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k <br />83•..... i3OC~.~<~: j. <br />2,nd Prosecute in its own name in the action car proceedings, or to make any compromise or <br />>ettlt.~erri iri, connection with such takr;g or' damage. A1! such compensation, awards, <br />damages, r"ightsof aetPon"~and p:r~dS are hereby assigned to h',~artgagee, who rnay, after <br />• .eductino th~ra'rom ail :if its expens~s,tneluding a#torr.ey's fees, release any money sa <br />-e~eiveo by it or apply the same on any indebtedness secured hereby. i~Sortgagar agrees to <br />~:xecute such further assignments of any compensation, ;wards, damages and rights- of action- <br />and proceeds, as (~lartgagde rnay require-. <br />10. That s7ar-tgagor shalt-.comply, a# all times, with al{ federal and state Taws, all <br />mlr:icipal ordrn~ness and a!-l-rules and regulations of any governmental entity having <br />iurisr,iction aver t#te-:.premises, insofar" as said laws, ordinances, rules and regulations <br />--~,aE•.r;aih'--in an~r way ~'o-the premises and-t!aei.r use. <br />tF. That the PkSrtgagee, and any parsons authorized by h.or-tc;agee, shall have the right <br />to ente€ an4 inspect the premises at ail reasonable tunes. <br />I~. N~rtgagor witi no# further mortgage ar encumber the premises, or assign, or <br />attemp# to assign, the rents, ar any part thereof, from said premises. f~ortgagar will <br />not,.exce{at where the losses is in default thereunder, terminate ar consent to the cancel- <br />t~#i©n or surrender of any lease of the premises, cr any part thereof, now existing or <br />ereafi'er-made, or modify env such lease so as .o shorten 'rho unexpired term thereof ar <br />sous to decrease The amount of rents payable t'taereGncier,or ar_cept payments at any <br />ins#allments of rent tc; became due under such ferias ran ;: ponied of mere than one month <br />in advance. ~a~r-tgagor will not execute arty Lase o* any por-ion of the wramises except <br />fur' actual occupancy by the lessee thereunder, .~ili at vi€ tie:~es pramptiy and faithfully <br />aP.rferm, or eausc~ ro ~a parforn;ed, *~i; u~ the cavenanir, ,_a^G:tlons and agreements <br />- n*ained in atl leases ai the pr:~mises nov. ar i,ereafter ~x.istir~g, an ;fi:e part cf 'the <br />ear thereunder to be kept ar,d .erformed; .,i; ,~~.~as „pan the n~rt,aged promises ..hall <br />ir= tcr;rr and substanoo sari rta;:ror,~ 'a ^9<~r-4 _ ~ n., .,T ~ -~ptian or }~~rrgapee, ~;hai <br />assigned to "bstgagee. <br />i3, fn the even=, inat r~sy,rt - r ^~i~es ~r; ..~_ Toenr ;ate ;ha 4.ene~., c•` ~..edi~ors, a <br />i v~;r i s appoi nte~d for thE: c r ge-~;or car -ar ~ i = ~ . - .,~. .f she rmi see , or i f <br />gager riles a pefiif,.tfl !_. ,7,5'1'1 iG::.. r,1 .`: CEeG;~~:_ n Ji3r, ; ., ':)- _ :ii1'aG'. ~:~u`'G ~ <br />t up P „n Gen 3ray rate ta;w San the rc° i : ,~C ; v _ . , ., ::er the ;iant;r ...-tcy~ i c:.,s <br />`its ~trti#ed States, or i f ar:~~ C?i the ror,a, ~ _ _. - i r :-3pr~n t~~ ;.n; _c-maker ar guarantor <br />ia~ nrramissory note r,,?cured ;,ereby, than, .~r~s.. _~ h~,rear*ar, .,:~,,ie of fhe <br />~resa4d- indebtedness a°ae .3t;~r~Tner sums >>ciurc;d try :hi.; ;a z:ue ~r,: a~;v "'bran =.e'curinq_ <br />-;•z'ek`i•?Sli given ifi CCnne:;7'On wt'th ;ht5 li:a^ 5t7all `a~~ume ~„~ .,.d :_~l'dJll• :"f J.n~ve ~3"i" the <br />.n ?f rite p?zxrtgagee atad ~;~drtaagee ~staa l t be cnr; t let: to .~ ~ Nee h i > r net ;age: to be i r7 <br />.._, t. The acceptance c.f :rFae ~r s;~re payments ~,. :7c ir7uc.:rteuness any =.,u;n; _se~ured <br />.