. person(s) whose name(s) arc subscribed to the foregoing instrument and aekctowledged the execution <br />thereof to be...... ihei r ....voluntary act and deed. <br />' Witness my hand and notarial seal at< ........ ~xand .Island said county, the- <br />date aforesaid. <br />My Commission expires: `i r <br />?,. , .-, ~ <br />OfNtSE KAY IOWRY .....~-E:~ Cam.-,=i?..l ~tL~ . i/..ty! ...... . . ............ . <br />GENERAENOTARYStataotNebi. N,~aryauauc ~,~t <br />My Comm. &n. Aug, 23.1487 _ <br />m--s' REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br />TO TRUSTEE: <br />The undersigned is the holder of the Hate or Hates secured by this- Deed of 'c'rust. Said note or notes, together <br />with aq other indebtedness sei:ured by this Deed of Trust, Gave been paid in Eull, Yau are hereby directed to cancel <br />said note or notes and this Deed of Trust, which are delivered hereby, and to reconvey, without warranty, all the <br />estate Haw held by yoti under this Deed of Trust to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. <br />Date :............................ <br />t5{fa(1 aebw Trtis l.~e ge5ervetl FOr Lender arul RKOMer, <br />