~ °'h is mot'*gage .made S c=y,~r~e other "hen ~^~: , ~.. ; cr 'o v;art ; rma t' a^ .. fora- <br />~sar._ .sale sPai i nUt ~onti , ..... i~r f _ ;gee' ~ waiver r7t , : ~ -': t to accel Drab:. ; he <br />::city of the aforesai;, .r;d::., a_ and ~:ii :??'her z~,:ms "oc:.. ad here^y. <br />l4. tvo re,?edy ~on.arred run or reser~rc:d fa ;,"art, gee ... rh,~ ....,'uac~ cr any oihc-r <br />. ..:rri ng agreement i5 intendedV rG~ ~e v'XCluv i'-ae J' :3.^.Y J'nPr rn;,;~dY :]r i8medie~- i<3n<i f`-ac}? <br />even sctch reme?dy shai s be ~uraura*,~eu, artd s*~ai i to .,. ,.>;d; , is - `~, rav~r•; afher remedy <br />- ._:ta~ r.ereander, or r;ow -or boreal ter' ax; sr flg, at >vr , ,., .,,.; i =s' :~r ^y _, r a'~ ate, tdo de I a~~ <br />- _ bi=s[on ar ~`~rtga~e to exercise ny ~icnt or power :a::c; i.:g u_xv. ny '-t'aui ~~nai l <br /><i; any such right ,~r power, ,ar Shall be non>*. ,.vc ,:. .;u _ waiv~.r . <3 ~f u::;t de*aui~> <br />,rr acquiescenc€: therein; and eve r}= }=over- and reined}~ tiv'an uy *nis mortgage to the <br />:r'rySv"~e rnay be <:xsrcised tram ;;mom to time z:s often as may ;,e daerrad oxpzdient `~a <br />~l;i. ~'wrtgar wi i 1 ke4p adettuate recare#s :rna banks ~ , _3;:caunt in ac~ordanca with <br />i =,>ral,y ace:€pted accauntit=g ;riflciples <.r;d will Geiivar t,. "•1ort~agea, within a:5 days <br />"f ""h@ t. lose a2--384it u` ~'vrtgvgCr's !i,,Cai ~, e:ar5 an itc.mtt~>d "tatement i;@rtif.•::d ~y <br />-- ffsccr of '~r-i~c~agc>r shec~i;;g ail ;tertr; ;af income and expense f~~r the mor'tragew ;;raperti', <br />forth in-each case, en ~um~arativ~form, fiiwures. for the pr~acedi^=;t •,u~r. Thraugh- <br />" t~ t~ ~ `ergt of this *mortgage, ~~rtgacor, with reasar,ahle ; rcr=ptness, wi i I del i Y=er~ to <br />~ :. ,n such othet^ informat?on with r?s3aet tv ti;e :ntartgaga; ;:remises as`. ",~artgag~:e may <br />a~~ly--req:~es# Tro.^s *ic*~ fo ti-sra. RI) fihariciaf sfate~.ents shalt he i:raparec! ;n <br />~~r::anr~ wi-tn geatsraliy accepted accoun#;rg practice ,and s',iai, oe -neiiver2d ir? %.ugtirate. <br />i f said . ir~rfctagar_ hu i l pay =_~r ~~:ausa to be r.a i c said r>urrs c f~ nraney witc~n duu us <br />rrt~ Fn sad t~t~te and in this instrument, and any 3ddi?ior;al adv°ances made, with <br />>r, as n~~+?.`h aroviaecf, and a,'4al I aioo gave paid a31 c=;tt>~r indebtecsncs=~ secured t}y <br />'~t:r *yaa~ -:nd- slszsti h~v~ faithiutty -and iat ly kep"i~ and perfarr,~d ®a4h and ai ! ri the <br />- .'. iris: aflc: +Qt"@6!#R6?#~fi5 lat~Fe3sS CQnt2ll nHt} ear reenter nod inS;3id :`~IU S`e isr ,. Ei ~' C?thixr .... ;:35 OC' <br />~u,e_.ts 'ar ad~t-~icacs~t#-c.dv~ce~, ti?er; This eonvayatrce 3nai ( be rtul i <'~nd vc;id, ~atherwi,;.e <br />_r- i 1 retna i r~ n £et t #t'~r'~ a;a'd ~fi-trot. <br />fault nai1_d~-made-;r?-any ,aymettst due an-said .`ore «r f,is iratr;ar;~ant, ~r :,n <br />;~rihrr ^;~tes ~ar aar~i~m~*~~s~-f#r acl~~tt~ianaf ~dwancss; of~ ire ;~~,tuepi,,q th>a i;nf>ro~at~wnY~r:n <br />,i~ nrr~mis~s insu;'nd .~>. a#csr~~aid, lwl#h loss,. if any, t~ayatle .o '=aid Ass.;ciatius7; ;,r ,.. <br />~ .:, ,.sue*a,t c~>` ',apes ~3r as'a~,sni~irar~ z?# at3y nahuf`s tipc+n sal, prcamist~a .ar this P~:<ar'f:aa~{a ~,. <br />=.tallness 5er~ar84 *hiuraE,Y~ 4a#4r~-t~~ s bevt~ del inqu~nt, ; # .. ,.Y•d ~ ~.rrs~ . r~ :.dvartcE <br />`v'~ft:it ray. net ae~en ma~1e .:r~-da~s~a"%b~b- above; Cr in the event th zst .he3 rfi be -~-canacsnt i-~nr <br />.~ur~,_~ , aysne~nts ss .raivea; ~,r `, r; ~'he ~v~sF# ~is~r P~rrs:~acg~r ~. i s crr;rr~rr~ tc. sand .~?mply <br />~.~rh ur ,n;7ui~; r.rtner~iya torw~jch ,:r;{ r;t f#t~T.Catt~'iti~E~,ns, ';ovr3na;als a_.-w~€*rnse~ :_L;~r~i>~a;~.i <br />+t1-: ~i;,rfs~~xcn~ ~r the "t~tc~-~rfii~i; c'Y s:a°s, _~r' ,ins ~:#tsc,' :a~v+~€ a;;,~.:m~:,-r?~ <br />